Posts Tagged ‘Montreal Screwjob’

What Was Bret Hart Told Going into Survivor Series 1997 and the Montreal Screwjob?

What was Bret Hart told prior to his infamous Survivor Series 1997 WWF Championship match with Shawn Michaels?

The match, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this week, saw Hart lose via submission despite never tapping out to the Sharpshooter.

Hart had informed WWE higher-ups that he was leaving for WCW, but had creative control that meant he could refuse to lose to Shawn Michaels, his real-life rival at the time.

The Match

Clocking in at under 20 minutes, the match is one of the shorter bouts Hart and Michaels had especially compared to their WrestleMania 12 Iron-Man classic.

Speaking to Sports Illustrated this week, Hart explained how the match had only just gotten started when Vince McMahon called for the bell.

“We had another 25 minutes. The match was already good, and we hadn’t even hit our stride… Even when we didn’t get along, Shawn and I always had great chemistry together in the ring.

“That match was just starting. All the brawling was done just to set up the actual match. It was going to really get going after I reversed his sharpshooter. We pictured the crowd standing up and going crazy. That was going to be the moment when it took off.”

Bret would leave the WWE immediately after the show, but not before laying out McMahon with a black eye backstage.

After a 2006 WWE Hall of Fame induction, Hart would return to WWE fully in 2010 and has made appearances since.

Bret Today

Despite being deeply hurt for years over the Screwjob, Hart has said he is in a much better place these days.

Looking back at his career, the Hitman is proud of what he did despite the Screwjob.

“I’m proud that people still appreciate what I did. When I wrestled, I wanted to have the best match I could every night. I never believed in going to a certain city and taking it easy. I gave 100% every night.”

Hart is one of a select few to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame twice, first in 2006 and then in 2019 as part of the Hart Foundation.

Road Dogg Thinks Montreal Screwjob Could’ve Been a Work

For years there has been a group of fans who believe the Montreal Screwjob could’ve actually been a work, and WWE Hall Of Famer Road Dogg might be a part of that group.

In 1997 at Survivor Series, Vince McMahon decided to “screw” WWE Hall Of Famer Bret Hart, smartening referee Earl Hebner up prior to his match with Shawn Michaels for the WWF Title to call for the bell while Michaels had Hart in his own signature sharpshooter submission hold.

This was in effort to force the title off Hart as he was on his way to WCW. McMahon didn’t want Hart showing up on WCW with the WWF Title, similar to how Madusa did with the WWF Women’s Title, throwing it in the trash on an episode of WCW Nitro a few years prior.

Road Dogg recently took to his podcast, “Oh…You Didn’t Know” to reflect on Survivor Series ’97 and what he remembers from that day. The DX member said he remembers seeing everyone rush to the monitors once everything went down inside the ring. He then recalled the “loogie” Hart hawked at Vince McMahon, and seeing McMahon come out of the locker room with a red/purple eye after taking a punch from Hart.

The former WWE Tag Team Champ added that, from what he heard, McMahon let Hart swing on him because he deserved it. However, he noted that he’s still not 100 percent sure if the entire thing wasn’t a big work or not.

“I’m still not 100% sure it was all real and that’s just me being honest with you, I know I’m cynical because I’m a wrestler and I’m one of the boys and I think everything’s a work.”

If the entire ordeal was a work, nobody involved has cracked and revealed the truth yet, from what Road Dogg has heard. Despite the fact that everyone involved is adamant that it was real, Dogg is still skeptical.

“I’m still not 100% sure it was all real and that’s just me being honest with you, I know I’m cynical because I’m a wrestler and I’m one of the boys and I think everything’s a work.”

Quotes via Wrestling Inc

Former WCW Publicist Turning Montreal Screwjob Into A Shakespearean Play

One of the most controversial moments in pro-wrestling history forms the basis of a recently written new play. A former publicist for World Championship Wrestling, Barry Norman, is turning the Montreal Screwjob into a 1-hour Shakespearean-styled theatre production.

Norman, who owns a movie theatre in Maine and has founded his own film festival, spoke to Mike Mooneyham about the project.

“(The script) is about 60 pages (which translates into an hour), but the final scene is the wrestling match, which should run between 10-15 minutes and it isn’t written out (except for the finish) because, as in any match, it will be improvised depending on crowd reaction at the time,” Norman said regarding the play.

Norman also described the play as “mostly drama although there are, I hope, a few moments/soliloquies of comedic value.”

Characters Slightly Altered

Characters in the play are based on the real-life players involved in the Montreal Screwjob. Their names are changed in the play, however.

The McMahon family is renamed McNugget, with family members Vic, Sophia, Shame (Shane?), and a court jester character named “Dunk the Fool.”

“As it is based on the actual Montreal Screwjob, you know how the two camps feel, but it paints a more Shakespearean picture of who is actually right – the promoter who made Hombre (Bret Hart’s character) and now wants him to do something in the interest of the promotion, or Hombre, who while grateful, feels that his years of hard work can’t allow his character to lose in the manner suggested. Both seek out counsel as to what to do, and these take place in a series of monologues and soliloquies, leading up to the actual match.”

Sid Involved

Norman also mentioned in his interview with Mooneyham, that his friendship with Sid Eudy also played a role in his deciding to work on the project.

“Sid Eudy is one of my best friends and we talk every day. I had been writing an angle for him as he would love one last run due to how he had to leave because of his injury. I think it’s an incredible angle. I also watched Viceland’s ‘The Dark Side’ series which included a segment on the Montreal Screwjob. All of those things just percolated in my head and somehow Shakespeare came out.”

Brazzers Producing Parody Of WWE’s ‘Montreal Screwjob’

Adult film company Brazzers is filming a parody of WWE’s Montreal Screwjob this week titled “The F**kjob.” Porn stars Johnny Castle (as Vince McMahon), Mia Malkova (as Shawn Michaels) and Romi Rain (as Bret Hart) are starring in the film.

Filming just began this week and no official release date has been announced.

You can see behind-the-scenes / promo photos below:

Jim Ross Q&A: WWE Announce Team Changes, Young Bucks To WWE?, Montreal Screwjob

The following are highlights of a new Q&A update from the official website of WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross:

On the Montreal Screwjob and if Sgt. Slaughter knew about it in advance: “I was shocked that it occurred and Lawler nor I knew about it in advance. It happened and we called what we saw….HBK winning the WWE Title. After all these years I do not recall if Sarge knew or not.”

On the new WWE announce team changes: “I’ve got no horse in the race nor do I keep up with it that much but am hopeful that everyone comes together with the necessary chemistry to make the shows better as best that they can. I like Alex’s potential but I do know that he wants to wrestle. A shake up occasionally is generally necessary but time will tell how well the new trios work together. I hope that they all find their groove. I’m sure that they all knew what was coming unlike when I went from RAW to Smackdown back in 2008.”

On The Young Bucks in WWE: “I have no idea if the Young Bucks will ever appear in WWE but they are a very good, young team. Shane’s fall was spectacular but the Foley match had more drama because he was working with Taker, IMO.”

On working with Matt Striker at Wrestle Kingdom 9 and if Savio Vegas will be on the Ross Report: “WK9 was a blast to be a part of and I had fun working with Matt Striker. Savio being on the podcast is a good idea an I will look into it when I find his contact info.”

Check out more highlights from JR’s Q&A section on his official website You can also order JR’s Bar-B-Q products online at

WWE Survivor Series — Where Legends Are Born & Moments Are Made

In 1987, WWE presented their first ever “Survivor Series” event, the first non-WrestleMania pay-per-view event, originally designed to steal viewers away from their main competition at the time, NWA’s “Starrcade,” which was the south’s version of “WrestleMania” (even though Starrcade came first) and was WWE’s attempt to throw down the gauntlet to the pay-per-view industry.

Basically put, if you were a pay-per-view provider and you decided to carry Starrcade, you would not be able to carry WrestleMania, a proven success in the pay-per-view industry.

That was the beginning.

From there, throughout the years, a number of historical events would take place at a Survivor Series event.

In no particular order, you can point to single Superstar debuts such as The Undertaker in 1990, which was also the debut of the infamous Gobbeldy Gooker. Which was the more famous of the two, well, I’ll let you decide.

1996 saw the debut of “Rocky Maivia,” to this day arguably the biggest cross-over name to ever emanate from the world of sports entertainment. At the time, while he was touted as being the first-ever third generation performer, and as “Good Ole’ JR” would say, “that’s gonna be the man, right there! That’s blue-chipper, right there!” with all of the enthusiasm the only Jim Ross could muster, oh how true those words would come to be as time went on.

One year later, the most infamous moment perhaps in all of WWE would take place. A moment that certainly began the shift in the WWE vs. WCW “Monday Night Wars” would take place, as not only did Bret Hart get “screwed” in what would become known as “The Montreal Screwjob,” but in many ways, that became the birth of the “Mr. McMahon” character, one that without he, the “Stone Cold” Steve Austin character may have never reached the heights that he would go on to achieve throughout his illustrious career.

In 1999, WWE’s first ever Olympic gold medalist, Kurt Angle, made his official in-ring pay-per-view debut, defeating Shawn Stasiak in the second match on the card.

In 2002, the Survivor Series featured another “first,” as this would be the first time that we were treated to a new gimmick match known as the “Elimination Chamber.” A man notorious among the wrestlers within the profession, just a few months ago the match concept was thrown out, large in part — according to various rumors — because of how unforgiving the structure was for those who had to actually compete inside it.

Most recently, the big “debut” of a match, concept or character took place at the November 18, 2012 edition of the WWE Survivor Series pay-per-view, which took place in Indianapolis, Indiana, as three men who would become known as “The Shield” made their official WWE main roster debut. Those three men would become known as Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose.

Just to show how important those three men are, one is involved (as a Team Captain, no less) in the main event of this year’s Survivor Series, which takes place tonight from the Scottrade Center in St. Louis, Missouri.

That man is Seth Rollins.

Another one of the former Shield members, Dean Ambrose, is in what is being billed as arguably the legitimate co-main event of the evening, as he collides with another rising up-and-comer, Bray Wyatt.

And that leaves Roman Reigns.

Well, while he’s not officially booked on the actual card for tonight’s show, let’s just say there are a lot of rumors going around that claim we just may see him involved on the show tonight in some form or fashion after all.

Finally, that leaves two other names.

First up, the hometown boy. St. Louis’ own “The Viper” Randy Orton is rumored to make his return to WWE, after taking a brief hiatus to film a WWE Studios project, “The Condemned 2.”

Last, and absolutely not least, is “The Icon.”

While yours truly is not holding his breath and is going to take a “wait and see” approach before getting overly excited, rumors on the internet over the past few days insist that a certain Crow-painted style performer will make his very, very highly-anticipated WWE pay-per-view debut tonight at the Scottrade Center.

That’s right, folks. “The man they call Sting” is rumored to make his WWE debut, after all these years, at the same show that has produced so many memorable debuts, characters, matches and moments. If, in fact, “The Stinger” does make his WWE debut on tonight’s show, this writer has his new favorite Survivor Series moment of all-time.

We’re just hours away! Make sure to keep it locked right here at for the most extensive, in-depth, live results coverage of tonight’s WWE Survivor Series 2014 pay-per-view!

Until then, leave your feedback in the “Comments” section below, and don’t forget to add me as a friend on Facebook at and/or follow me on Twitter @MBoone420.

Enjoy the show, everybody!

Monday Night War Details For Next Week, Batista’s Film Still Drawing Well

– With the opening weekend of the films, “No Good Deed” and “Dolphin Tale 2,” Batista’s “Guardians of the Galaxy” fell to number three this week, earning a reported $8.04 million this weekend in its seventh week in theaters.

– The “Monday Night War” episode of the WWE Network next week will focus primarily on Bret Hart jumping ship to WCW, the infamous “Montreal Screwjob” and that whole ordeal.

  • PHOTOS: UFC’s 2 NEW Octagin Girls In TINY Little Bikinis! [VIEW HERE >>]
  • Jim Neidhart Talks Post-Montreal Screwjob Run In WCW, Bad WWE Gimmick, More

    The following are highlights of a new In Your Head Wrestling Radio interview with Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart:

    What was the story behind your ‘Who’ gimmick in the WWF? “Oh brother; I’ll tell you, that was some real BS. I think it was more like a little punishment thing. I think they found some of that horrible devil weed in my system, and finding the devil weed they suspend you, let you go home for a couple of weeks to rest up. They threw me back on the road and said OK, we’re going to torture him a little bit; we’re going to take that pink and black off you and throw you in a yellow mask as a single…If you never worked with a mask on before, wow. It’s a big, big difference; you can’t see. You had no peripheral vision…If you’re wrestling with that mask on; you have to look at your opponent constantly. It’s way, way harder to wrestle with a mask on than it is without, because you have to tell the people what you’re doing a little bit without actually looking at them; you have to use way, way more body language, which is really different. I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody, walking into a big venue sold out and you’re trying to do a single with a mask on and you don’t know what the hell you’re doing.”

    What were your feelings on your WCW run (after the Montreal Screwjob)? “I’ve never made so much money doing absolutely f**king nothing. It was ridiculous. I made almost $300,000 in twelve months to do absolutely nothing, and accomplish nothing. They didn’t know what they were doing; it was ridiculous…It’s a shame; they had so much talent going through there but they didn’t have anybody that knew what the hell they were doing. Eric Bischoff, I guess, was in charge with Hogan and that crew, and I thought the nWo thing was kind of cute, but they never had any real direction toward it.”

    Check out the complete interview above.

  • Huge SummerSlam SPOILERS: Cesaro To Turn BABYFACE!! (No Lie) — DETAILS HERE!
  • VIDEOS: Bruce Prichard Talks Montreal Screwjob, New Video Blog From JTG

    – The following is the latest video blog from JTG, which features the former Cryme Tyme member hitting the speed bag.

    – The following is a clip from the latest Kayfabe Commentaries “Guest Booker” DVD, which features former WWE executive Bruce Prichard talking about — among other things — the infamous Montreal Screwjob.

  • DIRECT LINK: Photos Of Bray Wyatt’s SMOKIN’ HOT Sister Mika Rotunda [>>]
  • Jim Ross Q&A: Big Show’s Career, Undertaker’s Retirement, Montreal Screwjob

    The following are highlights from a new online Q&A update by WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross:

    On if WWE could do more with rivalries in wrestling: “For the most part more can be done for all rivalries. It’s a time consuming process and many fans and decision makers have little or no patience in allowing issues to organically evolve. Too much is over thought.”

    On who he considers to be the most “over” star in WWE today: “Daniel Bryan.”

    On his thoughts of Big Show’s career: “He’s had a distinguished career. He’s an attraction talent who has been forced to be an every day player which is tough.”

    On how many years The Undertaker has left as a performer: “I have no idea. Not as many as he has invested.”

    On the Montreal Screwjob: “I’ve addressed this SO many times here at the Q&A’s and on many blogs, etc. I was not aware of what was going to occur in Montreal. I had no idea what was to go down. Don’t recall the talks about bringing Bret back as he had health issues and a significant financial deal with Time Warner.”

    Check out more from JR’s new Q&A update at

  • Details On When CM Punk WILL RETURN To WWE + Hogan/Taker WWE Return News
  • Eva Marie On Sky (Photo), David Letterman Mentions WWE, Montreal Screwjob Anniversary

    – On Friday’s edition of the “Late Show with David Letterman,” WWE Hall Of Famer Andre The Giant was mentioned. While talking to Tom Brokaw, Letterman referred to New York Mayor Billy DeBlasio as “Andre The Giant.”

    – Saturday marked the 16th anniversary of the infamous “Montreal Screwjob” match between WWE Hall Of Famers Shawn Michaels and Bret “The Hitman” Hart.

    – WWE Diva and co-star of the Total Divas reality show, Eva Marie, recently tweeted about her appearance on Sky TV in Germany. Marie tweeted the following:

    EDITORIAL: 25 Years Ago Today, Remembering The Twin Hebner Angle And Hulk Hogan’s First Championship Defeat

    Remembering The Twin Hebner Angle And Hogan’s First Title Loss

    by The Solomonster (
    Podcast | Twitter | Facebook


    Those infamous words were uttered by Hulk Hogan on national television 25 years ago today. And astonishingly, Hulk wasn’t referring to his (now ex) wife and her friend when he said that. No, you see, he was referring to the evil trio of Ted DiBiase, Andre the Giant and… EARL HEBNER! What? Earl Hebner, evil? Bret Hart would find out years later exactly how evil Dave Hebner’s baby brother really could be, but let it be known that Hulk Hogan was the original Screwjob victim way back in 1988 when INXS had the #1 hit single in America and the Road Warriors made it cool to wear Zubaz pants.

    Here in 2013, Chris Daniels and Frankie Kazarian are trying hard to make Zubaz cool again, but it’s just not the same.

    So, why then was the Hulkster ranting and raving like a mental patient about plastic surgery? Let’s set the stage. The date was February 5th. The WWF had been airing taped “Saturday Night’s Main Event” specials on NBC for a few years by this point. As a young wrasslin’ fan, I have fond memories of those shows. The sight of Andre the Giant sneaking up behind an unsuspecting Hogan, following his victory over King Kong Bundy, and wrapping his massive hands around Hogan’s throat, squeezing the life out of him, gave me nightmares. But this show was different. This show, dubbed simply “The Main Event”, aired live on Friday night (back when Friday was perhaps the best night for television) and would feature the first singles meeting between Andre and the champion since their epic encounter at WrestleMania III the previous year.

    WWF and NBC hit a homerun that night. The show would do a 15.2 rating, good for 33 million viewers (that number is a bit skewed and likely also includes international viewers, so figure half that number were watching in the U.S. – still impressive), making the Hogan vs. Andre sequel the most watched wrestling match in history, a record that still stands today. Hulk Hogan had headlined as WWF champion for four consecutive years and was arguably at his peak of popularity. Andre, on the other hand, was clearly in physical decline and had long past his peak. In fact, he was barely mobile. One memorable spot from their match saw Andre simply fall face down in what the announcers could only describe as an attempted headbutt (he missed). And maybe it was, but it looked terrible. In fact, as a wrestling match, this pretty much sucked. But with these two guys in the ring, it was never about workrate. That’s what guys like Savage and Steamboat and Santana were there for.

    As the match drew to a close, Andre grabbed Hogan and flung him around in the worst excuse for a hip toss I’ve ever seen in my life. As he covered the champion and the referee began to count, Hogan got his shoulder up off the mat, but Hebner kept counting. Just like that, Hogan’s run came to a screeching halt at 1,474 days and Andre was awarded the title.

    I guess in hindsight, CM Punk’s 14-month reign ending on a People’s Elbow doesn’t seem nearly as ludicrous.

    After the match, Gene Okerlund interviewed Andre, who inexplicably talked about winning the World tag team championship (?!!) and proceeded to surrender the tag team title (don’t look at me, that’s what he said) to Ted DiBiase. And I must say, the title looked awfully good around DiBiase’s waist. I believe he got to defend the title at some house shows in the days that followed before Jack Tunney officially declared the title vacant, but it really is a shame he never had a run on top.

    As Hogan stood flabbergasted by what had just taken place, THE GOOD HEBNER emerged to confront his evil twin. It’s funny because, while Dave and Earl do look very much alike, I never had much trouble discerning one from the other, even as a kid. Dave was always the pudgier one. Maybe he was simply big-boned. Whatever the case, when Hogan turned around, he could not believe his eyes, nor could he tell one from the other. He figured it out when Earl knocked his brother to the mat and caved in his ribcage with a wicked kick (supposedly breaking a rib legit). Now, Hogan figured it out. He hoisted Earl high above his head, got a running head start, and proceeded to overshoot his target by a country mile, sending Earl SOARING into the aisleway over everyone’s head (including Andre, and he was a giant!). They were supposed to catch him, but hey, shit happens.

    Backstage with Mean Gene, Hogan was a wreck. He was so distraught, he was literally in tears over this grave injustice that had just been committed. It’s too bad The Shield came 20 years too late. Maybe they could have helped prevent all of this. As Hogan whined and cried about plastic surgery, he talked about seeing both Hebners for the first time, exclaiming, “When I turned around, they were identical. IDENTICUUUUULLLL!!!!” Moments later, as they showed a replay in slow-mo of the finish, Hogan desperately tried pointing out to us all the hundred dollar bills falling out of the referee’s pocket. Okerlund didn’t have the heart to tell the big guy that, in fact, there were no hundred dollar bills. As hilarious as this all was, Hogan was a pathetic mess here. Between this and his temper tantrum at the 1992 Royal Rumble when he helped Flair eliminate Sid (who did nothing wrong!), I’m not sure how I was ever a fan of this man.

    By the way, there’s a little “easter egg” of sorts to watch for on this show. Prior to his title defense, WWF shot to a pre-taped Hulk Hogan interview backstage. In it, he can be seen wearing what has since been dubbed as the “Hogan ‘87” belt. Yet moments later, when he emerges from the curtain, he’s wearing the Winged Eagle belt that would become synonymous with the company over the next decade. Not sure if the ’87 belt held out for more money before Hogan walked out or mouthed off to the wrong person, but it was never seen again.

    A quarter century ago on this date, history was made. Hogan lost his smile. The plastic surgery was bought and paid for. And Andre won the tag team title. A memorable night, indeed.

    Recap Of The Montreal Screwjob Panel At Royal Rumble Fan Fest

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    Arda Ocal was at the Montreal Screwjob panel at the Royal Rumble Fan Fest on Saturday and live-tweeted the following recap:

    Plans For Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara’s New Tag Team

    – With WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart returning to the scene of the Montreal Screwjob for the first time in 15 years on Monday’s WWE RAW, WWE is encouraging fans to tweet their favorite Bret Hart memories with the hashtag #BretMemories. WWE will select some of the tweets and feature them on the new WWE app.

    – We reported earlier this week that WWE has big plans for the new Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara tag team, with the duo slated to win the WWE tag titles, break up and then eventually wrestle at WrestleMania 29.

    The latest on this situation is that Rey Mysterio would likely play the heel in this feud, despite some resistance from several people in management. Mysterio is in the twilight of his career, a legend and still moves a ton of merchandise, but the feeling is that Sin Cara has a better chance of getting over as a babyface.