Posts Tagged ‘Diamond Dallas Page’

DDP Suffers Defeat In Return Match On AEW Bash At The Beach

Although DDP was back in action, he did suffer a loss in a match that aired on a special episode of AEW Dynamite. 

All Elite Wrestling aired Wednesday’s Dynamite episode, themed Bash at the Beach, on TNT in Miami, FL at the Watsco Center.

DDP Suffers Loss In Return

This show saw the legendary pro wrestler team up with Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall to take on MJF and The Butcher & The Blade in an eight-man tag team match. 

As seen on the show, the WWE Hall of Famer didn’t win the contest as the heels went over. He looked great for his age. 

DDP made his promotional debut with AEW back at Double or Nothing last year at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.

He also made an appearance on the October 23, 2019 episode of Dynamite where he helped Cody, Adam Page, and Dustin Rhodes brawl with the Inner Circle in the arena after Jericho interrupted Cody’s promo to build their program heading into Full Gear.

This contest was set up last week when he interrupted a promo by MJF where he was plugging everything from social media to DDP Yoga. After being attacked by MJF, The Butcher and The Blade, QT Marshall and Dustin Rhodes ran out to make the save. 

This was also a way to build up the feud between MJF and Cody Rhodes as Cody is close with DDP, who has been a big supporter of the promotion that launched last year. 

DDP’s previous match came at WWE WrestleMania 32 where he worked the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal that was won by Baron Corbin. 

Obviously, this was special for DDP as he had a great career in WCW, which used the Bash at the Beach theme. This appears to be a one and done for the WWE Hall of Famer in regards to him as an in-ring talent. 

DDP Opens Up About His Relationship With AEW, Cody Rhodes

DDP Set To Present The Dynamite Diamond Ring This Week On AEW: Dynamite

WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page (DDP) will be on hand for this Wednesday night’s episode of AEW: Dynamite. DDP will present the Dynamite Diamond Ring to the winner of Maxwell Jacob Friedman (MJF) versus “Hangman” Adam Page. MJF and Page were the last two wrestlers in last week’s Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal. This earned them the opportunity at the ring.

Despite not officially being a part of the All Elite roster, DDP has made frequent appearances for the promotion. He is often associated with or accompanying Cody Rhodes. DDP recently explained his working relationship to AEW, stressing how he is happy at the current opportunities available to wrestlers across the industry.

“I’m happy for all the guys,” DDP stated. “It’s a great way, great to have more guys be a part and someone like Cody Rhodes to be at the helm of this thing. I don’t charge them anything. I don’t have a contract with AEW. I don’t.”

He has confessed that, despite feeling physically great, he doesn’t want to risk injury or to set himself back due to a physical appearance at one of their shows. Because of this, he doesn’t believe another match is on the horizon for him. He did add, however, that he has plenty of Diamond Cutters left in him.

DDP Opens Up About His Relationship With AEW, Cody Rhodes

WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page (DDP) has appeared sporadically on All Elite Wrestling (AEW). In previous events, DDP has been seen accompanying and helping Cody Rhodes. In an interview with SportsKeeda, DDP addressed his relationship with the promotion and AEW Executive Vice President, Cody.

“I’m happy for all the guys,” DDP stated. “It’s a great way, great to have more guys be a part and someone like Cody Rhodes to be at the helm of this thing. I don’t charge them anything. I don’t have a contract with AEW. I don’t.”

Because of this, he explained how if WWE were to call him with a request or idea, he would be open to the discussion.

“I haven’t heard from them since I’ve done stuff from with AEW but I would do something for WWE tomorrow. I would if they asked me to do something because I’m not a contracted player, I’m doing stuff for Cody Rhodes because he’s like a nephew to me. Without him, without his dad, I wouldn’t have had the career I had.”

Turning his attention to Cody’s ambitions and accomplishments with AEW, DDP shared how he would do “anything he wants” because of his belief in Cody.

“I believe in what Cody is doing, I will do anything he wants. I’m super proud of him. I think he’s done an unbelievable job. You can’t watch enough wrestling, I guess. What they are offering is just different. It’s going to be a fun ride to watch, that’s all I know.”

Cody recently lost to AEW World Champion Chris Jericho at AEW’s recent pay-per-view, Full Gear. This came about after his former friend MJF threw in the towel, ending the match.

DDP Discusses Not Being Featured On Raw Reunion Because Of His AEW Appearances

The recent reunion special of WWE Raw featured many legends but one name which was missing from the show was DDP and the wrestling legend recently revealed that the reason for it is his association with AEW.

The former WCW star recently had an interview with WrestlingInc where he discussed things such as his DDP yoga program, his recent AEW appearances and more.

Discussing the reunion special of the Red Branded Show, the former World Champion recalled not being called up for the episode and talking to the Performance Center head coach Matt Bloom about it:

“When they didn’t put me on the Legends show [RAW Reunion]…every single Legend and Hall of Famer there, I guess I was getting, ‘ok, we’re not using you anymore D.’ I called down to the PC and talked to Matt Bloom and he said, ‘Listen D. You’re working with those guys now. We’re not gonna have you down here.’ I said ok and thanks for letting me know,”

Though DDP went on to say that WWE has been very great to him. He claimed that he is grateful for his Hall Of Fame induction and the Royal Rumble appearance and he loves all the guys there.

Apart from this DDP also confirmed that he is not under any kind of contract with AEW and discussed a possible in-ring return. You can check out his comments about possibly returning to action in future at this link.

DDP On Potentially Wrestling Again After AEW Dynamite Appearance

WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page aka DDP made an appearance on the WINCLY podcast where he spoke about a wide range of topics. 

During the interview, he talked about his appearance on last week’s episode of AEW Dynamite and whether fans may see him wrestle one more match.

“I’ve gotta say no, truthfully, and I’m not working you. My body feels too good that I don’t wanna screw anything up. I didn’t understand it because I was 51, 52 and felt like I could run through a brick wall. At 63 I kinda understand.”

DDP stated that while he doesn’t see himself wrestling another match, he’ll be more than willing to give out some Diamond Cutters as he has plenty of those left in him. He stated that he won’t wrestle and would say to it right now before joking that he would have to get paid to take any kind of bumps. 

DDP continued by stating that if Cody Rhodes needs him to do something, then he’ll do it but wants the younger talents to do their thing. 

“These are the superstars where if I can help them get any cred – I did it back in the TNA days when they brought back me and Scott and Kev – that’s what got them on Spike. These guys are already on TNT.”

DDP Believes AEW Could End Up Helping WWE’s Ratings

DDP made his promotional debut with AEW back at Double or Nothing earlier this year. 

His most recent appearance came on last Wednesday’s Dynamite where he helped Cody, Adam Page, and Dustin Rhodes brawl with the Inner Circle in the arena after Jericho interrupted Cody’s promo to build their program heading into Full Gear.

Diamond Dallas Page Comments On Wednesday Night Wars

Diamond Dallas Page has shared his thoughts on the impending Wednesday Night Wars between WWE’s NXT and All Elite Wrestling’s show on TNT.

The former WCW World Heavyweight Champion recently told the Atlanta Journal Constitution that everybody wants war:

“Hell yeah, everybody always wants war. We don’t want anybody to get killed, but they want war,” he said. “When there’s no competition, things (and) fans get dull. When wrestling really works is when you blur the lines and reality — you don’t know what is reality.”

Despite not being officially signed to All Elite Wrestling, DDP has cameoed for the promotion a number of times. He accompanied Cody Rhodes to the ring during AEW’s All In show, where Cody faced off against NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion, Nick Aldis. 

DDP also accompanied Cody to the ring at Double or Nothing and during AEW’s recent All Out event. He joined Brandi Rhodes and MJF in Star Trek outfits, alongside Pharaoh. Cody would end up selecting MJF to second him for his matchup against Shawn Spears. Cody would emerge victorious in his grudge match against Spears.

NXT debuts on USA Network on September 18th. Two weeks later on October 2nd, AEW will air the first episode of their television show on TNT.

NBA’s Enes Kanter Takes Part In Wrestling Training With DDP (Video)

NBA star Enes Kanter has shown interest in pro wrestling and took his training a bit further. He did so when he trained with WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page.

The Score has released this video of Kanter spending time at Diamond’s facility in Atlanta training to fully learn all aspects that go into becoming a professional wrestler.

Kanter has always had a fascination with wrestling and the WWE. In the video with The Score, Enes tries his hand at the art of professional wrestling with the help of the wrestling icon.

He also took part in DDP Yoga which has been highly praised by not only fans but also wrestlers including WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley and All Elite Wrestling star Chris Jericho.

You can check it out here: 

NBA’s Enes Kanter Shares Training Footage, Expresses Interest In WWE

This isn’t the first time that the former center of the Portland Trailblazers expressed interest in making a transition to the squared circle from the basketball court.

Earlier this year, the 6-foot-11 center took to his official Twitter account where he showed off a video of skills as a pro wrestler while training. He might just have a future in wrestling once he’s done in the NBA.

DDP Believes AEW Could End Up Helping WWE’s Ratings

WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page recently spoke to Wrestling Inc. about AEW’s arrival and WWE’s current product.

On Wednesday, it was officially announced that AEW would air a weekly TV show on TNT later this year. With such a move on a big-time TV network, which is the same that WCW aired on, many fans are excited about the possibility of such a move will bring to the pro wrestling business.

DDP brought up how when WCW went against WWE they didn’t split the rating WWE was getting. Instead of dividing the wrestling community, they increased viewership and both companies benefited.

“The WCW fans came over too and they just kept increasing the ratings. I think what’s happening all around with wrestling is gonna help the business.”

DDP was also asked if WWE will get a rub from AEW arriving on the scene with their ratings, which have been declining for several months now.

“I don’t know because WWE is the juggernaut. But AEW is doing something completely different,” said Page. “WWE is rated G and is for families. [AEW] is not aiming for that, they are aiming for an older market, really…

“Cody’s like my nephew, but I think it’s great for wrestling in general and it’s definitely great for wrestlers. In sports entertainment, when there is one dominant force and nothing else, you don’t have to work as hard. Coke and Pepsi exploded because they were going against each other. Competition makes things better and I’m excited for the boys.”

Chris Jericho Jokes About Vince McMahon’s Banned Words In WWE

One of WWE’s worst kept secrets is the fact that Vince McMahon enjoys control. It’s an incontrovertible truth that has been apparent for decades. His thirst for maintaining that control over the WWE Universe extends to the very language that is permitted by his roster and on-air talent.

Catching up with his friend “Diamond” Dallas Page on his podcast, Talk Is Jericho, Chris Jericho shared a number of terms currently banned within WWE.

The conversation was sparked after Jericho accidentally referred to DDP’s fitness programme, DDPY, as “yoga.” This prompted Page to correct him. That then caused Jericho to remark that DDP sounded like Vince McMahon and his list of banned words.

Common terms, once accepted, are taboo as far as Vince is concerned.

Jericho explained further, using championships as an example: “‘Hey Vince, I don’t know if I should lose the belt. [Puts On Vince McMahon Impression] ‘The what?’ ‘Sorry, the title,’” Jericho joked.

Trying to justify Vince’s logic — the “Vince verbiage” — Jericho added, “You couldn’t say ‘belt’ because a belt is what you use to hold up your pants.”

As far as WWE’s fanbase goes, they aren’t ‘fans,’ per se. Instead, they must always be referred to (by all on-air talent) as the ‘WWE Universe.’

“You couldn’t say ‘fans’ because it’s the ‘WWE Universe’ — and never say ‘marks’ because [Puts On Vince McMahon Impression] ‘They’re not marks, they’re our fans!’”

What do you make of Vince’s banned words? Does it make for a unique product or is it totally unnecessary?

Diamond Dallas Page Comments On David Arquette’s Return To Wrestling

In 2018, David Arquette is a legitimate professional independent wrestler. He’s been competing on episodes of Championship Wrestling From Hollywood and traveling to different territories.

The night after All In, he teamed with RJ City and defeated James Ellsworth and Frank the Clown at WW2 in Chicago. At 47 years of age, he’s actually doing it. TMZ reporters recently caught up with Arquette’s “Ready 2 Rumble” co-star Diamond Dallas Page. The DDPY founder says he gave Arquette some advice before he hit the indy scene.

Diamond Dallas Page On David Arquette

“He came to me, he talked to me about this. He wanted to get at least some respect back so I was like ‘dude, go pay your dues,'” DDP said. “I got him doing my DDP yoga program cause ‘you’re going to need it you’re going to be so beat up!'”

“You want to get respect from our fans?” Page continued. “You gotta put the work in.”

Arquette recently competed in Border City Wrestling for Scott D’Amore’s promotion. The show will debut on the Global Wrestling Network next month.

Page also commented on the decision to make Arquette World Champion in WCW.

“It was stupid to do that (WCW making Arquette World Champ) but the fans reacted in a way where they were friggin furious,” DDP told TMZ. “David [] loves professional wrestling and he gets vilified over the last 20 years, it just never stops because they put the World Title on him. I don’t want to spoil this for anybody but wrestling, sports entertainment, is ‘pre-determined.’ The bottom line is it was a storyline and the fans who were really mad there’s not one of them – if they were given the opportunity – who wouldn’t have done it!”

Arquette donated all of his earnings from his original WCW run to the families of Owen Hart and Brian Pillman.

Edge Pulled From SmackDown 1000?, Former WCW Heavyweight Champions On Table For 3

– Following this week’s episode of SmackDown LIVE, announced that Edge would return to host a special edition of “The Cutting Edge” next Tuesday as part of SmackDown’s 1000th episode. It’s quite possible that the WWE Hall of Famer’s appearance has already been nixed since is no longer advertising the talk show segment as taking place. The announcement now redirects to the “Shows” page.

Edge is not otherwise advertised for SmackDown 1000 by or the official website of the Capital One Arena. posted their preview for the show tonight and there’s no mention of Edge.

Here is’s original announcement:

“The Rated-R Superstar is coming home.

“Edge is returning to host a special edition of his talk show “The Cutting Edge” next Tuesday as part of SmackDown’s historic 1000th episode.

“The WWE Hall of Famer was responsible for many of the blue brand’s greatest moments, whether it was stepping up as one of the SmackDown’s premiere Superstars after the initial brand split in 2002, his unforgettable Money in the Bank cash-in on The Undertaker or running roughshod over SmackDown with General Manager Vickie Guerrero in his corner.

“What will he have to say? Find out when “The Cutting Edge” returns during SmackDown 1000, next Tuesday at 8/7 C on USA Network!”

– A new episode of Table for 3 featuring Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page, and Big Show will air this Monday night on the WWE Network immediately following Raw. The former WCW World Heavyweight Champions share untold tales and their most memorable moments from WCW Monday Nitro. Here is the synopsis:

“Legendary WCW ‘Big Boys’ Kevin Nash, DDP, and Big Show gather to share untold tales and their most memorable moments from WCW Monday Nitro!”

DDP On Appearing At All In For Free

WWE Hall Of Famer Diamond Dallas Page was recently interviewed by WSVN-TV Entertainment Reporter Chris Van Vliet.

“DDP” was asked about his appearance at last week’s All In pay-per-view (PPV) event. Page was ringside for Cody’s NWA World Title win against Nick Aldis. He explained how the late Dusty Rhodes played a major role in the bout:

“Dusty used to always tell me ‘I got five friends D and every time I count them, you are one of them’ and that meant a lot to me.

“So when he passed, Cody called me and said Dusty, because he always calls him Dusty and not pops, he said ‘Dusty told me right before he passed that he had five friends and you’re on that list’.

“I appreciated that because I had heard it, but hearing it from him took it to a different level. So fast forward a year a half later and he’s putting together ALL IN, he really loved that five friends thing.

“And three guys who couldn’t have been any closer besides me were Ray Lloyd who is Glacier and Tommy Dreamer. He of course threw in his brother-in-law Kevin who he loves dearly and his father-in-law Otis and of course his dog Pharaoh.

“It was like super special and it was super emotional. We were all looking at each other trying not to cry.”

Appearing At All In For Free

Page then talked about how Cody convinced him to hit a Diamond Cutter during the show. He also revealed he didn’t charge Cody and The Young Bucks a dime for his appearance:

“When I first heard Cody was doing ALL IN, I told him you know I don’t do Diamond Cutters anymore. I mean, if WWE calls me I’ll f*cking do a Diamond Cutter, but not for an independent wrestling company.

“I’ve been offered $10,000. I’m not hitting that mat anymore. But for Cody, I told him if you need me for anything, I said I’m there and I wouldn’t charge him nothing. I’m sure plenty of people got paid a lot of money to be there, I took nothing and I won’t take nothing from him.”

DDP On What Cody Shared With Him After Dusty Rhodes’ Passing

WWE Hall Of Famer Diamond Dallas Page was recently interviewed by Wrestling Inc. to talk about several professional wrestling topics.

During the conversation, Page opened up about his relationship with the Rhodes family. In particular, “DDP” talked about how long he has known Ring Of Honor (ROH) and New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) star Cody Rhodes:

“I’ve known Cody since he was ten. Without Dusty Rhodes there is no Diamond Dallas Page, he took me under his wing and believed in me when nobody did, nobody. …

“Back then, I used to always call [Cody], ‘young buck.’ I’ve never really told this story until this week, because I’ve been saving it, because of the Young Bucks and how amazing they are.”

Advice For A “Young Buck”

Page then shared some advice he once gave to a young Cody Rhodes, who he used to call “young buck”:

“I went, ‘Woah, well, slow down young buck. I think I was a three-time world champion at one time.’ He was like ‘No! Come on, man!’ and I was just busting his chops.

“I said, ‘Listen, young buck, the deal is you’ve got to keep your feet on the ground because you got a whole big sign on your back. You got a big bulls-eye on that and you gotta keep your feet on the ground, but keep reaching for the stars, bro.”

Finally, Page shared the emotional message that Cody gave him shortly after the passing of Dusty Rhodes:

“When he passed, Cody had called me and he said, ‘Listen man, you know Dusty would always say he has five friends and I just want you to know right before he passed, he told me that again.’

“He said some guys were off and on the list, but Dallas was always on that list. And for him to tell me that – even though I had heard that from Dream – it was super special.”

DDP On Ronda Rousey’s Push, WWE’s New TV Deals

WWE Hall Of Famer Diamond Dallas Page recently talked to CBS Washington DC where he discussed WWE’s new TV deals, Ronda Rousey getting a significant push early on in her WWE career. Below are some highlights from the interview:

DDP on Ronda Rousey getting WWE Raw Women’s Championship opportunity:

I think that would be like asking whether you’re a Republican or Democrat. You’re gonna have people say, ‘She’s who she is and she should get it.’ And other people are gonna go, ‘No, she didn’t earn it, she didn’t deserve it.’ But a lot people don’t understand all the work she put in to get to where she is today. So bottom line is, she’d be one of the highest paid people there. And she’s one of the highest paid people there because she draws and people are tuning in.

My opinion is, I think she’s gonna draw. I haven’t been watching enough to see her work, but I know what she did at WrestleMania and she killed it. So I think the girls are so good today. One of the things when you’re a great worker like a lot of these young ladies today, from Bailey to The Boss Sasha Banks. Charlotte’s one of the best athletes in the company. When they get there and they realize you’re in a feud with Ronda Rousey, guess what, you just got mainstream attention.

That’s gonna hold on for a while. Because I would never even push Ronda out of maybe doing a comeback [in UFC]. And guess what. She’s still a draw. She wouldn’t come back and go right against the champion, but she’d go out there and everybody would want to tune in. So don’t discount that either.”

On new TV deals acquired by WWE:

“Wrestling is cyclical. And if you look at the 80s, it had an unbelievable run and then it just fell down. 90s had the biggest run ever, because of the Monday Night Wars. People would say, ‘Do you think you’ll ever see that again?’ I say to them, ‘You’ll never see it like that again.’ See Vince [McMahon] has mainstreamed the television. And he’s the taken the wrestle and over the last 20 years made him a superstar not a wrestler. And the biggest star in the world is who? Is The Rock. Then out of wrestling the next guy would be John Cena. And then maybe Dave Bautista, because what he did in the wrestling world, but what he’s doing in Hollywood. He is an A List actor, now so is John.

You’re gonna see a lot of guys come out of that. You’re gonna see The Miz come out at some point and have a hell of a film career. Cody Rhodes just got five episodes coming up on The Arrow. He’s mainstreamed the boys, and the girls. Because it’s not like these crazy ratings that they had. We had better ratings than they had back in the day. But it’s more mainstream audience, so it’s a way more valuable audience.

So no, I’m not surprised at all. I’m super happy because they’re getting these kind of money numbers from the television and they own the network, the WWE Network. So owning your own channel on a spot where you’ve got it 24/7 and we’re talking about creating your own channel. Just like I did with DDP Yoga. My DDP Yoga channel with my DDPY workouts, it’s my own channel. And I’m constantly putting money into making it better. I’m like over $2 million into my DDP Yoga Now App, which is insane. And no one, and that’s including Beach Body or anybody else is doing it the way we’re doing it.”

Why DDP Was At RAW, Finn Balor Praises Seth Rollins & Slams Miz

– WWE Hall Of Famer Diamond Dallas Page was backstage for last night’s episode of Monday Night RAW from Phoenix, Arizona. He arrived to the RAW arena around the time Main Event tapings began. PWInsider is reporting that the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion was filming material for upcoming WWE projects. This includes filming for the upcoming “Unreleased Matches” DVD on “The Macho Man” Randy Savage which comes out later this year.

– Following last night’s Seven-Man Gauntlet match on Monday Night RAW, Finn Balor took to Twitter to heap some praise on Seth Rollins and take shots at WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz:

Why Tyler Bate Has Backstage Heat In WWE, DDP Corrects TMZ Story Regarding Jay Z Trademark

– It seems like Tyler Bate could have some backstage heat within WWE. Dave Meltzer of Wrestling Observer Radio had this to say about Bate’s current status with the company:

“Tyler Bate lost 4 matches this week. He went 0 and 4. He went from being the big guy that they were grooming for the UK for the future and he has fallen out of favor.” He continued, “He lost the title to Pete Dunne [and] there was a situation where they had a tour.

“They, at the last minute, wanted to book him on a main roster tour I think. This was a long time ago but this was right before they put Pete Dunne over him. They called [Bate] late and he had made other plans and that’s what happened.”

TMZ recently published a story about Jay Z applying to trademark the diamond hand signal for “a variety of entertainment services in either music, video, TV or film.” It also referenced a lawsuit that Diamond Dallas Page filed against Jay Z back in 2005 that was settled out of court. The article also noted “it doesn’t look like DDP ever trademarked it for himself.” DDP took to Twitter to correct TMZ on that matter:

Diamond Dallas Page Reveals His Mt. Rushmore Of Wrestling

Wrestling Legend Diamond Dallas Page was recently a guest on Ring Rust Radio, where he talked about a number of topics and also revealed his Mt. Rushmore of wrestling. Below are some highlights from his latest interview:

His DDP Yoga app:

“We have been working on the app for years and we are finally at the spot where we can promote it and let people know about it. A lot of people still invest in our DVDs, but eventually just like the 8-track and VHS, they are going to be gone. I have been preparing for that day with the DDP Yoga app. The app really has every workout I have ever done plus all the new workouts just for the app. They range from kids workouts, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. We also have the new DDPY Rebuild and that’s really for people 55+ or people with limited mobility. If you have problems getting out of bed, or you are chair bound, I have workouts for that to help you out. So we now have workouts from kids to older adults to athletes and even veteran athletes.”

Whether he can pull off one more wrestling match if asked by WWE:

“I know I could, but how would I be at the end of the match? Risk and reward, it wouldn’t be worth the punishment. The reason why Vince put me in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal; There was still 12 legends that could go like myself and Tatanka. So a few days before my 60th birthday, it was a real honor to get asked to do this. You have guys like Ric Flair and Dory Funk who could do this kind of work in their 60’s and maybe a couple of other guys, but it’s a very small handful of guys that could. For me, I know I can do it, but I would feel so beat up afterwards that it wouldn’t be worth it for me. Anytime I can go out and hit a diamond cutter I’ll take it. Cody sent me a text when he found out, and he told me it was so apropos that he would be the first to take the cutter. That kid is doing great right now with ROH and New Japan. I have known his since he was seven years old. I would still do that and go out there and hit the cutter out of nowhere. People would jump all over it. I have a picture at WrestleMania where I took a picture of three levels of fans doing the diamond cutter sign in that Dallas stadium. 80% of them were standing there putting up the diamond cutter sign. It was very humbling and all so cool.”

His Mt. Rushmore of wrestling:

“For me personally, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Jake Roberts, and Vince McMahon. I would abso-f–king-loutley put myself on there is I could, Vince would be gone. Dusty and I would sit around and talk about Vince. We considered him the best heel/babyface in the business ever. When he is face you love him, and when he is heel you hate him. He is the worker’s worker. We used to laugh about some of the stuff he would do and I think Bischoff should go in the Hall of Fame. I would love to induct him but it would probably be Jason Hervey or someone else. I would love to induct him because I have so many good stories about him. Eric brought the best out of Vince.”

Quotes via WrestlingInc. You can check out the full interview of DDP below:

IMPACT Closes Nashville Offices, DDP’s Letter To His Younger Self

– The changes continue to roll in for IMPACT Wrestling, as several talents and managerial figures have parted ways with the company. reports that IMPACT has also closed down their Nashville offices after having their last day on Thursday. IMPACT has been based out of Nashville since its inception back in 2002. It will now reportedly be based out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, which is the home of their parent company Anthem Sports.

– WWE Hall Of Famer Diamond Dallas Page recently wrote a piece for Player’s Tribune entitled “Letter To My Younger Self.” The highlights can be read below:

“Wrestling, man,” you tell Smokey. “I tried it when I was 22.”

“Seriously?” Smokey will say. “You’re kidding. What was your name?”


“Nah, bro, totally serious. I was ‘Handsome’ Dallas Page.”

Wheeew, well, you could never use that gimmick today,” Smokey will shoot back, and of course everyone will laugh their asses off — before going back to counting up money and drinking. But you … you’ll be in too deep now, kid. Now those wrestling thoughts will be in your head, and there’ll be no getting away from them. So while everyone else is focusing on their cash and booze (I think it was Goldschläger shots that night), you’ll start doodling in this blotter pad that you have in front of you — just sort of in your own world. They won’t even notice.

“That is, until you pop your head up, and — like no less than a fucking bolt of lightning just hit you — say the three words that will change your life forever.

“Diamond Dallas Page.”

“Huh?” They’re confused. But you barely even notice — you’re on a roll now.

“I mean, I’m 31 — I’m too old to be a wrestler now. But you know what I could be? A manager. What if my name was Diamond Dallas Page!” And whether it’s the idea itself or just the fact that everyone is hammered at that point, you’ll never know … but the entire room seems to love it. So you’ll toast more shots — and now you’re really off and running.

“You know how Jimmy Hart has the Hart Foundation? Well, O.K., what if I had … the Diamond Exchange?” More cheers, more shots.

“And what if I had a whole entourage full of hot — I’m talking smoking hot — ladies, and I called them … the Diamond Dolls?” More cheers, more shots.

“Oh that’ll be a stretch,” Smokey says, and everyone laughs.

“By now half the room is passed out drunk — and to be honest, you might’ve sworn that the entire night was a passed-out dream yourself. That is … if you didn’t happen to wake up with your face stuck to a notepad — the very same notepad where you had written it all down.

“The Diamond Dolls. The Diamond Exchange.

“Diamond. Dallas. Page.

“Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”

Update On Plans For WrestleMania 34 Main Event, DDP Yoga’s New Commercial (Video)

– Some speculation has seemed to have emerged after Roman Reigns’ recent defeat of The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship, leading some to believe that he may no longer be taking on Brock Lesnar in the main event of WrestleMania 34. This is not the case, per a report from Dave Meltzer of Wrestling Observer Radio, who notes that plans have not yet changed.

As of last week Reigns is still scheduled to challenge Lesnar for the Universal Title, but it’s unknown if he will go into “The Show Of Shows” as Intercontinental Champion. It’s expected that “The Big Dog” will drop his title before then.

– WWE Hall Of Famer Diamond Dallas Page has released a commercial for his new DDP Yoga Rebuild DVDs. You can check it out here below:

DDP Talks Suffering An Injury After Signing A Seven-Figure Contract In WCW

WWE Hall Of Famer Diamond Dallas Page recently spoke to the Atlanta Business Chronicle on a number of professional wrestling topics. DDP talked about suffering an injury after signing a seven-figure contract with WCW, his goal for DDP Yoga within the next four years, and who was the first WWE Superstar to use the DDP Yoga program. Here are the highlights:

Suffering an injury in WCW after signing a seven-figure contract:

“I started wrestling when I was 35, but my career didn’t take off until I was 40. When you look at me in the beginning of ’96 and at the end of ’96, I’m two different people. When my career took off like a rocket in ’97 – me against the nWo and Randy Savage – I wasn’t just a top guy, I was the top guy and then in ’98, I blew my back out. [$250,000 is] a lot of money in the real world, but for being on-top of the wrestling world, that sucks. I had just gotten that 3-year, multi-million dollar deal and that’s when I blew my back out.”

What his goal for DDP Yoga is within the next four years:

“I did what WWE did with the network, but I did it with fitness. Now, my goal is to be a $100 million company before I’m 65.”

Who was the first WWE Superstar to use DDP Yoga:

“I had just done the WWE: The Very Best of WCW Monday Nitro and while I was there I was shooting behind the scenes with Shawn Michaels, who was the first guy ever to do my program, which, along with his surgery, helped him get back in the ring. [Michaels] told me, ‘Jericho is hurting and I told him to call you.'”

You can read Page’s interview with the Atlanta Business Chronicle by clicking this link here.

Diamond Dallas Page On Rumours Of Having Heat With The Undertaker

One of the most controversial storylines during the WWE Invasion angle was the feud between The Undertaker and Diamond Dallas Page based on a story that DDP was the stalker of Taker’s wife Sara.

However, this feud didn’t last long and at the time it was rumored that Page had real life heat with Undertaker. It was also said that The Dead Man was responsible for their feud to be cut short and DDP’s push to be halted.

Although during his recent interview with The Irish Sun, the WWE Hall Of Famer denied these rumors and claimed that he never had any real heat with the Last Outlaw:

“I never had any real heat with ‘Taker, It wasn’t like we didn’t like each other. But our styles didn’t really mix. I knew Mark from WCW before he was ever ‘Taker. And I always liked him.”

Continuing on the topic, Dallas also revealed that The Former World Champion also recently complimented him for his work with DDP Yoga:

“Today Taker and I are tight, He came up to me after he saw The Resurrection of Jake the Snake and said, ‘Dude, what you’re doing for the business and people, in general, is super special.'”

Apart from this, Diamond Dallas Page also commented on his early days in WWE and more.

DDP Talks About Being Inducted Into The WWE Hall Of Fame, His Run In WCW, More

WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page recently spoke with The Mirror about various topics. Here are the highlights:

Being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame:

“It was super powerful. When I gave the phone back to the producer he said ‘what do you think?’ I said ‘what do I think?’ I wish you were f*****g filming him man. What he was saying was amazing’ and he was like ‘oh yeah, we got it’. I said ‘you got what he was saying?’ and he said ‘this is the end of your biopic’. I go ‘oh dude, that’s awesome’, because I had no idea that’s why they put me on the phone with him. I had rung him beforehand. Most people don’t know it was October when he called me and I’d never heard of anybody in the business finding out about going in the Hall of Fame before January. I thought Paul was calling me back. I couldn’t remember what the hell I had wanted to call him about, that’s what I was focusing on. I was like ‘wait a minute, he’s really putting me over’, then the producer said ‘we’ve been trying to find a way to do this, to get the real emotion of the boys when they find out. To do that, we have to stick a camera in their face and then they would know’. He said Paul told him: ‘we’re making the phone call to Dally today’. That was a last minute call by Paul Levesque because he said it just felt right. I’m so happy that can be the ending because it was amazing. Eric Bischoff’s introduction was amazing too.”

Becoming a top star in WCW:

“It’s crazy man. To be in that spot… the best thing that ever happened to me was Sting was going up in the rafters. Now Sting could come down and be the guy, the only guy who really ever saved me. For the guys who have gone in from WCW, of course there is the Four Horsemen, the entire group and of course Naitch going in again by himself. That’s WCW through and through. Of course there is Dusty Rhodes, but he also wrestled in WWE and was already a Hall of Famer. He was at the same level Superstar Billy Graham was, but then The Fabulous Freebirds and Sting, Booker T, even though he was part of us, he had a hell of a run in WWE. But if you really look at it, those and me, to be a part of that group of guys, that means so much. Lex [Luger] deserves to be in there, he deserves his shot and I really hope he gets to be a Hall of Famer and you know of course there are a few other guys too, but that WCW group, is a small group man.”

You can read the entire interview here.

Diamond Dallas Page Explains Why Vader Is Upset With Him

WWE Hall Of Famer Diamond Dallas Page recently did an interview with Wrestle List to talk about a variety of professional wrestling topics. Page discussed the health of professional wrestlers, his relationship with Terry Funk, and Vader being upset with him. You can check out the highlights from the interview here:

The health of professional wrestlers:

“You have to remember, no-one even iced their knees or their back or their shoulders. No-one iced their body in professional wrestling before me. I did it because I was 35, 36, 37. I was already what would have been considered an old timer. I did chiropractic, I did deep muscle massage therapy, so I was already doing all that stuff before. And I stretched!

“I stretched my whole career – it didn’t save me when I blew my back and and of course, that’s where the whole things of DDP Yoga comes from. There’s probably about 40 wrestlers who do the DDPY program in WWE and God, I don’t know how many independent wrestlers.”

His relationship with Terry Funk:

“I just sent Terry Funk the program, because I know he’s talking about getting back into the ring for one time at 73 years young. I love Terry to death so I said, “Terry if I send you this will you take a look and try it?” Terry was an amazing athlete at one time, so he’s done a lot of stuff. He’s never tried this before but I said Jerry Briscoe loves it bro, and said it gave him his life back. I hope it helps him. If I had a relationship with them, I think it could’ve helped a lot of the guys, but it took a long time. DDP Yoga is a 10-year overnight success, which means it took me 10 years to get anybody to give a s–t.”

Recent spat with Vader:

“I love Vader, but he got his feelings hurt because I said “Leon I really need you to live here in Atlanta. I need you to take off wrestling for a while,” and financially he just couldn’t swing it. And he got kind of mad at me, and I said “Leon I can’t really help you,” and I didn’t mean it like “I won’t help you.”

“A lot of the guys need that hands-on thing until they understand the DVDs and the App. Because I’m married now I can’t move any of the guys in, I can have them for a couple of days or whatever, but I just want them to come and move to Atlanta. I understand this business, it’s tough, but I just didn’t want him to think I didn’t want to help him because that’s absurd! (Laughter)”

You can read Diamond Dallas Page’s full interview with Wrestle List by visiting this link.

Vader “Real F–king Mad” At Diamond Dallas Page, DDP Responds

Former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Vader recently took to Twitter to comment on an issue with WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page. Page had reportedly reached out to Vader for him to come start working out at the DDP Yoga Training Center, but Vader isn’t happy with one of Page’s conditions.

That condition is that DDP wants Vader to stop wrestling in order to heal, but Vader says he must continue to pay the bills. Vader wrote on Twitter that he feels Page’s stipulation is “bulls–t” and that he’s “real f–king mad.”

Dallas gave a comment to Raj Giri of that he is willing to help Vader, but it would be next to impossible for his program to be effective if Vader continues to do Vader Bombs.

“I can’t heal you with the program if you’re constantly continuing to beat up your body wrestling, the program wouldn’t have helped Jake [Roberts] or anyone else,” Page said. “I worked with Leon and he’s really beat up from all the years of football and wrestling. […] Anybody who knows me at all knows I would never turn anyone down to work with them at my PC, especially one of the boys. Leon just needs to return my call.”

Page currently operates the DDP Yoga Performance Center in Smyrna, Georgia.

WWE Hall of Fame Backstage Videos w/ Jim Cornette, DDP, Teddy Long & Eric Bischoff

Jim Cornette is ready to induct The Rock’n’ Roll Express into the Hall of Fame

Diamond Dallas Page feel unstoppable before the Hall of Fame ceremony:

Teddy Long is speechless before being inducted into the the WWE Hall of Fame:

Eric Bischoff is happy to share in Diamond Dallas Page’s big Night: