Posts Tagged ‘NJPWWorld’

Results: NJPW New Japan Cup 2020 Day 2

Today, New Japan Pro-Wrestling will hold the second day of the 2020 New Japan Cup. The New Japan Cup is NJPW’s annual 32-man single elimination tournament, usually scheduled for the Spring. The winner will challenge Tetsuya Naito for the IWGP Heavyweight and IWGP Intercontinental Championships at NJPW Dominion on July 12. Today’s card will hold four of the sixteen matches in the first round.

Watch exclusively on NJPW World with Japanese commentary.
English commentary will be recorded and uploaded to NJPW World this week.
Note: This event was held in an empty arena.

New Japan Cup 2020 Day 2 Results

New Japan Cup First Round Match: Gabriel Kidd vs. Taiji Ishimori (8:53)
Gabriel Kidd is a British wrestler who was personally scouted from Revolution Pro Wrestling by Katsuyori Shibata last year. This would be his first singles match against non-young lion opposition. Ishimori channeled his absent tag team partner El Phantasmo with dirty techniques like back rakes and irish whipping Kidd into the outside guardrail. Ishimori went for a springboard rana but Kidd caught his legs and lifted him into a Boston crab, but Ishimori made it to the ropes to force a break. Ishimori hit a springboard kick to Kidd’s face and then applied the Yes Lock to defeat Gabriel Kidd by submission. Ishimori advances to the second round.

New Japan Cup First Round Match: Yoshinobu Kanemaru def. Yuya Uemura (9:32)
If Yuya Uemura truly wants to be in the ring one-on-one against Minoru Suzuki like he’s said, winning this match would be the first step towards that achievement. Meanwhile, if Kanemaru wins, his opponent would be Taiji Ishimori.Those two have wrestled one-on-one twelve times and Ishimori has never won. Kanemaru dominated the bulk of the match, but Uemura landed a springboard splash for a near fall and desperately tried to land the arm-trap suplex to no avail. Kanemaru attempted to spit his whiskey in Uemura’s face, but the referee stopped him. Nevertheless, Kanemaru landed a dropkick followed by the diving DDT known as Deep Impact to win and advance to face Taiji Ishimori in the second round.

CHAOS (SHO, YOH, Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI) def. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Shingo Takagi, EVIL, BUSHI & SANADA) (12:14)
The two main themes of this match were LIJ demonstrating their lack of adherence to proper tag conduct by all beating down Goto and YOSHI-HASHI together, and SHO and Shingo delivering a hard-hitting preview to their first round tournament match coming up next week. BUSHI tagged in and went for the M-X, but Goto dodged it and hit the GTR to pin BUSHI for the win.

New Japan Cup First Round Match: Yuji Nagata def. Minoru Suzuki (20:35)
Happy birthday to Minoru Suzuki, who turns 52 today. Unfortunately, there was no crowd to chant “Kaze Ni Nare” on this special day. These two old men took their sweet time slapping and forearming each other and jaw-jacking about how they wanted to be hit harder in between. With Nagata’s neck being an appropriate shade of crimson, Suzuki took the match to the outside and hit Nagata with a folding chair so hard that the seat popped off. Back in the ring, Nagata made a comeback by attacking the right arm of Suzuki with kicks and arm wringers. As Nagata went for another, Suzuki applied a sleeper hold and pushed Nagata to the ground. He pinned him for a near fall then lifted him up to apply the Gotch-style piledriver. Nagata blocked it and lifted him into a back body drop. A slap and headbutt from Suzuki got Nagata bleeding from the mouth. Incensed, Nagata delivered an exploder suplex followed by a bridging backdrop driver to win the match and advance to the second round. Minoru Suzuki loses on his birthday.

New Japan Cup First Round Match: Kazuchika Okada def. Gedo (15:30)
Gedo entered with his right arm in a sling and got on the microphone to say that he injured himself during practice today, but still wanted to fight in this match. Gedo slowly removed the sling, but hid a can of spray in his hand that Okada slapped away. Okada also found a set of brass knuckles on Gedo’s person and wrenched them away. Gedo then brandished a spanner and hit Okada with it. With Okada laying, Gedo stole the ring announcer’s table and repeatedly bashed it into Okada’s chest, and then did the same with a folding chair. After more than five minutes of this, Okada rallied and went for a diving elbow drop, but Gedo rolled out of the ring and tried to escape. When Okada caught him, Gedo revealed that he had stolen the ring announcer’s bell hammer and attacked Okada with it. Okada came back with the revesre neckbreaker and went for the tombstone piledriver, but Gedo wiggled out of it and pushed Okada into the referee to hit a low blow. Gedo removed part of the ring apron to remove another set of brass knuckles that he had stashed there at some point. He punched Okada with them and applied the Gedo Clutch, but Okada kicked out at two. Gedo even attempted the Blade Runner. Jado then showed up and distracted the referee while Gedo went for another brass knuckle punch, but Okada caught him with a dropkick, knocked Jado off the ring apron, and submitted Gedo with a cobra clutch. Okada will face Yuji Nagata in the second round.

NJPW King of Pro-Wrestling 2019 Results

New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s King of Pro-Wrestling 2019 event took place at the Ryogoku Sumo Hall in Tokyo, Japan on October 14.

This event can be watched on NJPW World.

Before the event began, NJPW ring announcer Makoto Abe announced that Jon Moxley and Zack Sabre Jr. were unable to attend the event due to flight cancellations caused by Typhoon Hagibis. Additionally, it was announced that the IWGP US Heavyweight Championship was declared vacant due to Moxley’s inability to defend the Championship. The announcement that Juice Robinson would now be competing against Lance Archer for the vacant Championship received a positive reponse.

King of Pro-Wrestling 2019 Card

Suzukigun (El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru) defeated Roppongi 3K (SHO & YOH)
This was El Desperado’s first match back since getting his jaw broken in a deathmatch against Jun Kasai in May, which resulted in his removal from the Best of the Super Juniors tournament. El Desperado entered wearing a blood-stained dress shirt and vest. After blocking SHO’s Shock Arrow, El Desperado pushed SHO into the referee, enabling Yoshinobu Kanemaru to spit whiskey in SHO’s face. El Desperado pinned SHO after the Pinche Loco. (10:44)

Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomoaki Honma defeated Most Violent Players (Togi Makabe & Toru Yano)
This match was made to celebrate 20 years since Hiroshi Tanahashi’s wrestling debut in October 1999. Wataru Inoue, a retired NJPW wrestler who debuted at the same time as Tanahashi, was at ringside for this match. Toru Yano removed a corner turnbuckle pad and Irish whipped Hiroshi Tanahashi into it, then rolling him up for a near fall. Tanahashi hit a Sling Blade followed by the High Fly Flow to pin Toru Yano. (9:43)

Los Ingobernables de Japon (Tetsuya Naito & Shingo Takagi) defeated Suzukigun (Taichi & DOUKI)
Shingo Takagi hit DOUKI with a Pumping Bomber, and then lifted him for the Last of the Dragon, but Taichi came in and hit Shingo with his microphone stand in full view of the referee. Los Ingobernables defeated Suzukigun by disqualification. (9:00) After the match ended, Taichi downed Shingo with a high kick and Naito with a microphone stand hit, backdrop drivers, and an elevated powerbomb.

Minoru Suzuki defeated Jushin Thunder Liger
Jushin Thunder Liger entered in his Battle Liger attire, wearing only the pants portion of his bodysuit and a modified mask. Contrary to the bloodlust that Liger expressed in the leadup to this match, Liger challenged Suzuki to a technical wrestling battle. They fought for holds on the mat before Liger decided this was not a battle he could win. Suzuki battered Liger with chair shots and repeatedly tore at his mask. Liger targeted Suzuki’s arms, but Suzuki applied the sleeper hold and went for the Gotch-style piledriver, which Liger reversed into a back body drop. Suzuki pummeled Liger with strikes and Liger absorbed them, but his ripostes did not phase Suzuki. Minoru Suzuki pinned Jushin Thunder Liger after the Gotch-style piledriver. (17:38) He continued to hit Liger with chair shots after the match ended, then kneeled and bowed to the fallen Jushin Thunder Liger. Liger eventually got to his feet and said to Suzuki on the microphone, “Thank you.”

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship Match: Will Ospreay (c) defeated El Phantasmo
El Phantasmo came out wearing non-Bullet Club gear with Taiji Ishimori in tow. Will Ospreay entered with his tag team partner, Robbie Eagles. Before the match began, El Phantasmo told Ishimori to leave, saying that he would handle this match by himself. The match began with ELP acting aggressively sportsmanlike, offering handshakes and not taking cheap shots when they were offered to him. After a matter of time, however, he dropped the act and raked Ospreay’s eyes. They fought into the crowd until they ended up on the platform above the entrance way, and ELP hit a monstrous dive on Ospreay. Ospreay hit the Oscutter and went for the pin, but Ishimori had returned to the ring and pulled the referee out of the ring. Ishimori tried to hit Ospreay with the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship, but Robbie Eagles came in and apprehended him. Phantasmo hit a low blow on Ospreay and then hit him with the Championship, then hit a frog splash for a near fall, then a Styles Clash for another near fall. Ospreay turned the tide with a Spanish fly, an Essex destroyer, and the Hidden Blade. Finally, Will Ospreay hit the Stormbreaker and pinned El Phantasmo to retain the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship. (27:58)

CHAOS (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI) defeated Bullet Club (Jay White, KENTA & Yujiro Takahashi)
The majority of the match revolved around KENTA, with him beating up YOSHI-HASHI and antagonizing Tomohiro Ishii, taunting him in the ring and provoking him when he wasn’t the legal man. Hirooki Goto hit the Ushigoroshi followed by the GTR on YOSHI-HASHI to win the match by pinfall (12:27). Ishii continued to assault KENTA after the match, while Jay White repeatedly yelled that Goto didn’t deserve to challenge him and that he was the best.

7th IWGP US Heavyweight Champion Determination Match (No Disqualification): Lance Archer defeated Juice Robinson
Before the match began, Lance Archer took the microphone and proclaimed that this match should have no disqualifications, since the fans expected to see a no DQ match. Juice agreed to it, and it was made so. Before long, Archer sent Lance crashing through a ringside table, and removed all four turnbuckle pads from the ring. Lance battered Juice every which way, leaving him with a bleeding nose and a bent finger. Both men were sent crashing into tables. After a reverse crucifix powerbomb into a pile of chairs, Lance Archer pinned Juice Robinson with the EBD Claw to win the vacant IWGP US Heavyweight Championship. (14:58)

As Lance Archer celebrated, he was attacked by the returning David Finlay, who has been sidelined with a torn labrum since February.

Wrestle Kingdom 14 IWGP Heavyweight Championship Challenge Match: Kota Ibushi (c) defeated EVIL
EVIL came into this match vexed that the reputation of the G1 winner’s right to challenge for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship had yet to change hands between the G1 and Wrestle Kingdom. EVIL pressed the advantage early, using his superior power to bully Ibushi, while Ibushi managed to keep him from maintaining the edge for too long with his quickness and strikes. Reeling from the Darkness Falls, Ibushi retaliated and hit an elevated powerbomb. Ibushi called for the Boma Ye, but a massive lariat from EVIL took him off his feet, with another lariat for good measure. EVIL went for his self-named hold, but Ibushi countered it. Ibushi attempted the Kamigoye, but EVIL reversed it. Ibushi finally hit the Kamigoye, but EVIL kicked out, so he pulled his knee pad down hit another, and pinned EVIL. (24:05) Kota Ibushi remains the named challenger for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Wrestle Kingdom 14 day 1.

IWGP Heavyweight Championship Match: Kazuchika Okada (c) defeated SANADA
This match began with an explosive start, as Okada rushed SANADA with dropkicks right as the bell rang. SANADA was ready for him, though, leading Okada to change tactic and try to grind SANADA down with holds. Okada got him in position for a barricade-hung DDT, but SANADA countered it and hit a barricade-hung cutter. Having fought multiple times this year, both men seemed more prepared for each other’s moves than ever before, countering them in never before seen ways. Okada went for the Tombstone piledriver only for SANADA to counter it into his own, followed by the TKO. SANADA locked in the Skull End, but Okada managed to get out of it and hit a Rainmaker, and pinned him weakly for a near fall. Okada missed the rolling Rainmaker and SANADA caught him in a swinging Skull End. SANADA let go of it to hit two top rope moonsaults, but Okada blocked the second one with his knees. Okada blocked another attempt at the Skull End and hit a spinning Tombstone piledriver, and went for the Rainmaker, but SANADA blocked it with kicks. Finally, Okada hit the Rainmaker to pin SANADA and retain the IWGP Heavyweight Championship. (36:21) Okada shook SANADA’s hand after the match.

Following the match, Kota Ibushi entered with his contract for the Wrestle Kingdom 14 IWGP Heavyweight Championship match. Kazuchika Okada versus Kota Ibushi was confirmed for Wrestle Kingdom 14 Day 1.

NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 19 Results: Tournament Final

Welcome to our results of NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 19, the tournament final day.

Twenty wrestlers, divided into two blocks of ten, have competed against every other member of their block. Two men stand alone as the finalists from their blocks. Who will be the G1 Climax 29 winner: Kota Ibushi or Jay White? Who will receive the opportunity to challenge for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Wrestle Kingdom 14 in the Tokyo Dome in January 2020?

View the full tournament schedule here.

Watch this event on NJPW World with commentary in either English or Japanese.

Day 19 Matches

Clark Connors & Karl Fredericks defeated Ren Narita & Yota Tsuji
The Los Angeles dojo team came out to unique music for the first time. Clark Connors submitted Yota Tsuji with a Boston crab at 9:53. Afterwards, a brawl between the LA and Tokyo young lions ensued and was broken up.

Jeff Cobb, Jushin Thunder Liger & Tiger Mask IV defeated Suzukigun (Lance Archer, Taichi & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)
The former team came out to Liger’s music, which received a tremendous crowd response. Jeff Cobb pinned Yoshinobu Kanemaru with the Tour of the Islands at 7:36.

CHAOS (Will Ospreay, SHO & YOH) vs. Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens)
Will Ospreay pinned Yujiro Takahashi after the Stormbreaker at 7:57.

Juice Robinson & Toa Henare defeated Jon Moxley & Shota Umino
Toa Henare pinned Shota Umino after the Toa Bottom (uranage) at 6:19. Following his victory over Moxley yesterday, Juice gestured as if he wanted the IWGP US Heavyweight Championship, and they stood each other down in the ring. Moxley hit him with the championship belt and then gave him a uranage through a table.

Hirooki Goto, Togi Makabe, Toru Yano, Tomoaki Honma & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, SANADA, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI)
SANADA pinned Tomoaki Honma after a top rope moonsault at 8:56.

Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) defeated Tomohiro Ishii, KENTA & YOSHI-HASHI
When Tomohiro Ishii tried to tag in KENTA, KENTA moved his hand away and left the ring, then hit Ishii with the Busaiku Knee Kick and Go 2 Sleep. Tama Tonga pinned Tomohiro Ishii after that at 8:35. After the match, Katsuyori Shibata ran out and attacked KENTA as the crowd erupted. However, Bullet Club ganged up on Shibata and beat him down, and KENTA sat cross-legged on the laid out Shibata.

Suzukigun (Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr.) defeated Kazuchika Okada & Hiroshi Tanahashi
This was a really hot tag team match, with the highlight being Shibata eating Okada’s strikes and asking for more, nearly finishing him off right then and there. Minoru Suzuki hit a La Mistica and then pinned Kazuchika Okada with the Gotch-style piledriver. Suzuki got on the microphone and said he wants the IWGP Heavyweight Championship.

G1 Climax 29 Final Match: Kota Ibushi defeated Jay White
All of the Bullet Club came out to ringside with Jay White, but the referee told them all to leave, but Gedo stayed. He tried to interfere in the match almost as soon as the bell rang, and the referee threw him out too. Jay White controlled the match in the early going, frequently working over the right knee of Ibushi that he assaulted yesterday. Ibushi fought back time and again, but his comebacks were cut short by Jay going back to the knee, or Ibushi inadvertently hurting his own knee. White threw Ibushi into the referee and hit a low blow, and then Gedo came back out and gave White a chair, which he used to hit Ibushi’s leg. Ibushi rallied back and White’s strikes seemed to have no effect on him. Gedo tried to interfere, but Ibushi neutralized him and hit a Boma Ye on White. Rocky Romero pulled Gedo out of the ring as Ibushi hit another Boma Ye. White reversed the Kamigoye into a Blade Runner, but Ibushi hit a Kamigoye that White kicked out of. Kota Ibushi hit another Kamigoye and pinned Jay White at 31:01 to win the 29th G1 Climax.

G1 Climax 29 Standings

A BlockPointsB BlockPoints
Kota Ibushi14Jay White12
Kazuchika Okada14Tetsuya Naito10
KENTA8Hirooki Goto10
Hiroshi Tanahashi8Jon Moxley10
EVIL8Tomohiro Ishii 8
SANADA8Toru Yano8
Bad Luck Fale8Jeff Cobb8
Zack Sabre Jr.8Taichi 8
Will Ospreay8Juice Robinson8
Lance Archer6Shingo Takagi8

NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 18 Results: Naito vs. White

Welcome to our results of NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 18. New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s 29th G1 Climax tournament continues today and will run until Day 19 on August 12.

Twenty wrestlers, divided into two blocks of ten, compete against every other member of their block. They gain 2 points for a victory and 1 point for a draw. The wrestler with the most points in each block will move on to a final match, with the winner getting an opportunity to challenge for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Wrestle Kingdom 14 in the Tokyo Dome in January 2020.

Jon Moxley, Hirooki Goto, Tetsuya Naito, and Jay White are all still in the running to win the B Block. Who will be the man to come on top in the B Block and face Kota Ibushi in the 29th G1 Climax final?

View the full tournament schedule here.

Watch this event on NJPW World with commentary in either English or Japanese.

Day 18 Undercard

Shota Umino & Ren Narita defeated Yota Tsuji & Yuya Uemura
Ren Narita submitted Yuya Uemura with a Boston crab at 7:34. Uemura was locked in for a long time and frantically struggling to escape, with the crowd vocally cheering him on.

Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens) defeated Los Ingobernables de Japon (EVIL, SANADA & BUSHI)
SANADA was wildly over in this match. Yujiro Takahashi pinned BUSHI at 7:54 after the Pimp Juice DDT.

Kota Ibushi, Tomoaki Honma & Toa Henare defeated KENTA, Clark Connors & Karl Fredericks
Toa Henare pinned Karl Fredericks with the Toa Bottom (uranage) at 8:22.

CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Will Ospreay & YOSHI-HASHI) defeated Suzukigun (Zack Sabre Jr., Lance Archer, Minoru Suzuki & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)
Hiroshi Tanahashi pinned Zack Sabre Jr. with a flash lateral press at 10:35. As ZSJ threw a tantrum ringside, Tanahashi made a one-two-three gesture with his fingers.

Day 18 G1 Matches

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Jeff Cobb defeated Toru Yano
The referee found that Yano was smuggling nearly half a dozen rolls of athletic tape in his trunks. After he baited Cobb into a handshake, he trapped Cobb’s hands inside his singlet and rolled him up, but Cobb kicked out. Running out of options, Yano hit Cobb with an impressive belly-to-belly suplex. Jeff Cobb blocked Yano’s mule kick and hit a superkick, followed by the Tour of the Islands to defeat Toru Yano at 5:16. Final scores: Cobb 8 points, Yano 8 points

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Taichi defeated Tomohiro Ishii
Taichi was unexpectedly ferocious at the start, immediately hitting several backdrop drivers on Ishii. There was no shtick with him, only the strikes and throws everyone knows he can do when he’s not being a coward. After removing his pants, Taichi went for a Black Mephisto, but Ishii reversed it and floored him with a headbutt. Ishii went for the brainbuster twice but Taichi countered it both times. Taichi pinned Tomohiro Ishii with the Black Mephisto at 11:56. Final scores: 8 points Taichi, 8 points Ishii

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Juice Robinson defeated Jon Moxley
Shota Umino came out with Jon Moxley wearing a leather jacket and posing alongside him. The match began with a fistfight before Moxley began to attack Juice’s knee, which had been significantly damaged by Jay White several days ago. Juice bit Moxley on the ear, causing his earring to come out, which Juice threw into the crowd. They traded punches as the crowd yelled “Juice! Mox!” depending on who hit one. Moxley put Juice in a long chinlock and the referee was about to call for the bell before Juice pulled on his leg to stop him. Angered by the referee’s refusal to make the decision, Moxley began throwing weapons in the ring. Losing his cool gave Juice the opportunity to fire back with punches followed by the Pulp Friction to pin Jon Moxley at 16:26 and end his hopes for the G1 Final. Final scores: 8 points Juice, 10 points Moxley

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Shingo Takagi defeated Hirooki Goto
Coming off his victory against Tomohiro Ishii, Shingo Takagi expressed arrogance in the early going, but Goto was able to more than match him with regards to power. Goto wore Shingo with tight-looking sleeper holds, but Shingo broke it with a reverse noshigami, then followed up with a sliding lariat and a regular noshigami. This turned into a battle of lariats, then Goto reversed the ushigoroshi into the Made in Japan, but Goto kicked out at 2. Goto hit the reverse GTR, but Shingo floored him with a pumping bomber, followed by another. Shingo Takagi pinned Hirooki Goto with the Last of the Dragon at 15:10, and knocked him out of G1 final contention. Final scores: Shingo 8 points, Goto 10 points

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Jay White defeated Tetsuya Naito
Jay White stalled outside the ring to begin this match, but when he was finally ready to fight, Naito returned the favor, angering Jay. White dominated the match at first, and the crowd booed him all the while. Later on, Gedo tried to interefere, but Naito caught him and low blowed him, then kicked him out of the ring, then intercepted Jay’s attempted sneak attack. Naito reversed the Blade Runner attempt and hit the running Destino for a two-count, but White reversed the following Destino and hit a sleeper suplex. After a long series of counters, White hit another sleeper suplex, then a Bloody Sunday. Jay White pinned Tetsuya Naito with the Blade Runner at 18:51. Final scores: Jay White 12 points, Tetsuya Naito 10 points

Jay White called out Kota Ibushi, who came to the ring. Jay White said the match would be one-on-one, with no Gedo. They shook hands, but White nearly kicked him. As Ibushi left the ring, Gedo held his leg and White attacked him and hit his leg over and over with a chair.

G1 Climax 29 Standings

A BlockPointsB BlockPoints
Kota Ibushi14Jay White12
Kazuchika Okada14Tetsuya Naito10
KENTA8Hirooki Goto10
Hiroshi Tanahashi8Jon Moxley10
EVIL8Tomohiro Ishii 8
SANADA8Toru Yano8
Bad Luck Fale8Jeff Cobb8
Zack Sabre Jr.8Taichi 8
Will Ospreay8Juice Robinson8
Lance Archer6Shingo Takagi8

NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 16 Results: Ishii vs. Shingo

Welcome to our results of NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 16 New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s 29th G1 Climax tournament continues today and will run until Day 19 on August 12.

Twenty wrestlers, divided into two blocks of ten, compete against every other member of their block. They gain 2 points for a victory and 1 point for a draw. The wrestler with the most points in each block will move on to a final match, with the winner getting an opportunity to challenge for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Wrestle Kingdom 14 in the Tokyo Dome in January 2020.

View the full tournament schedule here.

Watch this event on NJPW World with commentary in either English or Japanese.

Day 16 Undercard

Shota Umino & Ren Narita defeated Yota Tsuji & Yuya Uemura
This was a match featuring all young lions. Shota umino pinned Yota Tsuji with a bridging Fisherman’s suplex at 5:39.

Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens) defeated Los Ingobernables de Japon (SANADA, EVIL & BUSHI)
Chase Owens attempted to put a Paradise Lock on SANADA, but even with the verbal instructions of Milano Collection A.T., he was unable to figure it out. Chase Owens pinned BUSHI after a package piledriver at 7:50.

Suzukigun (Zack Sabre Jr., Lance Archer & Minoru Suzuki) defeated KENTA, Clark Connors & Karl Fredericks
Minoru Suzuki pinned Clark Connors after a Gotch-style piledriver at 7:17. After the match, Zack Sabre Jr. condescendingly kicked KENTA out of the ring and said that now he was KENTA’s senpai (superior).

Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi & YOSHI-HASHI defeated Kota Ibushi, Will Ospreay & Toa Henare
YOSHI-HASHI pinned Toa Henare with the Kumagoroshi (Fisherman’s brainbuster) at 7:20. Okada and Ibushi stared each other down after the match. Then, Okada stood with his back to Ibushi while holding up the IWGP Heavyweight Championship.

Scheduled G1 Climax matches for Day 17 (August 10 – A Block):

  • EVIL vs. Lance Archer
  • SANADA vs. Bad Luck Fale
  • KENTA vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
  • Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Will Ospreay
  • Kota Ibushi vs. Kazuchika Okada (The result of this match determines the finalist: a win for either person sends them to the Final; a draw sends Kazuchika Okada to the final)

Day 16 G1 Matches

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Toru Yano defeated Taichi
Taichi started the match by being uncooperative and generally unwilling to face Yano head on. Toru Yano simply tried to leave to the backstage area in frustration, but Yoshinobu Kanemaru came out and brought him back to the ring. Taichi rolled up Yano using the ring apron, which nearly won Taichi the match via countout. On the outside, Kanemaru tried to spit whiskey in Yano’s face, but Yano ducked and it hit Taichi instead. Yano then hit low blows on both of them and rolled them up together in the ring apron. Miho Abe tried to free them, but it was too late. Toru Yano defeated Taichi by countout at 5:04. Yano 8 points, Taichi 6 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Tetsuya Naito defeated Jeff Cobb
Naito made fun of Cobb’s great bulk by posing like a sumo wrestler. Cobb started off using his power to beat down Naito and shrug off his offense, but Naito countered with attacks to the leg. Visibly slowed, Cobb continued to use his power moves whenever possible. Cobb managed to reverse the running Destino into an F5. Then, Cobb went for the Tour of the Islands but Naito countered it into a reverse DDT. Tetsuya Naito pinned Jeff Cobb after a Destino at 12:47. Naito 10 points, Cobb 6 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Hirooki Goto defeated Jon Moxley
Moxley was visibly angry as he made his entrance, with his early lead on the competition evaporating before his eyes. He and Goto fought in a contest filled with forearms and lariats, in which they seemed evenly matched in terms of power and toughness. They even fought on the outside until nearly both getting counted out. After a double-arm DDT, Moxley went for the Death Rider but Goto stopped it. Hirooki Goto pinned Jon Moxley with an Ushigoroshi floated over into the GTR at 8:38. Goto 10 points, Moxley 10 points. This was Jon Moxley’s first clean singles match loss in NJPW.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Jay White defeated Juice Robinson
Jay White used his cerebral wrestling style to avoid taking hits from Juice while asserting an early advantage and attacking Juice’s knee. Noticeably hobbled, Juice attempted to make a comeback with punches but White went right back to the leg, taunting Juice all the while. Juice managed to make a comeback and attack Jay’s knee in return. Juice landed his left-handed punch, but Gedo distracted the referee. Jay White attacked Juice’s leg further with a chair. Jay White submitted Juice Robinson with the J.T.O. (Juice Tapped Out) at 23:01. White 10 points, Juice 6 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Shingo Takagi defeated Tomohiro Ishii
If anyone has seen these two men wrestle for any significant length of time, they could probably visualize this match and not be far off from reality. Ishii and Shingo both traded their hardest hits, called each other bastards, and challenged each other to hit them harder. A big lariat from Shingo made Ishii’s ear start bleeding. They traded one-count kickouts after lariats. It was a magical spectacle of masculinity and stubbornness. Shingo Takagi pinned Tomohiro Ishii with the Last of the Dragon at 22:41. Shingo 6 points, Ishii 8 points. They continued attacking each other after the match ended, obviously.

G1 Climax 29 Standings

A BlockPointsB BlockPoints
Kazuchika Okada14Jon Moxley10
Kota Ibushi12Tetsuya Naito10
KENTA8Hirooki Goto10
Hiroshi Tanahashi8Jay White 10
EVIL8Tomohiro Ishii 8
SANADA8Toru Yano8
Zack Sabre Jr.6Jeff Cobb6
Bad Luck Fale6Juice Robinson6
Will Ospreay6Taichi 6
Lance Archer4Shingo Takagi6

NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 11 Results: Tanahashi vs. EVIL

Welcome to our results of NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 11. New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s 29th G1 Climax tournament continues today and will run until Day 19 on August 12.

Twenty wrestlers, divided into two blocks of ten, compete against every other member of their block. They gain 2 points for a victory and 1 point for a draw. The wrestler with the most points in each block will move on to a final match, with the winner getting an opportunity to challenge for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Wrestle Kingdom 14 in the Tokyo Dome in January 2020.

View the full tournament schedule here.

Watch this event on NJPW World with commentary in either English or Japanese.

Day 11 Undercard

Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI & Yota Tsuji defeated Tomohiro Ishii, Tomoaki Honma & Yuya Uemura
YOSHI-HASHI submitted Yuya Uemura with the Butterfly Lock at 9:24. CHAOS stablemates Hirooki Goto and Tomohiro Ishii face each other for B Block points in the main event of Day 12.

Toru Yano & Ren Narita defeated Jon Moxley & Shota Umino
Yano attempted to sell his DVD to Jon Moxley. Shota Umino took 5,000 yen from the ring announcer and gave it to Moxley, who then paid for it, and then tried to roll Yano up as he was counting the money. Toru Yano rolled Shota Umino up for the win at 4:08. Afterward, he took back the DVD and fled. The undefeated Jon Moxley faces Toru Yano on Day 12.

Bullet Club (Jay White, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens) defeated Suzukigun (Taichi, Minoru Suzuki & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)
Chase Owens pinned Yoshinobu Kanemaru at 7:39 after countering the Deep Impact and hitting a package piledriver. Taichi tried to confront Jay White after the match, but Gedo made sure Taichi was unable to get his hands on White. It’s Taichi versus Jay White on Day 12.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI) defeated Juice Robinson, Jeff Cobb & Toa Henare
Shingo Takagi pinned Toa Henare after a Pumping Bomber at 9:27. Shingo Takagi and Tetsuya Naito face Jeff Cobb and Juice Robinson, respectively, on Day 12.

Day 11 G1 Matches

G1 Climax 29 A Block Match: Kota Ibushi defeated Bad Luck Fale
Fale used his backup, Chase Owens and Jado, to weaken Ibushi from the outset, having them attack him on the outside, and then grinded Ibushi down with his weight when he managed to make it back into the ring. Ibushi’s comebacks were foiled time and again by the Bullet Club until the referee had had enough, and Ibushi could finally rally. Kota Ibushi pinned Bad Luck Fale at 9:27 after a Kamigoye. Fale 2 points, Ibushi 8 points.

G1 Climax 29 A Block Match: Zack Sabre Jr. defeated Will Ospreay
Notably, this was the first ever all-British G1 Climax match. Zack attacked Ospreay’s taped up neck and shoulder early on. Eventually, Ospreay rallied, and came close on several occasions, but Zack was able to catch him with submissions at crucial moments to get the win. Zack Sabre Jr. defeated Will Ospreay by submission at 20:02 with Hurrah! Another Year, Surely This One Will Be Better Than the Last; The Inexorable March of Progress Will Lead Us All to Happiness! Ospreay 4 points, Sabre 4 points.

G1 Climax 29 A Block Match: Kazuchika Okada defeated Lance Archer
Archer dominated the match early on, attacking Okada before the bell and hitting him hard with unexpectedly athletic offense for his size. Okada fought back from underneath, but Lance was never subdued for long. It certainly was not a decisive victory, but Okada was able to catch him for the win. Kazuchika Okada pinned Lance Archer after a Rainmaker. Archer 4 points, Okada 12 points and currently undefeated.

G1 Climax 29 A Block Match: SANADA defeated KENTA
This was a high-speed fight between two outsiders. Despite being the larger man, SANADA often seemed outmatched when it came to striking and used more high-flying offense and creative counters to turn the match around. SANADA pinned KENTA after the Skull End into the top rope moonsault.

G1 Climax 29 A Block Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. EVIL
EVIL immediately went after Tanahashi’s knee to neutralize the High Fly Flow, which Tanahashi used to win his previous match against SANADA. It didn’t have a strong effect at first, but after a bad landing on a frog splash to the outside, he was noticeably slowed down. This was an all-out contest that had the crowd going wild. Hiroshi Tanahashi pinned EVIL after a High Fly Flow at 23:02. EVIL 6 points, Tanahashi 8 points.

G1 Climax 29 Standings

A BlockPointsB BlockPoints
Kazuchika Okada12Jon Moxley10
KENTA8Tomohiro Ishii6
Kota Ibushi8Juice Robinson6
Hiroshi Tanahashi8Jeff Cobb4
EVIL6Hirooki Goto4
Lance Archer4Tetsuya Naito4
Will Ospreay4Shingo Takagi4
Zack Sabre Jr.4Toru Yano4
SANADA 4Taichi4
Bad Luck Fale2Jay White4

Wrestlers whose names are in italics cannot make it to the Final.

NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 10 Results: Naito vs. Moxley

Welcome to our results of NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 10. New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s 29th G1 Climax tournament continues today and will run until Day 19 on August 12.

Twenty wrestlers, divided into two blocks of ten, compete against every other member of their block. They gain 2 points for a victory and 1 point for a draw. The wrestler with the most points in each block will move on to a final match, with the winner getting an opportunity to challenge for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Wrestle Kingdom 14 in the Tokyo Dome in January 2020.

View the full tournament schedule here.

Watch this event on NJPW World with commentary in either English or Japanese.

Day 10 Undercard

Ren Narita defeated Yuya Uemura
This was a singles match involving young lions, so no participants are involved in the G1 Climax tournament. Ren Narita pinned Yuya Uemura with a bridging belly-to-belly suplex at 7:25.

Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens) defeated Kota Ibushi, Tomoaki Honma & Toa Henare
Yujiro Takahashi pinned Tomoaki Honma with the Pimp Juice DDT at 8:20. Kota Ibushi faces Bad Luck Fale on Day 11 (July 30) in the A Block.

Suzukigun (Lance Archer, Zack Sabre Jr., Minoru Suzuki & Yoshinobu Kanemaru) defeated Kazuchika Okada, Will Ospreay, YOSHI-HASHI & Shota Umino
Yoshinobu Kanemaru pinned Shota Umino with the Deep Impact DDT at 9:35. Respectively, Kazuchika Okada and Will Ospreay’s next opponents in the A Block are Lance Archer and Zack Sabre Jr. After the match, Archer took the microphone from English commentary and cut a threatening promo on Okada.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (EVIL, SANADA & BUSHI) defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi, KENTA & Karl Fredericks
BUSHI pinned Karl Fredericks with the M-X at 8:59. KENTA faces SANADA and Hiroshi Tanahashi faces EVIL on G129 Day 10, the latter of which is the main event.

Day 10 G1 Matches

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Hirooki Goto defeated Toru Yano
Toru Yano feigned sportsmanship against his CHAOS faction-mate, but he could not resist his urge to cheat, attempting to put his t-shirt over Goto’s head and roll him up, but failed to do so. Hirook Goto blocked the mule kick and pinned Toru Yano with the Goto Shiki in 1:42. Goto 4 points, Yano 4 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Tomohiro Ishii defeated Juice Robinson
Not many different moves were done in this match that served more as a test of Juice’s grit. Juice probably took more punishment and got back up than in any NJPW match of his to date, perhaps trying too hard to show his toughness at the expense of his victory. Tomohiro Ishii pinned Juice Robinson after a vertical drop brainbuster. Ishii 6 points, Juice 6 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Jeff Cobb defeated Taichi
Taichi feigned a show of sportsmanship with a handshake, but soon reverted to his old tricks, such as using his valet Miho Abe as a human shield. When Jeff Cobb was finally able to get his hands on Taichi, he dominated him with relative ease with his strength. Jeff Cobb pinned Taichi after a Tour of the Islands at 12:30. Cobb 4 points, Taichi 4 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Jay White defeated Shingo Takagi
Shingo was able to overpower White during the short bursts that the were in the ring together, but White outsmarted him into leaving the ring, where he was able to achieve his own advantage with moves on the apron and barricades. White cleverly avoided a lot of Shingo’s offense and it likely made the difference. Jay White pinned Shingo Takagi after the Blade Runner at 19:26. Shingo 4 points, White 4 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Jon Moxley defeated Tetsuya Naito
Naito went to great lengths to rile Moxley up before the match, making his entrance especially slowly and then throwing his tearaway pants at the US Heavyweight Champion. This match was full of personality, with the short fuse of Moxley being lit again and again by Naito’s antics, and Naito just might have pushed him too far. Jon Moxley pinned Tetsuya Naito after the Death Rider at 16:41. Moxley 10 points, Naito 4 points.

G1 Climax 29 Standings

A BlockPointsB BlockPoints
Kazuchika Okada10Jon Moxley10
KENTA8Tomohiro Ishii6
EVIL6Juice Robinson6
Kota Ibushi6Jeff Cobb4
Hiroshi Tanahashi6Hirooki Goto4
Lance Archer4Tetsuya Naito4
Will Ospreay4Shingo Takagi4
Bad Luck Fale2Toru Yano4
Zack Sabre Jr.2Taichi4
SANADA2Jay White4

NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 6 Results: Moxley vs. Ishii

Welcome to our results of NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 6. New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s 29th G1 Climax tournament continues today and will run until Day 19 on August 12.

Twenty wrestlers compete in blocks of ten against every other wrestler in their block. They gain 2 points for a victory and 1 point for a draw. The wrestler with the most points in each block will move on to a final match, with the winner getting an opportunity to challenge for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Wrestle Kingdom 14 in the Tokyo Dome in January 2020.

View the full tournament schedule here.

Watch this event on NJPW World with commentary in either English or Japanese.

G1 Climax 29 Day 6 Undercard

Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens) defeated (Zack Sabre Jr. & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)
Bad Luck Fale pinned Yoshinobu Kanemaru at 4:40 after a Grenade. After the match, Zack Sabre Jr. tried to sneak attack Fale and choke him out, but Fale caught him and laid him out with the Grenade. Bad Luck Fale vs. Zack Sabre Jr. is scheduled for tomorrow in the A Block.

Suzukigun (Lance Archer & Minoru Suzuki) defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomoaki Honma
Archer’s shoulder was heavily taped up, likely due to KENTA’s Game Over submission yesterday. Lance Archer pinned Tomoaki Honma with the EBD Claw at 9:48. He refused to release the claw on Honma after the match ended, then used the claw on Tanahashi as well. Archer and Tanahashi clash in the A Block tomorrow.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (SANADA, EVIL & BUSHI) defeated Kota Ibushi, KENTA & Clark Connors
BUSHI pinned Clark Connors at 9:02 with the MX. Following the match, Ibushi and SANADA stared each other down in the ring and appealed to the crowd for cheers. Neither wrestler seemed to be getting more cheers than the other. EVIL vs. KENTA and SANADA vs. Ibushi both take place tomorrow.

CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada & YOSHI-HASHI) defeated Will Ospreay & Toa Henare
YOSHI-HASHI pinned Toa Henare at 8:46 with the Kumagoroshi suplex. Kazuchika Okada vs. Will Ospreay is the main event of tomorrow’s A Block show.

G1 Climax 29 Day 6 Tournament Matches

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Shingo Takagi defeated Taichi
After a brief period where Taichi tried to use underhanded tactics and weapons on the outside of the ring, this turned into a hard-hitting battle of lariats and kicks. Shingo Takagi pinned Taichi with the Last of the Dragon at 14:40. Takagi 4 points, Taichi 2 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Jeff Cobb defeated Juice Robinson
This was a more slower-paced encounter than the previous one, with Juice trying to apply his usual offense but being overtaken by Cobb’s great weight and strength. Jeff Cobb pinned Juice Robinson at 13:21 with the Tour of the Islands for his first win of the G1. Cobb 2 points, Juice 4 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Toru Yano defeated Jay White
This was a brief match with a very high density of cheating. Jay White thought he had Yano figured out, such as avoiding the slingshot into the exposed turnbuckle, but that was not the case. Toru Yano hit a low blow using brass knuckles while the referee was distracted and pinned Jay White with a roll up at 3:04. Yano 4 points, White 0 points. Notably, all three of White’s matches so far were against members of CHAOS, the faction he betrayed last year, and they all got their revenge.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Tetsuya Naito defeated Hirooki Goto
Goto came after Naito right out of the gate and had most of his moves scouted, but Naito used his greater quickness to get in fast attacks and counter Goto’s moves. Tetsuya Naito pinned Hirooki Goto with the Destino at 16:01. Naito 2 points, Goto 2 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Jon Moxley defeated Tomohiro Ishii
This was a brutal battle to end all battles, with Moxley’s penchant for violence fighting against Ishii’s inhuman resilience. Tables and chairs were used, stiff shots were thrown, and Moxley was pushed to his very limit for the first time in NJPW, but it was not enough. Jon Moxley pinned Tomohiro Ishii after a Death Rider at 20:36. Moxley 6 points, Ishii 4 points.

G1 Climax 29 Standings

A BlockPointsB BlockPoints
KENTA6Jon Moxley6
Kazuchika Okada6Tomohiro Ishii4
Lance Archer4Juice Robinson4
EVIL4Shingo Takagi4
Bad Luck Fale2Toru Yano4
Kota Ibushi2Jeff Cobb2
Will Ospreay2Hirooki Goto2
SANADA2Tetsuya Naito2
Hiroshi Tanahashi2Taichi2
Zack Sabre Jr.0Jay White0

NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 4 Results

Welcome to our ongoing Live Results of NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 4. This will be updated with results and new points standings throughout the event.

New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s 29th G1 Climax tournament continued today and will run until Day 19 on August 12. Twenty wrestlers compete in blocks of ten against every other wrestler in their block. They gain 2 points for a victory and 1 point for a draw. The most dominant wrestler in each block will move on to a final match, with winner getting an opportunity to challenge for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Wrestle Kingdom 14 in the Tokyo Dome in January 2020.

One can watch this event on NJPW World with commentary in either English or Japanese.

Kota Ibushi & Jushin Thunder Liger defeated Shota Umino & Yota Tsuji
Jushin Thunder Liger’s entrance got a great reaction from the crowd, as expected since this is likely Liger’s last match ever in Hokkaido Prefecture. The match began with Liger stretching Umino out in the mat, then transitioned into Ibushi and Tsuji trading hard hits and slaps. Tsuji breaking up Liger’s Romero Special on Umino got heavy boos from the audience. Tsuji got a lot of offence in on Ibushi, including a turning body slam and a spear, then attempted to put him in the Boston crab only to get it broken by slaps. Kota Ibushi submitted Yota Tsuji with a single-leg Boston crab at 8:19. Liger then cut a promo stating that, since he’s retiring in six months, this is his last match in Hokkaido, but he hopes that all the fans will support him wherever he goes.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (EVIL, SANADA & BUSHI) def. Tomoaki Honma, Toa Henare & Ren Narita
EVIL entered without his scythe. He was probably not allowed to bring it with him on the flight from Tokyo to Sapporo. Toa Henare hit a stalling suplex on SANADA and he hit a double Kokeshi on BUSHI with Tomoaki Honma. This was a short encounter. after the match, EVIL stared down SANADA, his stable mate who he has as his next G1 Climax match. BUSHI pinned Ren Narita after an M-X at 7:18. He then tried to hit SANADA with the EVIL, but SANADA reversed it into the Skull End, then they broke apart.

Suzukigun (Zack Sabre Jr., Lance Archer, Minoru Suzuki & Yoshinobu Kanemaru) def. Hiroshi Tanahashi, KENTA, Clark Connors & Karl Fredericks
Suzukigun attacked Tanahashi, KENTA, and the LA Dojo young lions before the bell, with Lance Archer going after KENTA and Sabre Jr. going after Tanahashi. Karl Fredericks managed to floor Minoru Suzuki with a shoulder tackle, only to get caught in a rope-hung armbar, and then get pulled out of the ring and be pummeled with chairs and sections of the ring barricade. Lance Archer briefly joined the English commentary team. Tanahashi and Zack Sabre Jr. went after each other with dueling cobra twists. Clark Connors put Yoshinobu Kanemaru in a Boston crab and Suzuki kicked him in the face to break the hold, but he held it and bravely asked for more. Yoshinobu Kanemaru pinned Clark Connors after a Deep Impact at 11:32.

CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada & YOSHI-HASHI) defeated Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens)
YOSHI-HASHI spent most of the match getting beaten up by Chase Owens and Bad Luck Fale, until he hit a dropkick to Fale’s knee to enable the hot tag to Kazuchika Okada. Okada’s running shoulder tackle did not knock Fale down, but his body slam did. Owens nearly hit a package piledriver on Okada, but Okada reversed it as YOSHI-HASHI hit a big lariat on Fale that sent both of them tumbling out of the ring. Okada pinned Chase Owens with a Rainmaker at 8:43.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Shingo Takagi [2] defeated Toru Yano [2]
Shingo Takagi urged Toru Yano to remove his t-shirt for this bout. He did so, only for Takagi to attack him in the process. He then tried to put his shirt on Takagi’s head and roll him up, but failed. Yano left the ring and baited Takagi into coming out to attack him, only to run back to the ring and put a table and barricades in his way, but he still made it back before he could be counted out. Toru Yano went for his trademark red chair and threw it at Takagi, making it look as if Takagi had used it, but the referee did not believe him. BUSHI came out to distract the referee. Shingo Takagi pinned Toru Yano after a Pumping Bomber at 6:16. Shingo Takagi 2 points, Toru Yano 2 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Juice Robinson [4] defeated Hirooki Goto [2]
Goto really does look much leaner after his vacation to the LA Dojo. After Juice managed to reverse the Ushigoroshi, they traded simultaneous lariats until Goto managed to get him down, then land the Ushigoroshi successfully. Goto went for the GTR but Juice broke it with strikes to the head. Juice went for his left hand-punch, but Goto headbutted his fist to block it, then Goto went for a punch of his own and Juice responded in kind. After a hard-hitting fight, Juice Robinson pinned Hirooki Goto after a Pulp Friction at 12:23.
Hirooki Goto 2 points, Juice Robinson 4 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Jon Moxley [4] defeated Jeff Cobb [0]
Moxley went after Cobb’s arms early to try and reduce his strength advantage, but his chops to the chest that followed seemed to have little effect on Cobb. Moxley looked under the ring for a table, but either changed his mind or couldn’t find one. After a diving elbow drop to a standing Cobb, Moxley went for the Death Rider but was unable to get Cobb off his feet. After a running knee to the head, Jon Moxley pinned Jeff Cobb after a rope-hung Death Rider at 8:54. Jeff Cobb 0 points, Jon Moxley 4 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Tomohiro Ishii [4] defeated Jay White [0]
When the match began, White went to the outside and taunted Cobb to come out with him. Ishii left the ring and then threatened to attack Gedo, which provoked White into finally retaliating. At one point, White landed a DDT on Ishii that landed him right on top of his head. When they had a battle of forearms, Ishii managed to knock him down. White would get the upper hand only for Ishii to come back and ask to be hit harder. The crowd very hot for Ishii to win. White went for the Blade Runner, but Ishii reversed it into a Complete Shot, followed by a sliding lariat and a brainbuster to pin Jay White at 19:13. Jay White 0 points, Tomohiro Ishii 4 points.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Taichi [2] defeated Tetsuya Naito [0]
To start the match, Naito laid down in the center of the ring, telling Taichi to pin him. Taichi went for the pin only for Naito to roll him up for a 2-count.A back and forth period transpired with Naito’s quick and precise offence against Taichi’s hard kicks. Taichi teased using the retired Takashi Iizuka’s Iron Finger from Hell, but Naito managed to knock it away from him. Naito went for the Destino but Taichi countered it and floored him with a high kick and then a Ganso bomb. After a pop-up low blow that the referee didn’t see, Naito went for a Destino but Taichi reversed it into Black Mephisto. Taichi finally managed to hit Naito with the Iron Finger From Hell into a Last Ride powerbomb for the win at 21:01. Tetsuya Naito 0 points, Taichi 2 points.

G1 Climax 29 Standings

A Block

  • Lance Archer – 4
  • KENTA – 4
  • Kazuchika Okada – 4
  • Bad Luck Fale – 2
  • SANADA – 2
  • Will Ospreay – 2
  • EVIL – 2
  • Kota Ibushi – 0
  • Zack Sabre Jr. – 0
  • Hiroshi Tanahashi – 0

B Block

  • Tomohiro Ishii – 4
  • Jon Moxley – 4
  • Juice Robinson – 4
  • Hirooki Goto – 2
  • Shingo Takagi – 2
  • Taichi – 2
  • Toru Yano – 2
  • Jeff Cobb – 0
  • Tetsuya Naito – 0
  • Jay White – 0

NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 3 Results

Welcome to our ongoing Live Results of NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 3. This will be updated with results and new points standings throughout the event.

New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s 29th G1 Climax tournament continued today and will run until Day 19 on August 12. Twenty wrestlers compete in blocks of ten against every other wrestler in their block. They gain 2 points for a victory and 1 point for a draw. The most dominant wrestler in each block will move on to a final match, with winner getting an opportunity to challenge for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Wrestle Kingdom 14 in the Tokyo Dome in January 2020.

One can watch this event on NJPW World with commentary in either English or Japanese.

Juice Robinson, Toa Henare & Yota Tsuji defeated Hirooki Goto, Tomoaki Honma & Yuya Uemura
Toa Henare came out sporting a beard, but it’s not very full yet. Young lions Uemura and Tsuji came out showing aggression against each other before the match began, but did not fight for long. Goto and Juice, who have a match tomorrow in Sapporo, laid into each other with hard strikes and simultaneous lariats sent them both crumbling to the floor. Toa Henare was uncharacteristically fired up, ending Uemura’s comebacks with body shots and finishing him off swiftly. Toa Henare pinned Yuya Uemura after a Toa Bottom at 6:31.

Jeff Cobb & Ren Narita defeated Jon Moxley & Shota Umino
In their first tag team match together, Jon Moxley and Shota Umino came out through the crowd, with Umino wearing a Moxley t-shirt and carrying the IWGP US Heavyweight Championship on his behalf once again. Early on, Moxley and Umino beat down Ren Narita, with Moxley verbally instructing him for tag team moves. When Cobb tagged in, Moxley tried to catch him with the Death Rider, but Cobb stuffed his lift attempts. At one point, Umino managed to lift Cobb for a suplex, but this was only a minor victory. Jeff Cobb pinned Shota Umino after a Tour of the Islands at 4:53.

CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & YOSHI-HASHI) defeated Bullet Club (Jay White, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens)
Jay White pretended that he would begin the match across from his opponent tomorrow, Tomohiro Ishii, but allowed Yujiro Takahashi to start instead. All members of Bullet Club took turns bullying YOSHI-HASHI until he managed to get the hot tag to Ishii. When Jay White tried to roll out of the ring and away from Ishii, Yano forced him back into the ring, which pleased the crowd. After Toru Yano removed the turnbuckle pad, Chase Owens took it from him and tried to hit him with it, but nearly hit the referee instead, giving Yano the opportunity to sneak in the victory. Toru Yano pinned Chase Owens with a roll up after a low blow at 9:23.

Suzukigun (Taichi, Minoru Suzuki & Yoshinobu Kanemaru) defeated Los Ingobernables de Japon (Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI)
Suzuki and Kanemaru attacked Takagi and BUSHI before the bell, as they are apt to do, leaving only Naito and Taichi in the ring. They are the main event of G1 day four tomorrow, and the majority of this match was Taichi working Naito over while their teammates slugged it out on the outside. Later, Shingo got the hot tag and ran wild before Suzuki cut him off. Shingo managed to tag BUSHI in, only for him to get finished off quickly. Minoru Suzuki pinned BUSHI with a Gotch-style piledriver at 8:33. After the match, Taichi pulled the Iron Finger from Hell out of his bag, teasing using it in his G1 match tomorrow.

G1 Climax 29 A Block Match: Lance Archer [4] defeated Bad Luck Fale [2]
Archer wasted little time, immediately tackling Fale to the outside. They fought in the crowd area, throwing each other into chairs. In the ring, Archer’s shoulder tackles failed to knock Fale off his feat, but Archer climbed to the top rope and hit a turning crossbody on him. Fale hit likely one of the heaviest superplexes to ever occur in an NJPW ring, with Archer bouncing on impact. Fale hit the Grenade for a near fall. Jado attempted to interfere on Fale’s behalf, but Archer fought him off. Lance hit a football tackle and an impressive chokeslam on Fale. Lance Archer pinned Bad Luck Fale at 10:12 with the EBD Claw. Archer 4 points, Fale 2 points.

G1 Climax 29 A Block Match: Will Ospreay [2] defeated SANADA [2]
Fast-paced wrestling began the match, with Ospreay soon trying to put SANADA in the Paradise Lock, but didn’t know how to do so and SANADA just kicked him away. SANADA then put Ospreay in the Paradise Lock, but Ospreay simply kipped up out of it, only to get it reapplied on him while getting tied up in the ropes, which he was unable to escape. Ospreay and SANADA seemingly had answers for each other at every turn, with neither one of them ever getting the upper hand for a long period. The fast-paced periods of match were impressive but difficult to describe in text. Will Ospreay pinned SANADA after a Stormbreaker at 17:06. Ospreay 2 points, SANADA 2 points.

G1 Climax 29 A Block Match: Kazuchika Okada [4] defeated Zack Sabre Jr. [0]
In between periods of Okada using his greater weight to keep Sabre in the positions he wanted, ZSJ attempted to end the match quickly using pin attempts including a bridging Japanese leg-roll clutch. Okada asserted his dominance and hit the tombstone piledriver inside of ten minutes, but Sabre went after his right arm with kicks and submissions to turn the tide. It wasn’t enough, though, as Okada hit a rolling lariat followed by the Rainmaker to pin Zack Sabre Jr. at 12:01. Okada 4 points, Sabre Jr. 0 points.

G1 Climax 29 A Block Match: EVIL [2] defeated Kota Ibushi [0]
After a fiery opening exchange of strikes, EVIL grounded Ibushi through attacks at his bruised left ankle. This is to be expected, since Ibushi stated in an interview that this would be the only way to defeat him. Ibushi fired back with kicks using his right leg, but his trademark flying offense was visibly a struggle. After a stomp to the ankle which elicited a negative response from the crowd, EVIL went for a Scorpion Deathlock but Ibushi got the rope break. Ibushi soon pulled down his left kickpad and hit a Boma Ye for a near fall, then pulled down the right one as well, but EVIL cut him off. EVIL pinned Kota Ibushi after an EVIL at 19:11. EVIL 2 points, Ibushi 0 points.

G1 Climax 29 A Block Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi [0] vs. KENTA [2]
Katsuyori Shibata joined the Japanese commentary table for this match. KENTA wrestled Tanahashi to the ropes and landed a slap to the face, only for Tanahashi to return the favor. KENTA continued to hold Tanahashi down with hard kicks and holds as the crowd rallied behind the NJPW flagbearer. Tanahashi had short bursts where he was making a comeback, but KENTA would continually deny him until Tanahashi caught his leg on a Go 2 Sleep attempt and attacked both with dragon screws. He went for the High Fly Flow and succeeded once, then went for it once more KENTA blocked it with his knees, and that was the beginning of the end. KENTA pinned Hiroshi Tanahashi with the Go 2 Sleep at 18:35. KENTA 4 points, Tanahashi 0 points.

G1 Climax 29 Standings

A Block

  • Lance Archer – 4
  • KENTA – 4
  • Kazuchika Okada – 4
  • Bad Luck Fale – 2
  • SANADA – 2
  • Will Ospreay – 2
  • EVIL – 2
  • Kota Ibushi – 0
  • Zack Sabre Jr. – 0
  • Hiroshi Tanahashi – 0

B Block

  • Hirooki Goto – 2
  • Tomohiro Ishii – 2
  • Jon Moxley – 2
  • Juice Robinson – 2
  • Toru Yano – 2
  • Jeff Cobb – 0
  • Tetsuya Naito – 0
  • Taichi – 0
  • Shingo Takagi – 0
  • Jay White – 0

NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 2 Results

New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s 29th G1 Climax tournament continued with Day 2 today and will run until Day 19 on August 12. Twenty wrestlers compete in blocks of ten against every other wrestler in their block. They gain 2 points for a victory and 1 point for a draw. The most dominant wrestler in each block will move on to a final match, with winner getting an opportunity to challenge for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Wrestle Kingdom 14 in the Tokyo Dome in January 2020.

This event can be watched on NJPW World with commentary in either English or Japanese.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (EVIL, SANADA & BUSHI) defeated Kota Ibushi, Will Ospreay & Yuya Uemura
Ibushi and EVIL started off the match, teasing their never-before-seen singles match to take place on G1 Day 3. Ibushi sustained a minor injury to his ankle on Day 1 in his match with KENTA and EVIL capitalized by cutting the legs out from under him. BUSHI pinned Yuya Uemura after a codebreaker at 7:58.

Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens) defeated Suzukigun (Lance Archer & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)
Bad Luck Fale came out smoking a cigar, which is unusual. He and Archer immediately went after each other, in what will be one of the physically largest matches in all of G1 history. Chase Owens got several hopeful moments of offense on Archer, but he didn’t seem to register them much. Comparatively speaking, Owens and Kanemaru’s periods of fighting were extremely technical. Fale went for the Grenade but Kanemaru blew whiskey in his face. Chase Owens pinned Yoshinobu Kanemaru with a package piledriver at 5:59.

KENTA, Clark Connors & Karl Fredericks defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi, Shota Umino & Ren Narita
This was the first NJPW event in Japan for Clark Connors and Karl Fredericks, young lions from NJPW’s Los Angeles Dojo, trained by Katsuyori Shibata. Before the bell, Tanahashi and KENTA, as well as the Tokyo young lions and LA Dojo young lions, started to shove each other, as if they didn’t want to wait for the match to start to begin fighting. The referee pulled them apart and the match began with mat wrestling between Connors and Narita, but intensified over time. When Tanahashi and KENTA finally interacted in the match, the crowd took major notice. Karl Fredericks submitted Ren Narita with a single leg Boston Crab at 11:13.

Suzukigun (Zack Sabre Jr. & Minoru Suzuki) defeated CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada & YOSHI-HASHI)
Minoru Suzuki looked sufficiently irate being excluded from the G1 Climax and spent a good portion of the match taking it out on poor YOSHI-HASHI. Zack Sabre Jr. eventually joined him in doing so, when he wasn’t posturing with Okada and trying to put him in many holds. Zack Sabre Jr. submitted YOSHI-HASHI with a cross armbar at 11:16.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Juice Robinson defeated Shingo Takagi
Shingo and Juice traded shoulder tackles and strikes early on, driving home that they were roughly equal in terms of power. At one point, they even let each other chop each other before Shingo floored Juice with a double arm chop. This match had lots of yelling, stiff strikes, and power moves, but Juice pulled out the victory at the end. Currently, Takagi is paralleling fellow junior heavyweight Will Ospreay in the A Block by losing his first match. Juice Robinson pinned Shingo Takagi after a Pulp Friction at 14:41.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Jon Moxley defeated Taichi
Shota Umino, Jon Moxley’s personal young lion, came out carrying Moxley’s IWGP US Heavyweight Championship. Taichi immediately took to the crowd to attack Moxley as he was making his entrance. After a dive to the outside, Moxley found a table from under the ring, and soon put Taichi through it with a uranage. After the referee got pushed out of the ring, Miho Abe slipped Taichi, but Moxley managed to use it against him and soon finish him off. After a quick and violent match, Jon Moxley pinned Taichi following a Death Rider at 7:36.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Toru Yano defeated Tetsuya Naito
After noticing Naito was wearing a t-shirt with his ring gear, Toru Yano procured one of his own t-shirts to wear as well, and they wrestled wearing said shirts. Naito mimicked Yano’s trademark moves, such as attempting to remove a turnbuckle pad and use it as a weapon. As he was doing so, the referee removed it from his grasp, giving Yano an opening to pull Naito and the referee’s shirts over their faces, enabling him to win the match. Toru Yano pinned Tetsuya Naito with a roll up. Match time 3:42.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Tomohiro Ishii defeated Jeff Cobb
The opening grappling exchange (with Cobb lifting Ishii with one arm) and shoulder tackles set the tone: for once, Ishii would not be the more irresistable force in this match. Repeatedly, Cobb hit Ishii hard with forearms and chops only for Ishii to taunt him to hit him harder, and so he did. Ishii and Cobb went on to deliver greater feats of strength against each other, with ever-increasing levels of visceral shock. Tomohiro Ishii pinned Jeff Cobb with a vertical drop brainbuster at 18:33.

G1 Climax 29 B Block Match: Hirooki Goto defeated Jay White
Jay White pulled out a chair from under the ring and set it up at ringside for Gedo, insisting he would defeat Goto in 10 minutes. After sticking to Goto and attacking him in all sorts of disrespectful ways, Goto began to rally with hard strikes and throws before White would continually cut him off. After he attempted to pin Goto with a foot on his chest, the referee refused to count it and White lost patience, enabling Goto to make a comeback. After Gedo came in and tried to interfere on White’s behalf, Goto had lost all patience and destroyed White quickly. Hirooki Goto defeated Jay White after a GTR at 21:06. Goto looked reinvigorated after his summer trip to the LA Dojo and declared that “The G in G1 stands for Goto!” to a chorus of cheers.

G1 Climax 29 Standings

A Block

  • Lance Archer – 2
  • Bad Luck Fale – 2
  • SANADA – 2
  • KENTA – 2
  • Kazuchika Okada – 2
  • EVIL – 0
  • Kota Ibushi – 0
  • Will Ospreay – 0
  • Zack Sabre Jr. – 0
  • Hiroshi Tanahashi – 0

B Block

  • Hirooki Goto – 2
  • Tomohiro Ishii – 2
  • Jon Moxley – 2
  • Juice Robinson – 2
  • Toru Yano – 2
  • Jeff Cobb – 0
  • Tetsuya Naito – 0
  • Taichi – 0
  • Shingo Takagi – 0
  • Jay White – 0

Full Card for NJPW Road To Destruction Nagoya (09/05)

New Japan Pro Wrestling’s September scheduling is usually dominated by the DESTRUCTION shows, 2018 is no different. This year’s lineup of shows will of course feature to ‘Road To’ shows, some of which will be available on NJPWWorld. Here’s the full lineup for the September 5th show in Nagoya:

  • Yuya Uemura and Shota Umino vs Yota Tsuji and Ren Narita
  • Ayato Yoshida vs Yujiro Takahashi
  • Toa Henare, David Finley, Michael Elgin and Juice Robinson vs Taiji Ishimori, Tanga Loa, Tama Tonga and Bad Luck Fale
  • YOSHI-HASHI and Hirooki Goto vs Takashi Iizuka and Taichi
  • BUSHI, Sanada, EVIL and Tetsuya Naito vs TAKA Michinoku, El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru and Minoru Suzuki
  • Tomoaki Honma, Togi Makabe and Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Gedo, Toru Yano and Kazuchika Okada
  • Will Ospreay, Berreta and Tomohiro Ishii vs Chase Owens, Kota Ibushi and Kenny Omega

The full G1 Climax tournament was available in English for the first time ever this year and now New Japan’s Destruction shows in September will be getting the ‘Western’ treatment. Play by Play commentator Kevin Kelly confirmed which shows be would be commentating live via Twitter.

The Road to Destruction shows on September 7th, 8th and 9th will only be available in Japanese live. The September 15th, 17th and 23rd events in Hiroshima, Beppu and Kobe will be available in English. Kelly will be recording commentary for the ‘Road To’ events in post production.

ALL IN on NJPWWorld Timescale is “to be determined”

As we reported earlier this week ALL IN will be available on NJPWWorld.

NJPW’s English language Twitter account confirmed earlier this week on Twitter that ALL IN would be available on the streaming platform. Stating that “New Japan Pro Wrestling is #ALLIN! We are pleased to announce that shortly after the live broadcast we will offer @ALL_IN_2018to our @njpwworld fans.”

Fans hoping to see ALL IN via their NJPWWorld subscription hours after the event may be out of luck. Interestingly the website confirmed that “NJPW World will stream 9 matches from this historic event. It is to be determined when SVOD will be made available. We will announce it later.”

If you’re considering watching the ALL IN event but are on the fence with the $40 PPV cost then this could be a great alternative if you don’t mind waiting. If you sign up to NJPWWorld on September 1st then you will get an entire month of New Japan content for fraction of the price including the DESTRUCTION shows.

Here is the full card for the historic ALL IN event:

  • IWGP Heavyweight Champion Kenny Omega vs. Pentagon
  • NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis vs. Cody Rhodes
  • Kazuchika Okada vs. Marty Scurll
  • Rey Mysterio, Bandido, and Fenix vs. The Young Bucks and Kota Ibushi
  • Adam Page vs. Joey Janela
  • Stephen Amell vs. Christopher Daniels
  • ROH World Champion Jay Lethal vs. The Winner of The Over Budget Battle Royal
  • Tessa Blanchard vs. Madison Rayne vs. Chelsea Green vs. Britt Baker

Check out our dedicated ALL IN page here.

ALL IN To Be Made Available on NJPWWorld

We’re just days away from the huge ALL IN spectacular from Chicago. The live PPV event will be available to purchase on FITE TV but fans of NJPW have been given a treat by Japan’s Number 1 promotion.

NJPW’s English language Twitter account confirmed earlier today that ALL IN would be available on the streaming platform. Stating that “New Japan Pro Wrestling is #ALLIN! We are pleased to announce that shortly after the live broadcast we will offer @ALL_IN_2018 to our @njpwworld fans.”

If you’re considering watching the ALL IN event but are on the fence with the $40 PPV cost then this could be a great alternative. If you sign up to NJPWWorld on September 1st then you will get an entire month of New Japan content for fraction of the price including the DESTRUCTION shows.

Here is the full card for the historic event:

  • IWGP Heavyweight Champion Kenny Omega vs. Pentagon
  • NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis vs. Cody Rhodes
  • Kazuchika Okada vs. Marty Scurll
  • Rey Mysterio, Bandido, and Fenix vs. The Young Bucks and Kota Ibushi
  • Adam Page vs. Joey Janela
  • Stephen Amell vs. Christopher Daniels
  • ROH World Champion Jay Lethal vs. The Winner of The Over Budget Battle Royal
  • Tessa Blanchard vs. Madison Rayne vs. Chelsea Green vs. Britt Baker

Check out our dedicated ALL IN page here.

Check out our dedicated ALL IN page here.