NBC’s “Young Rock” featuring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has been renewed for a second season. The 10th episode in the series aired this week and garnered 2.4 million viewers. The 11th episode in the series will air on May 4th.
NBC announced that both “Young Rock” and Kenan Thompson’s show “Kenan” have been renewed yesterday.
“It has been a true joy to watch Dwayne Johnson & Kenan Thompson on NBC every week and see families connect with their relatable, entertaining and heartwarming stories,” said Lisa Katz, president of scripted programming for NBCUniversal Television and Streaming. “We’re thrilled to renew both of these shows for another season and can’t wait to see more from Dwayne, Kenan and the incredibly talented casts and producing teams behind each of them.”
Show writer and former WWE creative team member Brian Gewirtz took to Twitter to comment on the show being renewed.
The Rock recently revealed to Deadline that Young Rock star Uli Latukefu, who plays the college-aged Rock on the show, has also been tapped for a role in Black Adam. The DC Comics movie starring the Rock is due for release in the summer of 2022. It has not been revealed what role Latukefu will have in the movie.