Striker was commentating on the match and was impressed with what he was seeing from Riddle. During part of the match, Stiker said the following:
“How do you let this guy go? This guy is a star, a mega-million dollar star. I don’t care what he does. How do you let him go?”
Many have taken issue with Striker’s comment about not caring what Riddle’s done. Riddle has faced multiple accusations of sexual misconduct including from his ex-girlfriend Daniella Petrow. Riddle was also accused of sexual misconduct in 2020 by wrestler Candy Cartwright. While Riddle admitted to having an affair with Cartwright, he claimed it was entirely consensual. This affair led to Riddle’s marriage to his ex-wife Lisa ending. A legal case by Cartwright against Riddle and others was dropped in 2021.
Later in the match, Striker doubled down on his comment about Riddle being able to do whatever he wanted.
“He can do whatever he wants, he can kick your ass. Anyone out there (has) got a problem with him, step to him out on the street, watch what happens. End of conversation.”
Matt Striker Responds
Striker’s comments during the show have faced a backlash, with many taking issue with the notion that somebody accused of sexual misconduct can do “whatever he wants.” On Twitter, Striker reflected on what he had said.
At this time, MLW has not commented publicly on Striker’s comments or his subsequent tweet. MLW’s next major event will be Intimidation Games on February 29.
Matt Riddle recently showed up in New Japan and already has laid out a challenge to a huge star. Click here to find out more.
Dario is shown searching for something above a removed ceiling tile when Catrina walks in. Dario says, “Good, we need to talk.” Catrina replies, “Mil Muertes almost destroyed your brother.” He interrupts, “Actually I think you have it backwards, my brother almost destroyed Mil Muertes.” She says, “Your brother was lucky to escape with his title.” He retorts, “That’s the key phrase, isn’t it, his title. And no one is going to take it from him.” She stops him, “You fear Mil, as you should, but if you deny him this rematch, I promise you it will take a lot more than fear to protect you.” He laughs, “Deny his rematch? No Catrina, you don’t understand. Me is scared, yes, but my brother fears nothing. Whatever power you possess in that rock of yours is nothing compared to the power this key unlocks. Mil is getting his rematch for the title next week. And to prove how little fear I have, let’s make it Mil’s signature match, Grave Consequences.” Catrina likes the idea, “You are much braver than I thought, we accept.” Dario explains, “You know, Mil Muertes vs. The Monster Matanza Cueto in Grave Consequences, that’s good, but why don’t we raise the stakes? Why have 1 coffin, when we can have 4? Next week, will be Graver Consequences.” Catrina replies, “I like the way you think,” and she starts to exit, “Oh and after next week, there will be no question of who destroyed who.” He says, “I’m counting on it,” and looks at the ceiling.
The band Bang Data opens the show. Vampiro welcomes us to the temple, and Matt Striker says every match tonight is for 1 of the 7 ancient Aztec medallions.
Marty “The Moth” Martinez vs. The Mack
Already in the ring is Martinez. Striker says, “He’s been called many things, creepy, annoying, and those are the compliments.” Melissa Santos introduces his opponent, from South Central, Los Angeles, The Mack. Striker says, “You know, in this day and age of sports, sometimes you can just look at a guy and realize that he’s a tough son of a b**** and that man right there embodies every single ounce of the word, fighter, talking about The Mack.”
As Mack approaches the ring, Martinez crawls out to the apron, Mack slide thru and knocks Martinez to the floor, Mack runs the ropes and front flips onto Martinez while still wearing his ring jacket. Mack throws Martinez back into the ring, kick by Mack, deadlift German suplex, belly-to-belly suplex, cover, kick out. Mack with a belly-to-back Northern Lights suplex, and Martinez rolls around the ring laughing. Mack picks him up, slaps him in the face, whip reversal off the ropes, Mack ducks a clothesline, and then Martinez hits a standing drop kick. Martinez raining down punches on the Mack, then Martinez takes off his Aztec Pride t-shirt, wiggles his hips, and licks his fingers. Martinez throws his t-shirt at Melissa Santos as Vampiro says, “She better get a tetanus shot, a rabies shot, and take a bath.”
Martinez rolls Mack to the corner and stomps on him, plays to the crowd, whip double reversal sends Mack into the turnbuckle, Martinez hits the Exploder into the second turnbuckle, cover, but Mack kicks out at 2. Martinez covers again, kickout, and he yells at the referee. Side headlock by Martinez, the Mack gets to his feet, shot to the gut, throws Martinez off the ropes, and nails him with a clothesline. Martinez gets up and then meets a spinning heel kick by Mack, pick up powerslam, Mack runs the ropes, and nails the leg drop, brother. Kick and a stunner by Mack, the fans chant, “One more time!” and then a helicopter stunner, cover, 1-2-3.
Winner: The Mack
The Mack gets a yellow medallion bag to match his yellow trunks and yellow knee pads. Mack starts chewing on the medallion and then realizes it isn’t chocolate.
Catrina is in the locker room with King Cuerno, “Next week, Mil Muertes will regain his Lucha Underground Championship, but this time it will not be you entrusted with the Gift of the Gods, it will be my disciple Sinestro de la Muerte.” Cuerno replies, “No, you see, tonight your disciple is my prey, because he stands between me and my Aztec medallion. And if Mil does get the Lucha Underground Championship back, well, I won’t make the same mistake I made last time. I will take the title off of him, and Mil’s rotting carcass will be the most prized possession in my trophy room, because the hunt is on.” He smells her, walks away, she runs her fingernails down the lockers, and then the whole place shakes with thunder as her eyes glow red.
There is a knock on the door of Dario’s office, “Come in. Oh Sexy, please have a seat. I know you and I have not always gotten along, but I want you to know, I respect you. And I know something happened to you, something very bad, because I have seen the change in your eyes. It’s not the first time I’ve seen that look. I saw it many years ago reflected in the mirror, my mother, she was, how do I put this, an evil bitch. She did cruel thing to my brother and I, we were captives to her cruel and sick desires. Sound familiar? The only way to stop my mother from torturing us, was when we stood up and said no more. Whatever Mariposa did to you, tonight you will say no more, because I’m giving you the chance, to not only win an Aztec medallion but to make Mariposa pay, and pay dearly. So senorita, do you like that?” She replies, “Yes.” Dario continues, “Excellent, because the pain Mariposa inflicted on you, you will now get to inflict the same pain on to her until she screams ‘No mas!’ It will be a ‘No Mas’ match, the only way to win, is when one of you shouts, ‘No mas!’ But here’s a secret, once you make her cry out ‘No mas!’, once the match is over, don’t stop. Because if you ever want that look in your eyes to go away, you have to put the same look of pure terror in her eyes. Trust me it works. Do you understand?” She stands up and says, “Yes I understand,” and walks away.
Sinestro de la Muerte vs. King Cuerno
In the ring, accompanied by Catrina is Sinestro de la Muerte. Making his way to the ring next is King Cuerno. Striker says, “He wears an 11 point buck on his head as a message to his opponents that he collects trophies in the form of souls.” Cuerno blesses the ring and gets ready for work.
Running dropkick to the chest by Cuerno, 6 stomps, whip by Cuerno, duck under and then drop kick to Sinestro. Kick to the back of the leg by Cuerno, Irish whip into the corner, running double knee, swinging cutter, backs Sinestro into the ropes, and then a loud open-handed slap to the chest, whip reversal, Cuerno ducks a clothesline and then a hits running hurricanrana. Cuerno reaches back and poses with his bow, goes to run the ropes, but Catrina climbs up on the apron and smacks him in the face with a rock. Sinestro springboards off the ropes with a guillotine leg drop to the back of the head, cover, 1-2-3.
Winner: Sinestro de la Muerte
Sinestro receives a purple medallion sack to match his purple mask and purple ring gear. After the match, Catrina crawls into the ring, seductively straddles Cuerno, lifts up his head to give him the Kiss of Death blessing with her tongue, but then punches him in the side of the head.
In the back, Mascarita Sagrada is doing arm curls. Famous B enters, “I hope you are ready, because I just set up the biggest match of the century for you. And when you beat this man, you’re going to be Famous. And get this, he already has an Aztec medallion and has agreed to put it on the line, tonight, against you. So come on, your match is next, stop stalling, start balling. Famous B puts a cape on Sagrada and they exit.
Dario’s office door opens. Dario asks, “What is it I’m missing?” Chavo Guerrero Jr. responds, “I’ll tell you what is, how come I don’t have a match for one of the medallions.” Dario explains, “Because I don’t think you deserve one.” Chavo is in disbelief, “Excuse me?” Dario continues, “I don’t think you deserve one. When I give you the match of your life for the Lucha Underground Championship, what do you do? You got hurt. You’ve been in Aztec Warfare and lost twice, let’s face it Chavo, you don’t exactly step up to these opportunities so, I’m done giving them to you.” Chavo replies, “You want me to seize the opportunity, huh? No problem,” and walks out and slams the door.
Mascarita Sagrada vs. Cage
Melissa Santos starts to introduce the first competitor before she is interrupted by Famous B, “Hold up, hold up, hold up. My name is Famous B. And people all around the world have been making my hotline bling. By calling me at 423-GET-FAME. That’s 423-GET-FAME.” Famous B hands a nearby female fan a business card, “Here you go, give me a call, give me a call, that’s right. So without further ado, I am proud to present to all of you, my new client, now hailing from Little Hollywood, California, accompanied by the beautiful Brenda, make some noise for Mascarita Sagrada.” Sagrada, Famous B, and Brenda all make their way to the ring. Melissa introduces his opponent in her sexiest voice, “From the 559, Cage.” Matt Striker asks, “What?” Sagrada blesses himself repeatedly in the ring.
Sagrada goes for the leg, but Cage kicks him away. Cage goes for the running boot, but Sagrada gets out of the way, and then kicks Cage in the back of the leg. Sagrada runs the ropes, spins around his shoulders, front facelock, before Cage flips him to the mat. Cage runs into the corner, drop toe hold by Sagrada, Sagrada runs into the corner, Cage flips him over-the-top to the apron, Sagrada climbs to the top turnbuckle and goes for a crossbody, but Cage catches him, lifts him on his shoulders, then a Metallingus fireman’s carry facebuster, 1-2-3.
Winner: Cage
After the match, Cage, Brenda, and Famous B all come in to check on Sagrada. Suddenly, someone runs into the ring, and steals Cage’s medallion. Famous B looks at Cage and says, “You got robbed.” Cage looks to the top of the stairs, and it’s Chavo holding the medallion, and Cage takes off after him. Famous B tells Sagrada, “It’s okay, no no no, we’ll get him next time.”
Mariposa vs. Sexy Star (No Mas match)
Mariposa comes out in her big leather wings and her Cheerleader Melissa pigtails, Marty Martinez does not accompany her. And her opponent, from Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, Sexy Star. Sexy makes a heart symbol with her hands at the top of the steps, heads to the ring, and we go to commercial
Striker tells us, “This the first ever ‘No Mas’ match here in Lucha Underground. No pinfalls, no submissions, the only way to win, force your opponent to utter those words that strip the pride from them.” The bell rings and off we go. Sexy and Mariposa exchange go-behinds, Sexy throws Mariposa to the ropes, and Mariposa nails a shoulder tackle. Mariposa powerslams Sexy to the mat right on the ancient Aztec seal, hits the ropes for a running back elbow, mount position and then rains blows upon her head, rear headlock grinding Sexy’s face into the mat, picks her up, runs her head into the turnbuckle, knife-edge chop, punches to the gut, picks her up and runs her head into the other turnbuckle, pushes a boot into the jaw. The referee comes over the with the microphone and asks, “What do you say? What do you say?” but Sexy does not submit.
Mariposa runs in and misses an elbow, Sexy returns with slap to the face and then a kick to the gut, Mariposa runs over drop toehold by Sexy runs her head into the corner, Sexy climbs up onto the apron and then 2 swinging rope-assisted sit-down splashes to the chest, drags her back to the center of the ring, kicks her in the ribs, nails 3 rolling suplexes, then a single leg Boston crab, and the referee holds the microphone to Mariposa as she screams.
Mariposa gets out and lands blows to the face, modified Indian deathlock by Mariposa, kicks to the back, Sexy crawls to the ropes, but as Striker tells us, “There is no rope break, remember the rules of the match.” Sexy Star is wearing skin-colored underwear tonight. Kick to the shoulder by Mariposa, Mariposa runs, Sexy holds the ropes and Mariposa flips over to the outside, Sexy runs off the apron with a sit-down splash. Punches to the head, 2 slaps to the chest, whip reversal send Sexy into the wall, kick to the gut, 2 knees to the gut. Mariposa picks up a chair, chokes Sexy, the referee holds the microphone to her throat as she coughs. Mariposa grabs another chair and throws it at Sexy, then does it again with two more chairs, the ref asks, Sexy shakes her head no. Mariposa picks her up, but whip reversal sends Mariposa into the steel railing. Now Sexy picks up a chair, puts it in Mariposa’s crotch, Vampiro asks, “What the hell is going on? I don’t even know how to call that. It’s not a nut shot,” and then swings one chair into the other as Striker yells, “Steely Dan!”
Sexy with a kick, rear naked choke, punch to the chest, kick to the groin, Mariposa fights out with shots to the ribs of Sexy, throws her head into the railing, drags her up the stairs by her hair, her back grated on the concrete, they reach the top, Mariposa chokes her with a headscissors, tears away at her mask, and then shakes her head violently. They walk across the balcony, Mariposa shoves a bunch of fans out of the way, climb to the rail, but Sexy pushes her off onto the top of Dario’s office, Sexy kicks her in the head, and then climbs even higher as the fans chant, “Holy s***!”
Mariposa follows her up the ladder, Sexy is kicking Mariposa in the head, and they’re up in the rafters now. Sexy walks across the catwalk, Vampiro says, “I’m shaking, I don’t like it, I feel uncomfortable, this is not good.” Kick by Sexy, punch by Mariposa, Mariposa sends Sexy’s head off the railing, Sexy begins to dangle off the side of the rail. Striker says, “Vampiro has gone off of headset, showing concern, and that is a man who has seen everything.” Sexy is gushing blood down her face, as blood drains from the sky onto the fans, Mariposa grinds away at her face. Sexy gets up, kicks Mariposa in the gut a few times, and begins to climb down. Vampiro is back on commentary now.
Sexy makes it to the top of Dario’s office, but now Marty Martinez climbs up the other side, creeping, stalking her, kicks her in the gut, grinds her head against the steel railing, swings the gate onto her face, and then The Mack shows up. They begin to brawl, Mack with clubbing blows to Martinez, runs him back the balcony into the wall, sends him through a door. Sexy pulls Mariposa off the office onto a set of stairs, and then stands on her face as Sexy holds the railing. Mariposa fights out with kicks, they begin to walk down the stairs, Sexy grabs a purse and starts beating Mariposa with it, Mariposa slam Sexy’s head into the side of the wall, Mariposa with a snapmare off the last step onto the floor.
Sexy Star is covered in blood, Mariposa picks her up by the legs, slams her shoulder into the announce table 3 times, Striker yells, “That’s a human being, that’s someone’s daughter.” Sexy fights out with kicks from her backside, and then push kicks Mariposa off her feet, Sexy picks up a trash can and nails Mariposa in the back of the head. The fans chant, “Holy s***!” Sexy puts the trash can on Mariposa’s head and then kicks it, stomps on the trash can, grabs her by the pigtails, hairmare takeover. Mariposa fights out with 3 punches to the gut, hits her in the back with the trash can lid, and throw Sexy back into the ring. The fans chant, “This is awesome!”
Mariposa grabs Sexy by the hair, sets her up for the butterfly effect, but Sexy slides out, 3 kicks to the gut, runs the ropes and then Mariposa meets her with a clothesline. Striker says, “That wasn’t as much of a clothesline, as it was a punch to the throat.” Mariposa locks in a leg lock submission, Sexy bridges, the referee asks Sexy if she wants to give and she yells loudly into the microphone “F*** you! F*** you Mariposa, f*** you!” as the fans go insane.
Mariposa with slaps to the back of the head, Sexy with a kick to the groin, climbs onto her shoulders and locks in a rear naked choke body scissors. Mariposa is fading, walking around the ring, trying to slam Sexy into the turnbuckle, and then all the sudden Martinez comes out with a clubbing blow to Sexy’s back. Martinez picks up Sexy, wipes the blood from her face and rubs it on his face, goes for a punch, but Sexy ducks under, Mack runs in with a kick to the gut on Martinez, and nails a stunner. Sexy locks in a cross armbar and Mariposa yells, “No mas!”.
Winner: Sexy Star
Striker calls the victory, “Never once did we question gender, never once did we question heart, never once did we question spirit. With every ounce of venom and vinegar in her heart, Sexy Star is victorious and has claimed an ancient Aztec medallion, and she’s not done yet.” After the match, Sexy won’t let go of the hold, the referee tries to get a break, but Sexy stands up and knocks out the referee, and locks in the cross armbar again. Sexy finally picks Mariposa up by the hair and throws her out of the ring. Sexy drapes herself across the second rope, completely exhausted, covered in blood, staring at the camera, smiles, and then passes out. The Mack comes in the ring to congratulate her, points at her as the fans cheer. Mack offers her a hand, gives her the Aztec medallion, she asks, “This is mine?” and then kisses it with her blood and the Mack raises her hand, she hugs Mack and wraps her legs around him, and the fans chant, “You deserve it!” as the credits roll.
Recap of Lucha Underground – Season 2 Episode 11 – Bird of War – April 6
In a basement locker room, Vampiro stands above a sink holding his anti-psychotic medication. Dario enters, “Ian Hodgkinson, oh I’m sorry, you don’t use that name anymore. Now you are just Vampiro, Pentagon’s master. And I imagine there’s some part of you that wants to do something stupid, like bash my brains in and then go looking for my brother.” Vampiro grits his teeth and says, “It’s not just part of me, it’s all of me.” Dario replies, “My brother went too far, but truthfully, we are lucky that Pentagon is still alive. Lay a hand on me or, worse, my brother, and I don’t think you will be so lucky. You are very valuable to me, you’re practically the voice of Lucha Underground. Tonight, I have a huge main event, and I need you out there doing commentary. Ian, Vampiro, the master, whoever you are, please don’t make the same mistake as Pentagon.” Vampiro downs the anti-psych meds, and the camera cuts away.
Joey Ryan and Mr. Cisco are back at the police station. The detective tells the undercover cops, “So, Dario Cueto’s back, nice work Officer Meehan (Joseph Meehan).” Joey replies, “Just doing my job.” Castro breaks in, “You didn’t have anything to do with it.” The detective replies, “And who did, Reyes, you?” Castro (Ricky Reyes) responds, “No, he just came back. And get this captain, he’s let his brother out of that cell, he’s loose.” Joey says “You sound scared, doesn’t he sound scared Captain?” Reyes cuts in, “I’m not scared.” She says, “Shut up. I need some real evidence, something that will help me build a case against Dario, now that he’s back. I want you both on him, tag team if you have to, get the job done.” Joey replies, “It’s funny you should use the phrase tag team, see I actually made sure to introduce myself to Dario and I can tell that he liked me. So much so, that he entered me in the Trios Tournament which starts tonight. And guess who he paired me up with, yup, Reyes and his boy Cisco.” Cortez annoyed replies, “That’s Mr. Cisco.” She says, “If that gets you close to El Jefe, then you win those Trios Titles. You understand me? Good, now run along, you don’t want to be late.” They exit, she hangs a picture of Dario on the bulletin board, and says, “Gotcha.”
A band in luchador masks, El Conjunto Nueva Ola, opens the show. Matt Striker and Vampiro introduce us to the temple. Vampiro says “I can’t front. What that sick bastard did last week to Pentagon, for any amount of money, I wouldn’t want to be Fenix’s show, bro.” Striker says, “All right, with that said, let’s Lucha!”
Ivelisse vs. Kobra Moon
The first match tonight is a women’s match. Both competitors are already in the ring, Melissa Santos introduces Ivelisse, Striker tells us Ivelisse is “about to have a one-on-one encounter with an undefeated newcomer here in LU.” Santos introduces Kobra Moon, Striker says, KM “is definitely slithering her way into the LU temple, in the right way.” Vampiro notes that Ivelisse is sporting a fresh new look tonight. The bell rings and we’re off. Hammerlock, standing side headlock by KM, armbar, then a kick by Ivelisse, arm drag, and then tries to hyperextend the arm of KM. KM gets out, swings-and-misses, Ivelisse catches her, rolls her in a hammerlock, KM tries to reverse, Ivelisse hooks a legs submission, and then KM gets a headscissors on Ivelisse, KM bridges, the women exchange sunset flip rollovers, pin attempts, and kickouts.
KM hits a reverse dragon sleeper, Ivelisse works her way out, 2 armdrag takeovers by Ivelisse, throws her into the corner, Ivelisse hits a running back elbow, then KM locks in a rope-assisted headscissors choke, and breaks the hold at 4. KM with a knee to the head, before she crawls back under the bottom rope, slithers into an exotic cover, but Ivelisse kicks out. Ivelisse fights out with strikes to the liver, catches an Irish whip to the corner, and KM spears her in the gut. KM runs into the corner again, but Ivelisse gets out of the way, KM hooks her legs around Ivelisse’s torso and locks a modified tarantula submission over the top rope, and she breaks the hold at 4. Striker tells us, “It’s a submission hold, but because it’s on the ropes, it is illegal, but damage may be done. A lot of KM’s moves, here, involve the ropes and pressure on the head and neck.”
KM chokes Ivelisse on the second rope, double underhook suplex, into a S-grip (or Gable grip) submission. Ivelisse gets to her feet, Ivelisse hits a Northern Lights counter, pin attempt, kickout. Ivelisse locks in a Front Chancery, KM finds the ropes and breaks the hold, Ivelisse sent to the ropes and goes for a Tilt-A-Whirl headscissors, but Ivelisse lands on her feet, and KM hits a side Russian leg sweep instead. KM and Ivelisse exchange forearms, chops, then Ivelisse lands 2 forearms, 2 kicks, then hits a T-bone Exploder-like suplex on KM, cover, kickout. KM with a chin drop, hooks the arms back-to-back and then plants her on her face, KM covers, but doesn’t hook the leg, and Ivelisse kicks out. KM reverses, arm lock, they exchange kicks, then the Code Red sunset flip powerbomb out of nowhere by Ivelisse, pin 1-2-3, and KM receives her first loss.
Winner: Ivelisse
We are shown a pre-recorded backstory segment from Kill Shot. “Who is Kill Shot? That’s an interesting story. I enlisted the day I turned eighteen, we shipped overseas, I was good with a gun. They said I had a killer’s instinct and they made me a sniper. Kill Shot quickly became my nickname. 37 confirmed kills, all bad guys, or so they told me.” “I was good with my bare hands too, so they put me on an Elite Squad, going into hostile territories, getting the job done. We were the best, but sometimes, even the best isn’t good enough. My team was captured, I was the enemy’s prisoner for 13 months, before I was finally able to escape and find my way back home.” Video is shown of Kill Shot shooting his captors and escaping from an enemy encampment. “I don’t know if my brothers made it out alive. According to the US government, we never existed. I fight a different kind of war now. In Lucha Underground, I fight to forget. I fight, because I can’t (forget). Who is Kill Shot? I am a man with no identity, no face. All I have left is that killer instinct, and hope that my brothers will find their way back too.”
Famous B enters the locker room, seeking his first client, and meets midget wrestler Mascarita Sagrada working out on the weight bench. “Well well well, if it isn’t el pequeño Tigre Blanco. Relax, I’m here to give you my business card. I think you are a real talent Mascarita Sagrada and you could be a huge star, so call me. There’s my number is 423-GET-FAME, hit me up, and I’ll make you famous.” Famous B exits and walks past Sexy Star and The Mack. The Mack says, “Hey Sexy, that’s damn rat Dario put me on a Trios team with Mariposa and the Moth. I want you to come out the and show me some moral support.” She nods her head no. He continues, “After what those two bugs did to me last week, I’m going to need your help.” She says, “I’m sorry,” and shakes her head no. “Sooner or later, those two are going to have to pay for what they did to you, I just hope you’re there to collect.” Sexy Star increases the intensity of her arm curls while visions of The Moth and Mariposa dance in her head.
The Crew and Joey Ryan vs Marty “The Moth” Martinez, Mariposa, and The Mack
The Trios Tournament begins with a first round match. Melissa Santos introduces Cortez Castro, Mr. Cisco, and Joey Ryan. Joey pours oil down his trunks and then Melissa Santos introduces Marty Martinez, Mariposa, and The Mack. The Moth flaps its wings and Mack looks on in confusion. The fans chant, “Joey!” as he sucks on his lollipop. The Mack and Joey are in the ring to start it off, but as soon as the bell rings, Joey tags in Cisco.
Mack and Cisco slap hands and exchange fist-bumps, showing mutual respect. Cisco hits the ropes, leapfrog, then Mack hits a shoulder block, pin, kickout. Mack with an Irish whip to the corner, Cisco hits a back elbow, and then a top rope armdrag. Cisco sends Mack to the corner, Mack stands on his head on the top turnbuckle, and then an armdrag on Cisco. Mack runs into the corner and meets a boot, Cisco off the top rope with a hurricanrana, misses a clothesline, Mack hits the ropes, armdrag, leg sweep, pin and kickout combinations, then Mack flips up from the ground to a standing position, and the fans cheer.
They fist bump again and Joey Ryan tags himself in, to the surprise of Cisco. Joey says he wants Mariposa (Cheerleader Melissa) and she tags herself into the surprise of Mack. Joey is licking his lollipop, smearing it all over his body, she slaps Joey, and he pushes her to the mat with a facepalm. Mariposa with an arm wrench, walks the ropes ala. Undertaker, and then an arm drag, hurricanrana, hooks the legs, but Joey kicks out. Mariposa hits the ropes, lands a low dropkick to the knee on Joey, and then a kick to the back. Mariposa walks over Joey, tags in Marty, Joey hits a dropkick on Martinez, and then he tags in Castro. Marty with a knee to the gut, Marty misses, kick from Castro, then Cisco with a baseball kick through the middle rope to the outside while Marty lays in the corner. Cisco drags him to the center of the ring, covers Marty, kick out. Cisco hits forearms to Marty, goes to springboard off the ropes, but Mariposa kicks him in the head. Marty climbs on top and rains punches on Cisco, arm rake, tags in Mariposa, slam, she hits the ropes, Marty grabs her by the waist to pick her up, and slams her down on top of Cisco, pin, but Cisco kicks out. Forearm by Mariposa, they run the ropes, sunset flip, Cisco goes for a dropkick and misses, but Mariposa connects with a dropkick of her own. She tags Marty, and the Mack is frustrated that he’s not getting any action.
Whip reversal, then Marty suplexes Cisco into the turnbuckle, drags him back to the center of the ring, cover, but Cisco kicks out. Vampiro says Marty is like “one of those weirdos who’s going to dig a hole in their basement and put little kids in it.” Striker says, “As long as he doesn’t dress up like a clown, I think we’re good.” Back neckbreaker from Cisco, crawls to the corner, and gets the hot tag to Castro. Marty ducks the kick, Castro gets out of the way, Marty throws a punch but Cisco gets out of the way and Marty punches the turnbuckle, shoulder to the gut, DDT, pin attempt, but Mariposa breaks it up. Cortez goes to tag Cisco, but Joey jumps in front and gets himself tagged in. Next Mack tags himself in, and Marty is angry.
Joey turns Mack around, Mack hits a open hand chop, clothesline, European uppercut, power slam, runs the ropes, leg drop, Mack covers, Joey gets out. Mack runs into the corner, Joey connects with a boot, but Mack gets a fireman’s carry, into a Samoan drop, standing moonsault flip, pin attempt, but the Crew come in take out everybody. A fight starts on the outside, Mack hits the ropes, but Mariposa is standing on the apron twirling her cheerleader pigtails, Mack pushes her off the apron with his boot, and now finally Mack runs and hits a front flip suicide dive over the top rope. The fans chant, “Mack!”, he throws Joey in the ring, sets up, hits the ropes, but Marty tag himself in, and tells Mack to get out of the ring. They exchange chest slaps and yell “my tag”, then chops and yell “I’m in”, then a stunner by Mack and Marty is wobbling. The Crew is in, hits a double team finisher, but Joey slides in at the last minute, and covers Marty, 1-2-3.
Winners: The Crew and Joey Ryan
The referee goes to raise the arms of The Crew, but Joey pushes their arms away, and says “I won!” and the referee raises Joey’s arm. Mariposa rolls her brother out of the ring, Joey celebrates, as The Crew look on, dumbfounded. Mariposa comes in and attacks Mack, until Sexy Star comes out to make the save. Mariposa starts yelling at Sexy Star, at first Sexy Star seems intimidated, but she screams and delivers 3 knife edge chops, 3 grab the hair takeovers, snapmare takeover, kick to the back, kick kick, stomp stomp, stands on her stomach and neck, grabs her by the hair, drag her back to the center of the ring, punch to the gut, kick to the back of the head, and now finally Marty rescues Mariposa.
Outside, Rey Mysterio joins Dragon Azteca Jr, who is sitting on a rooftop. “I know what you’re thinking.” Aztec responds, “The monster killed our teacher.” Mysterio says, “And now you’re going to kill him. Sorry for a hard dose of reality, but he kicked your ass at Aztec Warfare. You now fight for the pride of our tribe, but you’ve still got a lot to learn.” Azteca agrees. “You wear his mask, so fight for honor, not revenge, that will come in time. Now, for the good news, I got us in at trios tournament and we have a match next week.” Azteca asks “Who’s our partner?” then Prince Puma appears and says “Me.” Fist bump, fist bump, Mysterio continues, “You know something? I discovered Puma fighting on the streets, just like El Dragon Azteca found you.” Azteca says, “Well, next week, we fight together.” Puma replies, “Damn right we do.”
Fenix vs Matanza Cueto (c) (Lucha Underground Championship match)
Melissa Santos introduces us to the LU Championship match. Out first is Fenix, he stands at the top of the steps, does his spit spray, and high-fives the fans as he walks down the steps. He enters the ring by springboarding off one rope, handspring off the other rope, then rolling through. The fans chant, “Let’s go Fenix!” Next out accompanied by Dario, is the champion “The Monster” Matanza Cueto, and we cut to commercial.
Senior official Marty Elias shows the belts to the crowd. Fenix runs in, Mantaza throws him back, Fenix gets a go-behind waist lock on the Monster, Matanza twists the arm, Fenix ducks a clothesline, and then a kick to the gut, Matanza catches him, send him to the ropes, Fenix hits a kick to the head (that hurts his foot because of the mask), rolls out of a clothesline, and then Matanza pushes him away to the mat. Matanza climbs on top and slams his head repeatedly into the mat. Matanza working slowly, methodically on Fenix’s neck in the corner. Fenix jumps over, kick to the leg, kick to the gut, kick to the head, and it has no effect on the Monster. Matanza grabs him and suplexes him into the turnbuckle. Matt Striker says below that turnbuckle is a “steel nut”. Matanza drags him by the lip of his mask, and Dario yells “Sangre! Sangre! (Blood! Blood!).” Fenix thrown to the ropes, Fenix catches himself, gets a kick kick, and then a drop toe hold into the ropes, kicks Matanza in the head, the Monster struggles back to his feet, Fenix with a springboard, Matanza catches him, hits the The Rack sidewalk slam, Fenix kicks out. Fenix with a handspring off the ropes, but Matanza catches him again, and hits a tilting German suplex.
Matt Striker calls Matanza “The Eater of Worlds” (They really should copyright that.) Matanza shoves Fenix into the corner, Fenix meet him with a superkick, Matanza still on his feet, dropkick off the top rope, Matanza stumbles but does not go down. Dario says “recuerda la mamá (remember Mother).” Matanza backdrops Fenix on the apron, strike by Fenix, but he hurts his hand by punching the mask. Then a big right hand by Matanza knocks Fenix off the apron.
Matanza follows him to the outside, Fenix runs at him, Matanza throws him up and over, Fenix lands on his feet on the ropes, and delivers a kick to Matanza, then a second kick, jumps into the ring, hits the ropes, and then suicide dives to the outside, but Matanza catches him, and now hits The Rack on the floor. The fans chant, “Holy s***!” Matanza climbs on top, punches to the face, throws him back into the ring, picks him up, carries him around the ring, and nails The Wrath of the Gods on Fenix, 1-2-3, and wins easily.
Winner: Matanza Cueto
After the bell, Matanza crawls on top and pummels Fenix with more shots to the head, stretches his face by the nose, when suddenly Katrina comes out and and yells, “Stop!” She stands at the top of the steps holding the rock, Matanza turns to look at her, but Mil Muertes runs in from behind and attacks Matanza, knocking him to the outside of the ring. Muertes turns and finds a fallen Fenix laying in the corner of the ring. Striker wonders, “Either Mil inadvertently saved Fenix. Is Mil Muertes showing mercy? A human side? Or is there a burning desire to regain the title?” Muertes looks at Fenix, and walks away. The credits roll with Katrina standing tall on the steps, as Striker says, “Goodnight everybody.”
Recap of Lucha Underground Season 2 Episode 10 – March 30, 2016
The band Chingon kicks off the show. Dario Cueto makes his way to the ring and says “It feels good to be back in my temple. Aztec Warfare was a spectacular event, but this is only the beginning for what I have planned for all of you. First, I am happy to announce that beginning next week, I will start an all-new trios tournament. But that’s not all. What about an all new number one contender for my brother’s championship? Well, for that I have a brilliant idea…” but then Pentagon Jr. appears on the scene and interrupts.
Pentagon speaks, “Wait one minute, Dario. Wait one minute, bastard. Do you want to know why your brother won the championship? Because I wasn’t involved!” Dario replies,.”Well, with all due respect, maybe you didn’t compete in Aztec Warfare because you’re not championship material.” Pentagon grabs Dario by the throad and says says ,“Tonight. I want your brother here, so you can see the real champion. Will you bring him to me?” Pentagon throw Cueto face-first to the mat and threatens to break his arm. Cueto yells “No no no, okay, you can have your championship match with him tonight.” Pentagon says, “You, your brother, the world, and my master will see who is Pentagon Jr. Because I am Pentagon Jr. Zero fear!”
Matt Striker and Vampiro introduce the show and Melissa Santos says tonight’s first match will be a tag team bout.
Taya and Johnny Mundo vs Mr. Cisco and Cortez Castro
Taya and Johnny Mundo are already in the ring. Out next, hailing “from the streets”, Mr. Cisco and Cortez Castro. Vampiro says “These two kids went to preschool together. They’ve been stealing nipples and baby milk since they were in kindergarten.” The bell sounds and we’re off.
Taya flips Cortez’s legs to the mat, runs the ropes, shoulder block, runs the ropes again, but Taya gets met with a kick, Cortez with a pin attempt, Taya kicks out. Cortez picks her up, she slips out, gets thrown off the ropes, and Taya hits a clothesline. Cisco tags in, double kick to the gut, face-first slam to the mat, pin attempt, kickout. Taya hits a hurricanrana and tags in Mundo. Vampiro says, “Am I the only one who notices Johnny Mundo doesn’t want in this match?” Johnny Zero delivers forearm shivers to the face, cover, kickout. Mundo with a shoulder carry into a powerslam, another cover, another kickout. Mundo connects with the Moonlight Drive on Cisco, pin, kickout. Mundo goes for End of the World, but Cisco gets out of harm’s way, quick roll-up, Mundo kicks out. Cisco slaps Mundo to the face, connects with a swinging neckbreaker, and Cisco gets the hot tag to Castro.
Castro with 2 knife-edge chops forearm, throws Mundo off the ropes, but Mundo rolls over his back and tags in Taya. Vampiro says, “Chicken Sheit!” Taya hits a dropkick to the face, throws Cortez off the ropes, Cortez hits 2 flying back elbows, then DDTs her head to the mat. Cortez goes for the pin, but Mundo comes in, hits the ropes and knee strike to the face. Cisco in now fighting off Mundo, Mundo reverses off the ropes, and then gets tossed to the floor. Cage’s music hits and he walks slowly down the steps. Cisco goes for the baseball slide, but misses and Mundo hits a clothesline. Striker reminds us Mundo smashed a cinder block across Cage’s head last week at Aztec Warfare. Mundo climbs through the ring all the way to the outside, while Cage stands on the opposite side. Meanwhile, Taya is left alone and gets caught in the Psycho Realm, Cisco pins 1-2-3.
Winner: Mr. Cisco and Cortez Castro
A dark room is shown, framed moths hang on the wall. Sitting in a polo shirt with a cardigan tied around his neck is Marty Martinez. “A long time ago, the Moth tribe ruled the Aztec empire. We were known for two things, our Aztec Pride, and our wealth. The moths were drawn to Aztec gold like our namesakes to a flame. As you can see, that wealth is still important to my tribe today. When you possess what others want, they get jealous, they want to take it from you. The Moth tribe knew the envy of the other tribes would bring war, but we had a secret weapon, Mariposa, the greatest warrior Aztecs have ever seen. Mariposa destroyed anyone who tried to take our tribe’s gold and her viciousness became legendary. The Mariposa mask was passed down over generations and now the deadliest Mariposa of them all wears it. Beware my sister, the Mariposa, for she will lead the Moth tribe to rule again.”
Backstage we see a woman standing guard outside Dario’s office, the lights flicker, and Catrina is suddenly inside with Dario. He calmly says, “Catrina, I didn’t see you come in, but that’s kind of your thing, isn’t it? You come in and out of places like a ghost. I want to thank you for keeping my temple going in my absence, but as I said tonight, this is my temple. I’m the rightful owner of it.” She says, “Maybe so, but your brother is not the rightful owner of that championship, and sooner or later, death will come for it.” Dario says, “My brother does not fear death.” She says, “But you do.” Dario replies, “Listen, I have no beef with you, I even gave the Disciples of Death a rematch for the titles tonight. You and I? We have common enemies. Working together, we could be unstoppable.” She says, “When the time is right, your brother will face death and this temple and be mine again.” The lights flicker out, she disappears, and he takes a good swift drink.
Chingon plays a riff from Suicidal Tendencies “Institutionalized” and Melissa Santos tells us this is an elimination match for the Trios championship.
Ivelisse, Angelico, and Son of Havoc (c) vs The Disciples of Death (w/Catrina) (Elimination Match) for the Lucha Underground Trios Championship
The champs are in the ring, Disciples of Death come out. Striker explains that all three members on one team have to be eliminated for the match to be over. Instead of 1 fall, you need 3 falls. The bell rings, Angelico and Barrio Negro start it off, collar and elbow tie-up, they flip around, then Angelico hits an arm drag, Japanese armdrag, into an armlock. SoH tags, goes off the top rope and drops a stomp to the arm, connects with Barrio off the ropes, reversal, reversal, slash, pin, kickout. Ivelisse tags in, arm drag, elbow lock, 4 kicks. Fans chant “Ivelisse!” Goes to tag, but Barrio picks her up on his shoulder, El Siniestro de la Muerte tags in.
Sinestro and Barrio try to double team Ivelisse, but she ducks out of the way and Sinestro kicks Barrio in the back. Ivelisse drives Sinestro into the corner, hits a northern lights suplex, pin, Sinestro kicks out. Sinestro misses a clothesline, Ivelisse bridges into a suplex, pin, kickout, Catrina grabs Ivelisse and holds her against the ropes while Barrio kicks her in the face, Sinestro pins her, and Ivelisse is out.
It’s now 3-on-2, DoD against SoH and Angelico. Vampiro says, “With Catrina, that’s like 4 against 3 right off the bat. Now 4-on-2.” Fans chant “Son of Havoc!”. Trece tags in, throws SoH into the corner, flips him to the mat, into the corner again, SoH hits a boot. SoH climbs to the top rope, almost gets caught, but somersaults over and gets the hot tag to Angelico. Angelico hits 2 clotheslines, then a forearm to Barrio knocking him off the ropes. Angelico goes for another clothesline, blocked, full nelson, but Angelico kicks Trece, backs Sinestro to the ropes. Striker says “Trec-e gets another knee to the face-e.”, then Sinestro gets a kick to the back of the head, and Barrio gets a loud kick to the head. Trece dropkicks Angelico to the mat, they jockey for lock position, and then Fall of the Angels into the corner turnbuckle and Trece is done.
Barrio comes in and kicks Angelico, Sinestro joins in, they tag team, throw him off the ropes, but Angelico catches himself, throws Sinestro over his shoulder, but gets caught in a full nelson, and kick to the Barrio. SoH bicycle kicks Sinestro in the face, then they hold down the ropes sending Barrio to the floor. Angelico and SoH hit synchronized leaps to the outside and the fans cheer. Vampiro says “Pretty impressive stuff. This looks like the X Games!” Angelico throws Sanesco into the ring, hits a springboard knee off the middle rope, calls for the Fall of the Angels, but Sinestro fights out, delivers forearm to Angelico’s head, then plants his knees in his back, and plants Angelico to the mat. Angelico is eliminated.
SoH comes in now, it’s 2-on-1, he tries to fight off both men but the numbers game is too much. They throw him off the ropes SoH dives headfirst into the top rope, bounces backwards and hits a back elbow drop on both men, pins Suerte, but Barrio breaks it up. Sinestro clobbers SoH, Barrio tags in, they throw SoH off the ropes, he ducks a double clothesline, leapfrogs, bounces off the middle rope into a crossbody block, then springboards off the top rope, double stomp stepping on each man’s back, then hits a backflip on Barrio for the pin.
All of the sudden Sinestro comes in and crushes SoH in the skull. Irish whip to the corner, SoH jumps over top and then meet the clothesline. Sinestro climbs to the top rope, goes for a moonsault, but misses. SoH now climbs to the top rope, Striker calls him, “The badass biker from the open road.” Catrina knocks him off the rope, he falls and hits his head. Ivelisse returns from the back and kicks Catrina in the head. Striker says, “The bitch is back.” Vampiro says, “And the other bitch is down, hell yeah.” SoH with two suicide dives to the outside, throws him back in the ring, climbs to the top rope, shooting star press, pin, SoH wins.
Winner and STILL Lucha Underground Champions: Ivelisse, Angelico, and Son of Havoc
Back in Dario’s office, he turns around in his chair and says, “I still can’t believe that you’re here. I’ll be honest, I’m a little starstruck.” Mysterio replies, “I’m here because of El Dragon Azteca.” Dario replies, “Well, it was good to see him back in action during Aztec Warfare.” Mysterio sits up, “No no no, hell no, that is Dragon Azteca Jr. I am talking about his mentor, my mentor, the man who came into this temple and never came out.” Dario says, “I know nothing about that.” Mysterio replies, “Well he’s dead, and I’m pretty sure your brother is responsible.” Dario protests, “I swear to you and to the gods, that my brother had nothing to do with whatever happened to him. Your mentor and my father, whatever their beef was, it has nothing to do with us. I respect the old ways, but I am a man of the new world. And all I want is to make this Temple the best in the fighting arena that’s ever existed. I was very impressed with you during Aztec Warfare, and of course, I recognize that you are the most famous luchador in the world. So it would be my honor, if you and Dragon Azteca Jr. competed here, as long as we both agreed to leave the past in the past.” Dario hands Mysterio a shot and they drink to the memory of El Dragon Azteca.
Sexy Star vs Mariposa
Already in the ring accompanied by The Mack is Sexy Star. Matt tells us that this young lady spearheaded a revolution and inspired a generation. Next out is Mariposa (Cheerleader Melissa) in a tall headdress and giant canvas moth-like wings, making her debut in singles action. Star looks pretty scared, the bell rings, Star ducks a clothesline, somersaults away, then slides out of the ring. Star backs into Marty Martinez, screams in fear, and he throws her back in the ring. Mariposa kick kick, throws Star into the turnbuckle, punches to the stomach, pushes a boot into the face. Mariposa climbs to the top rope, goes for a moonsault, but misses. Star ducks to the apron, jumps back in, runs the ropes, goes for a tilt-a-whirl headscissors submission, but Mariposa is way too strong and slams her to the mat. Mariposa nails the Butterfly Effect vertebreaker and pins Star easily, 1-2-3..
Winner: Mariposa
Mariposa twirls her Cheerleader pigtails, The Mack enters the ring to check on Sexy Star, but Martinez stomps The Mack in the back. Mariposa delivers a kick to the face, then Martinez picks Mariposa up by the legs, spins her around by the waist, and slams her down onto The Mack.
Growls of beasts are heard coming from behind a closed door. Dario enters and walks over to the cage, “You’ve done well, my brother. Better than I could have hoped for, but our work is far from over. Pentagon Jr. has made a name for himself breaking arms, I want you to break his back, so he never returns to my temple again.” Dario unlock the cage and out walks The Monster.
Chingon plays their final song, the fans cheer, and Melissa Santos welcomes us to the main event.
Pentagon Jr. vs Matanza Cueto (c) for the Lucha Underground Championship
Out first is Pentagon Jr., as the fans chant “Cero Miedo!” Out next, “owner and promoter of Lucha Underground” Dario Cueto leads the Lucha Underground Champion “The Monster” Mantaza Cueto to the ring by the key. Matanza stares at the key until Dario puts it back around his neck. Matanza breathes heavily, Pentagon welcomes him to the fight. Matanza climbs into the squared circle for his first title defense, drops the belt in the center of the ring, the referee picks it up hesitantly, shows it to the crowd, the bell rings, and we’re off.
They circle each other, Matanza makes 2 attempts to grab Pentagon, but Pentagon slips away each time. Finally Matanza throws Pentagon off the ropes, Pentagon connects with a kick to the back of the head that has no effect on Matanza. 2 kicks to the leg by Pentagon, Matanza pushes him off the ropes, misses a clothesline and then catches a superkick from Pentagon which again has no effect on Matanza. Pentagon delivers a kick to the leg, 3 forearms to the head, backs Matanza into the corner, Irish whip, reversal, Pentagon jumps over top of him, and delivers the low blow that has no effect on Matanza. Pentagon looks at the crowd in disbelief.
Matanza throws Pentagon to the floor and delivers stomps to the lower back. Matanza yells at the fans in the floor seats to move and they don’t oblige very quickly. Finally, they clear out of the way and Matanza throws Pentagon into the wooden chairs. Vampiro says “Pentagon is hurt. I don’t care, I’m sorry. He’s beating him to death, his lower back, he’s hurt.” Matanza throw Pentagon into the railing. Striker reminds us Matanza ripped off that same steel beam when Joey Ryan was attached to it just last week. Matanza begins to tear apart the mask of Pentagon and rolls him back into the ring. Striker says “You can almost hear the fear in the chants of the believers.” German suplex by Matanza, Vampiro says “Pentagon is telling the referee he’s hurt. That’s what he’s saying. I can see it and hear it in Spanish, right now.” Matanza doesn’t care, picks him up, hits the Wrath of the Gods, and this one is over.
Winner and STILL Lucha Underground Champion: Matanza Cueto
Vampiro gets up from commentary and climbs into the ring. Matanza and Vampiro stare at each other, Matanza nods and backs away. Vampiro bends down to check on Pentagon, until Matanza runs and kicks Vampiro in the head. Matanza picks up Pentagon, throws him to the floor. Matt Striker says, “Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know if we’re still on the air…” and then Matanza powerbombs Pentagon through the announce table. The paramedics come out with a stretcher and Striker says, “That Zero Fear may very well be the end of Pentagon. If the will of a group could ever raise anyone spirits, this crowd is getting behind Pentagon.” They load Pentagon into an ambulance, Vampiro looks out the back window, and the show ends with the fans chanting “Cero Miedo!”
Recap of Lucha Underground Season 2 Episode 9 – Aztec Warfare II – March 23, 2016
Fenix enters the warrior’s gym and is met by Pentagon Jr. Catrina appears, “Your master may be teaching you about the dark parts, but you know nothing about the darkness. I don’t even know why you’re here. You never received an invitation to compete in Aztec Warfare. You lost your privilege when you put your hands on me.” Pentagon Jr. replies, “You don’t scare me and neither does Mil Muertes. You don’t tell me what to do. I only listen to one person and that person is my master. I am Pentagon Jr. and I have zero fear. Catrina replies, “The only reason you have zero fear is because you don’t know true fear. As for you Fenix, last week you barely survived, tonight you will have to take your last breath and Mil will take his title back.” Catrina disappears, Pentagon Jr. and Fenix stare each other down and walk away.
As we get our first look inside the temple tonight, the fans chant “Aztec Warfare!” A tribal band, in wild, extravagant headgear, feathers, and colorful garb play the drums and dance. Matt Striker and Vampiro tell us tonight, for the first time ever, the Lucha Underground Championship will be defended at Aztec Warfare. 20 men will compete, every 90 seconds another participant will enter, and the only way to be eliminated is pinfall or submission. Matt says “Not to stir the pot, Pentagon Jr. was not invited.” Vampiro says “That is wacked. You know it and I know it. But it is what it is.” Matt says “Let the drums beat and let Aztec Warfare begin.”
Melissa Santos introduces us to Aztec Warfare and the first participant hailing from Mexico City, Mexico is Fenix. Fenix enters, stands at the top of the stairs, and spits sprays. He is high-fiving the fans on the way to the ring, one week into his reign as Lucha Underground champion, the fans are clearly on his side. The second entrant, by random draw, from San Diego, California, Rey Mysterio. The roof might just blow off this place. The King of Lucha Libre, as they call him, enters the temple, and climbs in the ring at Lucha Underground for the first time ever. Fenix motions for Rey to take his due applause on the turnbuckle. The fans pop big. The two men shake hands in the middle of the ring. Fenix takes off his belt, looks at it and hands it to the referee who hoists it to the crowd. The fans chant “Animal!” Vampiro tells us that “Animal” is the cry of the Mexican warrior. The fans chant “Lucha Libre!” The bell rings and we are underway, the fans are excited to get going.
Fenix shakes Rey’s hand again and embraces him in a show of respect. The two men lock up in the middle of the ring. Fenix throws Rey off the ropes, leapfrog, Rey up and over again, Rey circling around the head neck and shoulders of Fenix, then spins off and the crowd applauds. Fenix hits the ropes, looks like Rey might hit a 619, but Fenix is to his feet and hits him with a superkick. Fenix does a handspring off the ropes and hooks Rey Mysterio with an inside arm drag, pin attempt, kickout, both men are up. Kick misses, then kick to the gut, Rey throws Fenix off the ropes, but Fenix catches himself and circles through with his feet, reversal Rey off the ropes, but Rey catches himself and circles through same move, then an armdrag before entrant number 3 comes out.
“The Hunter” King Cuerno makes his way to the ring. He delivers a forearm to Rey, a jumping kick to Fenix, Cuerno goes to the corner, but meets a boot from Rey. Rey comes out and does a somersault flip overtop of Cuerno, but catches the worst of it, and “the Hunter” poses with his imaginary bow and arrow. Cuerno hits the ropes for a suicide dive through the middle rope onto Fenix on the floor. The fans chant “Lucha!” Rey Mysterio gets up, a kick to Cuerno knocks him to the floor. Rey now sets up for a suicide dive and instead dives upwards through the bottom rope in a cool looking spot.
Next out is number 4, Argenis. Argenis hits the apron and meets Fenix with a forearm then a springboard hurricanrana off the rope. Fenix gets in a kick, springboards off the middle rope, but is met by a superkick from Argenis. Argenis kicks Rey in arse, kick again, then pin attempt but Rey kicks out at 2. Off the ropes, reversal action, Rey takes out Argenis, knocks Cuerno to the floor, and then hits the 619 on Argenis, climbs to the top rope, frog splash, the pin and Argenis is eliminated. Fans chant “Eddy!” Cuerno tries to get on the apron, but Fenix takes him out and then goes off the rope for a corkscrew plancha onto the floor (some really great rotation). The next competitor, number 5 is introduced, its Johnny Mundo, and we go to commercial.
Mundo and Rey meet in the ring. Forearms to Rey, uppercut, sends Rey to the turnbuckle, Rey up and over, Fenix in, sends Mundo’s kick into Rey, then Fenix connects with a kick. Mundo slams Fenix to the mat and then Fenix and Mundo trade lateral press pin combinations back-and-forth. The next competitor is introduced and it’s Joey Ryan. Ha! The sleazy Joey Ryan oozes and grinds into the temple with lollipop in mouth. He pulls a pair of handcuffs out of his trunks and handcuffs himself to the railing. Matt Striker says it’s a wise strategy, because he can’t be pinned while he’s handcuffed! Cuerno walks by and delivers a superkick to Joey Ryan. Famous B who is watching nearby from the crowd offers Joey money.
Number 7 is out and it’s Prince Puma. He takes out Mundo, Fenix, then Cuerno. Puma sets up and hits a springboard 450 splash onto all all of them. Fans chant “Holy s***!” Striker reminds us that Prince Puma won Aztec Warfare last year. Puma brings Cuerno back into the ring, hooks him by the neck, and sends him to the outside.
Number 8 is introduced, none other than Jack Evans. While Evans is coming down the ramp Rey Mysterio locks in an armbar submission on Cuerno and Cuerno taps. As everyone beats down Mundo, Evans springboards off the rope into the ring and misses everybody. Mysterio, Puma, and Fenix continue to beat him down. Johnny Mundo wants to join in on the fun and gets in a couple stomps in, before all three men decide to turn around and chop him to the outside. Rey Mysterio on the top turnbuckle, stands on Fenix’s shoulders, as they walk across the ring, Rey hits a diving splash onto Evans, pin attempt, but Mundo pulls Evans out of the ring to safety. Mundo turns to Evans as if to say wait, let’s see who’s coming next and here comes number 9, female wrestler Taya. She gets a huge pop from the fans, as well as Mundo and Evans.
The sides are evened up now, 3 rudos (heels), 3 technicos (faces), plus Joey Ryan who is still handcuffed to the rail. All six competitors brawl, Evans pulls down the top rope, and Puma goes to the outside, holding his knee in pain after he lands. Mundo throws Mysterio into the corner and bounces off the ropes for a kick. Taya and Evans stretch Mysterio out as Mundo stands over him and slaps him in the face. Number 10 comes out and it’s the power house Cage. Mundo gets hip blocked, Taya gets taken out, Evans goes for a dropkick that has no effect and then meets a clothesline from Cage. Cage picks up Evans throws him across the ring and we go to commercial.
After commercial, Cage goes to the outside catches Mundo goes for powerbomb but Taya jumps off, Cage catches her and then slams her to the floor. Mundo hits a superkick on Cage, Mundo jumps up on the ring apron and hits a spinning kick on Cage, then picks him up and throws him through the office window.
Number 11 is midget luchador Mascarita Sagrada. Sagrada comes in with some fast spinning twirling offense on Fenix, suicide dive to the outside, but Mundo catches him, then superkicks him. In the meantime, Cage has returned from the office window, spinning lariat nails Mundo, then delivers Weapon X face first to the floor. Cage throws Mundo back in the ring, Mundo gets caught with a running flip from Prince Puma and pinned, Mundo is eliminated. Jack Evans back in the ring with a corkscrew kick, Cage slams Laya into the ring apron.
Marty “The Moth” Martinez is out next. Marty gets in the ring, clotheslines Fenix, then Evans, then a running boot to Prince Puma. Cage gets up on the apron, but Martinez elbows him off. Sagrada goes after Martinez, slaps, kicks, hits the ropes, but meets a boot. Evans is up now, hits a spinning kick to the back of Martinez head, but Martinez stays on his feet and laughs it off. Evans hits the ropes, gets caught in a body scissors reversal, and Martinez slams him face first to the mat. Martinez grabs Evans by the mouth and stretches his mouth wide open, laughing maniacally. Evans bites his fingers, then throws him to the floor. Number 13 is Drago, the blue and white dragon, and we go to commercial.
Back from break and Drago is running down the steps. Jack Evans meets him with a cartwheel flip over the top rope, misses, lands on his feet, Drago delivers a kick. Drago goes to spray the green mist in Evans face, but Evans ducks and Joey Ryan gets sprayed instead. Drago throws Evans into the crowd. Rey Mysterio is in the ring working over Martinez, Sagrada joins in and Rey hits a diving splash and covers him while Sagrada flips over Rey and holds onto Martinez’s legs for the combined pin, Martinez is eliminated. Back on the outside, Jack Evans gets thrown from the first level of crowd seats onto the floor. Cage and Puma brawl on the outside.
Next number 14 is The Mack. Mack comes down kicks and delivers a stunner to Martinez on the floor. There are bodies everywhere. Mac enters the ring and stands toe-to-toe with Cage, they exchanged blows, Mac hits a flying knee strike on Cage, then stunner. Joey Ryan is still handcuffed. Prince Puma slaps him and then Fenix throws Sagrada into him.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. comes out as number 15. Taya beats down Sagrada, Drago delivers a powerbomb to Evans on the bleachers. Back in the ring, Sagrada goes for a crossbody but Chavo catches him, and slams him repeatedly into the turnbuckle, then tosses him to the mat. Cage delivers a backdrop on Rey. Chavo locks in the Camel Clutch on Sagrada, Vampiro says “That’s not called the Camel Clutch. That’s la de a caballo, invented by Gory Guerrero. Look, let’s not call it a horse or a camel, right now it’s more like a pony clutch!” and Sagrada taps. Cage sets up Rey for a powerbomb, but Rey sends his head to the middle rope. Rey sets up for the 619, but Taya holds the rope and Rey goes to the outside. With Cage still stationed on the ropes, Mundo brings out a cinder block and smashes it over Cage’s head. Taya crawls in the ring and covers him for the pin, Cage is eliminated. Prince Puma comes up behind and delivers a German suplex into a bridge pin and Taya is eliminated.
Out next number 16 is “The Darewolf” PJ Black. PJ delivers a standing suplex to Drago on the bleachers. Evans joins in, Drago fights out, delivers a backdrop to Evans and sends Black into the ring post. Jack Evans’ back is bleeding. Joey Ryan hanging by, still handcuffed to the railing.
Number 17 is Aero Star, who looks a lot like The Flash. The fans chant “Aero Star!” Evans and Drago go at it in the ring, pin attempt, but Black breaks it up. Aero Star on Black, Irish whip reversal, Aero Star gets caught by Jack’s elbow. Drago goes for hurricanrana, spins around Black, Black catches him and delivers a brain buster, while Aero Star drops Evans off the top rope onto his head. Simultaneous pins on Evans and Drago, 1-2-3, both men are eliminated.
Number 18 is out, it’s Dragon Azteca, Jr. Azteca jr. takes out Aero Star, spins Black around, then strike strike kick, enziguri sends Black to the floor. Head scissors dumps Mack to the floor, then swanton over the ring post to the outside on Mac. Azteca is flying everywhere. Texano is out next and we go to commercial.
Texano in the ring, hits the ropes, and flips over the top rope to the outside landing on all four men. Black brings a recovering Texano into the ring, delivers stomps to his back, pin attempt, Texano fights out and delivers a sitting powerbomb to Black, covers him, and Black is eliminated. Rey Mysterio back in the ring with Texano. Texano send Rey to the corner, forearm then walks away and goes outside to attack Chavo (apparently having lost interest in Mysterio).
And finally number 20 is Mil Muertes with Catrina, but coming through the crowd is Pentagon Jr! Pentagon Jr. comes up from behind nails Muertes with a chair to the spine, then chair shots repeatedly to the chest and shoulder. The fans pop huge for Pentagon Jr. Pentagon throws Muertes into the ring, Rey immediately hits a diving splash off the top rope, Puma helps with the pin and Muertes is eliminated.
Catrina is angry, Muertes is angry. Muertes heads off to the back after Pentagon Jr., while Catrina screams at the Vampiro to get up from the announce table. She yells at him to get out of here, slaps him, before Dario Cueto appears on the steps. “My name is Dario Cueto and this is my temple. Which means that I am in charge now. I’m the boss. So now, I announce there is one more entrance in Aztec Warfare, my brother, “The Monster” Matanza Cueto at number 21.” Matanza is massive. Matanza walks slowly, steadily towards the ring, wearing a black workman’s jumpsuit wearing and a black alien-looking mask. All 7 men circle him and try to attack, but he throws them off.
Fenix comes in, gets slammed to the mat, and pinned, 1-2-3. We are now guaranteed to have a new champion. Next Mack is in, gives him the double middle finger and stunner to no effect. The Monster hits a German suplex into a pin, The Mack is eliminated. Aero Star tries his luck, hits the ropes, meets a clubbing forearm to the back of the head, German suplex, pin 1-2-3, Aero Star is eliminated. Texano sneak attack from behind on Matanza, chokes him with the bull rope, but Matanza flips him over his back and Texano runs into an atomic bomb 1-2-3.
Matanza notices Joey Ryan on the outside of the ring (while Chavo hides out of sight). Matanza grabs Joey and rips apart the steel railing, setting Joey free. Matanza throws Joey into the ring, handcuffs still attached to his wrists, 3 rolling suplexes, pin, the ref rolls Joey out of the ring.
There are four men left on the outside, Mysterio, Puma, Chavo, and Azteca. They are all staring at The Monster, until Chavo turns and attacks everybody. Azteca Jr. gets thrown in the ring, ready to try Matanza now, delivers kicks forearms, but Matanza sends him to corner. Matanza goes for splash but misses and gets middle rope drop kicked by Azteca. Azteca comes off the ropes electric chair on the shoulder, tries for Sunset flip but Matanza catch him, can’t knock the big man off his feet. Azteca tries to go off the ropes again, but Matanza is too strong and catches him in chokeslam, 1-2-3. Azteca Jr. is eliminated.
The monster is dominating everyone. Chavo tries to strike a deal with Dario, enters the ring and tries to convince Matanza to team up, but Matanza hits him with a lariat, then a slam, and pins Chavo.
Puma and Mysterio climb into the ring together and they attack Matanza at the same time. They duck a double clothesline, get in some kicks, then forearms, then kicks, then double standing dropkick. Puma with a splash, Rey goes for a splash but gets caught and Matanza sends him to the outside. Puma goes for a kick, he gets caught, and meets a side suplex. The Monster suplexes him again and then German suplex bridge, 1-2-3, Puma is eliminated, and now Rey is the only one left against Matanza.
The fans chant cheer Rey on. Rey climbs into the ring slowly and Striker delivers the call, “We’re down to the last two men, here we go!” Each competitor sizing each other up, Rey runs in, but Matanza throws him back. Rey hits the ropes, Matanza nails a clothesline. Fans sing “Cueto” (similar to Pittsburgh Pirates fans mockingly singing “Cueto” at Cincinnati Reds pitcher Johnny Cueto in the 2013 National League Wild Card Game). Rey hits the ropes, slides underneath, and from his back delivers two kicks to Matanza’s head. The Monster catches his leg, but Rey connects with an enziguri to the back of head. Matanza is draped over the ropes, Rey goes for the 619, Matanza blocks it, picks him up on his shoulders, Rey slips out, drop toe hold onto the ropes, goes for a second 619 and connects as Striker yells “Booyaya booyaya booyaya!” Matanza stumbles to his feet, Rey goes for the driving hurricanrana, gets caught, Matanza throws him up in the air, and then a spinning power slam, 1-2-3. Monster wins.
Winner and NEW Lucha Underground Champion: “The Monster” Matanza Cueto
Dario grabs the belt and the mic and enters the ring. He hands the belt to Matanza and says, “There is the new Lucha underground Champion, my brother, ‘The Monster’ Matanza Cueto!” as the credits roll.
Order of participants:
1. Fenix
2. Rey Mysterio
3. King Cuerno
4. Argenis
5. Johnny Mundo
6. Joey Ryan
7. Prince Puma
8. Jack Evans
9. Taya
10. Cage
11. Mascarita Sagrada
12. Marty “The Moth” Martinez
13. Drago
14. The Mack
15. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
16. PJ Black
17. Aero Star
18. Dragon Azteca Jr.
19. Texano
20. Mil Muertes
21. Matanza Cueto
Order of elimination (eliminated by):
1. Argenis (Mysterio)
2. Cuerno (Mysterio via submission)
3. Mundo (Puma)
4. Martinez (Mysterio and Sagrada)
5. Sagrada (Chavo via submission)
6. Cage (Taya)
7. Taya (Puma)
8. Jack Evans (Aero Star – tie)
8. Drago (PJ Black – tie)
10. PJ Black (Texano)
11. Mil Muertes (Mysterio and Puma)
12. Fenix (Matanza)
13. The Mack (Matanza)
14. Aero Star (Matanza)
15. Texano (Matanza)
16. Joey Ryan (Matanza)
17. Azteca Jr. (Matanza)
18. Chavo Guerrero Jr. (Matanza)
19. Prince Puma (Matanza)
20. Rey Mysterio (Matanza)
Lucha Underground announcer Matt Striker was a guest on this week’s Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast. Striker spoke with hosts John and Chad about Lucha Underground’s success, his WWE career, Daniel Bryan’s retirement and much more. You can listen to the full episode at Here are some highlights of what he said about:
What can Season 2 offers fans who enjoyed Season 1:
“I say this a lot and it always seems to come up and it always seems to be so fitting but if you want to hear God laugh, you tell him your plans. I think I’ve learned from wrestling and from television that you do what you are there to do and you don’t think about tomorrow, tomorrow has enough thought’s of it’s own to paraphrase so I don’t think we know. I think we were having a great time doing Season 1 and other people felt that energy and here we are doing it again and hopefully again and again.”
Lucha Underground’s “Seasonal” Format:
“Well first and foremost I think certain words have worked their way into our lexicon in 2016 that weren’t readily at the tip of our tongues in 96. With that said, I think the great term and I don’t think they intended it to be this pure and honest when he coined it but it’s Sports Entertainment. When you say “Seasons” baseball has a season and Shameless on Showtime has a season so I think that what Lucha Underground is doing is its becoming a sport as well as television show. So the person that says well I don’t watch wrestling but they watch Lucha Underground versus the people that say they don’t really watch Tele Novella’s but they watch Lucha Underground is that it’s able to cross everything for a lack of a better term.”
What it is like announcing beside Vampiro and their chemistry:
“I think first and foremost Vamp and I are really a lot better away from wrestling then we are when we get to the building and get to the ring. We kind of do avoid each other for the most part of the day because we understand the whole riggamorow that gets involved but then five minuets before showtime we together and we have a little room that we spit some lines at each other for about five minuets and we go out there like a band and like a team we just play. I can explain it, it’s almost kindred.”
The opening scene of Season 2 & the high production values of the show:
“It was definitely a lot of fun. I don’t mean to be self deafening but you could have put a monkey in that scene and it would still look cool. It’s just the way it is shot. It was very cool to be a part of it and to see it come to life, out of the guy (who’s name is Skip) to see it come to life out of his mind on to the screen is thrilling and is inspiring. The beauty of the show is it crosses boundaries. I am reminded of movies like Goodfellas or shows like That 70s Show where they were shot in a way that they were to convey something like a time period and the way it’s shot it conveys something to the viewer and that is a tip of the cowboy hat to Robert (Rodriguez) and everybody else involved in the production and the concepts.”
Wrestling fans evolving and wanting to be in on more of a “cool wrestling product”:
“It is a great question and an analysis and more of a commentary on society as a whole. What is happening that I am noticing you are getting these dissects of fan-bases. You will have almost the “hipster” equivalent to the fan-base that says look at me I am so knowledgable and I can grow a beard and I happen to know when Nakamura first wrestled, ok dude I get it and that’s great but the fact that I know Tommy Rich and Buzz Sawyer doesn’t make me any different nor better nor anything of a fan than you. So there seems to be that divide. There is also this wave of and I feel like the Lucha Underground fan doesn’t want to know the spoilers, they don’t want to know the guy’s real name, they don’t want to know that this guy is dating that girl, they just want to watch the wrestling and that is the kind of fan that I was. I think the Lucha Underground fan is like hey man I like this and I know Breaking Bad isn’t real and I know the guy doesn’t have cancer but they want to watch and there you go.”
In the over ONE HOUR interview with Matt Striker he breaks down his entire run with WWE, his back and fourth duties between wrestling and announcing, Working with WWE Legends, Learning from Vince McMahon, Working Wrestle Kingdom and where he sees Lucha Underground heading beyond Season you will definitely want to DOWNLOAD THIS EPISODE to hear everything from the mouth of YOUR TEACHER!
Please subscribe to The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling on iTunes and via YouTube by searching the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling or visit the OFFICIAL Website of the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling:
Former WWE announcer and current Lucha underround announcer Matt Striker recently appeared as a guest on The PodNasty Wrestling Podcast and spoke about a few topics related to Lucha Underground. Below are some of the highlights from the interview.
On the state of announcing today:
“The way we tell stories and narrate things today, is not the same as it was 20 years ago. People are smarter, we’ve evolved as human beings and to leave things to people’s imaginations is a nice thing because everyone wants to put their own little spin and make things relevant to themselves.
“So as far as where we are [as a society today], I think we have a smarter wrestling fan, I think that the level of talent and the athletic caliber of the fighters also forces us to raise our game as commentators, narrators, but in the end some of the best stuff I could do is not say anything at all.”
On what separates Lucha Underground from other promotions:
“In this sport, it’s so hard to do something new. Look at all the sports today, a guy hits a 440 home run and we go…’oh,’ because we’ve seen it. So it’s really hard to make people go ‘holy…’ and that’s what they’re doing here.”
On Lucha Underground fans being a part of the show as opposed to taking it over:
“The Lucha Underground fan understands their role. The fan understands that they are that addendum or that supplement to what’s going on and I really think that the tip of the cap needs to go to the old ECW crowd because they really kind of ushered in that ‘we are the part of the show’ as well. And also when you go to places like England and Germany, the fans are that way too.”
It’s official: NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 10 at the Tokyo Dome on January 4th will be available in English, but they’re making a different play from what they did for this year’s show. Kevin Kelly announced on his latest podcast that he and Matt Striker, the voices of ROH and Lucha Underground, respectively, will return as NJPW’s English announcing team. They debuted last month at the King of Pro Wrestling event. The show will air live on NJPW World in both languages, unlike this year’s event, which aired in Japanese on that service and in English on traditional pay-per-view via a deal with GFW. It remains to be seen if NJPW will ad a proper English version of the website, as right now it’s still in Japanese with an English Google Translate button.
Kelly made the announcement at the 1:39:39 mark of the podcast, saying that “On January 4th, I, once again, am going back to New Japan Pro Wrestling…I’m going to be part of the broadcast team for Wrestle Kingdom 10 (NJPWorld broadcast). I’m very excited…” Acknowledging the criticism that he sounded too new to the NJPW product last time, he added that “I’ll be more comfortable next time, and I think it will be much improved.”
Last year’s GFW production, with Jeff Jarrett producing, was called by Jim Ross and Striker to rave reviews. For King of Pro Wrestling, NJPW made the hiring on their own. Mauro Ranallo and Josh Barnett, who call NJPW’s American TV show on AXS TV, were not contacted. The AXS deal is with TV Asahi, NJPW’s broadcast partner in Japan, and not the promotion itself. ROH, on the other hand, which Kelly works for, is effectively NJPW’s American affiliate promotion.
AAA issued the following press release on Tuesday to announce Matt Striker and Hugo Savinovich as the english broadcast team for their TripleMania XXIII event on pay-per-view.
NEW YORK AND MEXICO CITY — AAA, the world’s leading Lucha Libre organization announced today that Matt Striker and Hugo Savinovich will be calling Triplemanía XXIII live on pay-per-view from Mexico City on Sunday August 9th with a special start time of 7pm ET / 4pm PT.
“Along with our established AAA announcer, Hugo, Matt allows us to provide unparalleled coverage for this very special event. Their insights from years in the ring and broadcasting will enhance Triplemanía for our English speaking fans,” said AAA EVP Dorian Roldan Peña.
“Hugo is rich in experience and insight while Matt is a tremendous analyst. We are excited to have them join the pay-per-view production,” said Court Bauer, Executive Producer for Triplemanía XIII.
Triplemanía XXIII is headlined by a double main event featuring a dream match of Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Myzteziz for the first-time ever. Complimenting this double main event is a Hair vs. Hair match pitting Alberto El Patron vs. Brian Cage.
The PPV is available in High-Definition for $29.95 in the U.S. and Canada on both cable and satellite pay-per-view carriers iN DEMAND, DirecTV, DISH and in the United States and Bell TV, Rogers and Shaw in Canada. A full listing of cable and satellite carriers can be found on AAA’s English web site:
For more information on AAA and Triplemanía, visit: (English) (En Español)
Follow AAA on Twitter:
@AAALucha (English)
@LuchaLibreAAA (En Español)
Like AAA at: (English) (En Español)
Lucha Underground play-by-play commentator Matt Striker recently spoke about his time in WWE and his early days in NXT, as well as his current work with Lucha Underground. Below are some of the highlights from the interview.
On his time working in WWE NXT: “I remember sitting in LaGuardia Airport and the executive producer of WWE television, who normally files privately and I don’t know why he was flying commercially but I don’t know why he would sit and talk to me but he told me of this concept and it was given the green light. It was his brainchild and to this day. You can say whatever you want about WWE producers but the man is a television genius. Every single Cole vignette or video or any entrance that you see and love it comes from the mind of that man. So what came to me and said it I thought it was awesome. So we got a list of all the development that he had envisioned I knew that I had wrestled with him down in Deep South and my trip to OVW so when they brought up a Wade Barrett or a Brodus Clay I knew that just right away that these guys were just going to be great. I was wrong about a few guys too. Oh, what was his name? It wasn’t Eli Cottonwood. He looked like Bruce Prichard. He was very tall, Jacob something. I thought that kid was going to be a star. Tall blond, good looking and then 3 weeks later the kid was gone.
But when they brought in Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan, it was let’s see what this guy can do? I would snicker in the corner. I had no idea who this guy was. When they brought in Low Ki as Kaval and teamed him with Layla and Michelle, again it was like great for some of my buddies to show you guys how good they are. I came up with guys like American Dragon and Low Ki and stuff like so I was able to see who was going to be what and also able to see who wasn’t going to make it. He was in the Ascension. He isn’t a kid now but what do they call him? Was it Connor O’Brien? I mean he’s been in the system for years but I there was always something missing there and he disappeared for a while and now God bless him and all do respect and he’s got this new Ascension thing going on and all but you got see what it takes but to answer your question to see who has it I was pretty on point with just the exception of a couple of guys. It wasn’t Jacob Goodnight that was Kane’s character.”
On working in Lucha Underground: “Well the first thing was for me it was great to just sit back down, put on some headsets and just watch wrestling. Not that I didn’t like being concerned with driving storylines, the main thing with Lucha Underground was the storylines build themselves. All I was told to do was just talk about the wrestling and I can do that. That’s the first thing that stood out. The second thing that stood out was a lot of the guys at Lucha Underground are encouraged, are not afraid, go out and top the next guy, go out there and make it hard for the next guy to get a reaction and that’s not the case a lot of times.”
On competing and commentating in the indies: “Well the first thing was for me it was great to just sit back down, put on some headsets and just watch wrestling. Not that I didn’t like being concerned with driving storylines, the main thing with Lucha Underground was the storylines build themselves. All I was told to do was just talk about the wrestling and I can do that. That’s the first thing that stood out. The second thing that stood out was a lot of the guys at Lucha Underground are encouraged, are not afraid, go out and top the next guy, go out there and make it hard for the next guy to get a reaction and that’s not the case a lot of times.
So I kind of had to marry the now with the then so psychology will never change, emotional investment will never change and I’m sure the wrestling will never change and selling and registering will never change. It’s just how to get the people to believe what you’re doing because they’ve seen everything. Guys have seen power bombs on tables on fire and kick out at 1! So I mean you have to make them believe that a small package at the end of the match so they can bite here and make it believable. That was one of my biggest things. And there are a lot of great guys out there now like Curt Hawkins and all these other guys that can marry the two styles and make it into a nice potpourri.”
Check out the complete interview by clicking here.
Lucha Underground Taped in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, California at The Temple Aired July 15, 2015 on El Rey Network Report by John Moore and
This week’s intro video took us back into the story of the seven Aztec Medallions that were theorized to give a man more power than Dario Cueto’s inhuman brother. Pentagon Jr was also recapped as this is the week that Vampiro has to make his decision for a match at Ultima Lucha, or else be burned to the ground. Sexy Star and Super Fly’s feud is still on as well.
In la oficina de la Dario Cueto, Dario had his remaining Aztec Medallions laid out in front of his desk, each one having a specific colored bag alongside the cookie sized medallion (holy hell! Multi Colored? They are the Power Ranger power coins!…. maybe). Dario said that the medallions were made from the fortune and glory of the original seven Aztec tribes. He told a person in the room with him that he was giving away three of the remaining four medallions tonight, but the man, Pentagon Jr, refused in lieu of his feud with Vampiro.
Dario considered giving Pentagon a medallion for free as a reward for releasing his brand of chaos inside of Dario’s temple. Pentagon looked intrigued, but at the same time it was hard to read him. Dario said that “The Master” might be interested in the medallions. Pentagon reiterated his initial claim that he and his maestro weren’t interested in the “four little medallions”. Pentagon said if the master was interested, he would have just walked in the room, broke Dario Cueto’s arm, and take all of the medallions (nice!).
Dario then backtracked and asked what the Master did want. Pentagon said all they wanted was to destroy Vampiro. Pentagon said that tonight was the night where he forces Vampiro to accept the challenge for an actual fight. If Vampiro refuses, Pentagon said he was going to show Ian Hodgkinson, why Pentagon Jr is Cero Miedo. With a bow, Pentagon said that Vampiro will be destroyed. Looking at the gold medallion, Dario asked Pentagon when he was meeting with the Master. Pentagon said that the Master will reveal himself when Pentagon proves that he is ready. The scene closed with Dario Cueto admiring his coin.
Per the norm now, Mexican Dubwiser handled the musical duties for tonight as Vampiro introduced us to the in arena broadcast. He was accompanied by Matt Striker, who called the hat wearing Dubweiser M. Bison again (Striker must be a fan of Street Fighter). Striker then told us that Prince Puma would stand face to face with Mil Muertes, with Dario Cueto as the moderator. Striker also told us that several Medallion matches would happen tonight, the first one happening “right now!”.
1. Bengala vs. DelAvar Daivari (w/ Big Ryck) for Aztec medallion number 4. Vampiro said that “The Golden Warrior” disgusts him due to his entitlement. Daivari started the match off by yelling at the fans, garnering their negative chants. Bengala won the initial lockup with a theatrical armdrag, sending Daivari to the outside. Bengala followed that up with a suicide dive. When Bengala went to the top rope, Big Ryck pushed him off, not in the ref’s vision. Daivari followed up with several pin attempts.
Striker went into Bengala’s history of wrestling in Mexico and Japan (in pro wrestling Noah). Bengala hit some innovative offense leading to a nice roll up pin attempt. Bengala did the matrix dodge and hit a superkick for a nearfall. Bengala then teased running the ropes, only to hit Big Ryck with a suicide dive. Daivari took advantage of this by hitting a superplex on Bengala. Daivari ordered Big Ryck to punch Bengala, but Bengala dodged sending Daivari into Ryck. Bengala hit the bridged German Suplex for the victory.
Bengala defeated DelAvar Daivari via pinfall in 3:30 to earn Aztec Medallion number 4.
Bengala quickly got out of the ring to avoid Big Ryck, a started cleaning himself like a cat would, with his tongue. Bengala then was awarded the yellow medallion bag. Striker wanted Vampiro’s thoughts on the Prince Puma vs. Mil Muertes situation, but Vampiro abruptly took off his headset and stormed off. Striker then said that it was time for commercial, as Vampiro went to the center of the Temple ring. The crowd erupted in Vam-pi-ro chants…[C]
Vampiro had a mic in hand and said he was around for a long time, spending 30 years traveling the world, breaking bones, wrestling, bleeding in every country. He said Pentagon Jr has been pushing him to do one more match. The crowd popped at the opportunity of seeing one more match. Vampiro said that he (vamp) has no ego even though he was covered in gasoline last week. Vamp said he could dig that because it reminded Vamp of what something he would do himself. Vampiro was then cut off by Pentagon Jr’s entrance and theme.
Pentagon told Vampiro to stop whining cabron! Vampiro walked around trying to contain the demons. Pentagon told Vamp to stop talking crap, saying that he loves lucha libre. Pentagon said he wanted a damn answer. Cue the obligatory crowd “you still got it” chant for Vamp. He said if vamp had no fear, and would face him at Ultima Lucha. Vampiro said that “my name is Ian Hodgkinson”. Pentagon cut him off by saying “Tu Nombre es… Que?”, which actually caused the crowd to laugh. Pentagon said maybe Vampiro didnít understand, and he was going to ask one more time, if “IAN” was going to face him? With a nervous cadence, Vampiro refused again, stating that he loves his job at Lucha Underground.
Vampiro said he was going to give Pentagon an answer to take back to his teacher, maestro, his amo. Ian said that Ian Hodgkinson was not going to face Pentagon Jr at Ultima Lucha, and that was that. Striker applauded this choice, the crowd chanted Vampiro! Ian then said the man who was going to kick Pentagon’s Ass; “His name was VAM-PI-Ro!”. Vamp then unbuttoned his shirt and gave Pentagon Jr a chokeslam. Vampiro walked into the crowd and celebrated with them to take us to commercial.
Sexy Star was shown gearing up backstage. She reached in her golden purse and found the mask of Super Fly, which caused her to sigh. (Does she just carry around Super Fly’s mask in her golden purse where ever?). She then put the mask down… well… that was a segment…
Vampiro joined Striker back on Commentary and was sweaty and blown up. He said he was going to “Kill somebody!”. Vamp said he was freaking out and didn’t want to wait until Ultima Lucha. Striker just looked astonished.
2. King Cuerno vs. KillShot for Aztec Medallion number 5 (blue bag). Cuerno won the initial lockup by sending Killshot to the corner. Cuerno initiated his next attacks with some kicks. Killshot dodged Cuerno in the corner and grounded him with a dropkick. KillShot then shot Cuerno with a flying low thrust kick leading to a kicked out pin. Cuerno turned the tide with a dropkick. With Killshot on the outside, Cuerno aimed his signature arrow dive. Killshot blocked the arrow with a feint kick.
KillShot hit Cuerno with a rolling cutter for a pin attempt. KillShot hit a handstand hurricanrana that looked a bit clunky. Cuerno was shaken up on the ring apron with a kick. Cuerno recovered and powerslamed Killshot on said ring apron. Killshot was on the ring apron and staggered Cuerno with a roundhouse. Killshot hit a flying crossbody from the top rope for a two count. Cuerno came back with a running tiger knee and hit a hurricanrana on Killshot. Cuerno took out another arrow and hit his signature arrow dive this time. Back in the ring, Cuerno missed the thrill of the hunt, but ended up hitting a strong flapjack. Cuerno then made KillShot tap out to a unique crossbow submission made famous by Rayo De Jalisco.
King Cuerno defeated KillShot via Submission in 6:03 to earn Aztec Medallion number 5.
Cuerno was awarded his blue bag as Striker told us that Sexy Star was facing Super Fly after the commercial break… [C]
3. Super Fly vs. Sexy Star for Aztec Medallion number 6 (red bag). Super Fly got the first move of the match with front dropkick. After a knee to the thigh, Sexy Star hit Super Fly with the La Mistica armbar for the victory.
Sexy Star defeated Super Fly via submission in 0:30 to earn Aztec Medallion number 6.
Marty the Moth Martinez snatched the mic away from Melissa Santos and acted like the creepy fanboy he is by calling Sexy Star “sexy”. He said that his name was Marty “the Moth” Martinez and he wanted to see that sweet… medallion. He snatched the medallion away. He then confirmed that there was in fact a moth on the medallion that caused the crowd to go into a collective sigh. Marty then claimed that he wanted to bring the medallion back to the ancestors of “his tribe” in a match right now.
4. Marty “The Moth” Martinez vs. Sexy Star for Aztec Medallion number 6 (the moth one). The match started with Sexy Star hitting Marty with some quick strikes. Sexy Star hit Marty with an armdrag. Sexy Star went to the top rope, but Marty caught the crossbody, leading to a body slam. Marty got the two count.
Sexy Star got a two count after a running crossbody. Marty turned the tide with a running shoulder block. Marty locked in the figure four leglock on Sexy Star, yelling at her to tap out. Sexy Star turned the submission over and Marty grabbed the bottom rope to break it. Sexy Star hit La Mistica again out of nowhere for the submission victory.
Sexy Star defeated Marty the Moth Martinez via submission in 2:19 to retain the moth medallion.
Sexy Star celebrated uninterrupted this time sending us to commercial…[C]
Matt Striker went through the entire established (so far) card of Ultima Lucha: Alberto El Patron vs. Johnny Mundo, Texano Jr vs. Blue Demon Jr, Angelico, Ivelisse, and Son of Havoc vs. the Disciples of Death, Drago vs. Hernandez, Vampiro vs. Pentagon Jr, and Prince Puma vs. Mil Muertes for the Lucha Underground Championship. Nice Recap!
Dario Cueto was standing in the middle of the ring getting a favorable “El Jefe” chant going (El Jefe is “The Boss” in Spanish). Dario Cueto said in three the biggest match in Lucha Underground history would be taking place at Ultima Lucha. He said the two men in the match were sacrificing their lives body and soul to walk out with the biggest prize of the temple, of lucha libre, of the world, the Lucha Underground Championship. Cueto said he was also very impatient, so he ordered a face-off on this show right now.
Prince Puma was the first person announced, who came without Konnan or his Puma Pelt. Vampiro was pleased that Konnan wasn’t there. Mil Muertes came out without Catrina or his putty patrol. From a hidden camera shot, Catrina was actually shown approaching hidden at the top of the crowd. Dario Cueto was scrambling trying to keep control. Dario tried to order Catrina to the back, but from the other flank, the Muertes Putty guys carried a casket to ringside. Prince Puma went right for the attack against Mil Muertes as Dario Cueto had expectedly lost control.
Mil Muertes and the Disciples beat on Prince Puma with the four on one numbers advantage. Suddenly “The O-G, the King with the Pimp Stick” Konnan (as dubbed by Striker) came in with his pimp stick to ward off the Disciples of Death. Konnan used his pimp stick to easily beat up the three useless mooks (sigh… they are like putty patrollers that just got beat up by an old pimp with a cane).
Just as Konnan teased hitting Catrina, Mil Muertes grabbed the pimp cane and took out Konnan and Puma. Catrina hit Konnan with the magic rock, and the Disciples rolled him into the casket. Mil Muertes forced Puma to watch as they shut the casket close. Puma was then spiked in the mat with a Flatliner. Mil Muertes stood tall with the cane and title as the show closed.
As for the overall show, this show was packed and an overall good build-up show for Ultima Lucha. We still don’t know what these medallions are for, but at least they are trying now to give them meaning. Also, this was a bit more like your traditional WWE-like wrestling shows as they decided to go more with the in-ring promos rather than their telenovela backstage style segments. The next two shows are going to be packed. They still have the go home in a few weeks and also the Black Lotus, Texano Jr, The Trios, and a few other feuds I might be forgetting still loom in the background. Ultima Lucha was already looking exciting and this show provided good initial hype, let’s hopefully enjoy the ride the next two weeks in the universe of Lucha Underground.
Lucha Underground’s Matt Striker recently spoke with Marc Madison of The News Hub about a number of topics. Below are some of the highlights.
On working with Jim Ross for NJPW: “When we got to Tokyo, we sat very quickly with the people from New Japan and their only direction to me was we want people who have never seen this before, we need you to educate the new fan so that’s what I did. I went out and I tried to and I went out and tried to explain this style and these wrestlers to the new fan. Then social media just, came out in droves with annoyance and utter hatred for me but I always like to talk to those fans and say I wasn’t commentating to you on that night. I was commentating to the new fan and sometimes it leaves a bad taste in their mouth that we want a 10 year old kid to know who Nakamura is but in this day and age, that’s where the money is.
I mean, when I was a kid I was the same way when people started knowing who Hulk Hogan and the Masked Superstar was I felt offended because in my own selfish narcissism I thought wrestling is mine. This is my little thing, you can’t know who that is. I understand the venom that comes from the fans. But that was the objective to educate the new fan, the first time fan and there were points in that show especially the last three matches where JR was nice enough to kind of let me drive the ship and for him to say kid, go on out there the Paul Brown giving Bill Landry analogy but that was really nice the great, the veteran the hall of famer, the voice Jim Ross literally with his hands said go, go, you do the thing. So during the Nakamura match and the Okada matches pardon the term, I’m losing my sh** because I’m dancing the fine line between fanboy and wrestler and I don’t dance that line well because I’m always going to be a fan.”
On his passion for Professional Hockey: “That’s a great question, I don’t normally get asked that. I was on the trajectory in my mind to go play in the NHL. I got as far as apple cores and did some tournaments up in Medicine Hat (Alberta) and Sue-Saint-Marie (Ontario) but being a kid from New York and unless your last name is Mullen it’s hard to really find to many opportunities so I didn’t have a lot of the same facilities and practice and I’ll be honest talent that some of these other kids had so as we went to play these tournaments up in Canada I was 18,19, 20 years old and these kids were 16 and just flying past me so my father said ‘listen get your degree because if this dream doesn’t happen you never know’.
Little did I know that the divine winds would blow and a teaching degree would lead me to my ultimate dream which was wrestling. I still play (hockey) and I play in a league once a night on Thursday’s and I’m an avid fantasy hockey players and very deep into the league. I love it. It’s a great game. I think between my love of hockey and my love of Rush I’d say I’m an honorary Canadian.”
On training under Johnny Rodz: “I always look back on this long strange trip and now hindsight is always 20/20 and you realize why you went through the things. But at the time, I walked into Johnny Rodz it was still a closed brotherhood they didn’t just let anyone in. So for the first say three months they literally beat me up and I didn’t know any better. My first month in I had torn tendons in my right ankle. I had cracked ribs, I had busted noses, eyes and then finally for a while they were alright. Now we’ll show you a trick or two and we’ll let you in on a little secret here and there so it was a great initiation because it prepared me for so many of the things that were to come. I loved it. It was a labor of love. I was there when they opened and when Luis the janitor mopping up at night shutting off the lights, he would say come on time to go. I was just enamored with the whole entire to do.
I didn’t know you could become a wrestler. I thought you were just born a Harley Race. I had no idea that you could go and learn this and I was working out in a gym in New York and I saw another guy wearing a wrestling t-shirt and this was before and everyone having a t-shirt so you’re drawn to it. Hey wrestling? I like wrestling too. A few days later that friend brought in a great crude print out when the internet was in its infancy. The third name down on the list of on the name of wrestling schools was Johnny Rodz. I was hey, I know that name. I went and I remember I drove past the place three times before I ever found the courage to go in. From there, again they didn’t just let anyone in, in that they didn’t want to just pull the curtain back and expose everything to everyone. So it was walking in with a handling of tender feet but that’s how I stumbled upon Johnny Rodz and again if not for the divine wind.”
– Triple H tweeted a photo from the WWE tryouts that took place this week at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. You can check it out below.
Mexican wrestling legend Konnan mentioned on a recent edition of his online podcast that Jim Ross has been in back-and-forth negotiations with the El Rey Network and AAA regarding announcing for Lucha Underground.
Konnan noted that he wasn’t sure if J.R. would rotate with Matt Striker and Vampiro for two-man broadcast teams, or if all three would work together as a trio if he were to come to terms with the promotion.
It’s also worth noting that Lucha Underground officials have shown interest in the past of trying to secure Ross as a full-time announcer for the promotion, as well as an announcer for the English-language version of the AAA pay-per-view events.
The following are highlights of a new Q&A update from the official website of WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross:
On the Montreal Screwjob and if Sgt. Slaughter knew about it in advance: “I was shocked that it occurred and Lawler nor I knew about it in advance. It happened and we called what we saw….HBK winning the WWE Title. After all these years I do not recall if Sarge knew or not.”
On the new WWE announce team changes: “I’ve got no horse in the race nor do I keep up with it that much but am hopeful that everyone comes together with the necessary chemistry to make the shows better as best that they can. I like Alex’s potential but I do know that he wants to wrestle. A shake up occasionally is generally necessary but time will tell how well the new trios work together. I hope that they all find their groove. I’m sure that they all knew what was coming unlike when I went from RAW to Smackdown back in 2008.”
On The Young Bucks in WWE: “I have no idea if the Young Bucks will ever appear in WWE but they are a very good, young team. Shane’s fall was spectacular but the Foley match had more drama because he was working with Taker, IMO.”
On working with Matt Striker at Wrestle Kingdom 9 and if Savio Vegas will be on the Ross Report: “WK9 was a blast to be a part of and I had fun working with Matt Striker. Savio being on the podcast is a good idea an I will look into it when I find his contact info.”
Check out more highlights from JR’s Q&A section on his official website You can also order JR’s Bar-B-Q products online at
The following are highlights of the returning Jim Ross blog:
On calling Wrestle Kingdom 9 with Matt Striker: “Matt Striker and I wanted to truly broadcast and not narrow cast this event inasmuch as we focused on the new fans to this brand. Some established NJPW fans have taken me to task on Twitter regarding this philosophy but I would not change a thing. In order for the PPV to make money it had to draw new viewers of NJPW so that was our game plan going in. Having to adjust to new equipment and to each other we had a rougher start than I’d have wanted but as the show progressed I felt like we came together well. Funny story….I think that the TV Asahi folks forget that we were there as we were never counted in to the start the show or to the video packages and not even off the air. We went by our instincts and it seemed to work out pretty well. Yes, we worked the entire four hour PPV plus sat there for the 30 minutes or so pre show festivities and never heard ONE WORD from the TV truck.”
On the final three matches on the WK9 event in Japan: “The final three bouts of the show were as good as I can recall broadcasting in years. Great in ring psychology, a logical pace, uniqueness from match to match, physicality to an almost uncomfortable degree to watch degree and crisp execution. They reminded me somewhat of the WM25 bout between HBK and Undertaker, Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold at WM13 and a handful of Flair-Steamboat bouts. Emotion, execution, and energy all in place with that magnificent, New Japan physicality. It was a fan’s dream.”
Check out the complete blog at You can also order JR’s Bar-B-Q products online at
Below are complete results of the New Japan Pro Wrestling and Global Force Wrestling “Wrestle Kingdom 9” pay-per-view event, which featured U.S. commentary from Jim Ross and Matt Striker. Results are from Dave Meltzer and
We’re opening the Rumble with Tiger Mask vs. Yuji Nagata. Guys are coming in every minute. The building is really empty at this point, but then again the advertised start time is 40 minutes away.
Yuji Nagata pinned Yoshi-Hashi with the bridging back suplex in a long Rumble match. It wasn’t very good. They are shooting right into the tarped off sections which makes no sense at all. Crowd wasn’t that hot for it. There were a few surprises, Yoshiaki Fujiwara, Great Kabuki and Hiro Saito. Saito gave everyone sentons and Fujiwara gave everyone head-butts. Sho Tanaka and Yohei Komatsu did some good stuff and Tama Tonga went for a Stinger splash on Yoshi-Hashi when he was one of the last three, Yoshi-Hashi ducked and Tonga flew over the top to the floor. This was a Battle Royal where you could be eliminated by over the top rope, pins (mostly gang up pins) and submissions. Japan has never done Battle Royals well and this was the epitome of a get everyone on the show match.
Great video package to open the show.
Fish & O’Reilly won when O’Reilly pinned Koslov after Chasing the Dragon. Great match with all kinds of super moves. Really cool spot where Romero gave a Doomsday Device onto the Young Bucks who did a flip bump and landed on their feet and hit. All the dives, superkick party, Meltzer driver, Forever clothesline and all the stuff you’d expect. Really fun, hurt a little because the juniors have a hard time getting heat in a building this large.
Karen Jarrett and Scott D’Amore were at ringside. Surprise ending as Honma pinned Yujiro with a diving head-butt off the top rope after Jarrett went to hit Honma with the guitar, but he moved and it hit Yujiro. Solid match built around Honma. Match was really rushed.
Another rushed match when Marufuji pinned Iizuka with a Tiger uppercut kneelift. Good athletic action by Nicholls & Haste, who worked a lot with Smith & Archer. Benjamin did a leap to the top and threw overhead belly to belly on Marufji all the way across the ring. Good for what it was.
Jim Ross put this match over so big like people have waited a lifetime for this, the best protege of Karl Gotch against the best protege of Billy Robinson.
Suzuki won with a choke after a choke suplex. The story of the match is that Sakuraba may have broken Suzuki’s arm with a Kimura on the floor. So Suzuki worked the rest of the match with one arm. There were super hard kicks and slaps back and forth, teased knockdowns, and great early matwork. They played UWFI music for Sakuraba after the match even though he lost. The match would have been better with five more minutes but they are rushing through things. For what they were doing, this was really good.
Super match mostly stiff elbows and elbows. Makabe worked on the injured left shoulder, including a German suplex on the shoulder. Makabe won the title after tons of near falls and one count kick outs after a kneedrop off the top right on the bad shoudler that Makabe worked on the entire match. This was the best thing so far.
Next is the announcement of the big shows for the year
2/11 New Beginning in Osaka
2/14 New Beginning in Sendai
3/5 New Japan Cup show final in Tokyo
3/15 New Japan Cup in Hiroshima
4/15 Invasion Attack in Tokyo
4/29 Big show in Kumamoto
5/3 Fukuoka Internatioal Center Wrestling Dontaku
May Ring of Honor tour
6/7 Best of the Super Junior tournament in Tokyo
7/5 Dominion in Osaka Jo Hall
G-1 Climax 25
7/20 opener in Sapporo
8/14 at Sumo Hall
8/15 at Sumo Hall agian
8/16 finals at Sumo Hall
The following are highlights of a new WNS Podcast interview with GFW founder Jeff Jarrett:
It goes back to late March-April right around the time I launched the company’s name April 7, 2014. New Japan reached out and they knew they wanted to bring New Japan to the North American market. And so we sat down and strategized and it became obvious real quick that what better way to make a splash than to enter the North American market with their biggest show of the year the TokyoDome. WrestleKingdom 9, I believe this is the 24th year they’ve had this event. It was real obvious that this was the event so we put the wheels in motion and made it happen and we couldn’t be happier thus far with the promotion, the hype and just everything coming together.
How it came about is a two part question. New Japan and Global Force sort of had to cement their relationship and we did and we made it official back in August. I went over there and made a formality. But we had our agreement in place and then we turned to the pay per view providers as it relates to the TokyoDome show and put those 8, 9, 10 contracts in place and then the Flips guys came onboard and then the next logical step was if we’re going to present to the North American english speaking market we need to find two announcers. So when you start looking around, it was a no brainer. Jim Ross, in my opinion, has no peers. He’s the voice of this wrestling fan’s generation. He’s had a main event run that goes back to The Clash Of Champions. I mean he’s been on top of this game, this business and what he does in this business for over 20 years and so you know it’s like I said. It was a no brainer. I’ve done business with his representation on and off for years. Great group of people. Fair, honest, stand up guys and so we communicated then got into negotiations and Jim stayed out of it. It’s funny because in years past Jim dealt with the agents of the talent and the talent tried to stay out of it. And now, years later, I used to be a talent. Still a talent but in this situtation I was negotiating with Jim who’s the talent. So, we closed the deal, we got down to work and I cannot tell you. I knew that it was going to be big. I knew that Jim was going to take the event to another level to the North American market. I knew that we were going to get some positive feedback. But it’s blown me away. Just the media reach it’s like every day there’s a new media hit or multiple media hits and mainstream stuff. And so, the online advertising and feedback has gone through the roof. Man it just keeps growing literally daily. I can’t wait for January 4th and we’re a couple of weeks away and we couldn’t be happier with the signing of Jim Ross.
I’ve done a bunch of media and still got several more heading into January 4th. But talking about that and then we’ll be 20-30 minutes into a podcast or interview and they’ll say, and we haven’t even begun to talk about the matches and that’s a GOOD THING. Matt Striker, if I can just for a minute, he just blew me away and I’ve been asked why Matt. Literally, six or secen not great but good candidates. But the pre-requisites, Jim’s the one who’s going to be driving that bus. He’s the one who’s going to be steering that ship. And so I needed someone that really, two things, one can they compliment Jim? Can they get out of Jim’s way when need be? They’ve worked together in the past Jim felt real comfortable and I felt real comfortable. The second thing was you gotta know the product. You gotta immerse yourself in the product. And Matt, anybody can study up on these 10 matches and sort of wing it and get by. But Matt blew me away with by his in depth knowledge of just how good Japan came about 42 years ago and the stories and the ebbs and flows and different ownerships and just all the american talent and the japanese talent through the years. Matt, I think he’s impressed people with his Lucha Underground work. He’s going to blow people away with his knowledge of that product
Yes. In 2015 you will
One thing I understand is the anticipation and the excitement and some people the anxiety, the aggravation. Not enough information has been given out. But we’ve done that on purpose strategically. I have learned from past things, watching things, being a part of things. Not just wrestling. Any type of product, brand. When you really rush something to market before it’s ready, you can potentially have fatal mistakes. And so we at Global Force have a real strategic holdout mindset. April 7, I announced the name of the company. April 30 I announced the agreement with AAA. June 23 was New Japan. In Europe, we made the announcement in July. In South Africa, August, late August was Australia. Spreading the brand, rolling things out piece by piece. Getting brand awareness. Just brand awareness and I love it. “What is Global Force?” You said the majority of the questions in some shape or fashion was “What is Global Force?” What are we gonna see?”. That’s great. I love that. I love that feedback tha there’s anticipation that the fanbase cares and they want to know. And so the next strategic step obviously was announcing the New Japan pay per view. Then the addition of Jim Ross and Matt Striker. We’ve got an announcement coming up soon from our South African partners. And so we have our eye on the ball. From January 4th you back up 8 weeks. This has consumed us and this is what we want the world to know about Global Force Wrestling is that we’re representing this event. After the event, we’re going to have to keep rolling out and make the correct announcements
Well I don’t want to get into too much show specifics. I’ll save that for the viewers and when the show actually rolls out. But you can obviously see some fundamental differences in our presentation that in years past promotions act like other promotions don’t exist. And if they do recognize them, they degrade them or talk bad about them. In Global Force, we’re 180 degrees different. We’re not only going to recognize other promotions around the world we’re going to help promote. Just a couple of weeks ago on Ring Of Honor’s pay per view. That Sunday, we used our digital station and social media to help promote them. Ring Of Honor is part of the New Japan Dome show. So, we believe that it’s healthy for the industry, it’s healthy for Global Force, it’s healthy for the other promotion to recognize and help promote and that is a big fundamental difference.
The short answer to your question is no I don’t think it’s going to put additional pressure because there are guys who are going to flat out do what they want to do. Some get good advice, some get bad advice. The term ‘indy’, I believe, is almost passe. I think it’s somewhat a negative connotation. The word I’m using right now which I really like which is true is free agent. Guys that are free to work for any promotion and I believe, like you said, guys like Steen, Prince Devitt, these guys that have come from the ‘independant scene’ is just a testament. The independant scene, the free agent market is very very healthy. And Inthink it shows. In North America you have Ring Of Honor with their syndicated deal, congrats to TNA they got their Destination America deal, Action Spring in New Japan, El Rey with Lucha Underground. Global Force will be on the scene in 2015. So, the business is healthy, the free agent market is healthy and I thinkit didn’t happen overnight. It’s taken many years but as a promoter I couldn’t be happier.
Global Force Wrestling has aired numerous videos on our youtube channel and in one of them Jim Ross refers to not overthinking it. The basics, the fundamentals. Global Force is going to have a real core fundamental that guys are going to step in the ring. Sure you’re going to have characters larger than life. That’s what the business has always been about but it’s going to be about competition and a 1…2…3. In New Japan over the last 36-48 months it all culminates at the Dome on January 4th. They do very fundamental basics and every person that’s ever been a part of matchmaking, creative, booking, whatever you want to call ittend to outthink themselves at times and that NXT show wasn’t outthought and it didn’t surprise me when I saw Pat Patterson. Pat Patterson knows what he’s doing. The matchmakers at New Japan, they certainly knew that Okada and Tanahashi are mega stars and they’re going for the title and let’s not outthink it. Jim said it, it may be the best main event he’s ever called. That takes in alot of ground. I mean, when you really think about that one statement. “it may be the best main event Jim Ross has ever called”. That’s 15-20 Wrestlemanias, that’s Clash Of Champions, that’s umpteenth Royal Rumbles, Summerslams, many Monday Night Raws. Fantastic main events. When you think about that then to me it almost says it all. January 4th is a can’t miss event and it’s about the basics of wrestling
When you talk about “it may be the best main event Ross ever calls”, it’s going to be interesting to hear Jim Ross call that Four Corners Match because those four guys, it’s non-stop. Young Bucks are the best tag team in wrestling today. They’re wrestling 2015 and beyond. That match, on a different spectacle may be one of the best tag matches the world has ever seen. Those guys can live up to the hype, they’re all very competitive individuals. As trams as well as individuals. People ask me what match are you looking forward to? The main event and even if you don’t know who Okada and Tanahashi I tell the wrestling fan that asks imagine your most favourite rivalry. I don’t care if it’s Flair-Steamboat or Savage-Steamboat, Hogan-Andre or Austin-Rock. Cena-Orton, Jarrett-Angle whatever your favourite rivalry ever was imagine these two guys Okada and Tanahashi then the opening match, the Four Corners match. Then the third one to me and this is a little bit near and dear to my heart but it is sort of a cap of the year of AJ Styles. What he had. AJ steps away from his comfort zone, he went out on his own and he took over and he rose to the occasion. I think this is probably the best year of AJ’s career and so his match in the Dome against Naito. Naito is a main event player but he’s really trying to break through to that Okada level and so those two guys that will be a matchfor the ages as well
That lone has resonated with a lot of people, me included. I’ve repeated that line on a few of my podcasts, print interviews, digital interviews and that is really what this event has ccome all about. Global Force and New Japan and the pay per view and the Flipps app. The stars have aligned and then Jim Ross and the main event. And just everything it comes down to is if you’re a wrestling fan, you can’t miss it. You truly cannot miss this event. Sure there’s tv shows and other pay per views and different things that you go ‘it’s not going to be the end of the world if i don’t see this’. I’ve told a lot of people that I’ve done interviews with and business associates and people that I’m dealing with some sponsorships that are a little bit new to this business so to speak and I ask them are you gonna watch it and they’re like hell yeah and you don’t have to lie to me I can’t check your cable bill. When ARE you gonna watch it and about 9 out of 10 say ‘I’m watching live’. That’s where it resonates deep in my promoter’s soul is that ‘yep, it truly is a can’t miss event’. We’re gonna stay up all night to watch. 4hr event and priced right. When all those decisions were going on there was a strong contingent internally and externallysaying that’s really going to be the price?. It’s not going to be $44.95 or $49.95 because society with the UFC and boxing fightsthet’re $69.90 way up there. No, for the wrestling fan $34.95 is the right price in my opinion
It’s simple, my grandmother is the one who got us into this business. She sold wrestling tickets to make extra money and work her way up in this business. She did everything but wrestle. She ran the back end of the business and she was around all kinds of characters and she’s a woman who made it big time in a man’s world and she said the one tning that agitated her was she’d say I don’t like people who talk more and more about less and less and she called them slappys and so i took slappys and tirned it into slap nuts
The following is the complete lineup for Wrestle Kingdom 9, which airs live in the U.S. on pay-per-view courtesy of Global Force Wrestling, and features commentary from Jim Ross and Matt Striker.
– Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish defend the IWGP jr. tag titles against Alex Shelley & Kushida, Rocky Romero & Alex Koslov and The Young Bucks
– Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima & Tomoaki Honma vs. The Bullet Club of Jeff Jarrett & Bad Luek Fale & Yujiro Takahashi
– Toru Yano & Naomichi Marufuji & Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls vs. Takashi Iizuka & Shelton Benjamin & Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer
– Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Minoru Suzuki – UWFI rules, no time limit, no pins, can only be won via knockout, submission or referee stoppage
– Tomohiro Ishii vs. Togi Makabe for Never Open Weight title
– Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Kenny Omega for IWGP jr. title
– Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows vs. Katsuyori Shibata & Hirooki Goto for IWGP tag team titles
– A.J. Styles vs. Tetsuya Naito
– Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Kota Ibushi for IC tilte
– Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Kazuchika Okada for IWGP title
Our friend Raj Giri of is reporting that Jeff Jarrett’s Global Force Wrestling has come to terms with Matt Striker to do commentary with Jim Ross for New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Wrestle Kingdom 9 pay-per-view on January 4th, 2015.
Striker is a former WWE announcer and currently works for Lucha Underground.
There had been talks with Mike Tenay in hopes of getting him to call the show with JR, but TNA was reportedly not interested in sending Tenay to work for Jeff Jarrett’s new promotion.
There were also talks with Mauro Ranallo, Ron Neimi, and former WWE tag team champion Renee Dupree, who lives in Japan.
The following are highlights of a new In Your Head Wrestling interview with Matt Striker:
On people yelling in your ear while doing commentary: “Again, this has always been brought up; people say they’ve heard guys like Mick Foley or Tazz say this or that. You have to understand; those guys had a much different relationship with Vince (McMahon) than I did. Mick Foley made millions of dollars with Vince; I’m sure they spoke to each other differently than Vince would speak to me. I can say that I never was straight-up yelled at in my ear. Did Vince give passionate direction? Sure, but you have to understand what the man wants. If Vince comes in your ear and says “Talk to me about how strong Sheamus is” and you just repeat what Vince says “Well, Sheamus is really strong” of course he’s going to get angry. But if you go into a story about how strong Sheamus is, because Mark Henry noticed that Sheamus bench-pressed as much as he did in the gym earlier today, well now you’re giving it some depth. And I think that once Vince realized that I understood what he was looking for, he kind of left me to my own devices, as bad as some of my devices may have been in hindsight.”
On WWE’s version of ECW and working with the original ECW guys: “Yeah, my thoughts were again, “Oh cool, I’m a part of something.” Looking back, ECW really gave me a vehicle to get a little bit of quality television time and ECW also got me to WrestleMania. When else would Matt Striker get an opportunity to go to WrestleMania? I was real fortunate for that, and some of the matches that we had I’m real proud of. The matches with guys like Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Stevie Richards, Danny Doring, and Guido, they weren’t wrestling matches; those were fights. You fight those guys, and you end up either becoming really close friends with them, or you can’t stand the sight of their face.”
The following are highlights of a recent VOC Nation interview with Matt Striker:
On what it took to stay relevant in the WWE for 8 years: “The first thing is to check your ego. Some guys honestly believe that they either really won that match or that they really are the champion. Everyone has a blog now, everyone has a radio show or podcast now; people need to put their ego in check and realize that they’re not that important. The business has gone on before them and it will go on after them. (While everyone was focused on being) the next John Cena, I focused on being the best backstage guy and the best promo guy, and seeing how many hats I could wear.”
On the CM Punk situation: “I’ve known Punk since I started; he and I are good friends outside of wrestling. There’s no sense in trying to dive into someone’s head…you’re going to be wrong nine times out of ten anyway. Everyone has an opinion, but the only thing anyone knows (for sure) is what they read on the Internet, and none of the Internet pundits are walking around backstage; it’s all second and third hand information. The only person that knows for sure is (CM Punk).”
On WrestleMania being headlined by part-timers: “The whole view of the WWE is, ‘what is the stock doing today?’ That’s all anyone cares about. The Rock headlining Wrestlemania the last two years was a business decision and was about putting the most amount of money possible in people’s pockets. (Batista being involved) is (best for business). He’s going to be featured in a Marvel movie that’s going to be released right around Wrestlemania. He’s going to put new eyes on the product, which gets them to buy the product and buy the network, and the stock goes up and people make money.”
On the WWE Network: “I think that the medium that the network is based on is interesting and unproven. Now there’s so much technology that you can watch your computer on your TV. WWE (has the chance) to catch lightning in a bottle. When MTV put on the Real World, everyone said it was a mistake, and now you can’t find a music video on MTV. I think WWE is going to do just fine. The original programming will carry the new viewer, and the classic stuff will carry the people who love wrestling.”
Check out the complete Matt Striker interview at
The following are highlights from a recent Journey Of A Frontman interview with former WWE talent Matt Striker:
On if he’ll give more time to his music career now that he’s done with WWE: “Yeah. The thing about music with me though is that I have to be inspired. I need a muse. I have to have a desire to sit down behind a drum kit or pick up the guitar or do anything, as far as making music goes. When inspiration hits, now that I give it more time, of course I would expect it to be something that I could pay a little more time to.”
On the Lemmy documentary and fans of Motorhead in WWE: “No. I’ve seen the Motorhead one, but I haven’t seen the one that was focused on Lemmy himself. My exposure to Motorhead came from my Aunt Sheri. I always dug just how driving they were. And I always chose Motorhead over AC/DC. That was pretty much how that worked for me. Growing up, you either dug Motorhead or you dug AC/DC. But when I got to WWE, it turns out that a few people that I really looked up to were big Motorhead fans. William Regal, Triple H, guys like that. So I got to meet Lemmy once backstage at a WWE event. He and Hunter were just talking in a hallway and all the wrestlers were walking past Lemmy and they had no idea who he was. It broke my damn heart. So I remember interrupting their conversation and I was a little scared that I was gonna offend Hunter, but at the same time, he knew that I was a fan. I said to Lemmy, “Hey man, I just wanna let you know, it’s really f’ing cool to meet you!” And Lemmy chuckled, we shook hands, and I just kept walking. And that was a very cool thing for me. I don’t think anyone else knew who the damn guy was! And they should all be put out to pasture for that.”
On the way Lemmy would be treated by those in WWE: “Then you’d watch everyone go into ass kissing mode because they would want to gain favor with Triple H. They’d say, “Oh man! Great to meet you! I really like uh…Ace of Spades!” They would just throw out whatever commercial Motorhead song they thought they knew. I just thought it was cool that Triple H saw the fanboy in me and almost thought it was cool how sheepishly I approached Lemmy to just shake the guy’s hand. And I mean it’s just so cool. That’s a musical icon. That’s a great treasure of the world, Lemmy should be.”
On musicians he’s met backstage in WWE during the RAW guest host era: “I got to meet the guys from Alter Bridge. They were hanging out with Edge and that was pretty cool. I’ve met George Thorogood through CM Punk. That was really neat. I think there’s a Chicago connection there. Ozzy Osbourne, Zakk Wylde, got to meet them backstage at RAW. I dug that WWE, for a while, was using really cool musical guests, not just for Wrestlemania. So I would really dig when those people would come around because being a musician, I would watch their soundchecks. And I would just watch how they would finger a chord or how a drummer would hit a particular note somewhere. So I always really, really liked that sort of stuff. I also got to chill with Snoop Dogg in his personal dressing room, but I won’t get into much more! (laughs) But wink, wink, wink!”
On his relationship with Adam “Edge” Copeland: “Adam’s got a unique musical taste. As part of our unique friendship, we don’t really talk about wrestling, but we do talk about other things. And music is definitely on that list. He’s a big Pearl Jam guy too. And he’s a big Foo Fighters guy, that’s his band all day every day.”
On wrestlers in WWE who have strong music tastes: “That’s a great question. There’s a lot of guys that I connected with on different levels of music. I remember when I first got to WWE, I wasn’t well-received. I was the new kid in school. And one of our first European tours, we all travel on a bus. Good guys travel on a luxury bus, bad guys travel on a luxury bus. I was on bad guys’ bus. And I remember Chavo Guerrero and Mark Henry were in the back and they had their phones, they were listening to music. They were listening to a lot of good seventies and early eighties disco music and house music. So I opened up a conversation with them about that. So guys like Chavo and Mark Henry were into that style. Teddy Long used to be a DJ on the air and I used to travel with him. Man, we would talk about soul music. I mean just some real good stuff such as Teddy Pendergrass, The Main Ingredient, The Platters. Guys like Big Daddy V would put that stuff on in the locker room and most of the young, white wrestlers would leave! (laughs) It would just be me, Mark Henry, Teddy Long, and Big Daddy V tappin’ our toes to some cool Rare Earth and stuff like that. William Regal is a big Motorhead fan, as well as a big Smiths and Morrissey fan. He and I talked about that a lot. We had a little bit of a side wager, how many different Smiths or Morrissey songs could I work into commentary for a William Regal match? I think I hit about sixteen of them and tried to make them all make sense, while not just saying names of albums or songs.”
“Kane, I know he likes Pink Floyd. Sometimes you’ll hear Delicate Sound of Thunder coming from his private, little locker room. Vince McMahon is a big AC/DC guy, very muchso. CM Punk is very, very into a lot of alternative music, bands like Minor Threat and those other hardcore bands. He doesn’t go far without his headphones on. He really identifies with that culture. I believe he brings Lars from Rancid backstage. He’s a really, really cool, down to earth dude. Christian listens to Judy Garland, Barbara Streisand, Justin Bieber, and Celine Dion. That’s the truth. Jericho and I always got along really well and again, it wasn’t about wrestling, it was about music. Jericho is a music trivia machine guy. He’s buddies with Mike Portnoy whose from Long Beach, New York, two towns over from me. He’s buddies with Eddie Trunk, and being a Long Island kid, Eddie Trunk’s voice is a staple. Out here on Long Island rock and roll radio and stuff like that, And Jericho likes Rush a lot. And he’s a big Beatles guy too. And not just I Wanna Hold Your Hand and Here Comes The Sun, side two of Abbey Road and Let It Be and things like that. That’s what Jericho and I really talked about. He’s also a hair metal guy. Saxon and Warrant and bands like that.”
On Chris Jericho’s band “Fozzy”: “I have heard a couple of Fozzy songs. I had just never really gone out and pursued their catalog. I find that a lot of their stuff with Chris’s fronting reminds me of early Maiden or early Judas Priest and stuff like that. I admire Chris for having the courage and the talent to go out there and forge a career outside of wrestling. Chris Jericho’s a talented guy, musically. And also with his podcast and his web show. Pretty much everything Chris Jericho does is successful. That’s a testament to Chris’s talent.”
On cracking Vince McMahon up on commentary: “Oh, of course! It’s funny, when I was on commentary once, I don’t remember how the segue came up, but I started to break into my rendition of Stand Back live on RAW. And Vince came in my ear over the headset and you can just hear him laughing for a good thirty seconds and then said, “Knock that shit off!” (laughs) I would get away with the references no matter what because half the time, no one knew what I was talking about. There’s no way Vince McMahon or the executive producer of the television product in the truck was able to pick up on a reference I made. I used to go out there and make these independent hip hop references. I was very into guys like Slug, whose apart of Atmosphere or Brother Ali. And I would quote lyrics fully on the air on any show and then the feedback on the internet would be great. While Vince is catering to the nine year old kid, he forgets that there’s still a large population of people twelve and up that watch our product as well. You need to engage them as well. I was able to get away with a lot of stuff because I would cleverly veil my references.”
On the Hulk Hogan/Metallica rumor: “I know he used to play bass in a bar as a young man. If that’s the case, then I auditioned for Metallica too. Maybe he did audition for Metallica. But I’m sure Lars would remember Hulk Hogan coming in to play bass. (laughs).”
– NXT trainers Bill DeMott and Sara Del Rey were backstage at Monday’sWWE RAW in Richmond. DeMott noted on Twitter that they were traveling back to Florida with Summer Rae and Eva Marie.
– TMZ reports that former WWE announcer Matt Striker will play a Romulan Commander in an upcoming Star Trek TV movie titled, “Star Trek Equinox: The Night of Time.”
– We heard from a few fans who were at last night’s WWE live event from Toronto that said Cody Rhodes’s match with Antonio Cesaro stole the show.
Also at the Toronto live event, 3MB (Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal and Ricardo Rodriguez) worked as “The Mounties” – losing to Los Matadores and El Torito.
SESCOOPS.COM reader Pro Wrestling Society sent along the following highlights of a False Finish Radio interview with former WWE Superstar and announcer Matt Striker:
False Finish: I know you carry a William Regal figure, why?
MS: My time in WWE, Regal was a mentor and a friend and he had been one of my favorite wrestlers and he need up cooler then i ever thought he would be. The figure reminds me to be as much like regal as possible. He is such a gentleman and he is so humble yet so tough. It reminds me that you need to be a professional.
False Finish: Talking about the world of sport wrestling, do you think it has a place in USA?
MS: Hell yeah, back in the day when it was all about the Beatles, the sex pistols came around and boom we got punk. There is a place for everything if it is real and people subscribe it. Hell if there is a place for Miley Cyrus, there is a place for anything
False Finish: I heard you say on Pro Wrestling 101 that you think of a wrestling ring as a tic-tac-toe board, Can you explain this?
MS: I draw nine squares in the ring, so when i fall if I can get back to one of the squares then I know Im in proper position. If someone has to move me to a spot for a move, first he is an idiot and second I’m not doing my job. When you pull back the curtain it is a dance, and I want to be the best dance partner possible.
False Finish: When you debuted in WWE it was against Kurt Angle. What was that like?
MS: I thought it was a one shot deal, I’m big on faith and I looked up to the heavens and as weird as it sounds, something was carrying me that night. Iwas in the palm of something much greater than me, and that is why that night went as great as it was. It was not human done, it was divine intervention. I never knew it would be a 9 year career.
False Finish: How is championship wrestling in Hollywood treating you?
MS: I’ve known of them from before I went to WWE. You see the same going up as you do going down, I never burn bridges. They reached out and said they shoot twice a month in California and asked me to come down and I was sold. There is a lot I love about Cali. It has a great locker room. There are some great wrestlers you need to see like Scorpio Sky, Joey Ryan, Adam Pearce is out there…It is great to be able to see them and work in commentary and production and see guys reach their goals.
False Finish: What are your thoughts on Justin Credible?
MS: I respect him, people on the internet talked about the altercation we had in the locker room. We havent seen each other since. I’m not gonna come out and trash the guy. If he throws first let’s do it but I wont throw the first punch.
False Finish: What are you doing now besides commentating? What are your plans?
MS: Plans? I’m happy to wrestle and do the seminars. People from all across the world send me clips and I critique and send them back. I’ve been doing acting and stunt work. I just auditioned for and cast in the new Star Trek Equinox. Even if I’m Dead Klingon Number 3, it’s a way for me to be creative.
False Finish: When you were commentating take us through a day to prepare for something like Raw.
MS: The prep is ongoing. Josh and I were boys, and we would just talk and try to tie pop culture into wrestling. I like to challenge myself to come up with the coolest ways to make guys interesting. The shows are the same every week. I wanted new facts and I would dive all in to the matches and try to make it entertaining.
Word association:
William Regal: Professional.
Carlito: Body guy.
Little Guido: He was one of the first main guys I wrestled and he took me under his wing.
Tommy Dreamer: Friend, when I had nothing and no one would talk to me, Tommy stepped in and he was a brother and a father figure.
Baseball: Its f*cking awesome
ECW: Revolutionary, it changed the business. And it could never go back.
CZW: Great place, I like DJ Hyde, it gives the fans the alternative. Not everyone likes hip hop or pop people need an alternative.
Kofi: He needs to break out, I want to see that nasty side I don’t want to see the boom kick every night I want to see some growth.
Vince McMahon: The Don, a lot of people give him a hard time, but who loves wrestling more than Vince… is nobody, he speaks about it every day and everyone in the WWE owes a debt to Vince.
Big Daddy V: Girthy, DDD cup, he was always good to me I used to have to oil his back. He was a sweetheart.
Michael Cole: Cole is a story-teller, he knows what Vince wants and he does what is needed and he does his job and helps others.