Lucha Underground S2E11 Recap – Bird of War

Recap of Lucha Underground – Season 2 Episode 11 – Bird of War – April 6

In a basement locker room, Vampiro stands above a sink holding his anti-psychotic medication. Dario enters, “Ian Hodgkinson, oh I’m sorry, you don’t use that name anymore. Now you are just Vampiro, Pentagon’s master. And I imagine there’s some part of you that wants to do something stupid, like bash my brains in and then go looking for my brother.” Vampiro grits his teeth and says, “It’s not just part of me, it’s all of me.” Dario replies, “My brother went too far, but truthfully, we are lucky that Pentagon is still alive. Lay a hand on me or, worse, my brother, and I don’t think you will be so lucky. You are very valuable to me, you’re practically the voice of Lucha Underground. Tonight, I have a huge main event, and I need you out there doing commentary. Ian, Vampiro, the master, whoever you are, please don’t make the same mistake as Pentagon.” Vampiro downs the anti-psych meds, and the camera cuts away.

Joey Ryan and Mr. Cisco are back at the police station. The detective tells the undercover cops, “So, Dario Cueto’s back, nice work Officer Meehan (Joseph Meehan).” Joey replies, “Just doing my job.” Castro breaks in, “You didn’t have anything to do with it.” The detective replies, “And who did, Reyes, you?” Castro (Ricky Reyes) responds, “No, he just came back. And get this captain, he’s let his brother out of that cell, he’s loose.” Joey says “You sound scared, doesn’t he sound scared Captain?” Reyes cuts in, “I’m not scared.” She says, “Shut up. I need some real evidence, something that will help me build a case against Dario, now that he’s back. I want you both on him, tag team if you have to, get the job done.” Joey replies, “It’s funny you should use the phrase tag team, see I actually made sure to introduce myself to Dario and I can tell that he liked me. So much so, that he entered me in the Trios Tournament which starts tonight. And guess who he paired me up with, yup, Reyes and his boy Cisco.” Cortez annoyed replies, “That’s Mr. Cisco.” She says, “If that gets you close to El Jefe, then you win those Trios Titles. You understand me? Good, now run along, you don’t want to be late.” They exit, she hangs a picture of Dario on the bulletin board, and says, “Gotcha.”

A band in luchador masks, El Conjunto Nueva Ola, opens the show. Matt Striker and Vampiro introduce us to the temple. Vampiro says “I can’t front. What that sick bastard did last week to Pentagon, for any amount of money, I wouldn’t want to be Fenix’s show, bro.” Striker says, “All right, with that said, let’s Lucha!”

Ivelisse vs. Kobra Moon

The first match tonight is a women’s match. Both competitors are already in the ring, Melissa Santos introduces Ivelisse, Striker tells us Ivelisse is “about to have a one-on-one encounter with an undefeated newcomer here in LU.” Santos introduces Kobra Moon, Striker says, KM “is definitely slithering her way into the LU temple, in the right way.” Vampiro notes that Ivelisse is sporting a fresh new look tonight. The bell rings and we’re off. Hammerlock, standing side headlock by KM, armbar, then a kick by Ivelisse, arm drag, and then tries to hyperextend the arm of KM. KM gets out, swings-and-misses, Ivelisse catches her, rolls her in a hammerlock, KM tries to reverse, Ivelisse hooks a legs submission, and then KM gets a headscissors on Ivelisse, KM bridges, the women exchange sunset flip rollovers, pin attempts, and kickouts.

KM hits a reverse dragon sleeper, Ivelisse works her way out, 2 armdrag takeovers by Ivelisse, throws her into the corner, Ivelisse hits a running back elbow, then KM locks in a rope-assisted headscissors choke, and breaks the hold at 4. KM with a knee to the head, before she crawls back under the bottom rope, slithers into an exotic cover, but Ivelisse kicks out. Ivelisse fights out with strikes to the liver, catches an Irish whip to the corner, and KM spears her in the gut. KM runs into the corner again, but Ivelisse gets out of the way, KM hooks her legs around Ivelisse’s torso and locks a modified tarantula submission over the top rope, and she breaks the hold at 4. Striker tells us, “It’s a submission hold, but because it’s on the ropes, it is illegal, but damage may be done. A lot of KM’s moves, here, involve the ropes and pressure on the head and neck.”

KM chokes Ivelisse on the second rope, double underhook suplex, into a S-grip (or Gable grip) submission. Ivelisse gets to her feet, Ivelisse hits a Northern Lights counter, pin attempt, kickout. Ivelisse locks in a Front Chancery, KM finds the ropes and breaks the hold, Ivelisse sent to the ropes and goes for a Tilt-A-Whirl headscissors, but Ivelisse lands on her feet, and KM hits a side Russian leg sweep instead. KM and Ivelisse exchange forearms, chops, then Ivelisse lands 2 forearms, 2 kicks, then hits a T-bone Exploder-like suplex on KM, cover, kickout. KM with a chin drop, hooks the arms back-to-back and then plants her on her face, KM covers, but doesn’t hook the leg, and Ivelisse kicks out. KM reverses, arm lock, they exchange kicks, then the Code Red sunset flip powerbomb out of nowhere by Ivelisse, pin 1-2-3, and KM receives her first loss.

Winner: Ivelisse

We are shown a pre-recorded backstory segment from Kill Shot. “Who is Kill Shot? That’s an interesting story. I enlisted the day I turned eighteen, we shipped overseas, I was good with a gun. They said I had a killer’s instinct and they made me a sniper. Kill Shot quickly became my nickname. 37 confirmed kills, all bad guys, or so they told me.” “I was good with my bare hands too, so they put me on an Elite Squad, going into hostile territories, getting the job done. We were the best, but sometimes, even the best isn’t good enough. My team was captured, I was the enemy’s prisoner for 13 months, before I was finally able to escape and find my way back home.” Video is shown of Kill Shot shooting his captors and escaping from an enemy encampment. “I don’t know if my brothers made it out alive. According to the US government, we never existed. I fight a different kind of war now. In Lucha Underground, I fight to forget. I fight, because I can’t (forget). Who is Kill Shot? I am a man with no identity, no face. All I have left is that killer instinct, and hope that my brothers will find their way back too.”

Famous B enters the locker room, seeking his first client, and meets midget wrestler Mascarita Sagrada working out on the weight bench. “Well well well, if it isn’t el pequeño Tigre Blanco. Relax, I’m here to give you my business card. I think you are a real talent Mascarita Sagrada and you could be a huge star, so call me. There’s my number is 423-GET-FAME, hit me up, and I’ll make you famous.” Famous B exits and walks past Sexy Star and The Mack. The Mack says, “Hey Sexy, that’s damn rat Dario put me on a Trios team with Mariposa and the Moth. I want you to come out the and show me some moral support.” She nods her head no. He continues, “After what those two bugs did to me last week, I’m going to need your help.” She says, “I’m sorry,” and shakes her head no. “Sooner or later, those two are going to have to pay for what they did to you, I just hope you’re there to collect.” Sexy Star increases the intensity of her arm curls while visions of The Moth and Mariposa dance in her head.

The Crew and Joey Ryan vs Marty “The Moth” Martinez, Mariposa, and The Mack

The Trios Tournament begins with a first round match. Melissa Santos introduces Cortez Castro, Mr. Cisco, and Joey Ryan. Joey pours oil down his trunks and then Melissa Santos introduces Marty Martinez, Mariposa, and The Mack. The Moth flaps its wings and Mack looks on in confusion. The fans chant, “Joey!” as he sucks on his lollipop. The Mack and Joey are in the ring to start it off, but as soon as the bell rings, Joey tags in Cisco.

Mack and Cisco slap hands and exchange fist-bumps, showing mutual respect. Cisco hits the ropes, leapfrog, then Mack hits a shoulder block, pin, kickout. Mack with an Irish whip to the corner, Cisco hits a back elbow, and then a top rope armdrag. Cisco sends Mack to the corner, Mack stands on his head on the top turnbuckle, and then an armdrag on Cisco. Mack runs into the corner and meets a boot, Cisco off the top rope with a hurricanrana, misses a clothesline, Mack hits the ropes, armdrag, leg sweep, pin and kickout combinations, then Mack flips up from the ground to a standing position, and the fans cheer.

They fist bump again and Joey Ryan tags himself in, to the surprise of Cisco. Joey says he wants Mariposa (Cheerleader Melissa) and she tags herself into the surprise of Mack. Joey is licking his lollipop, smearing it all over his body, she slaps Joey, and he pushes her to the mat with a facepalm. Mariposa with an arm wrench, walks the ropes ala. Undertaker, and then an arm drag, hurricanrana, hooks the legs, but Joey kicks out. Mariposa hits the ropes, lands a low dropkick to the knee on Joey, and then a kick to the back. Mariposa walks over Joey, tags in Marty, Joey hits a dropkick on Martinez, and then he tags in Castro. Marty with a knee to the gut, Marty misses, kick from Castro, then Cisco with a baseball kick through the middle rope to the outside while Marty lays in the corner. Cisco drags him to the center of the ring, covers Marty, kick out. Cisco hits forearms to Marty, goes to springboard off the ropes, but Mariposa kicks him in the head. Marty climbs on top and rains punches on Cisco, arm rake, tags in Mariposa, slam, she hits the ropes, Marty grabs her by the waist to pick her up, and slams her down on top of Cisco, pin, but Cisco kicks out. Forearm by Mariposa, they run the ropes, sunset flip, Cisco goes for a dropkick and misses, but Mariposa connects with a dropkick of her own. She tags Marty, and the Mack is frustrated that he’s not getting any action.

Whip reversal, then Marty suplexes Cisco into the turnbuckle, drags him back to the center of the ring, cover, but Cisco kicks out. Vampiro says Marty is like “one of those weirdos who’s going to dig a hole in their basement and put little kids in it.” Striker says, “As long as he doesn’t dress up like a clown, I think we’re good.” Back neckbreaker from Cisco, crawls to the corner, and gets the hot tag to Castro. Marty ducks the kick, Castro gets out of the way, Marty throws a punch but Cisco gets out of the way and Marty punches the turnbuckle, shoulder to the gut, DDT, pin attempt, but Mariposa breaks it up. Cortez goes to tag Cisco, but Joey jumps in front and gets himself tagged in. Next Mack tags himself in, and Marty is angry.

Joey turns Mack around, Mack hits a open hand chop, clothesline, European uppercut, power slam, runs the ropes, leg drop, Mack covers, Joey gets out. Mack runs into the corner, Joey connects with a boot, but Mack gets a fireman’s carry, into a Samoan drop, standing moonsault flip, pin attempt, but the Crew come in take out everybody. A fight starts on the outside, Mack hits the ropes, but Mariposa is standing on the apron twirling her cheerleader pigtails, Mack pushes her off the apron with his boot, and now finally Mack runs and hits a front flip suicide dive over the top rope. The fans chant, “Mack!”, he throws Joey in the ring, sets up, hits the ropes, but Marty tag himself in, and tells Mack to get out of the ring. They exchange chest slaps and yell “my tag”, then chops and yell “I’m in”, then a stunner by Mack and Marty is wobbling. The Crew is in, hits a double team finisher, but Joey slides in at the last minute, and covers Marty, 1-2-3.

Winners: The Crew and Joey Ryan

The referee goes to raise the arms of The Crew, but Joey pushes their arms away, and says “I won!” and the referee raises Joey’s arm. Mariposa rolls her brother out of the ring, Joey celebrates, as The Crew look on, dumbfounded. Mariposa comes in and attacks Mack, until Sexy Star comes out to make the save. Mariposa starts yelling at Sexy Star, at first Sexy Star seems intimidated, but she screams and delivers 3 knife edge chops, 3 grab the hair takeovers, snapmare takeover, kick to the back, kick kick, stomp stomp, stands on her stomach and neck, grabs her by the hair, drag her back to the center of the ring, punch to the gut, kick to the back of the head, and now finally Marty rescues Mariposa.

Outside, Rey Mysterio joins Dragon Azteca Jr, who is sitting on a rooftop. “I know what you’re thinking.” Aztec responds, “The monster killed our teacher.” Mysterio says, “And now you’re going to kill him. Sorry for a hard dose of reality, but he kicked your ass at Aztec Warfare. You now fight for the pride of our tribe, but you’ve still got a lot to learn.” Azteca agrees. “You wear his mask, so fight for honor, not revenge, that will come in time. Now, for the good news, I got us in at trios tournament and we have a match next week.” Azteca asks “Who’s our partner?” then Prince Puma appears and says “Me.” Fist bump, fist bump, Mysterio continues, “You know something? I discovered Puma fighting on the streets, just like El Dragon Azteca found you.” Azteca says, “Well, next week, we fight together.” Puma replies, “Damn right we do.”

Fenix vs Matanza Cueto (c) (Lucha Underground Championship match)

Melissa Santos introduces us to the LU Championship match. Out first is Fenix, he stands at the top of the steps, does his spit spray, and high-fives the fans as he walks down the steps. He enters the ring by springboarding off one rope, handspring off the other rope, then rolling through. The fans chant, “Let’s go Fenix!” Next out accompanied by Dario, is the champion “The Monster” Matanza Cueto, and we cut to commercial.

Senior official Marty Elias shows the belts to the crowd. Fenix runs in, Mantaza throws him back, Fenix gets a go-behind waist lock on the Monster, Matanza twists the arm, Fenix ducks a clothesline, and then a kick to the gut, Matanza catches him, send him to the ropes, Fenix hits a kick to the head (that hurts his foot because of the mask), rolls out of a clothesline, and then Matanza pushes him away to the mat. Matanza climbs on top and slams his head repeatedly into the mat. Matanza working slowly, methodically on Fenix’s neck in the corner. Fenix jumps over, kick to the leg, kick to the gut, kick to the head, and it has no effect on the Monster. Matanza grabs him and suplexes him into the turnbuckle. Matt Striker says below that turnbuckle is a “steel nut”. Matanza drags him by the lip of his mask, and Dario yells “Sangre! Sangre! (Blood! Blood!).” Fenix thrown to the ropes, Fenix catches himself, gets a kick kick, and then a drop toe hold into the ropes, kicks Matanza in the head, the Monster struggles back to his feet, Fenix with a springboard, Matanza catches him, hits the The Rack sidewalk slam, Fenix kicks out. Fenix with a handspring off the ropes, but Matanza catches him again, and hits a tilting German suplex.

Matt Striker calls Matanza “The Eater of Worlds” (They really should copyright that.) Matanza shoves Fenix into the corner, Fenix meet him with a superkick, Matanza still on his feet, dropkick off the top rope, Matanza stumbles but does not go down. Dario says “recuerda la mamá (remember Mother).” Matanza backdrops Fenix on the apron, strike by Fenix, but he hurts his hand by punching the mask. Then a big right hand by Matanza knocks Fenix off the apron.

Matanza follows him to the outside, Fenix runs at him, Matanza throws him up and over, Fenix lands on his feet on the ropes, and delivers a kick to Matanza, then a second kick, jumps into the ring, hits the ropes, and then suicide dives to the outside, but Matanza catches him, and now hits The Rack on the floor. The fans chant, “Holy s***!” Matanza climbs on top, punches to the face, throws him back into the ring, picks him up, carries him around the ring, and nails The Wrath of the Gods on Fenix, 1-2-3, and wins easily.

Winner: Matanza Cueto

After the bell, Matanza crawls on top and pummels Fenix with more shots to the head, stretches his face by the nose, when suddenly Katrina comes out and and yells, “Stop!” She stands at the top of the steps holding the rock, Matanza turns to look at her, but Mil Muertes runs in from behind and attacks Matanza, knocking him to the outside of the ring. Muertes turns and finds a fallen Fenix laying in the corner of the ring. Striker wonders, “Either Mil inadvertently saved Fenix. Is Mil Muertes showing mercy? A human side? Or is there a burning desire to regain the title?” Muertes looks at Fenix, and walks away. The credits roll with Katrina standing tall on the steps, as Striker says, “Goodnight everybody.”

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