Posts Tagged ‘Lex Luger’

More Details On Brock Lesnar’s Contract, Reigns Considered A Flop?

Even more details are coming out about Brock Lesnar’s new contract with WWE. After making his big announcement earlier this week on Sports Center that he has decided to remain with WWE, Lesnar told the Associated Press that he re-signed for 3 years. According to WWE insider MetsFan4Ever, Lesnar’s deal is for $3 million a year and he’ll continue to work a limited schedule.

WWE writers have been working nonstop with Vince McMahon, Triple H and their inner circle to come up with multiple scenarios for the main event of WrestleMania. According to MetsFan, Vince McMahon is said to be on board with the idea of Lesnar retaining the title, although Lesnar winning is not a sure thing by any means. What’s interesting is that there is finally an understanding amongst WWE’s top brass that Reigns did not get over as they hoped he would.

Internally, there have been some comparisons to Lex Luger, who was pushed to the moon back in 1993 with the Lex Express before WWE ultimately went with Bret Hart. While WWE could still have Reigns win the title on Sunday, WWE is not oblivious to the fact that he’s not getting over like somebody in his position should be. While Luger was relegated to mid-card status after WrestleMania X before jumping ship to WCW, WWE has a lot invested in Reigns and we could see a big shakeup in his character in the coming months. He’s still got a very bright future ahead of him, but management is now more open to Lesnar going over.

MetsFan also says that Dean Ambrose is slated to get a strong push leading into SummerSlam.

Why Hasn’t WWE Tried Promoting A WCW Reunion Show?

E-C-W! E-C-W! E-C-W!

The chants can still be heard today. In fact, WWE still capitalizes on those three letters to this very day.

For example, last Monday night after RAW, WWE premiered “ECW Exposed” on the WWE Network as part of a full “ECW Week” theme for their digital subscription service.

Next Tuesday night, a second edition of “ECW Exposed” is scheduled to air on the WWE Network.

Hell, this weekend, Tommy Dreamer will be presenting the seventh “House Of Hardcore” event, which is considered by many to be a show with the old “ECW feel” to it.

My question is this, why do we see so many ECW reunion shows, but no WCW reunion shows? I’m assuming it has a lot to do with dollars and cents.

For an ECW reunion show to be held, you need at least some of the following guys: Paul Heyman, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Taz, Bully Ray, Devon, Terry Funk, The Sandman, Rob Van Dam, Raven and Shane Douglas. Sure, there are many other names you can go with, but you need at least a few of those guys on the event for it to feel like a legitimate ECW reunion show.

For a WCW reunion show to be held, you need at least some of the following guys: Eric Bischoff, Ric Flair, Sting, Hulk Hogan, Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Diamond Dallas Page, Lex Luger, Sid Vicious, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner and Rick Steiner. Again, many names are missing, but the fact remains, the price tags of the key guys needed for an ECW reunion show versus the price tags for a WCW reunion show are world’s apart.

WWE has at different points in time had enough of the aforementioned WCW names under contract, and certainly has enough money to secure the stars they didn’t have at a particular point in time, to put together a legitimate WCW reunion show.

Outside of the financial side of putting together a reunion show for the former two biggest rival promotions to WWE, there is the financial side of how much these shows would generate.

When you compare the amount of DVDs sold between “The Rise & Fall Of ECW” and “The Rise & Fall Of WCW,” again you will notice that they are world’s apart.

When ECW went out of business in 2001 they were still a beloved promotion that just didn’t have the financial backing or television exposure to stay afloat. When WCW went out of business in 2001 they barely had a pulse.

The fan-base for ECW was a rabid, cult-like fan-base that loved their home-promotion dearly. The fan-base for WCW by the time the company folded in 2001 was practically nonexistent.

Still, it feels like there is enough WCW nostalgia for a reunion show to work. Anytime rumors circulate that claim WWE is in negotiations with Goldberg, Sting, or any of the other major names wrestling fans associate with WCW, there is a huge buzz. Fans are excited at the prospect of these guys coming into the current fold and squaring off against today’s crop of WWE Superstars.

Currently, there is a lot of interest in a Sting vs. Undertaker match at WrestleMania. There has been buzz in the recent past about a possible showdown between Goldberg and his modern-day carbon-copy Ryback. There’s even been a lot of interest in “The Hulkster” lacing up his red and yellow boots once more.

If WWE were to sign all of these guys, or ever considered the idea at any point in time, why is it out of the realm of possibility that a WCW reunion show would be a success? Personally, I think it would work, however, I think WWE wants the WCW legacy buried and forgotten, and wants the fans of today to only remember history the way Vince McMahon and company choose to portray it.

Ever watched the “Monday Night War” documentary series on the WWE Network? Right there is a perfect example of the WWE-version of history being told.

The fact is, ECW was never a close second to WWE. They definitely provided a template on how to change the wrestling product into something more modern that fans of that generation soaked up in droves. The fact remains, however, that WCW was kicking WWE’s ass for a lengthy period of time.

Prior to that, when WWE was the top dog, WCW was always nipping at their heels. NWA before WCW was at times a close-second to WWE, and for a long period of time was considered to have the better talent roster. Additionally, NWA would beat WWE in television ratings on a somewhat regular basis before fans really paid attention to TV ratings or considered them any legitimate measure of success, as was the case when the ratings became the focal point of the WWE vs. WCW “Monday Night Wars.”

Outside of WrestleMania once a year, WWE puts on pay-per-views that for the most part feel the same. Nothing seems special or different about them anymore, and the entire idea behind a pay-per-view is to put on an event that feels bigger and more unique than a typical weekly wrestling television program.

Unfortunately, current WWE pay-per-views just feel like a slightly better version of a solid edition of WWE RAW and/or WWE SmackDown, when the company should be striving to put on pay-per-views that feel like “must see” or “can’t miss” programming.

Something tells me if WWE were to book a WCW reunion pay-per-view, if they booked the right guys, it would generate a ton of interest and likely draw a solid buyrate. It would garner interest from fans who escaped the wrestling bubble and moved on with their lives back in 2001 when the only alternative to the WWE-style of wrestling went out of business.

Picture it guys — WCW One Night Stand!

I’d fork out $44.95 and spend three hours of a Sunday evening to watch it.

And something tells me many others would as well.

How about you? Would you be interested in buying a “WCW Reunion” pay-per-view event? Let us know by posting your feedback in the “Comments” section below. You can also connect with me directly on Facebook at and/or on Twitter @MBoone420.

Mick Foley Comments On Extreme Rules, Lex Luger Update, Total Divas Preview

– Former WWE & WCW star Lex Luger recently spoke at the Central Baldwin Chamber of Commerce’s 10th Annual Prayer Breakfast on May 1st in Summerdale, Alabama. covered the story and noted that Lex Luger’s health has improved dramatically since becoming paralized after suffering a stroke back in 2007. Luger is able to use his limbs and walk short distances, but spoke from a wheel chair.

– Here is the synopsis for next week’s episode of WWE Total Divas on E!:

“Red and Gold: Eva Marie and Summer Rae clash over being paired together in the ring; Ariane’s quest for fame goes too far; and Nattie’s artistic side comes out.”

– WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley tweeted the following about Sunday night’s WWE Extreme Rules PPV:

List Of Wrestlers Who Have Appeared On Most PPVs, WWE Signs New Wrestler

– Independent pro wrestler Steven Walters, who frequently works for Anarchy Wrestling out of Cornelia, Georgia, has signed a developmental deal with WWE. He is expected to start with the company in Orlando in mid-April.

– Chris Harrington recently compiled a list of the 20 wrestlers who have appeared in the most WWE, WCW and ECW pay-per-view matches in history. That list looks as follows:

1. The Undertaker 161
2. HHH 158
3. Big Show 156
4. Kane 155
5. Chris Jericho 149
6. Rey Mysterio 129
7. John Cena 124
8. Edge 123
9. Booker T 119
10. Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels 114
12. Chris Benoit 113
13. Ric Flair 105
14. Christian and Steve Austin 90
16. Dustin Rhodes aka Goldust 90
17. Sting 83 and Lex Luger 83
19. Hulk Hogan and C.M. Punk 82

Lex Luger Talks About Sting In WWE, ’94 Rumble, WrestleMania X Rumor & More

Former WCW, WWE, and TNA star “The Total Package” Lex Luger stepped IN THE ROOM with Brady Hicks for nearly an hour on Tuesday night, January 28, 2014.

Topics included this year’s Royal Rumble and fans’ disappointment, the prospect of a Lex Luger comeback, how “fair” it is for fans to put over The Undertaker at WrestleMania, his health, never winning the WWE title, and his past use of performance-enhancing drugs.

Listen to the Lex Luger interview here. Here are some highlights of what he said about:

On his Royal Rumble “Tie” with Bret Hart in 1994:

What was going through my head? #1 that we could pull it off. #2 that I could go over the top rope, backwards, while holding on to him and that I didn’t crack my skull open in the process. My arms are wrapped around him [and] it’s not the most comfortable feeling. I was concerned for my safety.

Being Backstage in WCW (and WWE):

I was never involved in the decision-making in wrestling. I was never involved in the backroom talk, as far as that goes with the planning of wrestling. I was never a storyline guy at all …

Why Sting Belongs in WWE, and Why He Has Always Avoided It:

[Sting] felt comfortable in WCW and they always took care of him all those years, so really when WCW and WWE were coexisting he never really felt a compelling reason or time in his career where he thought if he went to WWE that there would be a huge positive move for him. I can’t say that I disagree … [With that said] I don’t think anyone could orchestrate the ending part of [Sting’s] career better than WWE could. They’re just so good at that. Whether it’s a Hall of Fame bid or a match with The Undertaker I would LOVE, LOVE LOVE to see that happen personally. I think it would be the cherry on top for his career.

The Undertaker’s WrestleMania Streak:

I was brought in by Matsuda to always be professional, don’t ever question finishes. If a guy like Undertaker [wanted to beat me at WrestleMania], I wouldn’t have had any problem putting him over, especially at WrestleMania. I understand … that some guys might be frustrated but I don’t understand what they would be frustrated about. It’s one match in a career. If you have confidence in yourself, your career, and the big picture as far as where you’re going, I don’t think it hurts at all to put Undertaker over at WrestleMania.

The WrestleMania X “Drunk” Story and Rumored Changes:

I didn’t know what the plan was as far as what was to be the finish that day. I never got involved in that kind of stuff. There were rumors – crazy stuff – that I knew the finish. My reputation, and sure I deserved a lot of the rumors back then, [was] that I was drunk at a bar and telling people I was going to be champion. Where did they get this stuff from? I’ve done so much crazy stuff in my career. I didn’t have to make stuff up. I was like 100 miles away with my family the night before WrestleMania. I wasn’t anywhere near what they said. It was a crazy kind of rumor. Go figure, wrestling, right?

That Dark Road:

We’re all sad about that. I think it’s getting much better. It’s a much healthier atmosphere in WWE and with pro wrestling. Nothing can ever be 100%. We’d love to see nobody battle with [demons] but stuff happens in people’s lives, you know? We’d love to make it all where it never happened but I think it’s vastly improved now. We also see a lot of cases now of guys who are getting it back together who we were all very concerned about. So it’s not all negative. There are a few stories – we’ve lost a lot of our comrades and good friends way before they should have been with that whole ‘work hard, play hard’ [mindset] of my era and a lot of the mistakes that we made. A lot of us paid dearly for it. NONE of us want that to be the legacy that we left.

Being the Next Hulk Hogan:

To me it’s flattering for anyone to say I’m the next Hulk Hogan. There is only one Hulk Hogan. No one could ever, unless it was an extraordinary circumstance, ever even come close to something like that so. In my career I was very confident in myself and what I had, talent-wise, and I think I had a good career. But to even be mentioned in the same breath as the next Hogan, I was flattered by that. I couldn’t have lived up to that and I don’t know that anyone could.

Frequent Heel/Face Turns:

Behind the scenes, I was kind of the guy … I was proud that I was able to pull that off. A lot of guys might not have been able to. At the time, if one of the top three babyfaces or heels would get injured, people don’t realize that they’d switch me. [They] were like ‘So-and-so got hurt. What are we going to do? Let’s switch Lex.’ And when the first heel went down, they’d switch me back heel … All those changes, it was actually sort of a compliment that I was the type of character that could be either an arrogant bad guy or be a confident good guy and kind of pull it off with some kind of credibility. Would I have been able to sustain it for longer periods of time as a good guy or a bad guy? I guess I’ll never know but I’m not complaining. I was like the utility All Star.

IN THE ROOM with Brady Hicks streams live Tuesday nights, 9PM ET on the VOC Nation IN THE ROOM Radio Network on, as well as

Daniel Bryan’s Proposal To Brie Bella, WWE Comic Book Update, Lex Luger

– Next Sunday night’s edition of Total Divas is the episode that will feature Daniel Bryan’s real-life proposal to Brie Bella.

– Lex Luger’s autobiography is scheduled for a paperback release in May of 2014.

– The following is the official synopsis for the new “WWE #1” comic book, which was written by WWE Hall Of Famer Mick Foley:

“Pandemonium Squared,” Part 1 of 4. An all-new adventure straight from the world of WWE’s powerful, ongoing clashes. It all starts with a fierce battle between WWE Champion John Cena and Mark Henry, but quickly turns into all-out chaos! Soon virtually every WWE Superstar faces off in a no-holds-barred Brawl to End it All – but what has caused the wrestlers to virtually go berserk? Can Vickie Guerrero and Booker T manage such chaos, or will Mr. McMahon have to step in? Featuring CM Punk, Fandango, Sheamus and more! “

  • Former WWE Superstar Says Triple H Is Jealous Of Rob Van Dam
  • Lex Luger Talks Death Of Miss Elizabeth, McMahon Purchasing WCW, WrestleMania X & More

    To promote his recently released autobiography, Wrestling with the Devil: The True Story of a World Champion Professional Wrestler – His Reign, Ruin, and Redemption, former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Lex Luger appeared on Wrestling’s Glory Day Weekly podcast to address his memorable career. Topics discussed include the Four Horsemen, Vince McMahon acquiring World Championship Wrestling, WrestleMania X, and even the tragic death of Miss Elizabeth.

    On April 19, 2003, Luger was involved in a domestic dispute with Elizabeth Hulette, then his live-in girlfriend, in the garage of their townhouse in Marietta, Georgia, during which Luger allegedly struck her-he was charged with battery. Two weeks later, Hulette died in the townhouse they shared, after mixing pills of hydrocodone, and Xanax with vodka. Regarding this tragic event, Luger states, “It was a very dark, sad time in my personal life.

    “I’ve made a lot of bad choices outside of the ring over the years that led to me giving up my family, my beautiful wife and two children. I developed a double life and there was a lot of collateral damage from that to my friends, my family and those closest to me including Miss Elizabeth. She always will be the first lady of wrestling. It was a real tragedy, I was living a lifestyle back then, a lot of drugs, alcohol, I call it the life of folly in my book. It led to a lot of tragic things. and that was the biggest tragedy you could ever think of to have a close friend like Elizabeth as a result of it. People say, ‘well Lex, you didn’t make her drink or shove pills down her throat,’ but I was a very big influence on her life at the time and I was doing that and she wanted to do what I did. So if you talk about regrets in the past guys, we can’t erase the past and we have got to take responsibility and I take a lot of responsibility for that tragic event and what happened.”

    Additional highlights from the interview are as follows:

    His thoughts on first finding out about Vince McMahon buying WCW and being on the last Nitro: “I was happy for Vince because I knew, man, he had won, that was a genuine moment for him. I was like, ‘yeah, buddy, everybody had you counted out there when we were beating you for ‘x’ amount of weeks straight. I was happy for him.”

    On the night before WrestleMania X, not becoming WWF Champion, and online rumors: “Contrary to what is said, Vince never promised me the belt. He never made me any promises at WrestleMania between Bret, or I, or Yoko. Nor did I expect him to make any. Why would he? I was thrilled to be a part of the main event of WrestleMania. Visit Wrestling Inc It’s funny, I was talking to a guy in an interview recently and a guy said, ‘It was on your Wikipedia that you were drunk the night before at a bar at WrestleMania X and you were supposed to win the belt and Vince got mad at you.’ I wasn’t even anywhere near New York. I was with my wife and two kids in Hartford, Connecticut, staying with friends the night before WrestleMania. I did a lot of stupid stuff back then, but that wasn’t one of them. Rumor becomes fact sometimes, I laughed at that for years. Of all the stupid dumb stuff I did outside of the ring, that was one that I didn’t do. I always found that humorous, crazy how rumors can start. Who came up with that one?”

    Vince Russo coming in as head writer in WCW: “I think that Russo and Ferrara did their best to create a young, fresh group of guys, kind of doing an invasion like the now did and really on paper, a pretty good idea. They had a great reputation coming from the WWF for being very creative, really when we found ourselves slipping, consensus wise most of the guys were pretty excited that they were coming in. I think they gave it their very best effort, and the young guys came in and gave it their best effort.

    “I think part of the problem was for when the young guys were beating these legendary guys like Hogan in the middle of the ring… I think the fans, as much as they love seeing young talent emerge, I think it was almost like a little bit too much too soon, in my opinion, and the fans didn’t really buy into it like they had hoped. It was a good idea but the fans didn’t quite buy into it. They did their best, but things just didn’t work out the way they hoped. It wasn’t from a lack of effort on the new guys part, the writers or the young wrestlers, it just didn’t get over the way they had hoped. But I didn’t think it was a bad idea.”

    Ric Flair and being a member of the Four Horsemen: “Well, Ric lived his persona both in the ring and out of the ring. I found that out right away, I feel like for about three years there hanging out with the Horseman, I feel like I didn’t sleep for almost three years. Ric could stay up all night, then he go to the gym and work out with me, then he go and wrestle an hour. I don’t know how he did it. Ric will always tell you image is everything. He always had a limo waiting for us, we flew usually private or if we flew commercial, first class, stay at really nice hotels. Ric was everything he said he was both in and out of the ring, that’s for sure.”

    Flair leaving WCW in 1991 with the title before their scheduled cage match and showing on WWE TV with it: “I was scheduled to wrestle Ric in the cage and I was scheduled to win the title that night. I wasn’t told a lot, but they told me, we’re putting you in the cage with Ric and you’re winning the world title. As far as what happened after that, it was political stuff behind the scenes that I was not privy to. I heard that Ric was trying to negotiate a new contract, and I wanted the best for Ric, so when Ric ended up on television with the belt in the competing organization, I never had any hard feelings about that because I knew Ric had worked so hard and had such an incredible career. He was trying to do what was best for him and his family, from a business sense, I never took it personally. Check out Wrestling Inc. I was disappointed I didn’t get to wrestle Ric in the cage to win the world title, but I wasn’t upset with Ric that he went and did what he had to do and what he thought was best business wise for Ric Flair.

    “WCW at the time, they were negotiating with Ric almost right up until the day of the match. To still come in and do the match, it just fell apart at the last minute. Ric almost was WCW, so for Ric to leave was a huge void and vacuum that myself and nobody could possibly even entertain the thought of replacing. They didn’t even have a belt ready yet. I think a lot of the guys were disappointed that Ric wasn’t there, but the show must go on.”

    Lex Luger Speaks On Internet Rumors, Never Being WWE Champion, Russo & More

    The following are highlights from a recent Lex Luger interview with Steve and the Scum of WGD Weekly:

    On the passing of Miss Elizabeth: “It was a very dark, sad time in my personal life…I’ve made a lot of bad choices outside of the ring over the years that led to me giving up my family, my beautiful wife and two children…I developed a double life and there was a lot of collateral damage from that to my friends, my family and those closest to me including Miss Elizabeth. She always will be the first lady of wrestling…it was a real tragedy, I was living a lifestyle back then, a lot of drugs, alcohol, I call it the life of folly in my book, it led to a lot of tragic things and that was the biggest tragedy you could ever think of to have a close friend like Elizabeth as a result of it. People say well Lex, you didn’t make her drink or shove pills down her throat, but I was a very big influence on her life at the time and I was doing that and she wanted to do what I did, so if you talk about regrets in the past guys, we can’t erase the past and we have got to take responsibility and I take a lot of responsibility for that tragic event and what happened.”

    On Vince McMahon buying WCW and the last edition of Nitro: “I was happy for Vince because I knew, man, he had won, that was a genuine moment for him, I was like, yeah, buddy, everybody had you counted out there when we were beating you for “x” amount of weeks straight, I was happy for him.”

    On WrestleMania X, not becoming WWE Champion and internet rumors: “Contrary to what is said, Vince never promised me the belt…he never made me any promises at WrestleMania between Bret, or I, or Yoko…nor did I expect him to make any, why would he, I was thrilled to be a part of the main event of WrestleMania…it’s funny I was talking to a guy in an interview recently and a guy said, ‘It was on your Wikipedia that you were drunk the night before at a bar at WrestleMania 10 and you were supposed to win the belt and Vince got mad at you,’ I wasn’t even anywhere near New York. I was with my wife and two kids in Hartford, Connecticut, staying with friends the night before WrestleMania…I did a lot of stupid stuff back then, but that wasn’t one of them…rumor becomes fact sometimes, I laughed at that for years, of all the stupid dumb stuff I did outside of the ring, that was one that I didn’t do…I always found that humorous, crazy how rumors can start…Who came up with that one?”

    On Vince Russo coming in as head writer for WCW: “I think that Russo and Ferrara did their best to create a young, fresh group of guys, kind of doing an invasion like the now did and really on paper, a pretty good idea. They had a great reputation coming from the WWF for being very creative, really when we found ourselves slipping, consensus wise most of the guys were pretty excited that they were coming in and I think they gave it their very best effort, and the young guys came in and gave it their best effort, I think part of the problem was for when the young guys, when they came in and were beating these legendary guys like Hogan…in the middle of the ring…I think the fans as much as they love seeing young talent emerge, I think it was almost like a little bit too much too soon in my opinion and the fans didn’t really buy into it like they had hoped. It was a good idea but the fans didn’t quite buy into it…they did their best, but things just didn’t work out the way they hoped, it wasn’t from a lack of effort on the new guys part, the writers or the young wrestlers, it just didn’t get over the way they had hoped…but I didn’t think it was a bad idea.”

    On Ric Flair and being in the Four Horsemen: “Ric lived his persona both in the ring and out of the ring, I found that out right away, I feel like for about three years there hanging out with the Horseman, I feel like I didn’t sleep for almost three years…Ric could stay up all night…then he go to the gym and work out with me, then he go and wrestle and hour broadway, I don’t know how he did it…Ric will always tell you image is everything, he always had a limo waiting for us, we flew usually private or if we flew commercial, first class, stay at really nice hotels…Ric was everything he said he was both in and out of the ring, that’s for sure.”

    On Ric Flair leaving WCW and taking their world title to WWE with him: “I was scheduled to wrestle Ric in the cage and I was scheduled to win the title that night…I wasn’t told a lot, but they told me, we’re putting you in the cage with Ric and you’re winning the world title…as far as what happened after that, it was political stuff behind the scenes that I was not privy to, I heard that Ric was trying to negotiate a new contract, and I wanted the best for Ric, so when Ric ended up on television with the belt in the competing organization, I never had any hard feelings about that because I knew Ric had worked so hard and had such an incredible career, he was trying to do what was best for him and his family, from a business sense, I never took it personally…I was disappointed I didn’t get to wrestle Ric in the cage to win the world title, but I wasn’t upset with Ric that he went and did what he had to do and what he thought was best business wise for Ric Flair…WCW at the time, they were negotiating with Ric almost right up until the day of the match …to still come in and do the match, it just fell apart at the last minute…Ric almost was WCW, so for Ric to leave was a huge void and vacuum that myself and nobody could possibly even entertain the thought of replacing…they didn’t even have a belt ready yet…I think a lot of the guys were disappointed that Ric wasn’t there, but the show must go on.”

    You can listen to the complete Lex Luger interview below:

    Details On Surprise Entrants In The 2014 WWE Royal Rumble Match

    Lex Luger Talks Steroids In Wrestling, His Drinking Problem & More

    The following are highlights from a new Forbes interview with Lex Luger:

    On PED’s in the pro wrestling industry: “As far as the PED’s, as they’re referred to now, they were very prevalent at the time, as they are so today. I thought I had a hold on that. Proper cycling and medical blood tests and things like that. There’s ways around the testing at the time. Obviously, there still is. So, I thought, at the time, I had a good grip on that. As far as the alcohol and the prescription drugs, they made a real mess in my life. Outside of wrestling, most of my career, I never really felt I had a problem with it.”

    On issues he has dealt with personally: “I thought the drinking and the pills were more of a social thing that I did with the rest of the guys. Back then, it was a work hard, play hard mentality, Dan. So none of us felt we really had a problem. But guys were dropping like flies and dying. I was towards the end of my career and it was my real worst times because the alcohol was right after my retirement. I had too much free time on my hands.”

    Check out the complete interview online at

    NEW Matches & Huge *SPOILERS* For Sunday’s WWE Hell In A Cell PPV!

    New Jesse Ventura Interview, WWE Encyclopedia Author Speaks Out, Lex Luger

    -The Mattel company recently announced that they will be releasing a new Lex Luger action figure. The official website of Mattel is seeking feedback on which era of Luger’s career they should feature. For more information, visit

    -Brian Shield, the author of the WWE Encyclopedia who is holding a “History of WWE Event” in the near future, discussed both projects in a recent promotional interview with Newsday. Fans interested in checking out that interview can do so online at

    -Speaking of Newsday and wrestling, WWE Hall Of Famer continued his media tour by speaking with the publication as well. You can check out the Jessue Ventura interview with Newsday online at

    Dusty Rhodes PISSES Stephanie McMahon Off On RAW Recently [FULL STORY >>]

    What Is Lex Luger’s Current Role With WWE?, Claims He Was Drug-Free During Early ’90s Run

    Lex Luger, who has not appeared on WWE programming since infamously bolting from the sports-entertainment organization in 1995 to jump ship to World Championship Wrestling, currently has an unofficial affiliation with his former employer.

    Two years ago, the former World Heavyweight Champion stated in a radio interview that he was counseling WWE talent on nutrition, wellness and exercise as part of the organization’s Talent Wellness Program. Speaking to Power Slam to promote his recently released autobiography, Wrestling with the Devil: The True Story of a World Champion Professional Wrestler – His Reign, Ruin, and Redemption, Luger confirmed that he is still involved with WWE.

    “I do informal stuff behind-the-scenes, when I am needed. I enjoy doing that. When they want somebody to tell the young guys all the things that you don’t want to do, I’m there,” Luger said.

    Having been down a dark path culminating with the death of girlfriend Miss Elizabeth in 2003, Luger is able to use his personal experiences to instruct today’s wrestlers on a healthier lifestyle.

    Elsewhere in the interview, Luger claimed that he was drug-free while appearing for the then-World Wrestling Federation from 1993 to 1995.

    “They were pretty strict with the testing when I was in the WWF. During that period, I managed it without drugs,” said Luger.

    In regards to how often talent were drug tested then, Luger states, “It was strict. They’d sometimes test three or four nights in a row. We called the [people who administered the tests] white coats. We’d never know when they’d arrive. I was pleasantly surprised that I could maintain my physique as well as I did back then [without steroids].”

    Former WWE Superstar Lex Luger Releases Book “Wrestling With The Devil”

    WWE Superstar Lex Luger Releases Book “Wrestling With the Devil”

    (Carol Stream, IL) September 23 – “Wrestling with the Devil: The True Story of a World Champion Professional Wrestler—His Reign, Ruin, and Redemption” by former superstar professional wrestler Lex Luger and co-written with John D. Hollis.

    Luger, wrestling mega-sensation and three-time world heavyweight champion, ruled the ring for years as “The Total Package.” Whether he was making a dramatic entrance from a helicopter, defeating champion Hulk Hogan, or sculpting a near-perfect physique, Lex was on top of his game.

    Yet backstage, he was wrestling with addictions to sex, drugs, and alcohol—things he clung to even when his mistress died suddenly of a drug overdose and Lex went to jail. There, Luger faced the truth: he was losing the fight of his life. And still awaiting him was the most brutal opponent yet, when the wrestling champ found himself helplessly paralyzed from the neck down.

    In “Wrestling with the Devil” Luger reveals never-before-told stories from his career, his struggle with personal demons, and how, through unexpected faith, grace, and redemption, he overcame all odds It also features a foreword written by fellow wrestler Steve “Sting” Borden

    About Lex Luger
    Luger is a former professional wrestling superstar, holding the world championship three times. Backstage, Luger wrestled with addictions to sex, drugs, and alcohol—things he clung to even when his mistress died suddenly of a drug overdose and Lex went to jail. Eventually, Luger won his struggle with personal demons through unexpected faith, grace, and redemption.

    For more information about Lex Luger’s new memoir, interviews, and book signings

    Lex Luger is represented by Eclectic Media National PR Firm.


    Multiple RAW Spoilers For Tonight — CLICK HERE!

    Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler Reunite This Weekend, Lex Luger & Damien Sandow Interviews

    -WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross will be reuniting with his former on-air broadcasting partner, Jerry “The King” Lawler, this Saturday at NEW’s Under The Stars 2 in Fishkill, New York. For more information, visit

    -Former WWE Superstar Lex Luger was recently interviewed by the Christian Broadcast Network. Fans interested in checking out that interview can do so online at

    -The Canadian Dad blog recently interviewed WWE Superstar Damien Sandow. Fans interested in checking out that interview can do so below:

    Latest On Jim Ross’ Future In WWE + New WWE Battleground Matches […]

    Luger Says McMahon Has Offered Him A Helping Hand, Talks Elizabeth, Beating Hogan For WCW Title & More

    Lex Luger appeared on Interactive Wrestling Radio where he discussed such topics as his shocking appearance on the debut edition of WCW Monday Nitro, defeating Hollywood Hogan for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, his brief stint in TNA Wrestling, his relationship with Sting, and the passing of Miss Elizabeth.

    Contrary to popular belief, Luger and Vince McMahon are on good terms now. During the interview, Luger notably reveals that the WWE head has offered him assistance following his numerous battles in recent years. Highlights from the interview are as follows:


    Literally 18 years to the day after Lex Luger shocked the wrestling world and helped make the debut episode of WCW Nitro a success, we had occasion to sit down with the legendary former wrestling great. It was an amazing experience to speak with such an accomplished wrestling performer so candidly about his unique, often difficult journey through life over the past 10 years or so. From moment one, shooting the stuff about the upcoming football season, Luger seems happy for the first time in a long time and as a long-time fan and journalist, I can tell you that was a great thing to hear.

    The interview, to promote his great new book called ‘Wrestling with the Devil”, discusses everything from career highlights to life lowlights and his finding of Jesus Christ. The book gives you such an amazing peak into the life of a wrestler who was amongst the absolute elite of our business and his rocky ride since his active wrestling career came to a close. I strongly suggest you picky it up. Tyndale, who also released NFL legend Tony Dungy’s book, did an amazing job piecing together a presentation in this book that both showcases Lex Luger’s wrestling career and, as it should be, his personal life. You can buy it now at book stores everywhere and at

    To listen to this interview, visit It is available on YouTube, MP3, and on our Facebook page. It is 100% free. No registrations. Just come and listen! And, check out the store if you like what you hear to help us pay our expenses to keep it free!

    On the release of his book: “So far, so good.” He had help writing the book and says that getting the right people to help him write the biography was why the release was pushed back a few times. He jokes that the delays were entirely on him but is thrilled to have it out now.

    On Sting: “Still are best of friends…we talk all the time.” Luger says he was honored to speak for Sting during his TNA Hall of Fame induction and maintains a close friendship with Steve Borden to this very day. Sting also wrote the foreward to Luger’s autobiography which some, including James, say is worth the price of the book in and of itself as it is so well done.

    On contacting WWE regarding possible use of pictures for the book: “I have a great relationship with them now.” Luger said that he could have gotten pictures from them for his book if he had asked, but the publishers opted to have personal pictures used instead. He feels it was the right move as the personal pictures make it a more personal feel rather than a career retrospective.

    On his relationship with Vince McMahon: “I know he wants to come off as “Bad Boy Billionare” but he’s not,” said Luger. Luger elaborates saying that when he was down and out after wrestling with all the problems he faced, Vince always went out of his way to check in on him and offer help. He feels not enough people realize that Vince is a genuinely good person on top of business man. But, he says that is probably by Vince’s own design.

    Comparing the WWF from the NWA/WCW he previously knew: “Vince is a creative genius,” says Luger. He puts over the great things he did in the NWA like being a member of the Horsemen but he loved the Narcissist character and felt it could have gone further. When he was approached about the “Yankee Doodle Dandy” patriotic gimmick later dubbed the “American Rebel” by Stan Lane on commentary, Luger says he remembers speaking to Vince about it and not being sure if it would work. Vince said, “When you step off that boat, you’re going to be a red, white, and blue hero.” He says he was right and it was an amazing run.

    On jumping to WCW for the first Nitro: “It was huge! To have worked a WWF house show the night before and the following night be on Nitro?”, says Luger. James mentions, as is touched upon in the book, it was the start of the contractual system that we know today where every name has a no compete clause and a set deal.

    On beating Hollywood Hulk Hogan for the WCW Title: “I didn’t know until I got to the ring!”, Luger says. Luger says that Hogan felt the WCW fans needed a positive as the nWo had been getting the better of them for so long. He was honored that he felt strongly enough to choose him to be the guy to capture the belt. “It was only a week, but it was huge!” He then jokes about the after match celebration and the Giant (Big Show) carrying him around like a little baby. James says it felt special because they stuck with the celebration. They then joke about how long it took to scrub off the nWo paint.

    On Miss Elizabeth: “I had a very negative influence on her at the time.” He felt that he needed to acknowledge all his mistakes in the book in order to make it a complete and honest account of his life. He approached Elizabeth’s passing with honesty and acknowledges the level of tragedy.

    On his brief return to the ring in 2003 with TNA: “I was a mess back then,” Luger said. On the appearances (a tag match with Jarrett against Sting and AJ and an attack on AJ where he slammed him over the top through a table weeks later), Luger said he remembers that AJ Styles was an absolutely incredible athlete and an incredible guy as well. He says he’s glad to see TNA has a strong foundation but obviously is not yet in any position to compete with the WWE.

    On his finding of Jesus Christ: “I was basically an Athiest,” said Luger. His journey to salvation began prior in 2006 while in jail. But, it was tested and made stronger in 2007 when he attended what we lovingly call the “Fiasco in Frisco” fan convention at the Cow palace. He suffered a muscle injury in his spine that made him paralyzed. He couldn’t move his arms or legs. “Could you imagine, a guy who worked out religiously not being able to move?”, says Luger. He says when he asked the doctor how long he’d be without the ability to move, he was told forever. Thankfully, that has not turned out to be the case. He can walk and drive now. He says he is grateful to have that kind of movement back and does not take it for granted.

    Listen to the full interview at The show also includes a post show where James & Patrick discuss The Fallout of Summerslam and the current state of TNA.

    Lex Luger On Sting Possibly Joining WWE, Watch “Total Divas” Bonus Footage

    – Promoting his recently released autobiography Wrestling with the Devil: The True Story of a World Champion Professional Wrestler – His Reign, Ruin, and Redemption, Lex Luger spoke to Buffalo-based publication Queen City Sports about growing up in Buffalo, his accomplished wrestling career and current life. During the interview, the two-time WCW World Heavyweight Championship was asked if he could ever see his close friend Sting working for WWE in the future.

    “As a friend I support whatever he does. As a fan I’d love to see him wrestle in the WWE someday,” said Luger. “Even if it’s just for one Wrestlemania. Him versus the Undertaker. Retire him and have him go into the Hall of Fame that same weekend. Man I’d love to see him and the Undertaker or somebody like that. I think the fans would love to see that.”

    To read the interview, click here.

    – The official YouTube account of WWE has released this unseen Total Divas clip of Brie and Nikki Bella sharing health and fitness tips in an interview with Self magazine.

    Lex Luger Recalls His Relationship With Randy Savage, Initial Reaction To “Lex Express” Idea

    Promoting his recently released autobiography Wrestling with the Devil: The True Story of a World Champion Professional Wrestler – His Reign, Ruin, and Redemption, Lex Luger appeared on Pro Wrestling Powerhouse Radio Tuesday night to discuss his career in the professional wrestling industry. Highlights from the interview are as follows:

    On the Lex Express & Vince McMahon: “I thought they were out of their minds! I was having fun being The Narcissist with the mirrors and the pyro and the girls. And I got called into Vince McMahon’s office off the road. We were traveling 300 days a year then, in Stamford, Connecticut. And, I thought, ‘What did I do wrong?’ I thought I was getting called into the principal’s office. He sat down with me and laid the whole thing out. The slam on the USS Intrepid on July 4th and then he talked about the bus too. He laid it all out for SummerSlam. I thought he was out of his mind, but he was absolutely spot on. He truly is a marketing genius…”

    Relationship with Randy Savage: “Contrary to what a lot of people probably think or might assume, behind the scenes we were always very good friends. Traveled together for long periods of time, went to the gym together, traveled to Europe together, we played cards together. Even later on, when I had a relationship with Elizabeth, he’d already been divorced for so many years. He brought other women and valets to television…I think he’s one of the best performers ever, and I’d love to see him in the Hall of Fame.”

    Other topics discussed include his introduction to the professional wrestling industy, weight lifting advice and possibly winning the WWF Championship. The audio interview is available here and can be accessed on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.

    Lex Luger Speaks On Being On WCW Nitro Debut Show, WWE Title Rumors, Religion

    The following are highlights from a recent interview with wrestling legend Lex Luger.

    On whether or not he was informed that he would win the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 10: “Contrary to what people believe, I was never told I was going to be given any kind of title. The only discussion me and Vince [McMahon] had was what to do with the Lex Luger character in the future if he DID decide to put the title on me. But no, I was never told I’d be WWF Champion at any point.”

    On appearing on the debut edition of WCW Monday Nitro: “On reflection, that was a pretty bad move by me. Me and Vince had a verbal agreement. I worked for him for 6 months without any sort of contract as my contract had expired. My mistake came when WCW signed me. I didn’t get to have a conversation with Vince to tell him I’d be leaving. But that was 100% my fault.”

    On finding religion later in his life: “I feel wonderful now. I got to a point in my life where I realized that God is God and I’m not. I was beneath rock bottom but for whatever reason God put people in my life and he showed me the way. A very supernatural experience and that’s the only way I can put it.”

    Check out the complete interview online at

    WWE SummerSlam Spoilers

    Variety Picks Up Total Divas Story, WWE DVD News, Lex Luger Interview

    -Variety picked up the story of E! ordering additional episodes, which are scheduled to begin airing this November on the network. You can check out their coverage of the story online at

    -The Christian Post recently interviewed Lex Luger as part of his promotional tour for his new book, “Wrestling With The Devil.” You can check that out online at

    -The 2013 WWE Money In The Bank DVD hit shelves earlier this week. Apparently the Blu-ray version of the DVD is already hard to find, as it was a Best Buy exclusive and must have sold quickly.

    -Speaking of WWE DVDs, the company will be releasing “The History Of WWE” DVD on Blu-ray on November 19th.

    WWE SummerSlam Spoilers

    John Morrison Returning To The Ring In Puerto Rico, Lex Luger Book Tour Notes

    -Wrestling legend LexLuger is scheduled for a “Google Hangout” session to promote his new book, “Wrestling With The Devil” at 8pm ET. on Wednesday, August 14th. Additionally, Luger will appear on FOX & Friends on August 20th.

    -Former WWE Superstar John Morrison will be working the World Wrestling League (WWL) event on September 6th at the Plaza de Toros in Monterrey Nuevo Leon. Morrison will work again on September 8th for the promotion at the Arena Coliseum of Monterrey. Morrison’s final scheduled appearance for the promotion will be in Bayamon, Puerto Rico on October 26th.


    Lex Luger Talks About Drugs In Wrestling, Relationship With Ric Flair & More

    Wrestling legend Lex Luger recently took part in a Q&A session with to promote his new book, “Wrestling with the Devil.” Here are some highlights of what he said about:

    If He Would Recommend PED Usage: Absolutely not. Advances in today’s nutritional science when strictly adhered to offers young athletes tremendous results without resorting to PEDs.

    Overcoming His Paralysis: I wasn’t able to totally overcome it, but what I am able to do today is a supernatural miracle. It’s a real testimony to what God can do when we allow him to live in and through us. He carries us through the storm.

    His Relationship From Ric Flair: I always have had and still do have an excellent relationship with Ric Flair. He’s a tremendous performer. He was instrumental in my development as a wrestler. I have a lot of gratitude to him for that. Ric Flair is one of the best of all time.

    The One Big Positive From WCW: The unbelievable ratings we got, and being a part of the highly successful Monday night ratings war between WCW and WWE was one of the highlights of my career and a lot of fun.

    * JOHN CENA Having SURGERY After SUMMERSLAM & What It Means For Sunday’s WWE Title Match

    Jesse Sorensen’s MRI Results, Luger/Sting Note, Daniels Interview, Funk/Brisco

    -Lex Luger’s new autobiography, “Wrestling With The Devil,” will be released on Tuesday. The forward for the book is written by Luger’s long time friend and fellow wrestler, Steve Borden, aka “Sting.”

    -Recently released TNA Impact Wrestling star Jesse Sorensen posted a new tweet on his official Twitter account on Monday updating fans on the status of his neck. Sorensen wrote, “Just received amazing news from the MRI my neck is 100% & is not at risk of being re injured! Time to make this dream really come true!”

    SESCOOPS.COM reader Marc Kruskol from MJK Public Relations sent along the following:

    Christopher Daniels was interviewed by Greg Bicouvaris / “Sports Scene” on 1490 AM and in Virginia Beach, VA. You can listen here (at 41:40):

    SESCOOPS.COM reader Dory Funk sent along the following:

    On the set of !BANG! TV, Dory Funk Jr. and Jerry Brisco pull out the Record Book to help decide, “Who is the best team in professional wrestling, The Funks or the Briscos?”

    The record book includes famous matches from around the world including St. Louis, Greensboro North Carolina, Japan, Puerto Rico, Tampa Florida, Oklahoma and The Great State of Texas.

    Both agree Funk vs Brisco were the hottest brother combination in wrestling but the conversation turns competitive regarding, “Who is Best.”

    Watch Dory Funk and Jerry Brisco “Who is Best?” below:

    WWE RAW Spoilers

    Jericho Records Shows for Sirius, Photo Of Scott Hall & Lex Luger Together, Bella Twins

    – During an interview with the New York Daily News to promote Total Divas, Nikki Bella revealed that her boyfriend John Cena has given her a useful workout tip:

    “One thing my boyfriend taught me is it’s all about the booty and the squats. They’re the key to killing cellulite and getting a bigger butt.”

    – Chris Jericho was at the Sirius/XM studios today to record two shows. He posted the following on Instagram:

    Great time hangin with my bro @josemangin at the Sirius/XM studios today! I’m taking over Ozzys Boneyard this weekend and Liquid Metal this week! #truerocker #kerrykingbobblehead #idonthaveagoldengodaward”

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    – Scott Hall tweeted the following picture on Monday of his recent visit with Lex Luger:

    * New PAUL HEYMAN GUY Coming Soon, RVD Turning Heel & What’s Next for CM PUNK

    WWE Counts Down Insane Money in the Bank Moments, Lex Luger Now On Twitter & Facebook

    – In this week’s WWE Top 10 video, the most out of control moments in the history of the Money in the Bank Match are counted down. This includes such moments as Mr. Kennedy hitting the Green Bay Plunge on Hornswoggle, Evan Bourne performing the Shooting Star Press, and Randy Orton delivering the RKO to CM Punk.

    – Former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Lex Luger, who has inspired numerous fraudulent accounts on social media networks over the years, is now legitimately on Twitter and Facebook.

    The official website promoting his upcoming autobiography,, provides links to his pages on Twitter and Facebook.

    Luger’s autobiography, Wrestling with the Devil: The True Story of a World Champion Professional Wrestler – His Reign, Ruin, and Redemption, will be released through, Barnes & Noble, and other outlets on August 13.

    – The latest issue of the newsstand magazine Pro Wrestling Illustrated features John Cena and Bully Ray on the cover, and asks whether Cena would “be bullied.”

    The Breakdown – Episode 14: The Lex Express Has a Flat

    This week on The Breakdown, Steve takes you back in time 20 years to the Independence Day push of Lex Luger. (more…)

    WWE Looks Back At Dennis Rodman’s Time In WCW, Lex Luger, Diamond Dallas Page & Others Comment

    The official WWE website has published an article Friday profiling former NBA star Dennis Rodman’s attention-grabbing tenure with World Championship Wrestling in the late-1990’s. Diamond Dallas Page, Lex Luger, Kevin Sullivan, Dean Malenko and Billy Kidman are quoted in the piece.

    The then-member of the Chicago Bulls joined forces with WCW in early-1997 while serving a suspension from the NBA for kicking a cameraman in the groin during a game against the Minnesota Timberwolves. He appeared alongside the New World Order at the March 1997 Uncensored pay-per-view event and made his wrestling debut four months later at Bash at the Beach, where he partnered with Hollywood Hogan in a loss to Luger and The Giant. According to accounts, Rodman tried in earnest to prepare for the match, with Sullivan stating that he spent time learning the ropes from Paul Orndorff and Jody Hamilton at the WCW’s training facility, the Power Plant.

    “He was a natural,” Luger told “Man, he caught right on. I was almost envious. It took me a lot longer to even have a clue how to do this.”

    Rodman laced up the wrestling boots again one year later as he squared off against Karl Malone at the 1998 Bash at the Beach, just one month after playing against him in the NBA Finals. Page brainstormed the idea of himself and Malone (who had become friends due to Malone’s wrestling fandom) facing Rodman and Hogan at the pay-per-view event, but admits that former WCW executive Eric Bischoff initially had another wrestler in mind as Malone’s tag team partner.

    “I went over to Eric Bischoff’s house and I said, ‘I got this idea: Me and Malone against Rodman and Hogan,” Page said. “Bischoff thought about it and went, ‘Wow, Hogan and Rodman versus Savage and Malone.’ I said, ‘Maybe you didn’t hear me. Me and Malone, because this is my connection and I’m not giving it to anybody.’”

    The 23-minute match, however, was poorly received, with WWE labeling the match as “not very good” and branding Rodman as “sluggish and, at times, barely conscious.”

    “He’s probably one of the only people in the history of our business to fall asleep during a match, using the turnbuckle as a pillow,” said WWE producer Dean Malenko, who worked for WCW at the time.

    WWE also acknowledges the end of Rodman’s wrestling career, which included matches against “Macho Man” Randy Savage and Curt Hennig, and winning the Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling reality show. To access the article, click here.