WWE Tuesday SmackDown Results (11/29)

Report by Steve Carrier:

Tonight’s WWE Super SmackDown special opens with a shot of downtown Charlotte and they have snow falling on the screen. We go to the arena and snow is falling there also as Mick Foley makes his way out dressed as Santa Claus. Foley talks about how he’s a huge fan of Christmas and points out we’re still 4 weeks away. Foley talks about tonight’s World Heavyweight Title match in the steel cage. Foley also announces a Street Fight and a Battle Royal. The winner of the Battle Royal will get their special wish granted by Santa. Foley says he promised no Michael Cole tonight but Cole’s legal team got him on the show. Foley brings out Michael Cole and he’s dressed as Rudolph the Reindeer. Cole isn’t happy and runs his mouth on the way to the ring.
Cole joins the announcer table and we see Josh Matthews dressed as an elf. Foley brings out Booker T next and he’s dressed as Santa Claus also. Foley talks Booker into doing a Spin-a-rooni. Foley plays some cheesy music and Booker Claus does the Spin-a-rooni. Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes comes out to the stage. Cody rips into Booker and says he’s taking time away from someone like him who still has the skills to compete. Booker says he doesn’t know what Cody’s problem is but he has no beef with him. Booker says he doesn’t want to fight Cody either but he can still handle his business in the ring. Cody shows off his title and says Booker will never be champion again. Foley speaks up and tells Cody not to disrespect a Legend. Foley is proud to call Booker a friend. Foley calls Booker a 5 time WCW Champion and says Cody is interrupting his enjoying the holidays. Foley proposes Booker vs. Cody tonight. Cody says he’s looking forward to it but Booker looks a little hesitant. Booker agrees. Foley has a party to get back to in the back but introduces the Divas.

Santa’s Little Helper Match

The Bella Twins, Tamina, Natalya, Kelly Kelly, Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox, Kaitlyn, Aksana and some other Divas make their way out to the ring as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Foley is on the stage. He announces this is a Mistletoe match and the winner gets a title shot it sounds like. The winner has to climb the pole and grab the mistletoe to win. The bell rings and all the Divas go at it. The end comes when Brie Bella hits her sister Nikki and climbs up on her back to grab the mistletoe.

Winner: Brie Bella

– Foley comes back out and says the winner does not get a title shot. They get the chance to give a kiss to any Superstar of their choice between now and Christmas.

Justin Gabriel vs. Jinder Mahal

Back from the break and Justin Gabriel is in the ring. Jinder Mahal comes out and rips into the fans for celebrating Christmas. The bell rings and they go at it. Mahal takes control early on and works Gabriel over. Mahal spears Gabriel in the corner and whips him across the ring. Ted DiBiase’s music hits and out he comes in a Santa hat with a Santa bag. Ted starts handing out gifts to the fans. Mahal runs his mouth to Ted. He turns around to a kick from Gabriel. Gabriel slams Jinder and goes to the top for the 450. Gabriel nails it for the win.

Winner: Justin Gabriel

– We go backstage where Mick Foley is making the rounds at the Christmas party. Roddy Piper is there. Dusty Rhodes walks in and talks with Hornswoggle. Dusty turns around and Goldust is there. Piper is telling Derrick Bateman to spike someone’s drink with eye drops if he has a problem with them. David Otunga walks up and advises against it. Otunga has a message from John Laurinaitis and wants everyone to shut the party down. Foley books Otunga in the Miracle on 34th Street Fight. And his opponent is… Randy Orton. Otunga looks worried as we go to commercial.

– We get more hype for Booker T vs. Cody Rhodes. Matt Striker is backstage with Booker. He goes to speak but Cody Rhodes attacks him from behind with the Intercontinental Title. Cody hits Booker again and walks off as a referee tends to Booker. Back to commercial.

Kofi Kingston vs. Tyson Kidd

Back from the break and Tyson Kidd is in the ring while Kofi Kingston makes his entrance. Cole announces that Rhodes vs. Booker T will not happen tonight because of the attack from Rhodes. The bell rings and they go at it. Kofi with offense early on. Tyson knocks him out of the corner and dropkicks him for a 2 count. Kidd keeps in control and stops Kofi from making a comeback.

Kofi comes back with forearm shots and a big dropkick. Kofi with the leaping forearm and the Boom Drop. Kofi goes for Trouble in Paradise but Kidd rolls out of the ring. Kofi follows. Kofi ducks a clothesline and dropkicks Kidd on the floor. Kofi goes over to Michael Cole and tells him to take the reindeer suit off because he looks ridiculous. Kofi turns around to a shot from Kidd. Kofi rocks Kidd into the apron and rolls him in the ring. Kofi goes to the top with Cole’s reindeer hat and nose on. Kofi the reindeer hits a big crossbody from the top for the win.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

– We go backstage to the Christmas party. Kaitlyn suggests Hornswoggle ask Santa if he can be a little bit taller. Sheamus and Teddy Long talk about tonight’s All I Want for Christmas Battle Royal. Sheamus wants to know what the winner gets but Teddy doesn’t know. Aksana walks up and Teddy asks Sheamus to excuse them. Teddy and Aksana talk about the Christmas party. She hangs mistletoe over his head. He tells her to do what comes natural. She doesn’t kiss him… instead she eats a piece of the mistletoe and says it tickled her throat. They leave together and that’s it.

– We see Randy Orton walking backstage to the Miracle on 34th Street Fight. Back to commercial.

Miracle on 34th Street Fight: Randy Orton vs. David Otunga

Back from the break and out comes Randy Orton followed by David Otunga. The bell rings and Orton applies a headlock. Orton drops Otunga with a shoulder but gets kicked in the gut. Orton kicks Otunga in the head and clotheslines him out to the floor. Orton works Otunga over on the floor now and throws him into one of the Christmas trees at ringside. Orton throws Otunga into another tree as the crowd cheers him on.

Otunga rams Orton back into the apron. Orton takes a pan of Christmas cookies and hits Otunga with it. He wraps a wreath around Otunga’s head and continues the assault. Otunga turns it around and suplexes Orton on the floor. Otunga swings a kendo stick wrapped like a candy cane but Orton tackles him and takes back the fight on the floor. Orton beats Otunga around the floor and up the ramp. Orton throws a huge box wrapped as a present and knocks Otunga down. Orton takes Otunga up the ramp where several Christmas trees are setup and throws him into them. Orton brings it back to the ring and hits the draping DDT from the apron down to the floor outside the ring. Orton gets up but Wade Barrett runs down and attacks from behind. Barrett shoves Orton into the ring post and drops him with a big boot. Barrett brings Orton in the ring and throws Otunga in. Barrett walks off as Otunga pins Orton but he kicks out at 2. Otunga stomps away in the corner now.

Otunga with shoulder thrusts in the corner now. Orton fights him off and hits a pair of clotheslines followed by the scoop slam. Orton nails the RKO for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

– Teddy Long walks in on Mark Henry backstage and asks him if he’s in the Christmas spirit. Henry gets pissed and blames everything on Teddy. Henry says he will take care of Big Show at TLC but tonight will destroy Daniel Bryan. Henry says he is in the spirit of giving and will give Bryan a beating tonight. Henry tells Teddy to get out of his face and Teddy does.

– We see footage from last week of Daniel Bryan attempting to cash in. More hype for tonight’s main event as we go to commercial.

All I Want for Christmas Battle Royal

Back from commercial and several Superstars are in the ring. Hunico comes out next followed by Sheamus to a big pop. Hornswoggle is out next and apparently he is competing in the match. Hornswoggle goes under the ring as the match begins. Sheamus eliminates Darren Young and one of the Usos. JTG is also eliminated and others.

Sheamus and Ezekiel Jackson have words and start brawling in the middle of the ring. Zeke charges but Sheamus dumps him over the top. Johnny Curtis is tossed by Sheamus next. Kofi eliminates the other Uso. Kofi is eliminated next as is Yoshi Tatsu. Tyson eliminates Ted DiBiase. Hornswoggle comes from under the ring and eliminates Tyson. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we’re down to 7 Superstars. Jinder eliminates Gabriel. Titus shows off and gets eliminated by Sheamus. Sheamus turns around to an attack from Heath Slater and Jinder while Hunico goes at it with Tyler Reks. Sheamus unloads on all three but gets attacked by Reks from behind. Sheamus tackles Reks. Reks crawls under the bottom rope and they fight on the floor. The other three follow and they beat Sheamus down outside of the ring. The 4 heels get back in the ring and Mahal’s mouth is busted open. They all motion under the ring where Hornswoggle is. They go crawling under the ring and out comes Hornswoggle. Mahal throws him in the ring and they surround him. Slater throws Hornswoggle to the mat as does Hunico. They start kicking Hornswoggle around and mocking him. Mahal grabs Hornswoggle’s feet as Reks grabs his arms. They swing him to toss him but Sheamus makes the save. Out goes Reks, followed by Hunico and then Mahal. Sheamus Brogue Kicks Slater over the top. It’s down to Sheamus and Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle tells Sheamus to bring it on. Sheamus smiles and tells Hornswoggle to go over the top rope but he won’t. Hornswoggle tries to hit Sheamus but he’s not having it. Sheamus picks Hornswoggle up and tries to set him over the top rope. Horny just hangs on to the top rope with his feet and legs. Sheamus tries nicely to eliminate Hornswoggle but he won’t go. Sheamus tells Horny one more time to get off the apron and eliminate himself. They discuss it on the apron. Hornswoggle wants a hug and when he gets it, he pushes Sheamus off the apron to win.

Winner: Hornswoggle

– After the match, Sheamus comes back in the ring and corners Hornswoggle. Sheamus reconsiders and raises Hornswoggle’s arm. Sheamus puts Horny up on his shoulders and congratulates him. Sheamus heads up the ramp as Horny continues his celebration.

– We get a plug for the SyFy miniseries Neverland. Cole shows us footage of the four-way on SmackDown last Friday where Daniel Bryan became the #1 contender. More hype for tonight’s main event as we go back to commercial.

– Back from the break and The Bellas are talking to Ricardo Rodriguez at the Christmas party. Piper and Dusty are also chatting. Foley Claus walks up and talks with Hornswoggle about what he wants. Sheamus walks up and says Hornswoggle wants the ability to talk. Foley hugs Hornswoggle and he starts talking normal. Horny is super excited about being able to talk. Foley appears in his Cactus Jack shirt and they imply that the real Santa Claus was here.

– Daniel Bryan is warming up when AJ Lee walks up and wishes him good luck. She kisses him before walking off. Matt Striker walks up for pre-match comments. Bryan say sooner or later, everyone taps. Tonight, his dream becomes a reality. Bryan grabs the briefcase and walks off as the cage is lowered from the ceiling. Back to commercial.

Steel Cage Match for the World Heavyweight Title: Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry

Back from commercial and out first comes Daniel Bryan. Mark Henry is out next and his ankle is wrapped. We get formal ring introductions and then the bell. Bryan immediately tries to climb the cage but Henry stops him. Bryan goes for it again but can’t make it up. Henry takes control but Bryan goes for his leg. Henry lays Bryan out as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Henry is still in control. During the break, Henry used the ropes to slingshot Bryan into the cage wall. Henry keeps Bryan grounded on the mat now. Bryan tries to come back but Henry stops him. Henry tries to leave through the cage door but Bryan stops him. Henry turns around and levels Bryan with a clothesline. Henry with a 2 count. Henry goes for the door again but Bryan grabs his leg. Bryan takes Henry off his feet and stomps away on the injured ankle.

Bryan climbs the cage but Henry pulls him down onto the top rope. Henry with another big clothesline. The cage door is shut again as Henry continues to control Bryan but favor his injured ankle. Henry goes for a slam but Bryan slides out and takes the leg out again. Bryan locks in the LaBell Lock but Henry fights out. Henry goes for a powerbomb but his ankle goes out. Bryan applies the ankle lock on Henry. Henry rolls through and kicks Bryan across the ring. Bryan climbs the cage again but Henry pulls him down. Henry climbs the cage now but Bryan stops him in the corner. Bryan climbs up over Henry’s back and makes it to the top of the cage. Henry pulls Bryan back down by his arm and they go at it on the top rope. Bryan tries to hurricanrana Henry but Henry goes for a powerbomb. Bryan uses that to make it back to the top of the cage. Henry pulls him back to the top rope and hits some headbutts. Henry hits a World’s Strongest Slam from the top rope for the win.

Winner: Mark Henry

– SmackDown goes off the air with Henry holding the World Heavyweight Title.


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