Home Results AEW Rampage Results (11/19): Jurassic Express vs. Cole & Fish, TBS Championship Tournament

AEW Rampage Results (11/19): Jurassic Express vs. Cole & Fish, TBS Championship Tournament

AEW Rampage Results (11/19): Jurassic Express vs. Cole & Fish, TBS Championship Tournament

AEW Rampage aired on TNT tonight. Adam Cole & Bobby Fish battled Jurassic Express in the main event. Billy Gunn squared off against Darby Allin tonight. Jade Cargill battled Red Velvet in the quarterfinals of the TBS Championship tournament.

Rampage Results (11/19)

  1. Darby Allin def. Billy Gunn
  2. Jade Cargill def. Red Velvet to advance to the semifinals of the TBS Championship Tournament
  3. Jurassic Express def. Adam Cole & Bobby Fish

Here are the takeaways from this week’s show:

Darby Allin def. Billy Gunn

Darby Allin faced Billy Gunn in the first match of the night. The Gunn Club and Sting were ringside for the match. Billy hit a Body Slam and wanted to lock up with Darby. Allin refused and slapped Billy in the face. Gunn got pissed and connected with a Back Body Drop that sent Darby flying out of the ring. Billy rolled Darby back into the ring and stared at Sting as Rampage went to a commercial break.

When Rampage returned, Allin battled back and bit Billy. Darby then leaped onto the Gunn Club with a Coffin Drop. Darby quickly climbed to the top turnbuckle again and hit Billy with a Coffin Drop for the pinfall victory. After the match, The Gunn Club beat Darby Allin and Sting down before posing in the ring.

Jade Cargill Advanced In The TBS Championship Tournament

Jade Cargill faced Red Velvet in the quarterfinals of the TBS Championship tournament. Cargill towered over Red Velvet as the two stared at each other. The bell rang and Cargill launched Red Velvet to the corner. Red Velvet battled out of the corner and caught Jade with a kick to the face. Jade showed off her power and launched Red Velvet across the ring with a Fallaway Slam.

Red Velvet battled back with a Dropkick that knocked Cargill out of the ring. Red Velvet went for a dive but Cargill countered with an uppercut. Jade followed it up with a Uranage on the ring apron as Rampage went to a break.

Cargill was still in control of the match when Rampage returned from a break. Jade took a break to do some pushups in the ring and it backfired. Red Velvet elbowed Jade in the face and followed it up with a Slingblade. Red Velvet planted Jade with a Bulldog and slapped her across the face. Red Velvet hit Double Knees against the ropes and geared up in the corner.

Jade leapfrogged her and leveled Red Velvet with a big boot. Cargill went for the Jade but Red Velvet pushed herself off the ropes into a cover for a near fall. Red Velvet hit a Spear but Cargill kicked out at two. Cargill hit Jaded for the pinfall victory and advanced to the semifinals. Thunder Rosa will face Jamie Hayter in the quarterfinals next Wednesday on Dynamite.

CM Punk Will Face QT Marshall On Dynamite

It was announced that CM Punk will face QT Marshall on Dynamite in Chicago on Wednesday. Marshall and Punk cut backstage promos during tonight’s show. Marshall said he couldn’t think of a better way to spend Thanksgiving Eve than beating up CM Punk in his hometown.

Tony Schiavone later caught up with CM Punk backstage. Punk told Marshall to bring that bad attitude of his to Chicago and a hefty attitude because he bit off more than he can chew. CM Punk added that they will find out who the turkey is on Dynamite.


Jurassic Express def. Adam Cole & Bobby Fish

Jungle Boy and Adam Cole started off the match. Jungle Boy sent Cole to the corner and unloaded some strikes. Cole battled back but Jungle Boy caught him with an elbow to the face. Adam dodged a Dropkick and punched Jungle Boy in the face a few times. Bobby Fish tagged in and continued to beat Jungle Boy down in the corner of the ring. Fish hit a Senton and went for the cover but Jungle Boy kicked out at two.

Bobby launched Jungle Boy into the turnbuckle and trash talked with Luchasaurus. Jungle Boy capitalized on Fish taking his eye off him and hit a Dropkick. Jungle Boy hit Fish with a chop to the chest and tagged in Luchasaurus. Jungle Boy sent Bobby to the ropes and Luchasaurus dropped him with a Clothesline.

Fish connected with a kick but Luchasaurus responded with a giant kick and Fish wobbled to the corner of the ring. Jungle Boy tagged in and got distracted with Adam Cole. Fish capitalized with a kick to the face and brought Jungle Boy back to the corner. Adam Cole tagged in and stomped Jungle Boy to the mat as Rampage went to a commercial break.

When Rampage returned, Bobby Fish had Jungle Boy in a Headlock in the middle of the ring. Jungle Boy battled to his feet and broke the hold. Jungle Boy connected with a Clothesline and started crawling across the ring. Cole tagged in and prevented Jungle Boy from making the tag.

Adam Cole dragged Jungle Boy to the middle of the ring but he escaped. Luchasaurus tagged in and leveled Cole & Fish with some kicks. Luchasaurus hit them with a couple Splashes in opposite corners of the ring and followed it up with a double Clothesline. Jungle Boy hit Cole with a Cutter and went for the cover but Adam kicked out at two.

Jungle Boy went for a Suplex but Cole blocked it. Bobby Fish leaped onto Luchasaurus outside the ring as Cole planted Jungle Boy with a Neckbreaker across his knee for a two count. Cole went for the Shining Wizard but Jungle Boy blocked it. Cole and Jungle Boy traded kicks to the face and stumbled around the ring. Cole sent Jungle Boy to the apron and then hit him with a Superkick as he got back into the ring. Adam climbed to the middle turnbuckle and set up for the Panama Sunrise but Luchasaurus broke it up. Luchasaurus hit a Powerbomb and Jungle Boy went for the cover but Fish broke it up at two.

Fish tagged in and beat Jungle Boy down in the corner of the ring. Fish focused his attack on the legs of Jungle Boy and sent him down to the canvas with a Dragon Screw. Fish made a throat slit motion to signify the match was over and waited for Jungle Boy to get up. Bobby charged but Jungle Boy sent him into the turnbuckle with a Suplex. Young Bucks made their way to the entrance ramp for a distraction but Christian Cage chased them away with a chair. Adam Cole then retreated with the Young Bucks and watched from the entrance ramp as Jungle Boy tapped out Bobby Fish with the Snare Trap to end the show.
