Arda Ocal of the Baltimore Sun recently interviewed WWE Superstar Zack Ryder about a number of topics, including his career being at a low point, his incredible popularity on social media and more. Here are some highlights of what Ryder said about:
The State of His Career: I’m at a low point. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, because there’s only one place to go and that’s up. The Z True Long Island Story paved my career, it re-invented Zack Ryder, but that time has come and gone. Last year, 2011, I ended it as the United States Champion. I had my first WrestleMania match at WrestleMania 28. Now this year at WrestleMania 29, not on the show, not really doing much. That’s why I really need this low point to really fuel me to come up with something new. Maybe it won’t be as big or as phenomenal as Z True Long Island Story, but there will be something that just works and clicks to the audience, something that gets me to that next level. So I don’t think that it’s necessarily a bad thing that I’m at a low point; I just think it’s a little break before I get even higher.
How Far He’d Go To Reinvent His Character: I would do whatever it takes. Do a complete 180, but only if it’s still me deep down inside. I’m not going to go out there and pretend to be someone I’m not. The thing that got me here [is], I like to party, pick up chicks, listen to pop music and sing pop music, but there is also a darker side to Zack Ryder, a more serious side to Zack Ryder. Maybe I’ll have to peel some layers to Zack Ryder and go out there and do something different.
Dolph Ziggler I mean, if there’s anyone who deserves to be on TV more than me, it’s Dolph Ziggler. It’s a shame what’s going on with him right now. He’s had the greatest year possible, winning Money in the Bank, stealing the show night after night. Finally, the fans have recognized him. His shirt sells out, he beat John Cena at TLC and he works hard all year, and now it’s the home stretch to WrestleMania and he’s not even on the show yet. He deserves that shot more than anybody, and I hope in the weeks coming he gets his ‘Mania spot.
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