Posts Tagged ‘Mabel’

Both Wrongful Death Lawsuits Against WWE Dismissed by Federal Judge

WWE got a major win in court late on Thursday, as as Judge Vanessa L. Bryant in U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut dismissed both wrongful death lawsuits outstanding against the company. The lawsuits had been filed by Konstantine Kyros, the same attorney behind the other concussion-themed cases against WWE, on behalf of Cassandra Frazier, the widow of Nelson “Mabel/Viscera/Big Daddy V” Frazier Jr. and Michelle James, who Matt “Matt Borne/original Doink” Osborne had a child with.

Neither wrestler’s brain had been preserved for an examination to determine if they had Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), and neither death had any kind of head or brain trauma listed as a contributing cause on their death certificates. Frazier died of a heart attack (although no autopsy was performed) and Osborne succumbed to a drug overdose. Frazier was very overweight, as he had been for his whole career, while Borne had well-known issues with drug addiction going back to early in his career.

Curiously, the Frazier complaint was the only one of Kyros’ numerous brain injury lawsuits against WWE not to mention that CTE can only be diagnosed postmortem. Since Frazier was cremated with no autopsy conducted, it literally can’t ever be proven one way or another if he had CTE. This was one of a few things where Bryant appeared to take issue with the plaintiffs’ tactics. Other such notes include:

  • “The Court notes, in particular, the facially specious assertions by Plaintiffs’ counsel that, ‘upon information and belief,’ both Frazier and Osborne ‘had CTE.’ The complaints contain no information from which such a belief could be derived.”
  • “It is impossible to plausibly allege, much less prove that either wrestler had CTE. Kyros and his co-counsels’ assertion that either wrestler had the condition ‘upon information and belief’ must therefore be knowingly false.”
  • “[C]ounsel’s allegation that Frazier’s ‘inability to survive the heart attack’ can be ‘more likely than not attributed’ to his CTE is yet another bald and baseless allegation, unprovable and unsupportable, which the Court deems unworthy of the barest measure of credibility.”

In the end, the James/Osborne case was officially dismissed because James lacked standing as not being the executor of Osborne’s estate. As for Frazier, that case was dismissed because the plaintiffs did not argue “specific facts” supporting the allegations that his death stemmed from in-ring injuries or any kind of potential fraudulent conduct on WWE’s part.

WWE had also moved to have Kyros sanctioned for violating Rule 11, which requires that attorneys have some kind of evidence supporting their allegations before filing suit.While the court denied the motion, Bryant did acknowledge “Kyros’ habit of deceptive and inflammatory rhetoric,” use of “deliberately misleading language,” “vexatious and transparent attempt to circumvent two prior decisions by district courts”

See A WWE Talent Termination Letter With Your Own Eyes

WWE talent booking contracts have become almost commonplace online, thanks in large part to WWE’s own filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). As a public company, all of World Wrestling Entertainment’s executive officers need to have their contracts released in SEC filings. Since WWE has multiple executive officers who also happen to perform for the company, that means that their talent contracts are all public and we see the current WWE contract whenever they re-sign. Older contracts have also come out in lawsuits over the years, as well, along with other internal pay documentation.

But one thing that I don’t recall seeing before is an official WWE termination letter. In one of the ongoing series of concussion-related lawsuits from wrestlers and their families represented by lawyer Konstantine Kyros, one was filed by WWE last week. Specifically, it’s the 2008 termination letter for Nelson Frazier Jr., then known as Big Daddy V, also known as Viscera and (King) Mabel. WWE outside counsel Jerry McDevitt filed a motion where one issue covered was Frazier’s place of residence, so he filed Frazier’s termination letter to show where he lived when the two parties ended their relationship. Here’s the full letter, minus personal information that I redacted:

There are a few key takeaways here beyond just the curiosity of seeing one of these:

  • This is a notice of his termination being effective three months later. It’s tricky to figure out precisely how that relates to the conventional wisdom that there’s a 90 day “non-compete” period, as what WWE allowed during that period has changed at times. Here, it’s pretty clear that there are still 90 days left that the wrestler is still under contract and there’s nothing about being allowed to work elsewhere. These days, wrestler can usually pick up non-televised indie bookings while still being paid his or her WWE guarantee for 90 days, which can be fairly lucrative. One unique example is Daniel Bryan, who was re-hired before the 90 days were up after his abrupt firing in 2010.
  • The wrestler being told to pay “particular attention” to the “promoter intellectual property” section of their contract is essentially telling them not to use their WWE names. In the case of Frazier, page 25 of his 2007 contract says that the WWE intellectual property is Viscera, Vis, Big Vis, Mabel, M.O.M., Men on a Mission, Ministry of Darkness, Corporate Ministry, and The World’s Largest Love Machine.The previous page says his IP is just his real name.
  • Wrestlers must return “any tangible property” of WWE that they took possession of during the course of working for the company, “including, without limitation, costumes, accessories, inventions, and any title belts.” Since the wrestlers buy their own costumes, it’s hard t figure out what any of those could be other than the title belts.

Overall, though, there’s nothing too surprising here. It just helps demystify the inner workings of WWE a bit, and that’s always fun.

Update On Big Daddy V’s Wrongful Death Lawsuit, How Much Did He Earn Working For WWE?

WWE lawyers recently attempted to move Cassandra Frazier’s wrongful death lawsuit regarding her late husband, longtime WWE performer Nelson “Big Daddy V” Frazier Jr., to Connecticut.

Nelson Frazier Jr. was employed by WWE from 1994-1995, 1999, 2000 and 2005-2008, and worked under the names Mabel, Viscera and Big Daddy V.

Lawyers noted that Frazier Jr. passed away from a heart attack with contributing causes being linked to morbid obesity and diabetes according to his official death certificate, as well as drugs and alcohol in his system.

WWE also claimed that Cassandra contacted them and said she was destitute, so they sent her a check for $10,000 as an advance on future royalties that would be owed to Nelson Frazier Jr.

In the suit, it was revealed how much Frazier Jr. earned in the aforementioned years that he was employed by WWE. Below are the figures.

1994 – $127,659.15
1995 – $100,648.78
1999 – $159,001.44
2000 – $136,951.85
2005 – $124,252,74
2006 – $152,659.55
2007 – $178,359.64
2008 – $251,223.65

(Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)

Options For A New Poll For A Future WWE Countdown Episode: Most Royal Superstar In History

The official WWE website has a new poll up for a future episode of the WWE Network original series, “WWE Countdown.” The poll asks for fans to vote on who they feel the “most royal Superstar in history” is.

The options for the poll are as follows:

– “The King of Harts” Owen Hart
– King Booker (Booker T)
– “Macho King” Randy Savage
– Don Muraco (WWE King of the Ring 1985 Tournament winner)
– Jerry “The King” Lawler
– “The King” Harley Race
– Sheamus (WWE King of the Ring 2010 Tournament winner)
– “The King of Kings” Triple H
– Tito Santana (WWE King of the Ring 1989 tournament winner)
– William Regal
– “The Billion Dollar Princess” Stephanie McMahon
– Bret Hart (King of the Ring 1991 and 1993 Tournament winner)
– “King of Wrestling” Jim Duggan
– Bad News Barrett
– King Mabel

You can cast your vote for the poll at

  • Very DETAILED Update On Brock Lesnar/WWE Merchandise Story — What’s REALLY Going On? FIND OUT HERE!
  • Former WWE Superstar Speaks On Big Daddy V’s Dying Hall Of Fame Wish, More

    The following are highlights of a recent VOC Nation interview with former Men On A Mission member Mo:

    On Mabel (Nelson Frazier Jr.) as a possible WWE Hall Of Fame inductee: “The one thing that [Nelson Frazier] talked about more than anything in the weeks before he passed, he wanted to be in the Hall of Fame. He felt like looking at the way the business is now, and he felt like, in his heart of hearts, Men on a Mission … had done enough and we had brought so much to the business because … how [of] many acts have spawned off of just the Men on a Mission characters … He really felt like we should be in the Hall of Fame. He would tell me all the time, “Man, if you’ve got anything bad to say about WWE, anything, just please man don’t say it. Keep it to yourself. Don’t say it. We deserve the Hall of Fame.”

    On WWE still using the Men On A Mission gimmick: “If you look at 2014 WWE, right now, just about 60% of the gimmicked characters [or] whatever they have on that TV program right now is a take from either Men on a Mission or from Oscar’s character in a sense. Just about everybody’s using some type of rap thing, some type of rap music. Even John Cena comes to the ring rapping. You’ve got the Usos, now, instead of saying “Whoop there it is” they’re saying “U-so, U-so,” you’ve got Ron Killings (R-Truth) instead of going “Whoop there it is” it’s “What’s up? What’s up?.” You know?”

    On getting heat because of Oscar: “We met Oscar the same day we flew up to New York and took a limo to Connecticut. We didn’t click because Oscar didn’t know about the wrestling business. He knew everything in the world about the entertainment business but he didn’t know anything about our business. So, in the beginning we had a lot of problems trying to get him to realize “We’re going to get heat for this, we’re going to get heat for that,” and all these different things … He did [get us heat] … Nobody ever knew we (Mo and Mabel) [were] separate [from Oscar].”

    Check out the complete interview at

  • **CLICK HERE** For The Absolute BEST WrestleMania XXX News Coverage ALL WEEK!!
  • Former WWE Superstar Shares Details On Final Moments Of Nelson Frazier Jr.’s Life

    The following are highlights of a new interview with former WWE Superstar Oscar, who was part of the “Men On A Mission” tag-team that featured the late Nelson Frazier Jr.:

    On Nelson Frazier Jr.’s passing: “For those that don’t know the details: Big Daddy V was getting out of his bathtub and he was feeling really hot. His wife laid him down and got him a cold glass of water and I believe a cold compress. Minutes later he started bleeding from the mouth and he suffered from a heart attack. He literally died in his wife’s arms. His last words were (while looking at his wife Cassandra): ‘I love you very much.'”

    On WWE not airing a tribute graphic on RAW after his passing: “I’m very disappointed that there wasn’t even a mention on Elimination Chamber and Raw. I watched the shows and I was hoping they would say something, but they didn’t. I was at a loss as to why they didn’t.”

    Check out the complete interview at

  • Several HUGE *SPOILERS* For Tonight’s WWE RAW — Click Here To Read!
  • Negativity Toward WWE For Initially Failing To Acknowledge Big Daddy V’s Passing

    There was said to be some negative feelings towards WWE for failing to acknowledge the passing of Nelson Frazier Jr. (aka Mabel, Viscera and Big Daddy V) on television on either the February 21st edition of WWE SmackDown or the February 24th edition of WWE RAW. While WWE did eventually air an “In Memory Of” graphic on the February 28th edition of SmackDown, it was considered somewhat late, especially considering the fact that TNA acknowledged him on February 20th.

    As previously reported, Cassandra Frazier, who is Nelson’s widow, was upset wit WWE, likely for failing to mention his name or acknowledge his passing in a timely fashion, but has since apologized, citing the stress of the week. “I lost my best friend and the only man I ever loved, and I was very angry,” said Cassandra. “Please forgive me and also to your fans, he was a good man, and he loved Vince, Stephanie and Triple H.”

  • Top Star Goes Off-Script At RAW, Former Mega-Star To Return Soon? WMXXX Updates

    (Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)

  • Paul Bearer/WWE HOF Update, No Big Daddy V Graphic On RAW, Batista DVD

    – WWE is working on a new Batista DVD set. According to, the DVD and Blu-ray sets will be released on Tuesday, June 10th.

    – Despite the announcement not being made at RAW last night as originally expected, Paul Bearer is still considered to be a “lock” for the 2014 class of the WWE Hall Of Fame.

    – Apparently many people found it interesting that WWE did not air an “In Memory Of” graphic during RAW for Nelson Frazier, who worked for the company as Mabel, Viscera and Big Daddy V. As of right now, there’s no real word as to why WWE did not air such a graphic, as they normally do when a former Superstar for the company passes away.

  • Details On What’s Next For Hulk Hogan, Changes To WMXXX Plans, Sting/WWE Update
  • RVD Talks WWE Return, TMZ Makes Tasteless Remark About Big Daddy V’s Passing

    – Former WWE Superstar Rob Van Dam was recently asked by a fan on his official Twitter account when he would be making a return to WWE. RVD answered the fan by saying:

    – Celebrity-gossip website TMZ made a tasteless comment on their Facebook page when promoting the article on their website about the passing of former WWE Superstar Big Daddy V. They wrote the following:

    “Obviously, the weight loss came too late … or it was too much too quickly. R.I.P.”

    Former WWE Superstar Nelson Frazier, Jr. Has Passed Away

    We are saddened to report that former WWE Superstar Nelson Frazier Jr. has passed away. He was 42 years old. Frazier was best known for his various runs in WWE as Mabel, Viscera and Big Daddy V. He was a former WWE tag team champion as part of the Men on a Mission and was the 1995 King of the Ring.

    WWE had issued the following statement regarding his passing:

    WWE issued the following statement:

    “WWE is saddened by the news that Nelson Frazier Jr., aka Big Daddy V and Mabel, has passed away. A larger-than-life Superstar, Frazier was a former World Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion and the 1995 King of the Ring.”

    “As the dark, formidable Viscera, he was also a member of Undertaker’s faction, The Ministry of Darkness. Frazier’s colorful personality made him a memorable competitor throughout the Attitude Era.”

    “Our deepest condolences go out to Frazier’s family, friends and fans.”

    The following are some tweets from the wrestling world: