— Reader Darren Bongiovanni has compiled a list of the best win & loss records for WWE superstars on pay-per-view for 2010. All pay-per-view matches were included in the statistics except the Royal Rumble, the Tag Team Gauntlet Match from Extreme Rules, and the Tag Team Turmoil Match from Night of Champions (because the participants were not all involved in the match at the same time.)
The WWE wrestler who had the best PPV record of the year was Daniel Bryan, with an undefeated record of 5-0. Also undefeated were Tyson Kidd (3-0), David Hart Smith (3-0), Bret Hart (2-0), Vikcie Guerrero (1-0), JTG (1-0) and Chris Masters (1-0). Other notable records were Big Show (6-2), Kane (6-3-1), John Cena (6-5), Randy Orton (5-7-1) & The Miz (6-4).
— The New York Times published an article on Sunday discussing the return of Tough Enough in April. Also in that article was an update on WWE’s planned cable network, which is currently scheduled for a launch in mid-2012 to early-2013. Kevin Dunn, WWE’s executive vice president of television production, said the ddition of “Tough Enough” on USA did not reflect any change in the company’s plans for a channel of its own. “We’re talking to partners,” he said, and those include NBC Universal.
(Source: PWInsider.com)
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