The 201st episode of Being the Elite was released on YouTube today. At the start of the episode, Matt and Nick loosely address rumors that BTE was finishing soon.
“When are we going to end it, who knows?” Nick asked.
Nick then said he had some bad news he had to deliver. Last week, the show ended with a tease that the brothers “had something else to do” and as it turns out, Nick went back to the hospital to get checked out. He went straight to the hospital and doctors told him his health is only at 15%. Far from what he’ll need to be to return to the ring.
Matt then said he also went to the hospital and doctors told him his back is hurt for another 2 years. He lamented that fans might get tired of him selling the injury for that long.
As they were sitting around talking, they noticed a message in the sky. At the conclusion of the episode, the message in the sky was revealed and displayed, “FTR.”
BTE #201
The episode also features an update on Luchasaurus searching for his tail. This week he turned to “Dr.” PJ Black for help. He ended up going on quite the psychedelic journey as a result. Brandon Cutler is starting the “kick out challenge” in an attempt to improve his losing AEW record. Colt Cabana also gets himself on the show again. Private Party is also trying to solve the mystery of who threw an exploding bear at them.
The full episode can be viewed in the player below: