Home News Zack Ryder On Launching WWE’s Social Media Efforts, WWE Highlights Dusty Rhodes’ Bionic Elbow

Zack Ryder On Launching WWE’s Social Media Efforts, WWE Highlights Dusty Rhodes’ Bionic Elbow


– The latest issue of WWE Magazine features an interview with Zack Ryder, who is asked whether he feels he receives credit for launching WWE’s “social-media revolution.”

“The members of the WWE Universe give me credit and always have. They know the deal. That I worked so hard to get myself where I was and didn’t give up. If other people are in denial, that’s fine with this Internet champion,” said Ryder.

Ryder, who is now 28-years-old, also reveals that he is looking for a change of scenery. In response to what he definitely wants to do before he turns 30: “Buy a house. I need a big boy home because the college dorm/bachelor pad that I’m in now isn’t doing it for me anymore. And not to be predictable, but it will definitely be in Long Island.”

– In this week’s edition of 30 Seconds “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes and his infamous “Bionic Elbow” is highlighted.