WWE SmackDown Live Results (6/11)

The July 11, 2019 edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento, CA.

– The Miz comes out to the ring to kick off this week’s SmackDown with an installment of Miz TV. Miz is wearing a shirt with a picture on it of his dad’s fighting stance against Shane McMahon. The Miz holds up a piece of paper saying he was told he must stick to the script tonight, and then he reads and introduction to his guests. “He is Roman Reign’s opponent at Stomping Grounds, and he is the Scottish psychopath, Drew McIntyre.” Miz then introduces his second guest, Shane, but there’s a smudge on the paper and he reads his introduction as “the breast in the world,” and then “the pest of the world.” Shane and Drew come out to the ring, and Elias is with them. Shane gets on the mic and takes issue with Miz not reading his introduction properly, so Shane makes the ring announcer introduce him again as “the best in the world.” Shane says every show like Miz’s has a musical guest, so that’s why Elias is here, and Elias plays his guitar a little bit. Shane starts talking about beating up Reigns, but Miz has heard enough and he calls out Shane for cheating and using others to win. Miz says Shane wouldn’t have won the Best In The World trophy if not for him, and Miz beat the hell out of Shane last time they faced. Drew says Roman always lets his emotions get the best of him, and that’s what’ll happen when they face each other at Stomping Grounds. Drew says he has no remorse or pity when he hurts people, he loves it. The Miz gets fired up after a comment about his dad. Shane says that if Miz beats Elias, and then beats Drew McIntyre, then Miz can have another shot against Shane in the ring. Shane orders for the ring to be cleared of the Miz TV set, and for a referee to get down to the ring.


The Miz vs. Elias: Shane and Drew are still at ringside. Elias starts off strong in this one and stuns Miz with a leaping knee to the face. He hits his own version of Undertaker’s “Old School” on Miz with a flying knee strike. The Miz tries to come back with some kicks, but Elias ducks and follows up with a powerbomb for a two count. Elias goes up top for a flying elbow drop, but Elias misses and crashes into the mat by himself. Miz immediately follows up with the Skull Crushing Finale for the three count after a short match.

Winner: The Miz

– Shane and Drew don’t look happy. Drew climbs in the ring and immediately goes after Miz. Drew beats down Miz before the bell at ringside, then throws him back in the ring.

The Miz vs. Drew McIntyre: This one is a pretty one-sided beat-down by Drew. Miz briefly fights back and dumps Drew outside for a baseball slide kick. Miz gets distracted by Shane, and Drew takes control again. Drew gets the win with the Claymore Kick after a short match.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

– After the match, Shane gets on the mic and decides that since Miz wanted to face him so bad, they can still have their match even though he lost. Shane says that match starts right now.

Shane McMahon vs. The Miz: Shane starts beating on Miz while he’s still down. Miz starts trying to fight back, but he’s too hurt and Shane chokes him out for the finish.

Winner: Shane McMahon

– Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose exchange words with Ember Moon backstage, and walk off. Ember is not happy, and she freaks out and starts throwing things.

– SmackDown Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan and Rowan come out to the ring. There are two local enhancement talents in the ring with them wearing cardboard Title belts of “Yolo County”, and Bryan says this will be a Title unification match. Heavy Machinery comes out to interrupt and says Bryan and Rowan are elitist cowards who are ducking their challenge. Bryan says they haven’t earned an opportunity, and tells them they have to beat the Yolo County Tag Champs first.

Heavy Machinery vs. Unnamed jobbers: Tucker starts off and clotheslines one jobber down, then Otis tags in for a double team on the other one. Otis hits The Caterpillar on the guy, and then Tucker tags back in for the double team for the win.

Winners: Heavy Machinery


– Rowan looks like he wants to hit the ring after the match, but Bryan holds him back and they leave up the ramp.

– Backstage, R-Truth is telling Carmella about how the “7/11 Championship” has ruined his life. They hear someone coming, so Carmella hides Truth in a big blue box for production equipment, and it locks shut. Someone tells Carmella her match is up next, so she leaves and tells Truth to stay in there. Truth starts freaking out and can’t breath, and he starts yelling. Jinder Mahal is walking through the hallway and hears him. Jinder tries to make his voice sound like Carmella’s and tells Truth he’ll get him out of there.

Sonya Deville vs. Carmella: Mandy Rose is at ringside. Sonya starts off strong with a flurry of strikes on Carmella. Carmella comes back and looks for a submission on Sonya, but Mandy helps pull Sonya to the apron for a rope break. Carmella chases Mandy around the ring, then gets back in the ring and throws Sonya out to ringside. Carmella hits a suicide dive on both of them at ringside. On the way back in the ring, Mandy gets involved again behind the ref’s back. Carmella kicks Mandy down on the floor, but that gave Sonya time to recover, and when Carmella gets back in the ring Sonya hits her with a running knee to the face for the three count.

Winner: Sonya Deville

– Nikki Cross walks into Alexa Bliss’ locker room, and Alexa says she has bad news for her. Alexa says that Bayley and her fans have been saying mean things about Nikki. She tells Nikki not to hold back when she says Bayley.

– All three members of The New Day come out to the ring, marking Big E’s return to TV after surgery. They talk about Big E’s comeback, and Woods says he wants to finish their match quickly tonight so he can go back to E3. Woods talks about Kofi already beating their opponents tonight in their six-man tag match against Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler comes out to interrupt and says there’s only one reason why Kofi beat him and is still Champion: Xavier Woods interfering. Ziggler says at Stomping Grounds they’ll be locked in a steel cage so no one can help him, and then the world will know that Kofi could never beat Ziggler without cheating. Owens and Zayn come out to the stage to join Ziggler, and Zayn gets on the mic. Zayn says that if he did what Woods did, people would be outraged, but the fans are hypocrites so they cheer Woods. Big E says this WWE Title run isn’t about the guys on the stage, it’s about Kofi. He says tonight will be a preview of what Kofi will do to Ziggler at Stomping Grounds.

– Bayley does an interview backstage on her way to the gorilla position. She says to “consider the source” regarding Alexa telling Nikki that Bayley was saying mean things on Twitter about her.

– We see Aleister Black cutting a promo in a dark room. He tells someone off-screen to open the door, and Black starts yelling out the door for someone to come pick a fight with him.


Bayley vs. Nikki Cross: Nikki starts off strong in the opening moments and the fight spills out to ringside. Back in the ring, Nikki continues the offense until Bayley ducks a shot and turns things around in the corner. Bayley goes up top and hits the flying elbow drop for the three count after a short match.

Winner: Bayley

– Alexa helps Nikki to her feet at ringside and she stares up at Bayley in the ring.

– Jinder Mahal comes back looking for the box that R-Truth is in. Jinder is told that the boxes were already packed up and they’re being sent to Los Angeles for the next show. Jinder says he has to get there and runs off. Carmella walks in and wonders where Truth’s box went.

– We see the episode of Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House that aired yesterday. It shows Bray killing his rabbit puppet and tasting the blood.

– Apollo Crews is backstage for an interview about Andrade attacking him from behind last week. Apollo says the first opportunity he sees Andrade he’s gonna… — but Zelina Vega interrupts and warns Crews not to provoke Andrade. Zelina walks away and Crews laughs it off. Crews turns around it looks like Chad Gable is writing something about Crews on a clip board.

The New Day vs. Kevin Owens, Dolph Ziggler & Sami Zayn: Ziggler and Woods start this one off with a collar and elbow tie up, and Ziggler takes Woods down. Ziggler comes back with a single leg takedown on Woods, but Woods fights up and continues working on Ziggler’s shoulder. Ziggler comes back with a kick and then Zayn tags in, and Zayn continues the offense on Woods. Woods comes back and drives Sami into the corner, then The New Day members start trading frequent tags for the Unicorn Stomp on Zayn in the corner. Kofi works over Zayn now and he looks for a splash in the corner, but Zayn dodges it and Kofi crashes all the way down to the ringside floor. Ziggler hits a cheap shot on Kofi on the floor while the ref is distracted by Zayn. Ziggler tags in now, and he knocks Kofi back out to ringside, where Owens hits a senton drop on Kofi while the ref is distracted again. Back in the ring, Ziggler pummels on Kofi, and then Owens tags in and stomps on the Champion. Woods gets the hot tag and cleans house. Zayn tags in and Woods drops him with an elbow to the face. Zayn rolls outside for a breather with Ziggler, and Woods hits a baseball slide kick on both of them. Back in the ring, Woods goes up top, but Ziggler knocks him down while Owens distracts the ref. Owens tags in and dropkicks Woods in the corner. Ziggler tags in and tries to keep Woods grounded, and he looks for a sleeper hold. Woods breaks free, but Ziggler holds on to Woods’ leg so he can’t get the tag. Sami tags in and pummels on Woods on the ground, then applies a chin lock. Woods fights up and trades chops and punches with Sami. Sami mounts Woods and starts slapping him. Owens tags in and hits a slam on Woods. Owens hits a moonsault off the turnbuckle on Woods for a two count. It looked like Woods was trying to roll out of the way, but Owens landed on him. Owens misses a shot and Woods comes back with a DDT. Big E and Ziggler get the tags. Big E hits a series of belly to belly overhead suplexes on Ziggler. Big E runs the ropes and hits the running splash on Dolph, then Ziggler rolls out to the apron. Big E looks to spear Ziggler off the apron, but Ziggler blocks it with knee to the face. Ziggler looks for a kick, but Big E blocks it and picks up Ziggler. Kofi tags in and they look for the double team, but Ziggler breaks free and runs back to his corner. Sami tags in. Kofi still thinks Dolph is legal, then Sami gets involved. Kofi ducks a superkick from Ziggler, and Ziggler accidentally kicks Sami. Kofi hits the Trouble In Paradise on Ziggler, and then he hits it on Sami and pins for the three count.

Winners: The New Day

– The New Day celebrates in the ring as their opponents lay at ringside and SmackDown goes off the air.

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