Home News Zack Ryder “Injured,” Rection To Brodus Clay & Edge-HOF

Zack Ryder “Injured,” Rection To Brodus Clay & Edge-HOF


– Zack Ryder was “seriously injured” at the hands of Kane on RAW, according to a new storyline article on the WWE website.
Ryder is recovering from injuries and it’s unlikelyhe will be able to defend the United States Title on next week’s RAW.

Ryder will reportedly undergo “further evaluation” at the Honda Center in Anaheim, California before next week’s RAW.

– The backstage reaction to Brodus Clay’s debut was overall very positive. While many are taking a “wait and see” approach to how the character develops over the coming weeks,he got a lot of praise for pulling off the gimmick well and coming off as believable.

– Another moment that went over well at RAW was the announcement of Edge’s induction into the Hall of Fame. Edge is still very well liked in the WWE locker room and even though he will be the youngest person ever inducted, nobody was saying he doesn’t deserve it.

– WWE Tag Team champion Kofi Kingston noted that he was home for the first time on a Tuesday night in a long time so he and Evan Bourne won’t be in action together on this week’s SmackDown.

(Partial Source: pwinsider.com)