Home News WWE Takes A Shot At Bischoff, Wade Barrett In WWE Film

WWE Takes A Shot At Bischoff, Wade Barrett In WWE Film


— In a new article on the WWE website looking at the upcoming cruiserweights show on the WWE Network, WWE takes a somewhat random jab at former employee, Eric Bischoff:

“Through the crumbling of WCW and his own shameless self-promotion, Bischoff has become somewhat of a sports-entertainment punchline.”

– Wade Barrett will have a supporting role in the WWE Studios project Dead Man Down starring Colin Ferrell, Noomi Rapace and Terrance Howard.

– Husky Harris, last seen on WWE TV has a member of the Nexus, is being advertised for Friday’s RAW house show in Huntsville, Alabama. Harris had a new gimmick in WWE developmental and is listed as taking on Alex Riley on the card. The top matches set for the show are C.M. Punk vs. Mark Henry and John Cena vs. Lord Tensai.