Home News WWE Video Game Scrapped, Heyman & MVP In NYC & More

WWE Video Game Scrapped, Heyman & MVP In NYC & More


— Paul Heyman and former WWE star MVP recently met together in New York City. TMZ.com cameras caught up with them, ran the footage of the meeting on their Wednesday episode and mentioned how MVP will be wrestling in Japan soon.

— Prior to Tuesday’s WWE SmackDown tapings from Long Island, New York, local indy wrestler Max Bauer received a tryout against Percy Watson. Bauer has been on WWE’s radar for a while and was recently the champion of North Eastern promotion NECW.

— WWE’s video game publishing partner THQ held its quarterly earnings conference call today and announced that the planned online WWE video game has been dropped. According to Reuters.com, THQ’s earnings were down 11% from the same quarter last year.

* Screenshots of HOGAN, WARRIOR & SAVAGE In The New WWE All Stars Game

(Partial Soure: PWInsider.com)