Home News Zach Gowen Talks WWE Run, Using Wrestling To Escape From Life & More

Zach Gowen Talks WWE Run, Using Wrestling To Escape From Life & More


SESCOOPS.COM reader Phil Johnson sent along the following:

Former WWE Superstar Zach Gowen is now writing at PWMania.com. Gowen posted his debut column talking about his unique story on how he broke into pro wrestling and WWE. He also writes on how pro wrestling helped him escape from life when he couldn’t cope. Here is an excerpt from his first entry:

“Pro wrestling helped me escape from life when I couldn’t cope. Pro wrestling provided me with common ground from which I could build foundations for lifelong relationships. Pro wrestling gave me a career and sense of direction when I needed it. My involvement with pro wrestling (more specifically WWE) saved my life when I was at a turning point. My subsequent recovery gave me my career back as well as the courage to pursue new career opportunities. To say I’m grateful for what this industry has done for me would be an understatement.”

You can read Zach Gowen’s debut column in its entirety at PWMania.com.

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