WWE has updated its talent Wellness policy with a section about concussions (click here to read the amendment). Part of WWE’s effort to limit the number of concussions sustained by its Superstars is a ban on chairshots to the head, which actually went into effect back in January. The section on chairshots reads:
*The WWE has eliminated using folding metal chairs to “strike” an opponent in the head.
*The WWE penalizes through fine and/or suspension the following:
-The intentional use of a folding metal chair to “strike” an opponent in the head.
-Any blow to the head that is deemed an INTENTIONAL act.
*The fine and/or suspension will be directed by the EVP of Talent Relations.
WWE spokesperson Robert Zimmerman recently commented to Connecticut’s Hartford Courant newspaper about the chairshot ban:
“In January 2010, WWE amended its Talent Wellness Program, specifically regarding the ImPACTâ„¢ Concussion Management Program originally instituted in 2008, eliminating the use of folding chairs or props to “strike” an opponent in the head.”