Tag: Ethan Carter III

  • TNA Heavyweight Champion Ethan Carter III On WWE, Influences, And More

    Current TNA World Heavyweight Champion Ethan Carter III, also known as EC3 featured on The Chad Dukes Wrestling Show where he spoke about winning the title from Kurt Angle.

    EC3 also spoke about influences on his character, his release from the WWE and the challenges you can face when you work so much televised wrestling.

    On the influences for his character E3C explained:

    Like a Stone Cold, a Rock, a Kurt Angle, a John Cena were guys that can, they are entertaining and they can entertain you and they can make you laugh a little bit, but they’re not comedy. They’re not out there pulling a sock out of their junk, they’re not with a little Anaconda thing doing finger pokes of doom. They’re entertaining and being entertaining and endears you to the fans to either love you or love to hate you. As opposed to being, you know, our business is kind of ridiculous in a sense that when you take it uberly seriously, right off the bat, I think that it’s hard, at least from my perception, it’s hard to endear to a character when it’s too dry. I think there needs to be different levels of entertaining but to be able to be serious is also important especially when you’re in a main angle or main guy because comedy can only get you so far, where an entertaining personality who takes this business very seriously is what makes money.”

    On his release from WWE and heading to TNA, EC3 said:

    “I always look at that Stone Cold mentality. Steve Austin, Stunning Steve over in WCW was always a good hand, but he just never breaks through, whether it was on him or was on to someone not seeing it in him. He kind of had a rough deal on his exit. Wasn’t he fired via FedEx or something just ridiculous like that while he was injured? Kind of a similar mindset that I had and experienced. You take that motivation, even though he was a guy that’s probably incredibly motivated as it was, much like I was, to come out there and be like, ‘you know what, the only thing left to do is shove it up their ass and show you what I can do.’”

    To check out the full interview with EC3 on The Chad Dukes Wrestling Show then you can do so by clicking this link.

  • TNA Impact Wrestling Results – July 8, 2015

    Thanks to F4WOnline.com for the following report …

    We get a long recap of the EC3-Angle match from last week, with new camera angles. EC3 is shown holding the belt up last week, and comes out with it now. Josh hypes up a new day for TNA, but sadly didn’t use clap therapy for it. EC3 says he’s unbeaten and the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Tyrus holds the belt up for him and EC3 says that Dixie’s returning and has put him in charge tonight. He’s booked a heck of a card and will defend his title EC3-times tonight!

    Matt Hardy comes down and wants a title match. He asks for a Twitter campaign here on this taped show. EC3 asks Tyrus if he likes the idea of #mattforchamp, and Tyrus disagrees while a giant “yes” chant breaks out. EC3 declines and Matt guarantees an ass-kicking anyway. EC3 points out that he’s running the show and mocks Matt for being a new dad and sings “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag”. The Dirty Heels come down and we get a brief recap of the Wolves beating them.

    Matt Hardy vs. The Dirty Heels

    EC3 comes down for commentary and hypes up a slobberknocker. Pope asks why the dinosaur is here and EC3 buries Pope for not following him on Twitter. Josh buries Pope for preventing him from talking to EC3. Aries runs wild with kicks and face rakes while Pope buries EC3 for making this unfair match. Matt gets the Ice Pick, which you’d never know because Josh is too busy talking about EC3’s mic not working. Hardy gets the Ice Pick once again, now on Aries. Pope gives EC3 his headset and Matt gets some clotheslines and a bulldog/dropkick to both guys. Matt does his goofy stuff before the Twist and it gets countered, so he doesn’t do that crap and hits it. Aries runs wild, but eats a kick in the corner. Aries counters a suplex and Roode holds Matt’s foot down for the win. EC3 says he lives for this – I sure hope not.

    Josh hypes up the return of Dixie Carter and the second part of Jeff Jarrett’s interview, which will hopefully go longer than a minute. The Rising is backstage with Eli on a crutch to deliver one final message. If they were forced to disband last week, why weren’t they allowed to deliver this message then? Why are they being given a one week stay of execution? Did the BDC sign off on that or does every broken up faction get an extra to talk from now on?

    An ad airs for Knockouts Knockdown 2015 and The Rising is mid-ring. Drew is sad about the end of The Rising. Why? Josh said last week that you can just change your name and get around the stipulation. Eli says they all deserve better than this and he thanks him for bringing him into TNA, and soon, he’ll show him how much that means. I don’t like Drew’s odds. Drew says that wrestling will be around forever and the roster is the future and the future is bright. A very mild TNA chant breaks out. Drew says that #standup will continue and EC3 feigns crying at ringside.

    Tyrus comforts his boss in his time of need, and EC3 laments that he’s already booked Drew in a three on three tag because he now has no partners and “this ship has sunk”. Yup, the ship sure has. EC3 says that it’s time for Drew to have a new one on three match against a totally different faction than the one he was feuding with. Josh points out that this is the second handicap match of the evening, which doesn’t make this any more interesting.

    Drew Galloway vs. The Revolution

    Pope calls the action, or at least the Twitter action as #standup is apparently a global phenomenon. Abyss chokes Drew on the ropes. Drew clotheslines and neckbreakers the heels down, but Khoya gets a Sky High for two because Abyss wants the win. Drew dropkicks Khoya into Abyss, which sends the 350 pounder to the floor and crotches Manik up top. Drew counts to three and gets a Sick Kick for the win.

    Backstage, Anderson congratulates EC3 on winning. Even though he doesn’t like the guy, he appreciates him being able to accomplish his dream and do so on his own. Anderson respects him putting the title up three times and wants one of the shots. EC3 declines and says he already has a match – against Bram. According to Twitter, he’s re-signed a deal with TNA – and that match is next. Anderson comes to face “The Chesterfield Plague, The Human Hate Machine” Bram who seemingly gets a new nickname with every contract.

    Mr. Anderson vs. Bram

    Maybe TNA has signed each nickname of Bram’s to a contract and that’s why he’s signed up through the end of time. Bram gets an armbar on the ground. Anderson gets a neckbreaker and a two count off a Kenton bomb. Bram hits him with a chair to the head on the floor for a DQ and Josh ponders that he doesn’t care. Well, I sure hope Bram wouldn’t care about a DQ against Mr. Anderson. Bram yells at someone to drop Anderson’s mic, and Bram uses it to do Anderson’s intro and bash his head in with. Josh says “ouch” to every shot and we close to Bram rapping the mic against his own head. Okay then.

    Jessie “The Man” Godderz is mid-ring and we see clips of a street fight from last week. Did that air on Xplosion? I have no recollection of it on Impact, but it’s leading to a street fight match this week. Pope says he wouldn’t wear his tights or boots to a street fight like these men are.

    Jessie Godderz vs. Robbie E – Street Fight

    Robbie dives to the floor and gets a running trash can lid shot to the head. Robbie gets a kendo stick from under the ring and gets a Cesaroplex onto a lid. Robbie puts the can over the genital region of Jessie and thwacks the lid with the stick. Jessie sidesteps a plancha and drives Robbie’s back into the post with a backbreaker. Josh theorizes that Jessie is trying to hurt him, which Pope buries him for since it’s a street fight. Jessie gets a slow buckle bomb and rakes the forearm across the face.

    Jessie gets the cane and hits the gut and back, but tosses it to the crowd. Jessie tosses a garbage can in and puts it in the corner. Robbie is down and Jessie gets another cane, but Robbie legsweeps him. Robbie’s nose is busted up and he eats a big dropkick after a few punches. Jessie brings a few chairs in, but gets rammed into the trash can.

    This is a by the numbers garbage match from nearly any video game of the past decade. Jessie lands a Last Ride through two chairs and it only gets two. Why not have that as a finish? It’s an over move, it looked vile, and it’s a mid-card match. Ah, now it makes sense – the Adonis Crab is locked on with Jessie sitting in the chair and trapping Robbie, who passes out from the pain. Why would you re-use the legendary Austin vs. Bret finish for Robbie E vs. Jessie Godderz of all things?

    EC3 talks about having three five star matches tonight, thus creating a 15-star evening. Lashley bumps into EC3 and wants to be one of the opponents. EC3 declines, but does make Lashley vs. Tyrus. God, I hope that’s short. Angle is reading and the camera guy asks what he’s reading, and Kurt just says that things are going to get interesting.

    Jarrett interview is up and Jeff says the deal between GFW and TNA is a work in progress. In August of 2014, he made GFW and has made alliances with companies across the world. He never thought TNA would be one of the alliances, thus framing GFW as bigger than TNA on TNA’s TV show. We get some GFW Youtube footage of the events of the past couple of weeks. Jeff says the KOTM title will now be the centerpiece of GFW and possibly other companies. Mid-ring, EC3 is here instantly – it’s title match time. EC3 says he has to go back to where he started – against Norv Ferman. Or Norv Fernum as he was known before and as the graphic states.

    EC3 vs. Norv Fernum

    Maybe TNA has re-signed Norv Fernum and/or Norv Ferman to contracts. Headlocker driver hits and Norv takes a great bump for it. EC3 doing his own intros and outros is quite great – he’s good at the job. Pope says that this is just a way for EC3 to stroke his ego while Josh strokes him. EC3 says that it’s Shark Week on Discover, so it’s time for Shark Boy!

    EC3 vs. Shark Boy

    Shark Boy was last seen being fat and thus getting a months-long series of storylines out of what was going to just be a one-shot – so kudos to him for that. He’s also lost his excess weight and is back in shape. EC3 tells him he’ll need a bigger boat and asks if he has a chance – Sharky responds with a shell yeah! Shark Boy pounds away with corner mount punches, but he eats a big lariat. Headlock Driver hits for the win. Josh wants a “shelfie” with Shark Boy. I normally don’t like Josh, but that was a great line.

    EC3 asks Tyrus to cut him and Kurt comes down with his envelope. Kurt says he has a contract and can get his rematch whenever he wants. He wants the title back and wants the rematch tonight. Pope wants this while Josh clearly doesn’t. Lashley’s out now too – so maybe he’s the third man. According to Josh, it’s Kurt. I have no idea what’s happening here.

    Lashley vs. Tyrus

    So the series is over, and now it’s time for Lashley vs. Tyrus. Lashley manages to outwrestle Tyrus, but eats a facebuster. Lashley hops up for a sleeper, but eats a crossbody for 2. EC3 says that Norv is like his son and we’re seeing his guy dominate an MMA expert. Exploder by Tyrus to Lashley and we’ll be getting EC3 vs. Angle in the main event. Tyrus goes up for a Vader bomb, but he’s hit in the thigh and hit with an electric chair drop. This was pretty scary as he kept moving backwards a bit and Lashley couldn’t keep him very steady – he hits it and gets the spear for the win. Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne is up next.

    But first, it’s part two of…part two of the Jarrett-Tenay interview. Jeff is asked what his legacy is in TNA ans he says the facts speak for themselves. In the ring, he was proud of his series with Kurt at that point in his career. He loved his early matches with AJ Styles and he’s proud to see him become what he is and he’s so proud of AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and the other TNA Originals. He loved Don West and he takes great pride in that team. Velvet comes out first while Josh talks about her just wanting her spot back. Madison gets a jobber intro, but a mic. She says Velvet’s dressed like a fan, so Velvet beats her up.

    Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne

    Pope says that Velvet’s got not just any stunner – but the Number One Stunner. Velvet beats her up on the floor, but breaks the count at 7. Madison tackles her down for 2. Northern lights suplex gets 2 and Madison follows that up with a cravate and knee strikes. Madison does the wave and shakes her hips before the headscissor driver. Velvet gets up and hits a series of kicks while Pople rattles off the Konami code. Velvet gets the Number One Stunner for the win.

    We see the TNA crew doing some charity work, and get Kurt Angle’s ring introduction right after. EC3’s intro is greeted with a pretty healthy amount of cheers. EC3 comes out and the belt looks great on him, but it’s hurt by him being scared and not arrogant – so he doesn’t look nearly as cool here as he usually does.

    EC3 vs. Kurt Angle – TNA World Title

    EC3 rolls to the floor out by “the man dinosaur” as Pope calls him. EC3 breaks the count a few times, but Kurt traps him in the corner and works on the leg. Kurt snap suplexes him over for 1. Rolling Germans hit for Kurt, but Tyrus goes up on the apron to take out Tyrus. Ankle lock is on EC3 mid-ring and EC3 pulls himself up via Brian Hebner and punches him out and taps out. Another ref came in and calls for the bell – and we’re told it’s via DQ. Josh says we’re not quite sure what happened and he recaps the events. Okay then. The main event will be Dixie Carter’s return and she comes into the building for the first time since being put through a table by Bully Ray nearly one year ago.

    EC3 is mid-ring twirling the mic around and says he’s done it again. Tonight, his aunt returns and we get her theme again. Dixie gets no reaction coming out, but a quick “Dixie” chant. Ethan hopes his aunt is proud and she stumbles over her lines as he talks. She shuts him up and says that she hasn’t been in the ring since she broke her back due to the “reign of Carter”. She says she was the monster who lied and manipulated everyone while hurting the company and its fans. Now he’s making the same mistakes she made. Dixie says she can’t change the past and wishes she could, but she can make sure her mistakes aren’t repeated.

    He’s earned the title, but he has to defend it without his last name. She’s embarrassed by the show tonight, but he’s right about one thing – the show needs someone in charge to make the tough decisions. She wants this to be the best wrestling company in the world and knows who can make it that – it’s not her, and it’s not EC3. Next week, we’ll get an X Title three way and Brooke vs. Taryn for the Knockouts title. Well, that was an abrupt ending to a largely bad show.

  • EC3 Talks Winning TNA Title, Being In NXT, His Infamous Promo & More

    TNA World Heavyweight Champion Ethan Carter III recently appeared as a guest on Busted Open Radio to talk about a number of topics. Below are some of the highlights from the interview.

    On being the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion: “Well I do have a heart but it’s pumped black full of panda-energy oil. I can take you on a trip down memory lane … First off, I know that this was built as a Slammiversary match but unfortunately circumstances negated that and we were kinda in a lose-lose situation because if we did it at Slammiversary but filmed TV prior … you know, it weird, but it did work out. It worked out great, I think Bell-to-Bell was our best show that we’ve had in a very long time. Everyone killed it on that show, it was great… great matches. The match with Kurt was perfect for what we were doing. It told the perfect story. It was my dream match as a kid to have and to have it for a World Championship was out of control and surreal. I mean, there was some definite knocks on the way, it’s been a long journey to get any sort of vindication for success, there’s been personal and professional ales that I’ve had to but I’m here and it’s AWESOME.”

    On what kept EC3 motivated after all of the things he’s gone through throughout his career: “I kind of live my life by a motto, and whether it’s in wrestling or it’s in relationships with crazy ex-girlfriends or it’s any sort of, you know, people who spite me along the way … “It’s not over, until I win”. It is not over until I win and I will do everything in my being to prove people wrong. So, it wasn’t over until I won. I won. But now it’s just getting started. People think it’s like a death sentence to be released from WWE, when in fact there are plenty of places around the world to prove yourself… around the world to work and hopefully around the world to build up to be something special and build something great. TNA has afforded me that opportunity to just take the ball and kind of run with it and let me develop as a character, be myself and show who I truly am and I’ve hopefully repaid them by doing good work.”

    On his infamous post-match promo: “It was immediately after [the match]. After a brain-rattling 15 German Suplexes and a lot of emotions unfolded. Before that promo took place, you know, cameras go off and my mom and dad were there… I brought them down to watch it. You’re getting all misty-eyed with my black heart but you know, we had a nice moment there. Miss Natalie, my girlfriend, was there. She’s seen me go through some shit in the day and you walk back to a round of applause from the guys on the roster… the girls… everyone that works there. And I was like “Wow. Get back to work, guys”. This is literally what I said and I completely regret it because it was such an emotional moment for me and I can’t help but be an idiot when I speak out loud sometimes but that meant the world to me. If they endorse me, the people in the back, the majority of them, that’s the justification I need. So, I am walking back because we’re actually filming more TV that day and I still had a whole gamut of activities to do but I took a seat down and this camera showed up in my face. They asked me how it felt to be the new TNA World Champion. It was raw and emotional and I look back on it… I forgot that I did it probably immediately after but … I look back on it and if it was a “wrestling promo” it may not have worked as much as, like, that was just me. And then it was like, “EC3 cuts expletive- ridden promo taking shots” and before I take any shots, WWE was really good to me for a long while and took care of me and taught me everything that I know and there is a lot of people that still to this day that I keep in touch with and good friends with and a lot of people are happy for me for succeeding elsewhere. There may be one or two guys that ended up being my death sentence there… one might not be there anymore … but do I need the motivation? No. I’ve always had the motivation. But if you could add fire to a fire to make it a bigger fire that is what happened and like I said, it’s not over until I win.”

    On who from TNA gave EC3 his chance: “Coming over, I was on NXT before NXT was cool and awesome, you know, it was a chop-shop game show, I was on the internet, it was throwaway. We did the redemption thing and nobody cared. It was whatever. Probably people, major players in the office never even watched it or barely looked at it. That’s fine because they have better things to worry about. So I was at NXT then and John Gaburick was over in WWE and he’s in the truck all the time and he’s watching everything. When he came over to TNA, I was free and he immediately brought me in for a try out and next thing you know, I’m dropping Norv Fernum on his head and we’re off to the races. He saw something … a couple of other people vouched for me from over there to him and he brought me in and I was sort of his first “guy” to bring in and you know, regardless if I shit the bed or didn’t, he was going to be behind me because that’s wrestling and you get behind “your guys” and give them every chance to succeed even if they fail. Fortunately, it was pretty good and successful thus far.”

    On people from across pro-wrestling who have reached out since winning the title: “You mentioned all those great people (Mick Foley, Seth Rollins) saying nice things and that meant the world to me. I’m a villain and I’m evil, but a lot of people kind of resonated with me personally and the journey I guess and especially with that promo. Foley? Wow. Jim Ross? Wow. And then Seth … Seth’s awesome. We came up similarly … he was more of a “Super-Indy” while I was more of a guy trying to get signed because that’s what I thought I’d be best at. We spent a lot of time at developmental together and we drove a little bit and we’re pals but we’re not the best of friends … we’re busy with our respective things but for him to be champion, and to say that, that meant a lot, I thought that took balls … not really because he’s the champ and he can do whatever he wants, as he should. It was very, very cool of him and I was just like, “Yeah, that’s awesome, Seth. I hate the fact that I’m a year older than you though. Damnit!” No… he’s great. He’s doing a great job and he deserves every bit of success he’s getting too.”

    Check out the complete interview at BustedOpenNation.com.

  • Video: Must-See EC3 Promo After Becoming TNA World Heavyweight Champion

    TNA has published a must-see promo of EC3 reacting to his TNA World Heavyweight championship victory over Kurt Angle on this week’s episode of Impact Wrestling.

    EC3 talks about his 13-year journey to the gold, the injuries that have tested his will along the way and the people in ‘other companies’ who used their influence to bury him and convince the people in power that he didn’t have what it takes.

    EC3 has been one of the standout acts on TNA for quite some time now. He’s a deserving champion, a great choice to be the new face of TNA and knocked it out of the park with this promo.

  • EC3 On Becoming TNA Champion, Private Conversation He Had With Angle

    New TNA World Champion Ethan Carter III recently appeared as a guest on the “This Is Awesome Wrestling Show” podcast to discuss his big title victory over Kurt Angle this week and more. Below are some of the highlights from the interview.

    On becoming TNA World Champion: “Everything I’ve ever been through, every stupid personal or professional hell I’ve ever had to overcome, it made it all worth it. I’m very fortunate. I hate using the word blessed, because people use #blessed way too much. But for one day, I can say I was #blessed.”

    On being able to watch his win and experience it with everyone else: “Watching it personally, I had a nice soiree. My girlfriend hooked us up with a party and a bunch of people came by. What was cool about it, as much as people who support either her or I, our friends, they not huge wrestling fans. They check it out from time to time. Kind of fans we need more of, which is mainstream people checking it out from time to time. You know, again, when we talk about smart fans and credibility, or messing with the finisher or outside interference. The hook, line, and sinker with every little thing we did and every part of that story we told, like, it was mostly clean, but I’m still kind of a dirt bag because I still need a little help — the stuff with Tyrus. I guess, a guy whose never had a wrestling match in his life who can give out stars can say, ‘Hey, that’s typical TNA.’ When you watch the reaction of the people we try to get, and they are hooked, line and sinker, and they are buying into this and seeing it unfold, it was kind of an out of body experience.”

    On what it means to have Kurt Angle be the wrestler he won the title from: “He’s a Hall of Famer in every company he’s been in, let’s not forget that. But I mean, dude, whoa. Like, whoa. Like you said, we grew up watching Kurt. It’s very, very rare you have the opportunity to have your dream match. And I think it’s even more rare that it happens to be for a world title. It’s surreal. You know, I’ve had that match a thousand times in my head. I remember doing German suplexes and then Angle Slams in my backyard, locking in the ankle lock. Next thing you know, I’ll take about eighteen of them…I don’t remember because they all hit me in the head. Withstand that, then defeat him with a wrestling hold. Ha! Pin! What? Out of control.”

    On who hugged him first after win: “John Gaburick.”

    On what Kurt Angle told him after the match: “Later that day, he was sitting down talking to me, and I will not say what he said to me. But to hear those words come out of his mouth, was maybe even more important than actually winning the title.”

    On joining the list of past TNA World Champions, such as Sting, Jeff Hardy, Bull Ray, Samoa Joe, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle and others: “When you read it like that, that’s a pretty damn exclusive list. I guess that’s a great thing about TNA World Championship, they take a lot of slack for doing things wrestling fans hate for some reason. One thing they do very well is keep the integrity of the World Championship. And that’s pretty cool to be on that list.”

    Check out the complete interview at MooreGlenn.com.

  • Seth Rollins Congratulates EC3 On His Victory Over Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar Possibly Working More

    – WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins took to Twitter on Thursday to congratulate TNA’s Ethan Carter III (EC3) on his victory over Kurt Angle to win the TNA World Title.

    EC3 defeated Kurt Angle during the 1st July show giving him his first run with the TNA World Championship. Rollins and EC3 previously trained together in in WWE’s developmental system

    You can see the tweet sent by Rollins, and the reply from EC3 below:

    – In this week’s Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Suplex City shirts are being made for local markets suggesting that Brock Lesnar could be working more live events.

    It’s possible that Lesnar could work the 8/8 show in Sydney, Australia and the 11/6 show in London’s O2 Arena – though these haven’t been confirmed.

    Lester was reportedly given a pay rise with his new contract which is said to have included more dates per year in comparison to the original deal.

  • TNA Impact Wrestling Results – July 1, 2015

    TNA Impact Wrestling on Destination America
    Taped in June at Orlando, Florida at Universal Studios
    Report by Jason Powell and ProWrestling.net

    [Q1] A video package focussed on Kurt Angle and EC3 heading into their TNA Title match… Josh Mathews checked in on commentary and noted that the battle between The Rising and Beat Down Clan with the loser disbanding was up first. Mathews was joined on commentary by “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero… Ring introductions for that match took place…

    1. Drew Galloway, Eli Drake, and Mica vs. MVP, Low Ki, Kenny King, and Hernandez in an elimination match. The losing team must disband. Low Ki caught Mica with a kick to the head and pinned him to eliminate him from the match. [C]

    [Q2] Around 12:00, Drake ran to the corner and superplexed King. Pope said Drake has been watching footage of Angle (because of the way he ran up the ropes). Drake performed a dive over the top onto MVP. Drake came up holding his knee and was eventually helped to the back, leaving Galloway to face all four opponents by himself.

    At 14:15, Galloway pinned Low Ki, then pinned King at 14:30. At 15:40, Hernandez performed a Border Toss on Galloway. MVP checked in and delivered the Playmaker. Moments later, MVP hit a drive-by kick to the head of Galloway and pinned him, meaning The Rising must disband…

    MVP, Hernandez, Low Ki, and Kenny King beat Drew Galloway, Eli Drake, and Mica in 16:40.

    Backstage, Kenny King told MVP and Hernandez that Low Ki took a bad fall and was on his way to the hospital. MVP was excited that The Rising is finished…

    Magnus stood in the ring and delivered a promo. Magnus said James Storm is a slimy son of a bitch and that’s all he has to say about him. Then he went on to talk more about Storm and how his actions made Magnus’s family stronger. Magnus introduced Mickie James.

    Mickie thanked the fans for their support, then thanked Magnus for standing by her side, not rubbing it in her face (maybe he’ll get to now?), and proving he’s the man for her.

    [Q3] James Storm came out with Khoya. He told Mickie to imagine if he had pushed her a little harder and how she would have held her baby son while sitting in a wheelchair. Storm said he can have any women he wants beside him in The Revolution.

    Mickie called Storm a pathetic waste of a man and questioned whether he could actually find a woman. Mickie thanked him for bringing out the crazy in her and promising the fans one more match. She told him to go find that woman because she and Magnus intend to whip both of their asses…

    The broadcast team hyped The Wolves vs. The Dirty Heels for after the break… [C]

    2. The Wolves vs. Bobby Roode and Austin Aries in a 30-minute Iron Man match for the vacant TNA Tag Titles. This was the deciding match of the best of five series.

    [Q4] Ten minutes into the match and there were still no falls. Eddie Edwards made a hot tag to Davey Richards, who went on an offensive flurry. Mathews made a good call by talking about how Edwards taking so much punishment gave Richards a chance to enter the match with energy. Richards had Roode pinned, but Aries broke it up. [C]

    Richards ended up taking a prolonged beating, including a nice missile dropkick from Aries into a powerbomb from Roode. Roode covered Richards, but Edwards broke up the pin. Ring announcer Christy Hemme noted that the match had ten minutes remaining.

    [Q5] Edwards took the tag and got a near fall on Roode. Roode and Aries came back and performed a nice double team combo on Edwards for a near fall of their own. Aries put Edwards in the Last Chancery, but Richards broke it up with a double stomp.

    The Wolves came back with a pair of top rope double stomps on Aries and had him pinned, but Roode broke it up. Hemme announced there were five minutes remaining in the match. Aries performed a running dropkick on Edwards. Roode performed a spinebuster. Aries followed with a 450 splash and pinned Edwards to give his team a 1-0 advantage.

    With three minutes to go, The Wolves were at ringside. Roode held them and Aries performed a suicide dive. Edwards battled his way back inside the ring. He and Richards teamed up for a powerbomb/backstabber combo that resulted in Edwards pinning Aries at 28:54, according to Mathews.

    Roode hit Edwards with one of the title belts. Aries put his arm over Edwards, who kicked out at the last moment. Roode went or the Roode Bomb, but Edwards rolled through and pinned him to give his team a 2-1 advntage. Roode applied the crossface on Edwards while Aries held Richards at ringside, but the clock expired… [C]

    The Wolves defeated Austin Aries and Bobby Roode 2-1 in a 30-minute Iron Man match to win the best of five series and the vacant TNA Tag Titles.

    [Q6] 3. Taryn Terrell (w/Marti, Jade) vs. Awesome Kong vs. Brooke in a Triple Threat for the TNA Knockouts Championship. Yes, Brooke bent over and shook her ass as part of her ring entrance again. Isn’t it enough that she’s athletic and attractive? Taryn ducked to ringside early on.

    Mathews noted that it’s not an elimination match and Taryn doesn’t have to factor into the finish to lose the title. He also noted that Taryn won the match by pinning Gail Kim in a Triple Threat match that Havok entered as champion. Late in the match, Marti and Jade knocked Brooke off the ropes. Jade kicked Kong and then clotheslined her over the top rope, then Taryn performed a Diamond Cutter on Kong for the win…

    Taryn Terrell defeated Awesome Kong and Brooke to retain the TNA Knockouts Title in 5:20.

    After the match, The Dollhouse were heading backstage when the mystery woman’s video played. She’s no longer a mystery woman, as the video package revealed herself as Gail Kim… The broadcast team hyped Angle vs. EC3, and part one of Mike Tenay’s interview with Jeff Jarrett… [C]

    Mike Tenay interviewed Jeff Jarrett and Karen Jarrett in the middle of the ring in an empty studio. Tenay spoke about the surprise of Jarrett returning. Tenay asked Jarrett what winning the King of the Mountain match means regarding the future of TNA and Global Force Wrestling. Jarrett spoke about how he was surprised to be back as well, and said there is definitely a future with TNA and GFW and it will shock some people.

    Ring entrances for the main event took place. Jeremy Borash handled the in-ring introductions and his voice went all Peter Brady while saying Angle was the reigning and defending champion of the world… [C]

    4. Kurt Angle vs. EC3 (w/Tyrus) for the TNA Championship. Angle hit an early suplex and then followed with a pair of German suplexes. EC3 grabbed the ropes to block the third, then Angle sent him to ringside. Mathews said this isn’t the type of match that EC3 signed up for. Huh?

    Back in the ring, Angle hit two more German suplexes. EC3 once again grabbed the ropes to prevent a third. Angle was jawing with the ref when EC3 clotheslined him to grab control of the offense at 4:15. EC3 remained on the offensive heading into the break.

    [Q8] [C] EC3 remained in control coming out of the break and had Angle in full nelson position, but Angle broke free. Angle came back with three German suplexes. Angle set up for the Angle Slam, but EC3 dodged it, then Angle hit him with three more German suplexes. Welcome to Suplex, um, Village, bitch? Angle was knocked to ringside, where Tyrus caught him with a clothesline.

    Back in the ring, Angle performed, yes, more German suplexes. He also ran EC3 into Tyrus to knock Tyrus off the ring apron. Angle performed the Angle Slam for a two count. Angle applied the Ankle Lock. EC3 rolled out of it. Angle performed an overhead belly-to-belly suplex that sent EC3 crashing into referee Brian Hebner.

    Tyrus attacked Angle while the referee was down and then rolled to ringside and jawed at fans. EC3 performed the One Percenter and covered Angle, who kicked out at two. EC3 acted shocked as Mathews noted that this was the first time someone had kicked out of EC3’s finisher.

    EC3 called for Tyrus, who grabbed a chair. Pope said EC3 was trying to get himself disqualified, which would be really stupid considering how long he waited for a title shot. The refeee cut Tyrus off. Tyrus jabbed his chair into the referee, who ordered Tyrus to the back. Two additional referees ran out and joined in ordering Tyrus to the back. Tyrus complied.

    EC3 set up for his finisher again, but Angle countered and eventually applied the ankle lock. Mathews noted that it was the same move that made Matt Hardy tap out last week. EC3 reached for the ropes, but he eventually kicked Angle off to break the hold. Angle set up for his finisher, but EC3 countered into a rollup and pinned Angle. EC3 celebrated and Angle acted shocked and disappointed.

    EC3 defeated Kurt Angle in 20:35 to win the TNA Title.

  • Video: Ethan Carter III Wins The TNA World Heavyweight Title

    – Ethan Carter III defeated Kurt Angle on this week’s Impact Wrestling to become the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

    – The Wolves defeated The Dirty Heels in a 30-minute Iron Man Match on Impact to win the vacant TNA Tag Team Titles. This is their 4th reign in TNA.

    – The Beat Down Clan also defeated The Rising on Impact. As per the match stipulation, The Rising must now disband and Drew Galloway will officially break the group up on next week’s show.

  • Updated Lineup For Wednesday’s TNA “Bell 2 Bell” Special

    Following Sunday night’s TNA Slammiversary, below is the updated lineup for this coming Wednesday night’s special “Bell 2 Bell” edition of TNA Impact Wrestling on Destination America.

    TNA World Heavyweight Title
    – Ethan Carter III vs. Kurt Angle

    TNA Knockouts Title
    – Awesome Kong vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. Taryn Terrell

    TNA Tag Team Titles
    30-Minute Iron Man Match
    – Austin Aries and Bobby Roode vs. The Wolves

    Losers Must Disband
    – The Beat Down Clan vs. The Rising

  • TNA Experiences Major Technical Difficulties During Slammiversary PPV

    There were major production issues during the TNA Slammiversary pay-per-view on Sunday evening.

    After the James Storm vs. Magnus match, the audio on the pay-per-view completely died out. The commentators were cutting in and out for several minutes.

    During the next match, which featured Ethan Carter III and Tyrus vs. Mr. Anderson and Bobby Lashley, when Anderson’s microphone came down from the ceiling, it didn’t work either.

    Once Lashley made his entrance, the commentary finally came back. There has still been a few glitches in the commentary here and there, as it has dropped out a few times since fully returning, but for the most part, the production issues appear to be in the rear view mirror.

  • Kurt Angle Taking Time Off Due To Neck Tumor That Will Require Surgery

    As reported last night, Kurt Angle announced during the Impact Wrestling television tapings that he will be taking some time off due to the fact that he has a tumor that will require surgery.

    Originally, it was unclear if the Angle tumor was a legitimate issue or an angle, as TNA did use the tumor as part of Angle’s storyline with Ethan Carter III during the show, however we can now confirm that the tumor is legitimate.

    The situation is that Angle has had a benign tumor in his neck for quite a while now, possibly dating back as far as a year. The tumor began giving Angle problems lately, particularly with issues of muscular atrophy, so he was forced to address the issue and get it taken care of.


    (Credit: F4WOnline.com)

  • Report: Kurt Angle Discovers Tumor In His Neck, Surgery Required?

    Kurt Angle revealed during the TNA Impact Wrestling television taping on Friday evening in Orlando, Florida that he is going to be taking some time off from TNA as he has discovered that he has a tumor in his neck that will require surgery.

    As of right now, it’s unclear whether or not this is part of an angle, as Ethan Carter III ultimately came out and took credit for the tumor and attacked Angle until Chris Melendez made the save.

    Before Angle made the announcement about the tumor, he did say that he will eventually get his rematch with EC3, but indicated that it would be some time down the road.


  • Updated TNA Slammiversary 2015 PPV Lineup: Live Coverage This Sunday!

    Following Wednesday night’s edition of TNA Impact Wrestling, new matches, and new participants for existing matches, were announced for this Sunday’s TNA Slammiversary pay-per-view at the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida.

    Below is the latest look at the official lineup for this Sunday’s pay-per-view event.

    King of the Mountain
    – Jeff Jarrett vs. TBA

    Handicap Match
    – Awesome Kong & Brooke Tessmacher vs. Jade, Marti & Taryn Terrell

    Unsanctioned Match
    – James Storm vs. Magnus

    Winner Chooses Stipulation For Impact Tag Title Match
    – Austin Aries vs. Davey Richards

    – Ethan Carter III & Tyrus vs. Bobby Lashley & Mr. Anderson

    – Robbie E vs. Jessie Godderz

    – Matt Morgan vs. Bram

    Make sure to join us here at SEScoops.com on Sunday, 28, 2015 for the best TNA Slammiversary 2015 live PPV results coverage on the web!

    BRAND NEW PHOTO GALLERY: Ronda Rousey In Skimpy Bikinis & Tight Outfits

  • Rockstar Spud On Working Alongside Dixie Carter, EC3, Winning British Boot Camp

    TNA wrestler Rockstar Spud recently spoke with Marc Madison of The News Hub about his feud with Ethan Carter III, working alongside TNA President Dixie Carter and the evolution of the Rockstar Spud character. Below are some of the highlights from the interview.

    On winning British Boot Camp: You can see that when they announced that I was the winner and I collapsed to the ground on my knees crying my eyes out that you know what it meant to me. You know, you know what it meant to me. It meant everything to me. It meant all my years of telling my friends that I’m not going out on a Saturday because I have to roll around in a wrestling ring. In their eyes, so you’re missing out family and for rolling around in a ring with a dude? Or oil and micro? Dude, you fight and perform man and nothing is going to happen. That’s all, I used to hear every day. I have friends go, hey man, why don’t you get a jacket on and come traveling with us? And do this and do that? I’m like guys, I don’t know why I know I just know there is a purpose for me I just got to stay. I’m going to stay the course. I really believe in this. I believe in myself. Even when my mom and dad say, you know you should really pack it in. I believed in myself. I didn’t feel like I was stupid anymore. It meant so much to me. So much.”

    On training in Ohio Valley Wrestling: “Danny and Rip, if I did something wrong, I’d be going to Danny’s office and the only time I did something wrong the next day I had to choke down a lot of red wine. I got my punishment, I got my licks and off we go. Rip, was an interesting cat himself but was a pro wrestling genius an absolute genius and you can see it in his tweets he cares still to this day so much about pro wrestling. Anyone that want’s to learn what this business is about go and train there because it’s worth every penny. It was worth all the 10 months of waiting and hearing people’s frustration all the 10 months of just learning was so worth it. It was an amazing time.”

    Check out the complete interview at The-NewsHub.com.

  • TNA Impact Wrestling Results – June 17, 2015

    TNA Impact Wrestling Results
    Taped at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida
    Aired on June 17, 2015 on Destination America
    Report by ProWrestling.net

    [Q1] Impact opened with a brief tribute to Dusty Rhodes… A video package focussed on Kurt Angle and EC3… Josh Mathews and “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero checked in on commentary from the studio… Mike Tenay hosted the contract signing for the Kurt Angle vs. EC3 match for the TNA Title. EC3 and Tyrus came out first, then Angle made his entrance. EC3 ran through the nicknames of the WWE and TNA stars that Angle has defeated and said the thing they all have in common is that they have been beaten, whereas he has not.

    “Kurt Angle, you can’t beat me,” EC3 said. He labeled the TNA Title a big red torch that will be passed to him. EC3 signed the contract. Angle asked Tenay how many of the contract signings he’s been involved with. He said it’s important because it shows he has been there before. He said EC3 is a spoiled brat who thinks he should be champion because he’s undefeated. “You have no idea, kid,” Angle said. EC3 pointed out that he’s defeated Angle before. Angle said it’s different because he’s healthy now and is the greatest wrestler alive.

    Angle said EC3 will have to look at himself in the mirror once he loses and it will haunt him for the rest of his life. Angle signed the contract. Tenay said that make the match official. He said they have mutually agreed to have “tuneup matches where you will pick each other’s opponent.” Angle said EC3’s opponent will be Lashley. Mathews questioned how it was fair even though they agreed to it. Lashley walked onto the stage…

    In the studio, Mathews said he supposes it’s fair since EC3 will get to pick Angle’s opponent next week. Mathews and Pope hyped The Dollhouse appearing after the break… [C]

    The broadcast team hyped the Ultimate X three-way match to crown the new X Division Champion for next week…

    [Q2] A video package recapped the best of five series featuring The Wolves vs. Bobby Roode and Austin Aries… The Wolves headed to the ring. Mathews said he thought it was telling that the Dirty Heels (Roode and Aries) had to go to the lengths they did last week to avoid being swept. He questioned whether they were just avoiding the inevitable. He noted that The Wolves are a win away from becoming TNA Tag Team Champions for the fourth time.

    Davey Richards recalled how Roode and Aries won last week. He said he and Eddie Edwards were fooled once and it won’t happen a second time. Edwards took the mic and challenged Roode and Aries to have the fourth match of the series now. Roode came out and mocked The Wolves for thinking they are calling the shots. He said Aries wasn’t medically cleared to wrestle following his TNA Title match with Angle last week. He said Aries was home resting for the fourth match.

    Edwards didn’t buy the sob story. He said that Roode could face one of them in a singles match. Roode worked up the crowd with “right here right now” teases before saying no. He asked how badly they wanted him in the ring. He said they could up the ante by having the winner of the singles match pick the stipulation for match four. Richards said he just wanted to kick the crap out of Roode and said that was fine. Edwards took the mic and said he wanted the match and said he would kick Roode’s ass. “You’re on,” Roode responded. Mathews said the match was coming up after the break… [C]

    1. Eddie Edwards (w/Davey Richards) vs. Bobby Roode. The TNA Tag Titles were at ringside. Edwards went on an offensive run and got a near fall.

    [Q3] Roode came back with a spinebuster for a two count. Roode spat in the face of Richards, which led to Davey standing on the ring apron and being held back by the referee. Roode motioned to the back. Aries ran out and slid a chair inside the ring. Rodoe swung and Edwards ducked. Roode wound up again, but Richards took the chair from him. Edwards rolled up Roode and pinned him…

    Eddie Edwards pinned Bobby Roode in 8:15 to earn the right to pick the stipulation for the fourth match of the best of five series for the vacant TNA Tag Titles.

    After the match, Richards took the mic and announced that the fourth match in the best of five series will be a Full Metal Mayhem match…

    A Lashley video package… Mathews hyped EC3 vs. Lashley for later in the show…

    Backstage, Jeremy Borash said he was scheduled to interview Bram’s opponent, but there was no one around. Joseph Mark entered the picture and said he’d gone through hard times. He said he stumbled onto his new nickname. Park said he lost his law firm and his teeth. He said he’s in between jobs. He said a match with Bram is his chance to be a guy on top. Borash corrected him and said a top guy… A shot of Bram watching backstage. He charged the camera… [C]

    A Drew Galloway vignette aired. He spoke about living in a world of negativity and said that it affects pro wrestling, which is his passion. He encouraged the fans to show their Impact..

    [Q4] 2. Bram vs. Joseph Park. Park cut a brief promo before the match that Bram interrupted by attacking him to start the match. Bram grabbed a chair and tried to use it, but Park cut him off. Park tried to use it, but Bram cut him off. Bram pulled a kendo stick and a table out from underneath the ring. In the end, Bram speared Park through the table once it was set up in the corner and then pinned him…

    Bram defeated Joseph Park in 3:45.

    Taryn Terrell cut a promo from the porn set, er, bedroom set. She said that if Brooke and Awesome Kong beat The Dolls then they both get title shots, but if they lose they never get title shots again… Mathews hyped the Knockouts tag match for after the break… A vignette with a female narrator said the world is burning, seconds are ticking by, injustice must be extinguished, and playtime is over for the wicked… [C]

    Footage aired from of the Kurt Angle and EC3 contract signing from earlier in the show… Mathews and Pope spoke about Angle and EC3 picking opponents for one another… The Knockouts video aired… Ring entrances for the Knockouts tag match took place. The Dollhouse attacked Brooke before Kong made her entrance. Kong came out and helped Brooke and then referee Earl Hebner started the match…

    [Q5] 3. Awesome Kong and Brooke vs. Marti and Jade (w/Taryn Terrell). Mathews noted that Taryn would tie Gail Kim for the longest running Knockouts Title reign at 211 days at midnight. Marti and Jade worked over Brooke and isolated her in their corner. Brooke dodged a moonsault by Jade and then both women tagged out.

    Kong threw clotheslines at Marti and bodyslammed her. Kong set up for her finisher, but Jade ran in and broke it up. Kong suplexed both opponents. Brooke speared Jade. Kong ran into a boot from Marti, who then jumped into a chokeslam from Kong. Kong tagged Brooke and had her stand on her shoulders. Brooke dove off and performed an elbow drop on Marti and got the pin…

    Awesome Kong and Brooke defeated Marti and Jade in 6:30.

    A video package on the Eric Young and Chris Melendez feud aired… Mathews hyped that Melendez is declaring war on Young and would be inside the ring after the break… [C] Mathews recapped the Edwards vs. Roode match and hyped the Full Metal Mayhem match…

    Ring announcer Christy Hemme introduced Chris Melendez, who came to the ring for a promo. Melendez called out Eric Young, who made his entrance.

    [Q6] Young said he’s trying to do Melendez a favor. He said Melendez is a hero who paid the price for his country. Young said he doesn’t care. He recalled removing Melendez’s prosthetic leg and said he did that on the fly, so imagine what he would do if had time to think about it. Young said he’s at the top of the industry and Melandez is a nobody. He asked if he really wanted this. Melandez said he would see him in the ring next week… [C]

    4. Jessie Godderz vs. DJ Z. Z attacked Godderz to start the match. Godderz cut him off and then used a nice power move by lifting him up by one arm and throwing him into the corner. Godderz applied a Boston crab for the win.

    After the match, Godderz dubbed himself the man and said the only time he’s ever felt like the fans and “this loser” is when he was part of BroMans. He said he’s the reason BroMans won the tag titles twice. He pressed Z, but Robbie E ran out and attacked Godderz and eventually ran him off…

    Jessie Godderz defeated DJ Z in 1:45.

    [Q7] A video recapped James Storm shoving Mickie James in front of a train. Mathews said Magnus demanded mic time and would be up next… [C]

    A Slammiversary commercial aired for the June 28 event…

    Magnus came to the ring without entrance music. He said he was going to start cracking heads until James Storm came out to face him. He said he wasn’t leaving the ring, building, or state until Storm showed his face. Three security guards headed to the ring. Magnus said he would break them all in half if they put their hands on him.

    Magnus called out to TNA executives. He said he would not forget what Storm did. James Storm’s music played and he walked onto the stage. He said Magnus tried to tell Mickie and the people that he was the bad guy when it was actually Magnus who was jealous and looked like the bad guy.

    Storm said it was Magnus who hired a television camera to follow his fiancee around. “What do you think she was doing when those cameras were not there?” Storm asked. Magnus tried to escape security. Storm rolled a stroller onto the stage and said Magnus should be careful about who he lets watch his son.

    Storm said he would never lay a hand on a child, but it was an insurance policy to make sure Magnus didn’t do anything crazy. Storm said he gave Mickie a chance, but he now sees why she and Magnus are together since they are both sorry excuses. Magnus fought through security and attacked Storm on the ramp. Storm kicked the stroller off the stage. Magnus rushed over and found a doll rather than his child…

    In the studio, Mathews and Pope hyped next week’s show… Ring entrances for the main event took place… [C]

    [Q8] 5. Lashley vs. EC3 (w/Tyrus). Late in the match, Lashley scored a near fall and followed up with a spinebuster. He played to the crowd and a handful of women cheered. Ouch. Tough crowd. Lashley went for a spear, but he ran into a chair that was placed between the ropes in the corner. EC3 covered him for a two count.

    EC3 went for his finisher, but Lashley shoved him off and it led to a ref bump. Lashley speared EC3 and went for a cover, but the referee was at ringside. Tyrus hit the ring and dropped an elbow on Tyrus. A second referee ran out and counted (apparently not caring that Tyrus interfered), but Lashley kicked out.

    The second referee was knocked out. Tyrus performed another power move on Lashley and called for another ref. Sure enough, a third referee ran out and counted, but Lashley kicked out. Tyrus attacked the third referee. Lashley speared Tyrus. EC3 ran in and hit Lashley with a chair and then put him down with the One Percenter finisher. EC3 covered Tyrus and the first referee woke up and counted the pin…

    EC3 defeated Lashley in 9:20.

    A video for next week’s show questioned who EC3 would select as Angle’s opponent and hyped the fourth match of the best of five series between The Wolves and The Dirty Heels…

    It would have been nice to hear from Rockstar Spud this week given that he cashed in his X Division Title for a failed shot at the TNA Title. Sure, they could play it up like he’s been away because he’s distraught or something, but it would have been better to hear from him last week or this week when the match is fresher in the minds of viewers. Meanwhile, TNA seems to have thrown in the towel on Slammiversary. I believe there was one spot that aired tonight and that’s it. I know they were saddled with an awkward taping schedule due to Impact changing nights, but I can’t remember a pay-per-view that felt so meaningless with only the go-home show remaining.

  • Dixie Carter Reveals New TNA X-Division Title (Photo), Slammiversary Update

    – The reason TNA decided to do the Kurt Angle vs. Ethan Carter III title match at the upcoming Impact Wrestling television taping on July 1st instead of the Slammiversary pay-per-view was because there was no way for the company to tape episodes of Impact Wrestling that would air after the pay-per-view without spoiling the plans. TNA is currently working on a new main event for Slammiversary that won’t involve the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

    – TNA President Dixie Carter tweeted the following photo of the new X-Division Championship, which will officially be unveiled soon.

  • Update On Rumored Matches For TNA Slammiversary Pay-Per-View

    Despite previous reports to the contrary, the rumored TNA Heavyweight Championship match between Kurt Angle and Ethan Carter III will not be happening at the upcoming TNA Slammiversary pay-per-view on June 28th.

    Instead, the Angle-EC3 match is booked for the July 1st edition of Impact Wrestling and the contract signing for the bout will take place on this coming Wednesday’s episode. The match is currently scheduled to be taped at the Impact Wrestling tapings later this month, which is actually before the Slammiversary pay-per-view.

    Speaking of TNA Slammiversary, while there is only one official match at this point — Magnus vs. James Storm — other matches rumored for the show include The Wolves vs. The Dirty Heels for the TNA Tag-Team Titles, Low Ki vs. Grado vs. Tigre Uno for the vacant TNA X-Division Title and Brooke vs. Awesome Kong vs. Taryn Terrell for the TNA Knockouts Title.

  • Dixie Carter Confirms New Match For TNA Slammiversary 2015

    TNA President Dixie Carter confirmed an official match for the TNA Slammiversary pay-per-view event from Orlando, Florida.

    On Thursday, Carter tweeted the news to her followers, announcing Magnus vs. James Storm for the show, which is scheduled for Saturday, June 28th.

    Also confirmed for the show is a World Heavyweight Championship match between Kurt Angle and Ethan Carter III.

    Below is Carter’s tweet about the Magnus-Storm match.

  • Kurt Angle On Rumored Issues With Triple H, Failed WWE Negotiations & More

    TNA World Champion Kurt Angle recently spoke with The Mirror in the U.K. to promote the upcoming TNA Slammiversary pay-per-view. Below are some highlights from the interview.

    On if he thought he would struggle to return to the ring due to various injuries: “With my training I knew I would come back, I just didn’t know how quickly. A lot of times with ACL surgery it can take at least a year, but I was back within nine months. I was doing okay, I just had to take it easy when I first got back in there. I bounce back from injury, I’ve had my share of them. It’s been tough, but having injury isn’t always a bad thing because it makes you work harder, you keep that work ethic. I think the guys that have been injured understand how much work ethic you need to make it back 100% and it only makes you a better athlete.”

    On his match with Ethan Carter III at the upcoming Slammiversary show: “Yeah, that’s one of the matches I was really looking forward to coming back and doing. I didn’t know what creative had in store for EC3, but I knew that he was going to win the world heavyweight title this year. The writing was on the wall, he was the guy that you wanted to put that title on, so it was a matter of time. I just didn’t know how they were going to get there. So I feel very blessed to at least be a part of that, because whether or not I beat or lose to EC3 in this match, I believe in this programme somewhere along the line he’s going to win the title. So what better way to win the title than beat Kurt Angle? I think that’s a great move on the company’s part and it’s also great for me because I get the chance to wrestle EC3, and it’s also great for me because I will probably be the one most likely to end his undefeated streak, so there are many things in that storyline that can be a lot of fun for both of us.”

    On TNA hiring Billy Corgan: “You know what I got very limited access to Billy but when I did he really took, he adapted quickly, almost like he has been around this for a long time. We did some segments that he produced, promo segments and such, he took control of The Doll House, which you will see a lot of things change in the future with The Doll House, that are really cool. He’s added a lot of depth to the company, I like him, I think he’s going to be very good for TNA. I think it was a great move by TNA, a smart move, to sign him and I think he’s well in tune with what the audience want to see. He brings a different flavour to the table, no doubt about that. We’ve been so drawn into just hiring former wrestlers and former office from WWE and former WCW talent, and not going outside the box. Well we went outside the box with Billy and I think it’s working out. He did an incredible job, he produced a promo segment of EC3 and myself, which we’ll see in the next few weeks, which was hilarious. You’re really going to be entertained, he really stepped up. So those are the kind of things we can get from Billy.”

    On saying he was going to sign with WWE to finish his career last year: “You know what, when it came down to it, I talked to both companies and it was an easy decision. From every perspective, from amount of dates, to the amount of money, to the amount of interest, it wasn’t a hard decision – TNA trumped the WWE. And for whatever reason, maybe the WWE didn’t think I could still go, maybe they just wanted to start grooming younger talent, although they’ve obviously hired Sting, brought in Batista and brought guys back like Jericho… I don’t know the full story, it could be anything, but when it came down to it I had my options open. I never said I was going to leave TNA and I never said I wouldn’t go back to WWE, but when I looked at the best scenario for me, hands down it was TNA. It wasn’t something I had to sit down and think about for hours, the writing was on the wall. It was TNA for one more year.”

    On the rumors that he approached Vince McMahon instead of Triple H due to rumored differences he had with HHH: “I don’t think so, I don’t think that Triple H and I have any problems with each other, I’ve always liked him. He’s always treated me with respect and I’ve always treated him the same. No, I don’t think it was that. There was a point when my manager talked to them and I believe they did say ‘he would have to wrestle full-time’. That is not an option for me, not at this point in my career. So, whether that was part of it, honestly I just don’t think they had that much interest in signing Kurt Angle at that point. For whatever reason, it could have been my mishaps in my past, it could have been that they didn’t think I was healthy enough to go – and obviously I am – but we never got a full answer of why they couldn’t give me what I wanted. And it wasn’t just what I wanted, it was a reduced schedule, but there was no option.

    “Dixie Carter gave me exactly what I wanted and it wasn’t a hard decision. I wasn’t upset, I was excited about signing another year with TNA. I think they did an incredible job this year. They had to refocus, they had to re-group, they had some issues in the past, and I think they’ve done an incredible job of making their way back. Are they back to what they were? No. But they’re on their way and they’re doing so many good things right now that make me excited about being part of the company.”

    Check out the complete interview at Mirror.co.uk.

  • Kevin Owens Does The 5-Knuckle Shuffle (Video), Most Talented Shield Member & More

    WWE.com has a poll asking fans which former Shield member has the most talent. With over 8,000 votes in, Seth Rollins is leading the pack with 43%, followed by Dean Ambrose (32%) and Roman Reigns (25%).

    – Cesaro posted a photo on Twitter of himself as an “extra” on WWE television in a backstage segment with Shane McMahon and DX from 2006. TNA star Ethan Carter III noted that there was another ‘pretty handsome dude’ in the shot, leading to this interesting exchange:

    – At last night’s NXT live event from Albany, NY, NXT Champion Kevin Owens busted out a 5-Knuckle Shuffle.

  • Ethan Carter III On Pre-Match Rituals, Experiencing Setbacks, His Future Plans & More

    TNA star Ethan Carter III (EC3) recently spoke with the Male Standard website about his career as a TNA Wrestler. Below are some highlights from the interview, which were sent in by SEScoops.com reader Victor Macias.

    On when he realized he wanted to become a pro wrestler: “I think every professional wrestler has that ah-ha moment, it’s like a calling. That call came from my aunt, Dixie Carter, she actually called me one day and said, “Hey, ever think about being a wrestler? You’re so athletic and good looking, wouldn’t it be perfect for you?” and I was like, “You’re right.” Next thing you know, I’m the best thing ever.”

    On setbacks he’s experienced along the way: “Everyone has strife of apprehensions, things that doesn’t always go according to plan. Not all victories are easy; I’ve had to work at a couple of them. Being undefeated, it’s hard. Especially when getting my head bashed in by Bully Ray with a trashcan and bleeding all over the place or suffering a torn bicep and having to work through that with a giant arm brace but through it all, I’ve remained undefeated.”

    On his pre-match rituals: “I try to be regimented; everything is almost a sociopathic standard of perfection. 5 minutes on the jumping of the rope, nice facial cleanser and herbal moisturizer on the skin. Ill go over to see my masseuse Helga, after that, go to the spa, feeling good, maybe do a couple push-ups, squats, sipping Perrier water. The whole time I have classical music playing to relax. My music hits, best music in the business, I walk out backward, and I win, it’s all good.”

    On what we can expect from him in the future: “Well you know, I’m sitting here; the crew and me are punching in numbers and looking at the polls and it’s about 83% in the EC3 favor, which is good but we’re not going to know until Election Day a.k.a my first title shot. In the future, I’m predicting I win world heavyweight championship. I hold it for 4-8 years, probably 8-10. The whole time I’ll have challenges and someone might give me a run for my money but about 10 years later I will still be the champion, probably retire, then go on to pursue my political career.”

    Check out the complete interview at MaleStandard.com.

  • Possible *Spoiler* On Former TNA Champion Returning As Special Referee Tonight

    As reported earlier today, TNA will be taping several weeks worth of Impact Wrestling episodes across the next four days, starting with tonight’s show, which airs semi-live on a two-hour delay from Orlando, Florida.

    In the main event of tonight’s show, the TNA World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line with Kurt Angle defending the title against Eric Young with a former TNA Champion returning to serve as special guest referee of the match.

    Unless the former champion is a swerve of some kind, the following are the most likely candidates, according to a report from F4WOnline.com:

    – Sting (highly unlikely due to his WWE deal)
    – Samoa Joe (possible, but unlikely due to his rumored negotiations with WWE)
    – Mick Foley (also seems unlikely now that he just recently taped a highly-promoted special for the WWE Network)
    – A.J. Styles (would seem unlikely due to his various commitments, including Ring Of Honor starting next Tuesday)
    – Chris Sabin (a possibility)
    – Rob Van Dam (a possibility)
    – Bully Ray (a very strong possibility)

    – Also confirmed for tonight’s Impact Wrestling is a Ken Anderson vs. Ethan Carter III match where the fans get to choose the stipulation (likely an arm-wrestling match or a falls count anywhere match), and Divas action with Gail Kim & Awesome Kong vs. Taryn Terrell & Jade & Marti Bell.

    Make sure to join us here at SEScoops.com for complete results of tonight’s Impact Wrestling, as well as spoiler results of any matches/segments taped for future Impact Wrestling episodes!

    • JERRY LAWLER: WWE Stars FAR Outshine UFC Stars In Popularity [READ >>]
  • Update On TNA Replacing Taz, EC3 In For A Big Push, Davey Richards’ New Goal, More

    – Tonight’s edition of TNA Impact Wrestling will be called by Josh Mathews by himself. TNA is still in the process of finding a replacement for Taz.

    – According to one source, TNA is planning on giving Ethan Carter III a big push in the near future.

    – TNA President Dixie Carter noted on Twitter recently that while Eddie Edwards is out with an injury, his tag-team partner Davey Richards will be looking to pursue the TNA X-Division Championship.

    – AAA has confirmed that there will in fact be a “Team TNA” in their Lucha Libre World Cup, which takes place on May 24th in Mexico. As of right now, Matt Hardy is the only confirmed member of the team.

  • Video: The Hardy Boys Cut Promo Regarding Tonight’s “Tag-Team Gold” Impact Wrestling

    Following the TNA Tag-Team Championships being vacated by The Wolves due to an injury sustained by one-half of the former champions — Eddie Edwards — the belts will be up for grabs, as eight teams will compete in “Tag-Team Gold” to determine who advances to an Ultimate-X match to crown the new champions.

    The “Tag-Team Gold” themed edition of Impact Wrestling airs tonight on Destination America with the following matches taking part on the show:

    – The Hardy Boys (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy) vs The Revolution (James Storm & Koya)

    – Dirty Heels (Austin Aries & Bobby Roode) vs. The Bro-Mans

    – Mr. Anderson & Rockstar Spud vs. The BDC (Low Ki & Kenny King)

    – Ethan Carter III & Bram vs. Tigre Uno & Jay Rios

    With that in mind, Jeff and Matt, The Hardy Boys, have released a new video promo (which you can watch at the top of this page) regarding tonight’s “Tag-Team Gold” edition of Impact Wrestling.

    Make sure to check back here at SEScoops.com later this evening for a complete Impact Wrestling report.

  • Jeremy Borash Talks TNA Ratings, Live Events Returning, Rise Of EC3 & More

    TNA performer Jeremy Borash recently spoke with The Pain Clinic about a number of TNA-related topics. Below are some highlights from the interview.

    On TNA’s ratings on Destination America: “Can you imagine that? A network actually putting out a press release, giving us credit for the credit we deserve? That’s a new one for us! Destination America has been great. When we made the move from Spike to Destination America, being part of a growing brand in the long term and being that network’s flagship show versus being kind of buried in the midst of a whole lot of other stuff, is really what we were looking for. So if you haven’t seen Destination America yet, you gotta get it. Great channel, a lot of great programming, and we are their flagship so you know it’s gotta be good. If you haven’t seen Impact, what I like about it is every week you see such a better show than what’s out there right now from anywhere else. Right now I think everything is kind of clicking. Those eyeballs are coming. We need more, obviously, so spread the word that Impact is kicking some serious tail on Destination America. It’s a great show.”

    On additional TNA programming on Destination America: “We’ve got such a good roster right now. That’s the good thing about Destination America, there’s all kinds of programming on right now. Some things we’re going to develop for the future are going to be pretty exciting. Between Greatest Matches, between Unlocked, between Impact….I’ve got Impact on the season pass and I’m up watching TV at 2 a.m. and it notifies me that Impact is about to come on. I look and it’s a big marathon going all day! It’s very cool that we get so much presence on the network, no matter what time of the day it is.”

    On if TNA will resume live events this year: “Yes, we are. I don’t think anything has been announced yet. We are going to some domestic places in North America, and some far region places as well. In fact, a place I’ve never been to before. We’ve been to a lot of places, but this will be a first for this country. I can’t say yet, we’ll be announcing it soon. There are some rumors out there I cannot confirm or deny, but, you know, where there’s smoke, there’s fire so I’ll say that much. It’s been way too long. Our live events, let’s not forget, have been stellar over the years. We always get great reviews for the experience and we do things a little differently, so we can’t wait to get that back on the road.”

    On The Wolves and Eddie Edwards’ injury: “It was just a bummer, because they’re at the top of their game and they’re probably doing the best work of their careers. Eddie has an unfortunate foot break so he’s going to be on the shelf for a little bit, but I’ll tell you what, I’ve talked to him and heard from him. He will come back from this really fast. Not faster than he should, but the time he spends in physical therapy, he says he’s itching to come back real soon. The Wolves are two good dudes. I’m happy to see the success they’ve had on Impact, and hopefully they’ll get back on track as Eddie’s foot heals. At the same time I don’t mind Davey Richards singles matches in the meantime. We saw that with DJ Z, he’s just incredible. I want to see Davey in there with Kurt Angle; that would be amazing.”

    On the rise of Ethan Carter III: “I just can’t believe that somebody in another company did not see all the potential that this kid has. He’s really remarkable. He’s one of those guys, and I’ve come across a few of them in my day, you just know someday they’re going to be a top guy, and he carries himself like that. There’s guys that get there by their athleticism and don’t really have the aura of a star—he’s got it all. I can’t stand him personally, but he’s got it all, I’ll give him that.”

    On his thoughts on the current Knockouts division: “Personally, they are some of the coolest Knockouts we’ve ever had on the roster. Taryn Terrell is so funny, so cool. Brooke, Gail Kim….we have a very cool group of gals right now. The locker room, I think, has never been better for the Knockouts. So they’re thriving right now, and I think we’re going to see some good stuff from them for the rest of the year, as far as new things and new Knockouts coming in. Mia Yim, check her out, she’s starting soon. I don’t want to say too much.”

    Check out the complete interview at ThePainClinic.com.