The Feb. 23 episode of Impact Wrestling aired on AXS TV at 8 PM EST/5 PM PT.
The episode saw X Division Champion Trey Miguel defend his title against Crazzy Steve in a Monster’s Ball match. Impact Wrestling had built the feud up for several weeks when Steve confronted Miguel on the Jan. 26 episode. The episode also had Bully Ray and Tommy Dreamer compete in Beat the Clock Challenges to determine who would speak first at their live Busted Open show at No Surrender on Feb. 24.
Impact Wrestling also aired on their Youtube channel for Impact Insider subscribers. The company offers a monthly subscription to watch weekly episodes on Youtube for $1.49. Unfortunately, it aired at 8:30 PM ET/5:30 PM PT.
If you would like more results for this week’s events in wrestling, please check back on our results section.
Impact Wrestling Results (2/23)
We started the episode with Miguel and Steve locked in their rooms as they prepared for Monster’s Ball.
“Speedball” Mike Bailey & Jonathan Gresham vs. Motor City Machine Guns(Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley)
The match started with Jonathan Gresham and Alex Shelley. They tried to outpace each other until Gresham caught Shelley in a Dragon Leg Whip in the corner. Gresham brought his opponent to his corner and tagged in Mike Bailey to start working on his leg. Bailey Irish Whipped Shelley on his side, which Chris Sabin blind tagged in to land a Chop Block/Clothesline combo with Shelley.
Sabin worked over Bailey briefly but tagged Shelley back into the match. Shelley beat down Bailey and tagged Sabin back in. They tried to go for a tag team move, but Bailey counterd to tag in Gresham. Sabin and Gresham exchanged forearm strikes in the middle of the ring until Gresham hit Sabin with a kick to the gut. He Irish Whipped Sabin to a corner, and Shelley tried to help his partner by kicking Gresham. However, Gresham caught the kick and swung it to Sabin and hit him with a Enzugiri, which made Sabin land a Dragon Leg Whip on his partner.
Gresham tried to pin Sabin, but Shelley stopped him. Bailey tried to help but gets thrown out the ring. Sabin picked up Gresham in a Fireman’s Carry, and Shelley did an assisted neckbreaker. They followed it up with the Magic Killer for a two-count. Sabin tried to go for a Suplex, but Gresham countered with his Suplex on his opponent. Gresham and Sabin tagged out to their partners, but Bailey started to take control of Shelley. Sabin tried to help his partner, but Bailey took care of them. Bailey put Shelley in a Leg Lock and Sabin tried to go after him. Still holding on to Shelley, Bailey caught Sabin and did a Spinning Brainbuster and kept his hold on Shelley.
Shelley can make it to the ropes to break the hold. The action continued as both teams tried to gain the advantage. The match finished when The Motor City Machine Guns landed the Dirt Bomb on Gresham, and Sabin pinned him for the win.
We get a video package promoting the Impact World Championship match between Rich Swann and champ Josh Alexander at No Surrender.
We get a backstage promo with Deanna Purrazzo warning Gisele Shaw, who she faces at No Surrender.
Tommy Dreamer vs. Jason Hotch- Beat the Clock Challenge
Jason Hotch started the match by taking advantage of his speed against Dreamer. He hit a neckbreaker on Dreamer for a one-count. Hotch tried to go to the top rope but got stopped by Dreamer. Dreamer hit the Death Valley Driver from the top rope to beat Hotch in 1:15.
Allysin Kay with Marti Belle vs. Taya Valkyrie with Jessicka & Rosemary
Allysin Kay tried to go after Taya Valkyrie, but Valkyrie sent her to the corner. They exchanged blows in the corner, but Valkyrie landed a big chop on her opponent. Valkyrie Irish Whipped Kay, but Kay countered with a Clothesline. Kay tried to run the ropes but got caught with a Back Elbow. Valkyrie did a Snapmare into a unique Armbar, but Kay put her foot on the rope. Kay tried to gain momentum on her side but got caught with a Spear for a two-count.
Valkyrie continued to control the match until we went to a commercial break. However, when we returned from break, Kay controlled the match(We don’t see how she turned things around). It doesn’t last long as Valkyrie rallied back into the match. She landed a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Valkyrie followed up with an STF submission, but Kay got to the ropes. The finish came when Marti Bells distracted Valkyrie, which lead to Kay landing the AK47 for the win.
We had a contract signing backstage between Swann and Alexander. The champion tried to walk away with the title. However, Swann stopped him to apologize for accidentally kicking him last week. Alexander said it’s not a problem and that Swann doesn’t have it in him to attack Alexander like that. Swann took offense as he feels Alexander doesn’t think Swann can do what he needs to beat him. Steve Maclin interrupted their talk and told them that he will face the winner after he wins the Fatal Four Way number one contender match at No Surrender. Maclin called Swann a choke arrest, which led to Maclin and Swann getting into a brawl until it’s broken up by backstage officials.
Deaner & Sami Callihan with The Design(Kon & Alan Angels) vs. Frankie Kazarian & Yuya Uemura
The match started with Frankie Kazarian and Deaner until Deaner tagged in Sami Callihan. Deaner yelled at Callihan to take him out, which led to Kazarian telling him to shut up. Callihan took the opportunity to hit Kazarian and beat him down briefly. However, Deaner yelled at his partner to tag him back in.
Deaner started to work over Kazarian until he got caught with three Arm Drags and a big Clothesline from Kazarian. Kazarian tagged Yuya Uemura, and they landed a tag team move on Deaner for a two-count. Uemura started to work on Deaner’s arm, but Deaner grabbed his hair and sent him to the corner to Callihan. After Deaner tagged out, Callihan gouged the eyes of Uemura. Callihan and Deaner tagged in and out to control their opponent. Uemura and Callihan are the legal men in the ring and Uemura caught his opponent with a Pele Kick. Uemura tried to tag out, but Kon hit Kazarian with a Clothesline outside of the ring, while the referee is distracted.
Callihan tagged Deaner to go to the top rope for a Diving Headbutt. However, Deaner missed, and Uemura tagged in Kazarian. Deaner tagged in Callihan, but Kazarian started to get the better of him. Alan Angels distract Kazarian for Callihan to land an Exploder Suplex. Callihan tagged in Deaner, and they tried to go for a tag team move, but Kazarian countered to tag in his partner.
Uemura took offense to both of his opponents. He went to the top rope and landed a Crossbody on Deaner for a pin, but Callihan stopped the count. Callihan and Kazarian tagged in the match as both teams struggled to take control of the match. Callihan prepared to go for the Cactus Driver on Kazarian, but Deaner yelled at his partner to tag him in. He went to tag Deaner, but his partner left the ring apron. Kazarian took advantage and put Callihan in the Crossface Chicken Wing for the submission win.
We get a video package hyping up Impact Knockout Champion Mickie James defending her title against Masha Slamovich at No Surrender.
We got a backstage segment with Callihan confronting Deaner for leaving him. Deaner told him it’s part of his steps to join The Design. Callihan expressed his loyalty to The Design. Deaner said that Callihan has two more steps left before being a member.
Bully Ray vs. Bhupinder Gujjar- Beat The Clock Challenge
The match ended quickly as Hotch and John Skyler distracted the referee and Gujjar. As the referee is distracted, Ray hit his opponent with a steel chain to win in 0:45 to win the Beat the Clock Challenge.
We get a backstage segment with Gujjar and Dreamer. Dreamer motivated Gujjar and says he won because Ray had to cheat.
(C) Trey Miguel vs. Crazzy Steve- Monster’s Ball match for the X-Division Championship
The match started with Steve taking Miguel down with an STO. The challenger fought Miguel outside the ring as we cut to a commercial break. We come back from back to see four chairs set up. Steve lands a Suplex on Miguel through the chairs, but the champion counters, and Steve gets caught with a Drop Toe Hold into the chairs.
Miguel picked up Steve, who is also busted open. The champion tried to hit Steve with a chair to the face against the ring post, but Steve moved. Miguel tried to run at his opponent but got caught with a Back Body Drop through the chairs. They rolled back into the ring, and before Steve can capitalize, he got caught with a Dropkick by Miguel. The X-Division Champion went outside to get more weapons. He tried to hit his opponent with a trash can, but Steve used a Staple Gun to the groin of Miguel. He followed up his attack by put the trash can over the head of the champion, put him in the corner and landed the cannonball on Miguel. We go to another commercial break.
We returned from a commercial break with Steve trying to attack Miguel with a fork. The champion stopped him and landed a Neckbreaker. Miguel took the Fork and tried to stab his opponent’s eye unsuccessfully. He settled with landing a Double Foot Stomp. The X-Division Champion went to get thumbtacks and spread them in the center of the ring. He tried to run at Steve in the corner, but his opponent caught him with a strike. Steve landed the Black Hole Slam on Miguel into the thumbtacks and goes for the pin. Before the referee can count three, Steve stopped the pin to punish Miguel more.
However, Miguel kicked Steve to the point where he was on his knee near the Thumbtacks and landed a double foot stomp to have his opponent land chest first into it. The champion went for the cover but got a two-count. Miguel went to the floor for a table to place the weapon in the corner. They both tried to avoid crashing into the table until they simultaneously landed a Clothesline falling into the thumbtacks.
They both went outside for a weapon. Miguel got a spike, and Steve got Janice(a spiked wooden object). Steve missed Miguel with Janice but caught him in a Death Valley Driver through the table in the corner for the near fall. Steve went to bring chairs into the ring and positions it near the center of the ring. The champion recovered to hit Steve in the gut with a chair, but Steve fought back. Steve put Miguel on the top rope, but Miguel slid underneath him to hit his opponent with a Superkick and a Tiger Feint Kick. While Steve is down, the champion went to the top rope. However, the challenger recovered and tried to go after Miguel, but the champion jumped and rolled from the top rope into the thumbtacks.
Steve followed up with a Canadian Destroyer on Miguel into a chair and thumbtacks. While laying in the thumbtacks, Steve briefly did a snow angel and pinned Miguel for a two count. The challenger used Janice to scrape Miguel’s forehead. Steve took the champion to the ring apron as a wooden board with barbed wire is laid on top of chairs. Before Steve could slam Miguel through it, the champion hit Steve in the groin and landed the Roll of the Dice through the wooden board with barbed wire. Miguel put Steve back in the ring to pin for the win.