Posts Tagged ‘D’Angelo Dinero’

Shad Gaspard Memorial Cup Announced in Tribute to Hero Wrestler

An eight-man tournament in memory of the late Shad Gaspard will begin later this year, it has been confirmed.

Gaspard is best known for his time in WWE where he competed as part of the Cryme Tyme faction. In 2020, Gaspard heroically gave his life to save his son when they were caught in a rip current at Venice Beach. After his passing, a petition was made seeking to create more safety features at beaches to avoid similar tragedies

In 2022, Shad was posthumously inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as that year’s Warrior Award recipient. Shad was represented by his wife Siliana, his son Aryeh, and long-time tag-team partner JTG. 

The Shad Gaspard Memorial Cup Tournament 

In a video shared by the Love Alive Charity, D’Angelo Dinero spoke about how Shad gave so much to those around him. Dinero also spoke about Shad giving “the ultimate gift” as a father to his son.  Dinero added that Shad’s memory and impact on wrestling and those who knew him best will live on forever. 

With the permission of Shad’s wife Siliana Gaspard, D’Angelo announced the Inaugural Shad Gaspard Memorial Cup Tournament for April 20. The tournament will be hosted by the Love Alive Charity. Dinero said that the tournament will allow those involved to “let out our inner beast” for a good cause.

The tournament will take place at the Murray Hill Baptist Church Gymnasium in Jacksonville, Florida. Doors for the show will open at 6 pm local time, with bell time at 7 pm.


The Pope On Dusty Rhodes Helping Him, His Early Days In OVW & More

TNA color-commentator “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero (Elijah Burke) recently spoke to The Richest podcast about his early career as a boxer and his early days in Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW). Below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On transitioning from being a boxer to a pro wrestler:

“The transition from an amateur boxing background to wrestling was not that difficult, as far as showmanship and the entertainment aspect of it. It wasn’t hard at all because that my main reasoning for boxing was just to entertain. Of course, I trained and did as much as I could to be a good boxer so I could hold my own in the ring. I was more of a tough guy, more of a brawler, a slugger. I grew up fighting, so the boxing part wasn’t hard but my main concern was the fulfillment of that burning desire in me to entertain the masses. However, the only part that was indeed a challenge was restricting myself from throwing actual punches. When I would throw my punches or what not, I would have a hard time pulling it back a bit. So that was the main thing that I actually had to work on, which I did countless times by punching a dummy. I actually learned to throw my first actual wrestling punch from Jim Cornette. One of the ways that I learned to throw fake punches in the wrestling ring, without having legit force that would injure my opponent in the ring, was I would use a light bulb that would hang in the distance and I would do my best to hit that light bulb without damaging it, breaking it or moving it. So if I could throw a good enough punch to a light bulb without causing it to shatter, I think that’s pretty good. I think that as time went on, I felt more comfortable with it and I was able to incorporate my actual boxing strikes in the ring and be safe with it.”

On training and developing in OVW and Dusty Rhodes helping him early in his career:

“Jim Cornette and Danny Davis. Danny Davis is the grandfather, the wizard, of OVW. Those two were very instrumental in helping me develop my character. Jim Cornette said just be you, just do what you do, the people love you. That was basically what it was. On the microphone? On the mic? The gift to gab if you will, that came along with the whole package with Elijah. That’s something that I’ve always done. That’s something that I hadn’t needed to really develop. If there is someone that I would attribute my ability to gab to, I would say my Pastor, Willie May Goodness, from down home southern Jacksonville, Florida. Where I grew up, in church, is where all that came from, The gift of gab and being able to talk on the mic and be comfortable with it.

“If there was anyone that showed me how to convey emotion and allow it to manifest into something more for the viewing audience, then of course that goes to ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes, who I had the privilege and the honor to work with. He was my childhood idol during my time in OVW, prior to my time in ECW. Definitely, it was Dusty who was supportive. Dusty saw me and I went and introduced myself and he stopped me. He said, ‘I already know about you, daddy. You and I we going to have some fun’. I would do my promos and it would be awesome. They would have scripts but he believed in me so much that he would take the script or anything they wanted me to say and he would turn it down. He would say, ‘just do what you going to do, daddy. You let me deal with Stephanie and Vince. You just say what you’re going to say’. That was just so awesome because he believed in me so much. He knew that I could take what they wanted me to do and put it in my own words and hit a home run with it. That’s what we would do all the time.”

Bully Ray Talks About His TNA Return, The Pope To Wrestle Again?

– Roderick Strong and Chris Hero were backstage at TNA’s recent Impact Wrestling tapings.

– “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero’s is back with TNA and will be doing some commentary with Josh Matthews. There’s some speculation that he’ll be returning to the ring soon, as he’s been wrestling in Puerto Rico in recent months.

– Bully Ray talks about his return to TNA on last week’s Impact Wrestling where he served as the surprise guest referee for the main event between TNA Champion Kurt Angle and Eric Young:

Spoiler: Former TNA Star Returns At Impact Wrestling Television Tapings

Former WWE and TNA star “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero will be making his TNA television return on the May 22nd edition of Impact Wrestling, which was taped on Saturday night in Orlando, Florida.

“The Pope” will be joining Josh Mathews on commentary during a six-man X-Division Elimination Match.

It was noted back in March that the former Elijah Burke would soon be returning to the company.

For complete Impact Wrestling spoiler results for the next two weeks, which includes “The Pope’s” return, click here.

Former TNA Star Wins Ohio Valley TV Title

Elijah Burke, formerly “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero in TNA, appeared at Wednesday night’s Ohio Valley Wrestling television tapings. He defeated Flash Flanagan to win the OVW TV title.

Burke, who was billed as “Pope Eljah Burke,” left TNA earlier this year when his contract expired back in January.

While there is no confirmation that he’ll be returning to TNA, OVW is the company’s official developmental territory.

D’Angelo Dinero Announces He’s Done With TNA

TNA star D’Angelo Dinero has announced on Twitter that he’s no longer with the company and is now a free agent.

@DaBlackPope tweeted on Tuesday afternoon:

D’Angelo Dinero Officially Removed From 2012 BFG Series

TNA’s official site has announced that “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero is officially out of the 2012 Bound For Glory Series.

Last week at Hardcore Justice, The Aces and 8s viciously attacked Dinero, particularly his shoulder, rendering him unable to compete that night in his scheduled Bound For Glory Series match. Following a visit to the doctor, Dinero said he would be sidelined for a few months. Enclosing an image of a broken collarbone, Dinero tweeted, “Looks like Pope will be out of action for a couple months. Damn You Aces & Apes!!! ~PHS.”

Dinero’s news has caused Impact Wrestling to officially eliminate him from the remainder of the Bound For Glory Series. In this year’s format, every wrestler was scheduled to face everyone in the tournament. Dinero had three matches left to compete in, against AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam and Robbie E. says Sting will make a decision regarding the matter and those matches tomorrow night on Impact Wrestling on Spike TV at 8/7c.

TNA Wrestling Star Suffers Broken Collarbone, Cooking With Claire Lynch, More

– “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero stated on Twitter that he will be sidelined for a few months.

Enclosing an image of a broken collarbone, Dinero tweeted, “Looks like Pope will be out of action for a couple months. Damn You Aces & Apes!!! ~PHS.”

– A video has surfaced online of TNA Wrestling personality Claire Lynch appearing in an infomercial last year for 360 Cookware, a Stainless Steel Cookware Set. After Lynch was identified online last week as Julia Reilly, an Orlando-based actress and model with a lengthy resume of commercial and acting appearances, she made a concerted effort to erase her Internet presence, including the contents of her official website and YouTube Channel. This video was briefly removed but is now back online with embedding and comments abilities disabled.

Lynch has not appeared on TNA Wrestling programming since her identity was revealed. She was, however, acknowledged on Thursday’s episode of Impact Wrestling as AJ Styles said he must have been drugged to sleep with a “foot” like Claire. She was also referred to as a “lizard.”

– Past and present TNA Knockouts Velvet Sky, Angelina Love, Winter, Rosita and Bonnie “Rain” Maxson are advertised to appear at Boston Super Megafest taking place November 17-18 at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel 1657 Worcester Rd. Framingham, Massachusetts. Additional information is available here.

Three “Bound For Glory Series” Matches Set For Hardcore Justice

TNA Wrestling President Dixie Carter announced via Twitter Thursday that three Four-Way “Bound For Glory Series” matches will take place at Hardcore Justice. Each match will feature a different stipulation with the winner receiving 20 points.

* AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe

* Bully Ray vs. James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Robbie E

* Rob Van Dam vs. Magnus vs. Mr. Anderson vs. “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero

Stipulations for all three matches will be announced during tonight’s live Impact Wrestling broadcast at 8:00 p.m. on Spike TV.

Also scheduled for Hardcore Justice is Austin Aries defending the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against Bobby Roode in a singles match. The pay-per-view event takes place August 12, 2012 at the Impact Wrestling Zone in Orlando, Florida.

Promotional Poster For TNA No Surrender, Shaw Added To Roster

– TNA Wrestling has released the promotional poster for No Surrender, which takes place September 9, 2012 at the Impact Wrestling Zone in Orlando, Florida. The twelve wrestlers participating in the “Bound For Glory” series are featured on the poster: AJ Styles, Bully Ray, Christopher Daniels, D’Angelo Dinero, James Storm, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Magnus, Mr. Anderson, Rob Van Dam, Robbie E and Samoa Joe.

TNA No Surrender

– Sam Shaw has been added to TNA’s roster index on after being awarded a contract last week on Impact Wrestling in the “Gut Check” challenge.

– Tara has changed her Twitter handle to taralisamarie.

Marty Jannetty Responds To The Pope Calling Him Out For A Fight

Sunday on Facebook, “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero slammed Marty Jannetty online again for carelessly striking Balls Mahoney with a chair during a match for independent wrestling promotion Pro Wrestling Syndicate in March. The TNA Wrestling star wrote, “Have anyone heard from Marty Chairnetty??? You know, the guy that single handily almost did in one night to Balls Mahoney what sex, drugs, and ECW couldn’t do in 20yrs; End His Freaking Career!?!??

“Well, If ya hear from the coon, let’em know that Pope is out of semi retirement for the moment and is hoping that he grow some balls, head to Orlando, do what Pope won’t do, and that’s kiss Hogan’s @ss, and beg for the opportunity to show up on iMPACT WRESTLING OFN and call Pope out. Hopefully he’s dressed in his 1980’s Rockers attire, otherwise Pope may not recognize him! ~ PHS.”

Jannetty caught wind of Dinero’s comments and posted a rebuttal on Wednesday via Facebook.

The former WWE Superstar wrote: “Someone get this word over to big mouth Elijah “The Dope” Burke . it’s really quite simple..take a look at the suicide dive over the top rope on Jerry Lynn(photo below)..Jerry Lynn is one hella competitor, so I brought my A+ game to that took a lot out of me and out of Jerry but,the crowd of 1300 were on their feet cheering BOTH of us on as the match progressed..we gave everything we had in the ring, neither of us had much energy left to walk back to the dressing room, where we were met with a standing ovation. and word in the streets is people have been talking about it ever since..Here’s the thing you need to think about Mr Burke.. I like Jerry he’s a friend, I like Mahoney, he’s a friend(he just couldnt keep up the blistering pace) what that means to you Elijah Butts(whatever your name is this week), things in the ring with you will be a whole hella lot, if you got any “Balls” like your boy Mahoney..stop talking shit and get in the ring with me. You wanna call me out on where? South Compton Street Corners? Sheeit I’ll come there to you, I probably got more friends there than you gonna find out the in the worse way, I aint your average white brother..(b4 anyone hits me up with this being racist over these comments, consider I have a black girlfriend and the Compton comment is because I heard that’s where he was hidding out, or was “hangin out” this past week with TNA.. I tell you you what Mr. Butts, rather than you just bumpin your gums and flapping your yap all negative about me and what you can do about it, let me put it out there like this..ANY PROMOTER, ANYWHERE WANTS TO BOOK A “”STREET FIGHT”” BETWEEN ME MR BUTTS (OR WHATEVER HE CALLS HIMSELF , THE POPE) I’M READY TO SIGN FOR THE FIGHT RIGHT NOW..ANYWHERE..BUT HEY HOW BOUT THIS MR BUTTS, RAHWAY,NJ WHERE YOUR BOY THREW UP, I’M SURE WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO COME THERE IN HIS DEFENSE AGANST ME..BUT THIS IS OPEN CHALLENGE TO ANYWHERE IN THE COUNTRY, HELL ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!!..POST THIS ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE YOU WANT AND CAN(IN FACT EVERYONE DO THAT, WATCH HOW FAST WE FLUSH THIS RAT OUT).. STEP UP MR BADD AZZ ELIJAH BUTTS..POST THIS ON PLACES YOU RUN YOUR MOUTH.CAUSE WE TALK ABOUT IT, OR WE CAN BE ABOUT IT..I CAN SHOW MUCH BETTER THAN I CAN TELL YOU WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN TO YO AZZ IF YOU GRAB THE NUTS TO STEP UP IN THE RING IN STREET FIGHT MATCH WITH ME..WAIT,QUIETLY LISTEN FOR A COUPLE SECONDS……..YOU HEAR THAT?…THAT’S THE SOUND OF MR. BUTTS SHITTING IN HIS PANTS RIGHT NOW!”

“The Pope” Wants To Meet Marty Jannetty In The Impact Zone

“The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero continues to target Marty Jannetty for carelessly striking Balls Mahoney with a chair during a match for Pro Wrestling Syndicate in March.

Dinero wrote on Facebook, “Have anyone heard from Marty Chairnetty??? You know, the guy that single handily almost did in one night to Balls Mahoney what sex, drugs, and ECW couldn’t do in 20yrs; End His Freaking Career!?!??

“Well, If ya hear from the coon, let’em know that Pope is out of semi retirement for the moment and is hoping that he grow some balls, head to Orlando, do what Pope won’t do, and that’s kiss Hogan’s @ss, and beg for the opportunity to show up on iMPACT WRESTLING OFN and call Pope out. Hopefully he’s dressed in his 1980’s Rockers attire, otherwise Pope may not recognize him! ~ PHS.”

The infrequently seen TNA Wrestling star returned to action at last week’s live events in California, his first appearances since January. Before appearing at Friday’s show in Ontario, he lampooned his lengthy sabbatical, writing, “Welp, here comes Da Pope!” Guess Pope better head downstairs to the basement, find, dust off, and clean his Pope gear.”

D’Angelo Dinero Rips Marty Jannetty Over Chairshot To Mahoney

“The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero posted a lengthy statement on his Facebook account concerning Marty Jannetty’s chairshot to Balls Mahoney during a match at Friday’s Pro Wrestling Syndicate Super Card 2012 event in Rahway, New Jersey.

He wrote, “Recently as many of you know, Pope has taken a weebit of a break ‘if you will’ from the social networks as it’s often needed from time to time so that one may not become consumed by such. I mean, we’re talking about a “god” that literally controls much of the world. If people were as committed to Christ/God, faith, religion (whateva that betters you as an individual for the overall purpose of spreading love) as much as one is to posting on FB/Twitter and other social media outlets every 5-10 min, then this world would mos definitely be a better place! *sigh* ~PHS

“Now on to business; Pope recently received word from a source that a dear long time friend of Pope’s was recently assaulted in a vicious manner. It didn’t bother me at first cause Pope knows that his friend could handle himself in whatever the situation may be. Pope wasn’t sold on whether or not to believe what he was being told, until my source eventually forwarded Pope some footage that supported his claim, and I must say that what I saw was ABSOLUTELY DISTURBING!!! SO Disturbing that Pope must take a stand, and call someone out on their unprofessional conduct: MARTY JANETTY, POPE’S CALLING YOU OUT!!!!

“HOW DARE YOU…..HOW DARE YOU assault good ole Ballsy Mahoney with a chair shot like that. I mean, this guy left his little Balls at home to come entertain his fans, and I’m sure he wants to return to his little Balls in the same fashion in which he left; but what did you do??? You tried to cripple him!!! You tried to take him out with the “Chair Shot Hear Around New Jersey!” Listen, I’ve wrestled Good Ole Ballsy for over a year straight and yea, I’ve body slammed him while he was approaching the 400lb mark with a bad rib and tearing my lats in the process, and yea, sure I’ve hit him so hard in his nose with the 4-UP uppercut that I fractured his tonsil…And yea, sure I hit him with the Elijah Express while he was facing Pope frontwards in the corner and knocked out 1 of his final remaining 3 toofs…But it was all part of a bigger story! But let me assure you that Pope would’ve never……EVAHHHHH, stooped to such a low that I would attempt career homicide the way YOU DID MR. JANETTY! But as the old adage goes,”What don’t kill you only makes you stronger” and Im sure that was and will be the case of my good friend Ballsy (who in the best shape of his career) amazingly was able to remain professional, gut it out, and finish the match with what lil sense he has left in his lil noggin when he entered that the building….let alone after the chair shot. THIS only goes to show you the resilience and strength of my long time friend Ballsy Mahoney, who even after the “CSHANJ” while vehemently convulsing and vomiting on front row spectators (and book-bag), he was still able and willing to pull off a heartfelt promo following the shocking encounter.

“It is at this time that Pope wish to take a stand, and Pope’s encouraging anyone who reads this to take a stand with me. While I believe that there is indeed a place in this business for Chairshots, Pope also believes that there’s a place in this business for Chairshots delivered by individuals who can throw around the steel in a safe and cautious manner, in such a way as to not cause physical trauma to an individual who by all means appear to have been on top of his game and in the best shape of his career… a career that appears now to be in question.

“Join the “BAN MARTY CHAIRNETTY” campaign by Liking~ PHS.”

50+ wrestler mug shots – Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, Wade Barrett & more

CM Punk Calls A TNA Star ‘Terrible’, Liger To Wrestle In Canada

— WWE Champion CM Punk fielded questions from fans during a thirty-minute interview with WISX FM in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania last week and was asked who his least favorite opponent in WWE is. The Straight Edge Superstar replies Elijah Burke, who he faced early in his career.

“Good question. I always get who’s your favorite opponent. This is great because I enjoy talking trash. My least favorite opponent; does anyone even remember Elijah Burke?” Punk responds. “Oh, he was terrible. He is absolutely the worst. Absolutely the worst. Talk about a diva. Man oh man, sorry if you liked him.”

Burke now competes for TNA Wrestling as “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero.

— Jushin “Thunder” Liger has been announced to face former ROH World Champion Roderick Strong on Saturday, April 14 at a Pro Wrestling Syndicate event taking place at Doubletree Toronto Airport 655 Dixon Rd. Toronto, Ontario Canada.

— Sheamus is featured on the cover of the latest issue of Power Slam.

“The Pope” Says He’s Underused By TNA, Love Selling Her Pants

— “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero was informed on Twitter of an article labeling him as the most underused wrestler in TNA Wrestling. He responded, “Thanks again, but SERIOUSLY, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Pope is underused…… Or does it??”

Dinero’s status with the organization is currently in limbo as he has not appeared on television since the culmination of his several month feud with Devon at Genesis. He was asked when he will be returning to television.

“I’m sure Pope will return at some point this year….. Talk about a “Turning Point,” he says.

— Angelina Love is auctioning off a pair of pants she wore at numerous TNA Wrestling events throughout 2010 and 2011. She says she’s parting ways with the pants because they’re too big for her now.

— reports that Crimson and Tara will be appearing at Direct Auto Insurance 4473 South Semoran Blvd Orlando, Florida on Saturday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Pope Vows To Bring Change To TNA, Stars Give Their SB Picks

— “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero has vowed to bring “change” to TNA Wrestling.

He wrote on Facebook, “Pope’s tried for 3yrs to be the “Obama” of TNA, to be new and unique, cause CHANGE is needed, and CHANGE will come, one way or another!”

Dinero’s status with the organization is currently in limbo as he has not appeared on television since the culmination of his several month feud with Devon at last month’s Genesis pay-per-view. Devon’s sons turned on Dinero to assist their father to victory.

— With the Super Bowl taking place tonight between the New England Patriots and the New York Giants, many of the TNA Superstars are divided on who will reign victorious. asked them who will come out on top in the big game, including Sting.

He said, “I think the Patriots are going to win it because Tom Brady is going to be on top of his game… he’s built a rep for pulling out all the stops in big games. Although Eli is a roll and the Giants have a great defense, Brady and the Patriots are going to be so confident going into it, it’ll be tough for the Giants to come out winners.”

Anderson & RVD Returning To The Ring, Rosita & Sarita To Team

Mr. Anderson, who has not appeared for TNA Wrestling since the November 15, 2011 Impact Wrestling taping, is scheduled to return to the ring at this week’s Impact Wrestling World Tour in Worcester, Plymouth and Lowell, Massachusetts. He will be teaming with Rob Van Dam (who was stretchered backstage two weeks ago at Genesis after taking a DDT onto the concrete floor) at all three shows in matches against Mexican America members Anarquia and Hernandez.

Mexican America members Rosita and Sarita are also advertised to team, which they rarely do at house shows. They will be facing Brooke Tessmacher and ODB at all three events.

Other matches scheduled include:

* “The Charismatic Enigma” Jeff Hardy vs Christopher Daniels

* Jesse Sorensen vs Kid Kash vs Shannon Moore

* Garett Bischoff vs Television Champion Robbie E (with Rob Terry)

* Eric Young vs “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero


Pope In New Batman Movie (Pic), Hogan’s Game Trashed Again

— After being named the Worst Game of the Year by the official XBOX Magazine, Hulk Hogan’s Main Event has won another “worst of the year” award. has awarded Hogan’s XBOX 360 Kinect game a SAGY award (Sh–ty Ass Game of the Year). Congrats to Hulk!

— TNA star D’Angelo Dinero has a small role in the upcoming blockbuster Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises.

The Pope will be playing a henchman of the film’s main villain, Bane. has released the following picture of Bane’s goons – you can spot Dinero in the front row wearing a hoodie.

TNA’s Unfavorable View Of Velvet Sky, Maria To Wrestle Tara

— The Wrestling Observer reports that much of Karen Jarrett’s demeaning on-air dialogue designating Velvet Sky as a promiscuous woman is based on how certain TNA Wrestling officials legitimately view the Knockouts Division star.

— Former WWE talent Maria Kanellis is advertised to face Tara in her return to the squared circle on February 25, 2012 for New York City based promotion Family Wrestling Entertainment.

Kanellis tweeted, “I’m so excited. Ive always admired (Tara). She has taught me so much!!”

— Christopher Daniels, D’Angelo Dinero, Doug Williams and SoCal Val filmed an upcoming edition of TNA Spin Cycle Tuesday in Orlando, Florida.

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Final Card For Tonight’s TNA Final Resolution Pay-Per-View

Tonight, Direct Auto Insurance and TNA Wrestling present Final Resolution live on Pay-Per-View and online at from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. Eight matches have been announced for the event.

World Heavyweight Championship 30 Minute Ironman Match
AJ Styles vs. (c) Bobby Roode

Steel Cage Match
“The King Of The Mountain” Jeff Jarrett vs. “The Charismatic Enigma” Jeff Hardy
(Karen Jarrett will be handcuffed to Sting at ringside)

The Olympic Gold Medalist vs. The Cowboy
Kurt Angle vs. “Cowboy” James Storm

Challenge Match
Christopher Daniels vs. Rob Van Dam

Women’s Knockout Championship Match
Mickie James vs. (c) Gail Kim

World Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero and Devon

X Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs Kid Kash

Television Championship Match
Robbie E (c) vs Eric Young

Two New Title Matches Announced For TNA Final Resolution

TNA Wrestling has announced two new title matches for this Sunday’s pay-per-view event, Final Resolution.

Austin Aries will defend the X Division Championship against Kid Kash while Robbie E will defend the TV Championship against Eric Young.

The updated card is as follows:

World Heavyweight Championship 30 Minute Ironman Match
AJ Styles vs. (c) Bobby Roode

Steel Cage Match
“The King Of The Mountain” Jeff Jarrett vs. “The Charismatic Enigma” Jeff Hardy
(Karen Jarrett will be handcuffed to Sting at ringside)

Women’s Knockout Championship Match
Mickie James vs. (c) Gail Kim

World Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero and Devon

X Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs Kid Kash

Television Championship Match
Robbie E (c) vs Eric Young

Preview For Next Week’s Impact – Two Matches Announced

Preview IMPACT WRESTLING Next Thursday 9/8c On SpikeTV

Don’t miss Thursday’s huge IMPACT WRESTLING broadcast on SpikeTV at 9/8c as the road to the December 11 “Final Resolution” Pay-Per-View event continues! Sting returns, Karen Jarrett is angry with the Knockouts, the TV Championship is on the line and much more!

Here is a preview of Thursday’s broadcast:

– The GM “General Menace” Sting makes his return to IMPACT WRESTLING on Thursday night, and he’s on a mission – the inmates no longer run the asylum, because the warden is coming back! According to Sting, first on his list is dealing with World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Roode and his assault on TNA President Dixie Carter, as well as recent attacks on AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy! What does Sting have planned for the World Champ? Tune in and find out as “The Icon” Sting returns!

– Sources say Knockouts VP Karen Jarrett is LIVID over the Knockouts disobeying her orders to show more skin on last week’s broadcast, and Karen is planning some major punishment this Thursday for the ladies of IMPACT WRESTLING! Thus far, Jarrett has ruled the Knockouts with an iron first – but the question is, will the Knockouts continue to play with fire and question her authority? Don’t miss it this Thursday!

– In action on Thursday night, Robbie E defends the Television Championship against Rob Van Dam

– Plus, new #1 Contenders to the Tag Team Championship will be determined on Thursday in a three-way bout: Mexican America vs. Ink Inc vs. Devon & “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero! Which tandem will get the next shot at new titleholders Matt Morgan and Crimson?

All this and much more on Thursday’s huge broadcast, including “The Charismatic Enigma” Jeff Hardy, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, “The King Of The Mountain” Jeff Jarrett, the high-flying X Division Superstars and many more of your favorite IMPACT WRESTLING Superstars!


3-Hour Episode Of Impact Scheduled, Madison Rayne Update

— According to, Impact Wrestling on October 6, 2011 will be a three-hour episode, airing from 9:00 p.m. to midnight.

— Madison Rayne teased on Twitter this afternoon that she will be on hand for next week’s Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando, Florida.

Rayne wrote, “Not this week y’all. fear not though, i’ll be in Fla. next week, tiara in place, new camo perhaps? There’s a new Miss America in town.”

The former Women’s Knockout Champion has not appeared on IMPACT since August 11.

— Christy Hemme, D’Angelo Dinero, Anthony Nese, Zema Ion, Jerry Lynn and Becky Bayless (a/k/a Cookie) have been announced for The Big Event at the Courtyard Marriott 9010 Ditmars Blvd. East Elmhurst, New York on November 11 – 12. Visit for more information.

Preview For Next Week’s Impact Wrestling – Jeff Hardy Returns

Below is the official preview for next week’s episode of Impact Wrestling:

Jeff Hardy returns Thursday on IMPACT WRESTLING At 9/8c on SpikeTV

Don’t miss Thursday’s huge IMPACT WRESTLING broadcast on SpikeTV at 9/8c, featuring the return of Jeff Hardy and a huge World Title match! Can’t watch IMPACT WRESTLING on Thursday night? Make sure to set your DVR to record it so you don’t miss any of the action.

Here is a preview of Thursday’s broadcast:

– Starting this Thursday, it’s two back-to-back weeks of “can’t miss” IMPACT WRESTLING broadcasts on SpikeTV!

– All roads lead to Sting vs. Ric Flair next week (Sept 15), but this Thursday the World Heavyweight Title is on the line in the main event as Kurt Angle defends against Mr. Anderson, who cashes in his rematch clause

– Plus, the “Final Four” superstars in the Bound For Glory Series go face-to-face – who will advance to the main event at Bound For Glory?

– The British Invasion vs. Devon and The Pope to determine the #1 Contenders to the World Tag Team Championship

– Eric Young defends the Television Championship against Robbie E

– And what does Karen Jarrett have planned for the Knockouts Division? Will the new Knockouts Law rule the lovely ladies with an iron first?

Matches Announced For Impact, MVP Takes Shot At TNA, More

— TNA Wrestling has announced that Sting and Kurt Angle will sign the contract for their World Heavyweight Champion Match at Hardcore Justice on this week’s episode of Impact Wrestling. Plus, three Bound For Glory Series matches are scheduled: Samoa Joe vs. “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero; AJ Styles vs. Devon; Scott Steiner and Gunner vs. Rob Van Dam and Crimson.

— MVP, who now competes overseas for New Japan Pro Wrestling after parting ways with World Wrestling Entertainment in December, was asked on Twitter about joining TNA Wrestling should he get homesick.

Taking an apparent shot at the Nashville based organization, he responded, “I could never be THAT homesick!”

— TNA Wrestling has announced live events for Friday, September 23 in Springfield, Illinois and Saturday, September 24 in Hammond, Indiana. Click here for full details.