Yes! Chant Controversy For NHL Team, WWE Network Outage & More has published a feature looking at 10 a famous finishing moves they want brought back, including Lex Luger’s Torture Rack, Goldberg’s Jackhammer and Razor Ramon’s Razor’s Edge.

– There was a WWE Network outage on Wednesday evening, with many fans unable to access the Network for almost two hours. Everything is back to normal by now.

– Season ticket holders of the New York Islanders NHL team are unhappy that fans doing the Daniel Bryan “YES!” chant at home games whenever the Islanders score a goal. reports that season ticket holders are calling the Islanders office every week to complain about the chants.

A ticket rep said, “The calls have been coming in on weekly basis, asking to end the chants after goals. A majority of the callers have been the older demographic, which make up a large portion of our season ticket holders”


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