Konnor Talks About WWE Release, Working Relationship With Vince McMahon
Former WWE Superstar Konnor spoke about being released from WWE late last year during a recent episode of Wrestling Inc. Daily Podcast. He was one half of WWE tag team The Ascension alongside his partner, Viktor.
When asked if he had anticipated they would be released, Konnor confirmed they knew it was going to happen. “We knew. I think the one thing that anybody knows about us is we’re not big social media guys,” Konnor said. “We don’t go out there, and we don’t blast our problems out anything like that. We try to keep everything under the umbrella. There had already been talks that were discussed as far as there wasn’t really a purpose.”
He noted how they had both loved being a part of WWE. That being said, “[…] you can only sit around for so long before you start twiddling your thumbs kind of like, ‘ok guys, what are we doing here?'” Konnor added how they were told several times that things were in the works for them, only for none of them to come to fruition.
“It’s just one of those things where there’s no need to pay, and we knew we weren’t going to re-sign,” he explained. “There was no intention of re-signing, and that’s nothing against WWE. It was more along the effects of the situation and the circumstances as far as them not really having anything for us just keeping us around.”
Konnor’s Example & Vince McMahon
Konnor shared how he wasn’t interested in staying with WWE just for the money. He explained how he didn’t want to send a negative message to his son by doing so. It was more important to him to stick to his values and encourage his son to invest in what he believes in rather than just for a paycheck.
When asked about his working relationship with Vince McMahon during his time in WWE, Konnor explained that they didn’t really have one. Instead, they would be civil and polite but had no connection past that.
“It wasn’t a ‘hey Vince, how you doing’ type thing. We always said hello and stuff like that, but we would try to get meetings with him. You just never know around that place. Some guys would just knock on the door, but for the majority of the time, Vince was either busy with writers. It just seemed like, at the time, it was always something.”
He continued, “We threw pitches out. Some of the greatest stuff that we did that we really enjoyed was the Fashion Files, and it was a lot of fun because you got to see a new side of us or at least a different side of us. I always knew we could be goofy at times, and that was a lot of fun. I think they pulled the plug on that too because Vince wasn’t quite buying it. I don’t know. It’s just one of those things where us personally, we didn’t have a very close relationship with him. Some guys get that benefit, and some guys don’t. We, unfortunately, were the ones that didn’t get that one-on-one time.”
H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.