Posts Tagged ‘Greg Valentine’

Brody King Channels Greg Valentine After Adam Copeland Injury

Adam Copeland will be out with injury and Brody King wants The House Of Black to take credit for it.

Copeland revealed that he fractured his tibia in his barbed wire steel cage match against Malakai Black. The TNT Championship was on the line and despite the broken leg, Copeland came out on top in thanks to a surprise appearance from his old Brood buddy, Gangrel.

The former Edge took to social media to share the unfortunate news that he did hurt himself. The injury occurred when Copeland dove off the top of the cage to land on Black, but it obviously didn’t go as planned. 

Adam did start off by saying that “The House always wins” and Brody King tends to agree with that assessment. During the bloody battle at Double Or Nothing in Las Vegas, King and Buddy Matthews teased that they would be aligning with Copeland, but it was all just a ruse in an effort to help Malakai Black.

Brody was clearly satisfied with the result of both the injury and the match. He happened to address the former by sharing a classic photo and tee shirt of Greg Valentine. ‘The Hammer’ notoriously broke the legendary Wahoo McDaniel’s leg and had a shirt made in homage to his accomplishment. King made a few changes. to Greg’s original garb, however.

The same night Copeland got injured is the very same night that the previously injured MJF made his return to the ring. It’ll be interesting to see the direction AEW takes with Copeland being unable to defend his TNT Championship.

Missy Beefcake Releases Homophobic Video Of Greg ‘The Hammer’ Valentine

Greg “The Hammer” Valentine’s name trended today on X, but not in a way he would ever want it to. A video was released of him using some harsh homosexual language, and it is quite shocking.

Greg Valentine’s Homophobic Video

Missy Beefcake, wife of WWE Hall of Famer Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake, recently shared video clips on her X account featuring Greg “The Hammer” Valentine. It was not stated where this video was shot, but Valentine was using derogatory language targeted at the LGBTQ+ community. 

In one clip, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine is heard saying, “You f*cking f*ggot. I can whip you with one arm tied behind my f*cking back!” Another clip captured Valentine mentioning, “The f*ggot on CNN besides Don Lemon.” He was talking about Anderson Cooper in that second clip. 

Missy Beefcake dropped those two clips, along with a short caption to sum up her thoughts on the content.

“Greg Valentine making homophobic remarks! He’s disgusting!!!!”

Public Reaction to Greg Valentine’s Comments

While such language might have been more tolerable in the territorial days of pro wrestling, where Greg “The Hammer” Valentine gained fame, it is receiving significant backlash in the present day. 

Greg “The Hammer” Valentine is now facing criticism for his remarks, with some calling for consequences and expressing their disapproval of his actions. Fans are weighing in about what Valentine said, and there will likely be a lot more discussion and memes to follow. 

Video Is Possible Revenge

It should be noted that Greg “The Hammer” Valentine laid quite a hammer down on Missy Beefcake in a recent interview. He was asked who he loved beating up the most in the ring, to which The Hammer replied Brutus Beefcake, because of “that f*cking c*nt that he married.” He also said that they didn’t have to cut that part out, which they didn’t.

Missy Beefcake’s response to that shot very well could have been in the form of this latest homophobic video drop. There are definitely shots being fired between those two pro wrestling personalities, and things got ugly in a hurry. 

Ronda Rousey At WWE Performance Center (Photos), Greg Valentine Battling Illness

– Ronda Rousey was training at the WWE Performance Center last week. Rousey’s personal photographer, Michael Mardones, posted some photos of her visit on Instagram, which reveal that she trained with Sara Del Rey, Norman Smiley, Shayna Baszler, Peyton Royce, Vanessa Borne, Wesley Blake, Steve Cutler, and MMA fighter Jessamyn Duke.

– WWE Hall of Famer Greg “The Hammer” Valentine was forced to miss an independent wrestling show on Saturday in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada due to illness.

The former Intercontinental Championship was scheduled to appear at Canadian Wrestling’s Elite “Legends Of Wrestling and Professional Sports Convention 2,” but his wife told CWE officials that he became “violently ill” on Wednesday.

The company said in a statement on Thursday, “It is with great sadness CWE management has to report that we were contacted by Julie Valentine, the wife of Greg Valentine informing us that Greg became violently ill last night and was hopeful he would be feeling better before his flight this evening but is in need of medical attention and will not be able to attend this weekend’s CWE Legends Of Wrestling & Professional Sports Convention 2 in Winnipeg.”

This led to Ron Simmons reaching out to D’Lo Brown to appear at the convention in place of Valentine.

Randy Orton Still Advertised For Night Of Champions, Bayley Art (Video), Arn Anderson

– For whatever this is worth, WWE is still advertising “The Viper” Randy Orton for tonight’s WWE Night Of Champions pay-per-view at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas.

– WWE Hall Of Famer Arn Anderson celebrates his 57th birthday today. Also celebrating birthdays today are Greg Valentine (64), Tony Garea (69) and Joel Gertner (40).

– The latest edition of “Canvas 2 Canvas” features art from Rob Schamberger on NXT Women’s Champion Bayley:

Jim Ross Q&A: Sting/Undertaker Rumors, WWE & NJPW Working Together?, Kane

WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross recently updated his official Q&A section, answering questions from fans a wide variety of topics. Below are some of the highlights.

On WWE possibly cross-promoting a big event with New Japan Pro Wrestling: “I’d never count WWE out of any negotiations as it relates to building their brand or associating with other groups as a source for securing new talents. In the big picture, would NJPW rather have a great deal with WWE or a great deal with ROH?”

On how WWE kept the identity of the Kane character under wraps during the Attitude Era: “I actually have never thought of that nor do I know if WWE was truly successful in keeping Kane’s identity a secret. You know the old saying…..telephone, telegraph, tell a wrestler.”

On how much WWE management would talk about the internet wrestling community: “Not much unless it was news that was meant to be kept off the grid. All in all, a non issue for the most part. Don’t know how it is today. ”

On Greg Valentine saying women have no place in wrestling: “Greg was a great in ring performer just like his Dad Johnny Valentine. Solid as a rock. I did not read his opinions on women in wrestling and he has a right to his take whether it’s a popular take or not.”

On Sting vs. Undertaker rumors: “I think that we can forget about Sting vs. Taker. All storylines in the biz can be simpler and more logical and it would make me happier. Plus, paying more attention to continuity would be smart on their part as well.”

On how to get over as an outstanding wrestling announcer: “Product knowledge, sense of timing and humor, ability to communicate in sound bytes are all good starting points with the bottom line being that the goal is to get talents over and not yourself.”

Check out more of JR’s Q&A updates at You can also order JR’s Bar-B-Q products online at

Greg Valentine Says Women Wrestlers Should Be Fired & Sent To The Strip Club

WWE Hall of Famer Greg “The Hammer” Valentine recently appeared on Filsinger Games’ The View podcast and made some very controversial statement regarding women’s wrestling. Valentine cut right to the chase:

“As far as girl wrestling, I would send them all out to the strip bar and fire ’em.”

“I’d fire every girl wrestler I ever saw. They don’t draw any money, they have horrible matches. Uh … they’re terrible. That’s the way I feel.”

“They take away jobs from men that need to support their families. They should be home washing dishes and cooking and pregnant and barefoot.”

The male host responded, “Here we go..” and added that this was a perfect heel interview. Valentine continued:

“I love women … but they gotta realize their place. They’re not supposed to be wrestlers. They’re not supposed to be MMA fighters or boxers. It’s bullshit.”

You can listen to the full podcast here – Valentine’s rant begins around the 40-minute mark.

Jim Ross Reveals Podcast Guests, New Piper’s Pit, Neville, Todays Birthdays

– WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross noted on social media recently that Bret Hart, Torrie Wilson and Mike Tenay will be guests on upcoming episodes of his “Ross Report” podcast.

– Speaking of podcasts, WWE Hall Of Famer Greg Valentine is the guest on the latest edition of Roddy Piper’s “Piper’s Pit” podcast, which is now available at

– WWE Shop has released a new “Dawn Of The Attitude Era” t-shirt for Neville. The shirt is available now at

– WWE Superstar Roman Reigns is celebrating his 30th birthday today. Reigns was born on May 25, 1985. Also celebrating birthdays today are Bo Dallas (25) and Alberto El Patron (38).

Credible Talks RAW & HHH/Orton; Vampiro & Greg Valentine On ICP’s Fuse Show

SESCOOPS.COM reader Phil Johnson sent along the following:

Former ECW Champion Justin Credible has posted a new blog at This week Credible talks on Monday’s WWE Raw, Triple H & Randy Orton, among other topics. Former ECW star Tony DeVito is this week’s special guest on Justin Credible’s Pro Wrestling 101 video series. Here is an extract from “The Justin Credible Report:

“WWE Raw continues to establish HHH, and Randy Orton as the top heels in the company. I liked the opening segment with HHH and Steph really cementing their roles as heels. HHH then set up Daniel Bryan vs. Big Show for the main event. Fast forward the Shield triple powerbomb Bryan while Show watched. HHH then ordered Show to knock out Bryan, and after much deliberation he did. Fans reacted with a “you sold out” chant, and Show left with HHH, and Steph. Then we saw the 7ft Big Show cry like a little bitch. All jabs aside I liked it, and Show did a very good job selling his emotions”

SESCOOPS.COM reader Kevin Gill sent along the following:

International superstar Vampiro joins WWE Hall of Famer Greg “The Hammer” Valentine and former WWE/WCW/ECW/TNA stars The Insane Clown Posse to take on pop culture tonight at 11/10c on Fuse TV!

In addition to the Viral Video, Photog Flava, and Forgotten Freshness features on the show, comedian Big Jay Oakerson stops by to drop some comedic gems on videos by Katy Perry and others.

Tune in to witness a unique brand of insightful pop culture commentary that only a lifetime in the wrestling and music industry industry can provide.

Meet Jay Oakerson at

REPORT: HHH To Turn BACK Babyface On RAW Next Week? [READ MORE >>]

WWE Releases Injury Update On Cena, WWE’s Greatest Losers

— Following an MRI and a battery of tests on his left arm Monday, doctors confirmed to that John Cena sustained multiple muscle strains during his Extreme Rules Match against Brock Lesnar.

“The most obvious injury was the laceration to his head, which caused a substantial amount of bleeding,” WWE locker room physician Dr. Chris Amann said Sunday night. “He also suffered a shoulder injury.”

Cena is scheduled to appear on tonight’s Raw SuperShow.

— takes a look back at ten of the greatest journeymen “who may not have scored many pinfalls, but all left an indelible mark inside the squared circle by achieving their dream of competing under the bright WWE spotlight.” (Full story)

— reports WWE Hall of Famers Greg “The Hammer” Valentine and Koko B. Ware will appear for Pro Wrestling Syndicate on June 1 at the Rahway Rec Center 275 East Milton Ave. Rahway, New Jersey.

Rima Fakih Denies Signing With WWE, Natalya Threatens Lilian

— “Miss USA” and Tough Enough contestant Rima Fakih has denied signing with WWE. She wrote Saturday on Twitter, “Not signed! #rumor.”

Fakih suggested last month during an interview with German celebrity gossip website that she had signed a contract with WWE, stating, “You are the first to respond to me, but I can now tell you that I will definitely be part of WWE.”

— For the second consecutive night, WWE conducted an angle at a SmackDown live event where ring announcer Lilian Garcia nearly came to blows with Natalya during a heated confrontation. Fed up with the third generation wrestler’s shabby treatment of her, Garcia aggressively shoved Natalya’s jacket back at the SmackDown Diva following her loss to AJ at Saturday’s show in Manchester, England. Natalya was none too pleased with this.

“I didn’t appreciate Lilian Garcia’s attitude tonight throwing my jacket at me! Watch yourself ya little mutt!” she wrote on Twitter.

— WWE Hall of Famer Greg “The Hammer” Valentine appears at the Friendship Flea Market in Friendship, Indiana on June 9 and 10. Call 859-341-9188 for more information.

Punk Appearing On Live SmackDown, Hart Family DNA Traced

— The official website of the BMO Harris Bank Center is advertising CM Punk as a special guest for the WWE SuperSmackDown Live special that will air on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 on Syfy.

Two bouts are advertised for the event as Daniel Bryan will defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Big Show and Randy Orton will face Wade Barrett in a Street Fight Match.

Metro Calgary has published an article on researchers with National Geographic’s Genographic Project approaching Bret Hart for a DNA sample. Links were found from as long ago as 60,000 years and in places such as India, Iran and several European countries.

“It pretty much goes back to the beginning of time,” Hart said. “It’s not something you can easily wrap your head around. It’s pretty fascinating stuff.”

— Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake and Greg “The Hammer” Valentine have been announced for Legends of the Ring 14, which takes place Saturday, June 2, 2012 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Monroe, New Jersey.

Morrison Comments On WWE Departure, Most Followed Wrestlers

— John Morrison answered numerous fan questions for the fansite including a query regarding life after WWE.

“I feel like I got off an express train walked to my car, and sped away. I’m still busy as all hell, but now, I’m the one driving,” he said.

He was also asked, “What do you think will help you get to the next level when you return to WWE?”

Morrison said, “JoMo needs to cut promos.”

— has compiled a list of the top 25 most followed professional wrestling personalities on Twitter. The Rock heads the list with over 1.8 million followers. He is trailed by John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Steve Austin, Chris Jericho, The Miz, Shawn Michaels, Zack Ryder and Kelly Kelly.

— Greg “The Hammer” Valentine is scheduled to appear at WrestleReunion in Los Angeles, California later this month and he will be dying his hair jet black for the occasion. The WWE Hall of Famer will appear alongside The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart for a special “Rhythm and Blues” photo op.

Foley’s Status For Tonight’s Raw, DiBiase Ends Winless Drought

— Mick Foley, who is presently in Europe, will not be appearing on WWE television this week. The Hardcore Legend has been announced for tonight’s SmackDown live event in Birmingham, England, and tomorrow night’s Raw live event in Manchester.

Though it would appear Foley’s television return is being held off for next week’s three-hour Raw SuperShow in Boston, Massachusetts, he said in an interview that he hasn’t heard about his status for the event.

— Friday’s episode of SmackDown saw Ted DiBiase put Tyson Kidd away via Dream Street. Prior to the match, the third generation wrestler had not garnered a singles victory on United States television since the May 20 episode of SmackDown.

— WWE Hall of Famer Greg “The Hammer” Valentine appears at The Whole Scoop 1149 North Railroad Staten Island, New York next Sunday from noon to 2:00 p.m. Visit for more information.


WWE Releases Longtime Announcer, Scott Hall Thanks Fans

— Hugo Savinovich, color commentator for WWE’s Spanish language television and pay-per-view broadcasts since 1997, announced Wednesday on YouTube that he is parting ways with the organization.

Savinovich says organization officials informed him a few days ago that his expiring contract would not be renewed. He thanks Vince McMahon for giving him the opportunity to work for WWE fourteen years ago after he fell hard on drugs. He does not know if he will continue to call wrestling matches, but he does know that he will be writing a book dedicated to spreading the word of God.

— Scott Hall posted a message on Twitter following ESPN’s profile piece tonight thanking fans for their support.

He wrote, “Thank u for all your nice comments & for always pulling for The Bad Guy!”

— WWE Hall of Famer Greg “The Hammer” Valentine is advertised to appear for Pro Wrestling Destination at the Neil Road Recreation Center in Reno, Nevada on Saturday, November 5, 2011.

Former WWE Star Challenges Greg Valentine To MMA Match

WWE Hall of Famer Greg “The Hammer” Valentine no-showing Great North Wrestling’s Randy Savage tribute show on Sept. 3 in Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada has been turned into an angle.

Lanny Poffo, the brother of the late superstar wrestler, posted a video on YouTube challenged the 60-year-old to a mixed martial arts match on December 30 in Gatineau. The wrestler formerly known as The Genius says he will throw cash he received from his recent inheritance to bait Valentine into the fight. He also taunts Valentine by calling him a “mangina” and that he may be left in a body bag.

The video can be accessed here.

Valentine posted an explanation Friday on his Facebook account apologizing for no-showing the event and leaving a nasty voice message to Great North Wrestling promoter Devon Nicholson. Valentine says he no-showed the event because he received a phone call on the morning of the show that his mother-in-law had two days left to live, so he flew to Nashville to be by her side—she recovered. Nicholson said between Valentine’s flight from Tampa, hotel, pay and photos he printed up to sell, he was out $2,000. Valentine said he would return Nicholson the money when he arrived in Tampa.

“This was never the issue, so why he had to go off and try to hurt me at a time where we are having a tragedy in our family, I don’t know,” Valentine wrote of Nicholson releasing his angry voice message and saying he no-showed the event after he was paid.

He continues, “What tends to hurt me the most, is that I asked him to please tell the fans that I was sorry and that I was not going to be able to make it to the event. I purposely made sure that he would express that to the fans who came out to see me, and to celebrate the life of Randy Savage. Instead, he tells everyone that I pulled a “No show”. He didn’t give any reason for my absence, just told people I didn’t show up. This is not how I operate. However, when push comes to shove with family, family will always win out.”

Valentine Posts Explanation For No-Showing Savage Tribute Show

WWE Hall of Famer Greg “The Hammer” Valentine offered an explanation on his Facebook page for no-showing Great North Wrestling’s Randy Savage tribute show on Sept. 3 in Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada after the organization paid $2,000 for his services.

Here is my Official Statement on my Canada Booking. I hope this clears things up.

I was booked for the Macho Man Memorial Show in Canada. That’s true. I told the promoter I was coming. That’s true. I received my deposit from the promoter. That’s true. Now let me clear some things up…

A few days before the scheduled booking, my mother-n-law had to go into the hospital for an emergency surgery. I sent my wife, Julie, to Nashville to be by her side. I stayed back in Tampa to continue with my weekend booking schedule. I called the promoter when I saw my flight itinerary. He had me on a 715 flight to Miami from Tampa, then Miami to Chicago, then Chicago to Ottawa, then a couple hour drive to the show, plus going thru customs when I land…which can take an hour for me to get thru.

When I saw this, I called the promoter and left the message that many of you heard. I asked for the remainder of the money if I was going to be jumping on THREE different airplanes to get to this event. And yes, I promised him I would be there. Now what you need to understand is this… My message to him was stern. I was angry. My wife was a bundle of nerves because she is seeing her mother suffer. I was not with her, and I now have a flight schedule that is beyond crazy. Last time I went there I didn’t need to go on THREE planes to get there. So, with all that being said, I was stressed out, and I do apologize to the fans who heard the voice mail that I left. The pressure got the best of me and I used language I shouldn’t have. We all make mistakes.

This is what then unfolded as the reason I did not show up… The promoter sent me the remainder of the money as I asked. I was going to his booking as I promised him…even though I was under a lot of pressure with what has been going on with my mother-n-law (something that the promoter knew about). The morning of the booking came, I was still going. I then got a call from my wife in Nashville that her mom was given 2 days to live. That did it for me. How can I, as a husband, NOT be with my wife and mother-n-law, and the rest of the family? What would you do? If you were a son or daughter of adult age, and had a vacation scheduled, but your Mom or Dad was given two days to live…would you still go away on your vacation, or put things in priority order, and be with your family?

As I write this to you, I am with the family in Nashville, filling my days with my wife and the rest of the family at my mother-n-law’s bedside. It’s been 2 days already and she is still with us, but I attribute that to the many fans and friends who have been praying for her. I have received numerous emails expressing your concern and support in my situation.

If the promoter is angry, and out to try and hurt my reputation, shame on him. I called him and apologized for not being able to come, and TOLD HIM I was not going to make it because of the news we got from the hospital the morning of the show… that her death was expected. I even went as far to tell him that I would return the money he sent…all of it, and I STILL stand by it. When I return to Tampa, I will be heading to my bank and mailing him the money. This was never the issue, so why he had to go off and try to hurt me at a time where we are having a tragedy in our family, I don’t know.

What tends to hurt me the most, is that I asked him to please tell the fans that I was sorry and that i was not going to be able to make it to the event. I purposely made sure that he would express that to the fans who came out to see me, and to celebrate the life of Randy Savage. Instead, he tells everyone that I pulled a “No show”. He didn’t give any reason for my absence, just told people I didn’t show up. This is not how I operate. However, when push comes to shove with family, family will always win out.

That is the truth. This is what happened. Yes, I did not like the flight itinerary, and I did ask him for the balance of my payoff, but that had nothing to do with me not being there. It was getting the news that my mother-n-law was about to die that caused me to decide not to go the day of. As stated earlier, my mother-n-law seems to be doing better, and I thank you all for praying. I believe that is the only reason why. For those that got offended, I do apologize, and I do hope to see you again one day soon. Thank you for your support throughout this time, and for being such dedicated fans and friends.

-Greg “The Hammer” Valentine

Greg Valentine No-Shows Event, Leaves Drunken Voice Message

Great North Wrestling President Devon Nicholson issued the following statement regarding WWE Hall of Famer Greg “The Hammer” Valentine no-showing last Saturday’s Randy Savage tribute show in Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada after the organization paid $2,000 for his services.

“It is one thing to no-show a pro wrestling event. It is another to demand all your money up front, promise you’re going to come and then no show a huge event like the Macho Man Memorial Show,” Nicholson said.

“Greg Valentine cost in the ball park of $2,000 for his payoff, plane ticket, and hotel room. That money all went to waste with him no-showing. Greg Valentine truly showed what scum he is this week. I would highly recommend that no promoter trust or book this man. He better hope he never crosses paths with me again. What he did was a horrible insult to me, Lanny, The Macho Man and most importantly the fans who paid to see him.”

After negotiations for Valentine to appear at the Randy Savage tribute show were finalized, he drunkenly called organization officials three days before the event demanding that he be paid more money (which he received).

Audio of the profanity-laced voice message Valentine left can be accessed here.

Latest Report On Sting, Hall of Famer In Line For Book & DVD

— Sources within World Wrestling Entertainment do not believe Steve Borden (a/k/a Sting )has signed with the organization. That, however, doesn’t mean Borden won’t join WWE at some point, but it does not appear that he is currently signed.

Borden is still listed on the TNA Wrestling website roster page, however, those in the know are not aware of him re-signing with the company. Thus, it is believed that he is a free agent.

— WWE Hall of Famer Greg “The Hammer” Valentine said during an interview published in the latest issue of Inside Wrestling that he recently reached a new merchandising agreement with World Wrestling Entertainment. He noted that WWE plans on releasing a book and DVD chronicling his lengthy wrestling career, as well as a Mattel action figure.

— WWE United States Champion Daniel Bryan appears from 11:00 to noon on Monday, February 21 at the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California.
