Home News WWE Ribs Sunny For Her Multiple DUI’s & “Cake Fancer”

WWE Ribs Sunny For Her Multiple DUI’s & “Cake Fancer”


WWE took some brutal shots at Tammy “Sunny” Sytch on last night’s Edge And Christian Show That Totally Reeks Of Awesomeness.

The “Original Diva” has gotten negative headlines in recent years for various reasons, including her multiple DUI’s and of course the recent Sunny Side Up adult film. To recap some of her recent legal issues:

  • May 30, 2015: Charges filed when a police officer witnessed her “driving erratically” into a Wal-Mart parking lot. She won’t be sentenced until March 28.
  • June 1, 2015 and June 20, 2015: DUI: General Impairment/Incapable of Driving Safely, and DUI: Highest Rate of Alcohol (BAC .16+).

The June 1 arrest took place when state police pulled her over for driving under the influence. On June 20, she crashed her car, which resulted from DUI.

She also just got out of the hospital after a recent bout with pancreatitis.

To add insult to injury, last night’s Edge & Christian show on the WWE Network was presented by the following fictitious sponsor:

Sunny WWE Jab

That’s right, Sunny’s Miracle Drops. For those that read the box, it says side effects include:

  • Erratic Behavior
  • Cake Fancer
  • DUI’s.

If this was the WWE’s version of being subtle, they didn’t do a great job at doing so.