WWE’s New Head of Media Lee Fitting Named in ESPN-Emmys Scandal, Ineligible for Future Awards

The WWE career of Lee Fitting is already off to a shaky start after being named as part of a scandal regarding the annual Emmy Awards.

Fitting joined WWE recently and is the promotion’s new Head of Media and Production. Fitting is replacing Kevin Dunn, who informed WWE last month that he planned to finish with the promotion. Dunn had been one of WWE’s most powerful people not to be a part of the McMahon family. His tenure with WWE began before the first WrestleMania event in 1985. 

Lee Fitting Named in Scandal

With Dunn gone, Lee Fitting will be making the big calls regarding WWE production, but his work with WWE won’t result in an Emmy nomination. A report from The Athletic reveals that ESPN (where Fitting had worked) has been inserting fake names in Emmy entries, taking the awards won by some of those imaginary individuals, and having them re-engraved before giving them to on-air personalities.

ESPN changed the names of several of the hosts and labeled them as affiliated producers, according to The Athletic, with Kirk Herbstreit being referred to as “Kirk Henry” and Lee Corso as “Lee Clark,” among other made-up names. This tactic helped those working on College GameDay to be recognized, despite not being eligible for inclusion in a credit list until last year. 

When contacted by the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, ESPN admitted to using fictitious names. Fitting, among others, has been deemed ineligible for future Emmy participation as part of the punishment handed out for the scheme.

Lee Fitting’s arrival in WWE has left many in the company resentful… 

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