Posts Tagged ‘Prince Puma’

Ricochet On Potentially Reviving The Prince Puma Character

Ricochet doesn’t believe he will be able to revive the Prince Puma character from Lucha Underground but he definitely plans to pay tribute to that time of his career.

The newest AEW signing recently had an interview with the Battleground podcast. He discussed things such as making his debut at Wembley Stadium, a potential showdown with Will Ospreay, his exit from WWE, and more.

When asked about the potential of donning the Prince Puma mask once again in the future, Ricochet mentioned that he does plan on doing some throwback stuff. Bringing back the character for a prolonged period, however, would only be possible if AEW acquires the rights:

“People keep asking, but that’s like — they own that character guys. They own all of that—that’s not our stuff to even…I guess if they wanted to contact Lucha and try to get the rights to use the thing and do the…I guess maybe. But all their stuff, that’s all their stuff.

[I] definitely already planned on doing some throwbacks and stuff for sure. That’s always going to be tied in there, for sure. But as far as the actual stuff goes, like they own all that, so yeah, we’ll see.”

They Were Trying To Make It Different: Ricochet

Prince Puma was one of the prominent stars of the Lucha Underground roster. The high-flying star, managed by Konnan, main evented the first-ever episode of the show.

He became the inaugural Lucha Underground champion after winning the Aztec Warfare battle royal and went on to rack up a number of other accomplishments during his three years with the brand.

Discussing the unique production style of the company, Ricochet mentioned how they were trying to be different than anything that came before. According to the former champion, the show helped make wrestling cool again:

“Well, that’s the thing—they were trying to make it different. They were trying to be a TV drama about a wrestling company, and not just another wrestling company on television. So, they were trying to really be like a television show about a wrestling company.

That was a really cool aspect, and I think it really did help wrestling become cool again as well. So, um, yeah, I was really happy with everything that all the guys were doing—you know, the Brian Cages, the Lucha Brothers, Johnny Mundos—you know, everybody was really putting in work.”

The One and Only was later asked about his experience at the company and he said that everyone was really nice to him and he had some of the most fun of his career working there.

John Morrison Explains How Prince Puma’s In-Ring Talent Has Challenged Him

Lucha Underground star Johnny Mundo (a.k.a. John Morrison or Johnny Nitro) recently did an interview with ESPN to talk about a variety of professional wrestling topics. Mundo discussed how Prince Puma’s (a.k.a. Ricochet) in-ring talent has challenged him, his life after leaving WWE, and how much of a help his fiancee, Taya Valkyrie, has been to him. Here are the highlights:

How Prince Puma’s in-ring talent has challenged him:

“Prince Puma is one of the most talented people in the history of the business. He can do anything. He’s so ridiculously talented. When you’re in the ring with someone like him, that means that anything is possible. I mean, I could pretty much do anything I want to, so you’re dealing with two ridiculously talented performers who are gunning to steal the show, who both have a chip on their shoulder, who both have something to prove.

“He is just so strong, agile and quick that it’s impressive and sometimes scary to be in the ring with somebody that talented. On the other side of it, I love it because sometimes I’m in the ring with people that don’t challenge me in all those aspects — creatively, with their quickness, with their agility, with the way they think about things. So when I’m in the ring with somebody like Puma, it really forces me to level up and rise to the top of my game. It’s sometimes just face-melting, the kind of stuff that he can do.”

His life after leaving WWE:

“I thought things we’re gonna go much better, much faster [when I left WWE]. I worked on Boone: The Bounty Hunter for five years. I tried to find money for it. I couldn’t. I ended up selling my house to finance it personally. Lucha didn’t start until 2014. Impact, I just started with. I feel like I’ve been busting my ass since I left WWE to create opportunities. There are some things I did that I’m proud of that didn’t take off. I’ve tried to keep in mind throughout this whole journey, instead of taking the path of least resistance, take the path that I’m most passionate about. That’s been my guiding force.”

How much his fiancee, Taya Valkyrie, has helped him:

“Taya’s got my back. I can’t begin to tell you how helpful she is with the juggling of all the responsibilities. There’s a lot on my plate, but the cool thing is everything that I’m doing I’m really into. I love Lucha Underground. I love Impact. I love wrestling every weekend all over the world. I love promoting ‘Boone: The Bounty Hunter.’ I truly believe in all these things. Maybe most of all, my wedding with Taya. It feels like I don’t have a lot of free time these days, but the time that I spend is well-used.”

You can read Mundo’s full interview with ESPN by clicking this link here.

Ricochet Implies Lucha Underground is Holding Him Back

28-year-old Trevor Mann is one of the most talented high-flyers in wrestling today. As Ricochet, Mann has has won over fans in NJPW as part of the junior heavyweight division. He’s also performed for top indies such as PWG, Evolve and Dragon Gate USA.

Additionally, Ricochet performs as Prince Puma in Lucha Underground. He was the promotion’s top star for much of the first two seasons. Unfortunately it is his contract with LU that Ricochet seems to be implying is holding him back.

Ricochet Stuck in Lucha Undergrond?

Judging by the “thumbs down emoji”, it is safe to say Ricochet is not happy with his current predicament.

Ricochet had been rumoured to be leaving the company in the past. He was even “killed” by Mil Muertes in storyline, although he would return from the dead later. It looks as though the company still has him locked up however, and he won’t be going anywhere soon.

Some believe all original LU talents were locked up to 7 season contracts, but Ricochet denies this is the case.

Ricochet then suggested he has no idea when he’ll be free of his LU contract.

Two Top Lucha Underground Stars Announced for Rev Pro Uprising 2016

Revolution Pro have announced that Jeff Cobb (Matanza Cueto) and Ricochet (Prince Puma) will be performing at the August 12th ‘Uprising’ event.

Cobb will be taking on the current British Champion and WWE Cruiserweight Classic competitor Zack Sabre Jr, Ricochet will be facing The ‘Brusierweight’ Pete Dunne.

As previously reported on Sescoops the main event of this show sees Will Ospreay taking on Vader in a feud that started on social media over a match between Ospreay and Ricochet at the NJPW BOSJ tournament. With Ricochet booked to appear at Uprising there has been speculation that he may get involved in the main event in some capacity and potentially set up a match between himself and Vader.

Prince Puma Possibly Headed To WWE

Ricochet, known as Prince Puma in Lucha Underground, is reportedly not taking any more bookings after June. The Wrestling Observer reports that it’s very likely he’s headed to WWE in the near future.

WWE had previously shown interest in him, but he was under contract to Lucha Underground. His contract finishes after filming the third season of Lucha Underground next month, but he isn’t supposed to work for competition for another 6 months after the season finishes airing in late 2017. The Observer reports that it would be hard for LU to enforce that as they don’t pay him during that time, as opposed to WWE’s 90-day no compete clause where talent does get paid during that time.

Additionally, New Japan is currently looking for a replacement for Ricochet. He currently works for New Japan as Matt Sydal’s partner.

Lucha Underground S2E11 Recap – Bird of War

Recap of Lucha Underground – Season 2 Episode 11 – Bird of War – April 6

In a basement locker room, Vampiro stands above a sink holding his anti-psychotic medication. Dario enters, “Ian Hodgkinson, oh I’m sorry, you don’t use that name anymore. Now you are just Vampiro, Pentagon’s master. And I imagine there’s some part of you that wants to do something stupid, like bash my brains in and then go looking for my brother.” Vampiro grits his teeth and says, “It’s not just part of me, it’s all of me.” Dario replies, “My brother went too far, but truthfully, we are lucky that Pentagon is still alive. Lay a hand on me or, worse, my brother, and I don’t think you will be so lucky. You are very valuable to me, you’re practically the voice of Lucha Underground. Tonight, I have a huge main event, and I need you out there doing commentary. Ian, Vampiro, the master, whoever you are, please don’t make the same mistake as Pentagon.” Vampiro downs the anti-psych meds, and the camera cuts away.

Joey Ryan and Mr. Cisco are back at the police station. The detective tells the undercover cops, “So, Dario Cueto’s back, nice work Officer Meehan (Joseph Meehan).” Joey replies, “Just doing my job.” Castro breaks in, “You didn’t have anything to do with it.” The detective replies, “And who did, Reyes, you?” Castro (Ricky Reyes) responds, “No, he just came back. And get this captain, he’s let his brother out of that cell, he’s loose.” Joey says “You sound scared, doesn’t he sound scared Captain?” Reyes cuts in, “I’m not scared.” She says, “Shut up. I need some real evidence, something that will help me build a case against Dario, now that he’s back. I want you both on him, tag team if you have to, get the job done.” Joey replies, “It’s funny you should use the phrase tag team, see I actually made sure to introduce myself to Dario and I can tell that he liked me. So much so, that he entered me in the Trios Tournament which starts tonight. And guess who he paired me up with, yup, Reyes and his boy Cisco.” Cortez annoyed replies, “That’s Mr. Cisco.” She says, “If that gets you close to El Jefe, then you win those Trios Titles. You understand me? Good, now run along, you don’t want to be late.” They exit, she hangs a picture of Dario on the bulletin board, and says, “Gotcha.”

A band in luchador masks, El Conjunto Nueva Ola, opens the show. Matt Striker and Vampiro introduce us to the temple. Vampiro says “I can’t front. What that sick bastard did last week to Pentagon, for any amount of money, I wouldn’t want to be Fenix’s show, bro.” Striker says, “All right, with that said, let’s Lucha!”

Ivelisse vs. Kobra Moon

The first match tonight is a women’s match. Both competitors are already in the ring, Melissa Santos introduces Ivelisse, Striker tells us Ivelisse is “about to have a one-on-one encounter with an undefeated newcomer here in LU.” Santos introduces Kobra Moon, Striker says, KM “is definitely slithering her way into the LU temple, in the right way.” Vampiro notes that Ivelisse is sporting a fresh new look tonight. The bell rings and we’re off. Hammerlock, standing side headlock by KM, armbar, then a kick by Ivelisse, arm drag, and then tries to hyperextend the arm of KM. KM gets out, swings-and-misses, Ivelisse catches her, rolls her in a hammerlock, KM tries to reverse, Ivelisse hooks a legs submission, and then KM gets a headscissors on Ivelisse, KM bridges, the women exchange sunset flip rollovers, pin attempts, and kickouts.

KM hits a reverse dragon sleeper, Ivelisse works her way out, 2 armdrag takeovers by Ivelisse, throws her into the corner, Ivelisse hits a running back elbow, then KM locks in a rope-assisted headscissors choke, and breaks the hold at 4. KM with a knee to the head, before she crawls back under the bottom rope, slithers into an exotic cover, but Ivelisse kicks out. Ivelisse fights out with strikes to the liver, catches an Irish whip to the corner, and KM spears her in the gut. KM runs into the corner again, but Ivelisse gets out of the way, KM hooks her legs around Ivelisse’s torso and locks a modified tarantula submission over the top rope, and she breaks the hold at 4. Striker tells us, “It’s a submission hold, but because it’s on the ropes, it is illegal, but damage may be done. A lot of KM’s moves, here, involve the ropes and pressure on the head and neck.”

KM chokes Ivelisse on the second rope, double underhook suplex, into a S-grip (or Gable grip) submission. Ivelisse gets to her feet, Ivelisse hits a Northern Lights counter, pin attempt, kickout. Ivelisse locks in a Front Chancery, KM finds the ropes and breaks the hold, Ivelisse sent to the ropes and goes for a Tilt-A-Whirl headscissors, but Ivelisse lands on her feet, and KM hits a side Russian leg sweep instead. KM and Ivelisse exchange forearms, chops, then Ivelisse lands 2 forearms, 2 kicks, then hits a T-bone Exploder-like suplex on KM, cover, kickout. KM with a chin drop, hooks the arms back-to-back and then plants her on her face, KM covers, but doesn’t hook the leg, and Ivelisse kicks out. KM reverses, arm lock, they exchange kicks, then the Code Red sunset flip powerbomb out of nowhere by Ivelisse, pin 1-2-3, and KM receives her first loss.

Winner: Ivelisse

We are shown a pre-recorded backstory segment from Kill Shot. “Who is Kill Shot? That’s an interesting story. I enlisted the day I turned eighteen, we shipped overseas, I was good with a gun. They said I had a killer’s instinct and they made me a sniper. Kill Shot quickly became my nickname. 37 confirmed kills, all bad guys, or so they told me.” “I was good with my bare hands too, so they put me on an Elite Squad, going into hostile territories, getting the job done. We were the best, but sometimes, even the best isn’t good enough. My team was captured, I was the enemy’s prisoner for 13 months, before I was finally able to escape and find my way back home.” Video is shown of Kill Shot shooting his captors and escaping from an enemy encampment. “I don’t know if my brothers made it out alive. According to the US government, we never existed. I fight a different kind of war now. In Lucha Underground, I fight to forget. I fight, because I can’t (forget). Who is Kill Shot? I am a man with no identity, no face. All I have left is that killer instinct, and hope that my brothers will find their way back too.”

Famous B enters the locker room, seeking his first client, and meets midget wrestler Mascarita Sagrada working out on the weight bench. “Well well well, if it isn’t el pequeño Tigre Blanco. Relax, I’m here to give you my business card. I think you are a real talent Mascarita Sagrada and you could be a huge star, so call me. There’s my number is 423-GET-FAME, hit me up, and I’ll make you famous.” Famous B exits and walks past Sexy Star and The Mack. The Mack says, “Hey Sexy, that’s damn rat Dario put me on a Trios team with Mariposa and the Moth. I want you to come out the and show me some moral support.” She nods her head no. He continues, “After what those two bugs did to me last week, I’m going to need your help.” She says, “I’m sorry,” and shakes her head no. “Sooner or later, those two are going to have to pay for what they did to you, I just hope you’re there to collect.” Sexy Star increases the intensity of her arm curls while visions of The Moth and Mariposa dance in her head.

The Crew and Joey Ryan vs Marty “The Moth” Martinez, Mariposa, and The Mack

The Trios Tournament begins with a first round match. Melissa Santos introduces Cortez Castro, Mr. Cisco, and Joey Ryan. Joey pours oil down his trunks and then Melissa Santos introduces Marty Martinez, Mariposa, and The Mack. The Moth flaps its wings and Mack looks on in confusion. The fans chant, “Joey!” as he sucks on his lollipop. The Mack and Joey are in the ring to start it off, but as soon as the bell rings, Joey tags in Cisco.

Mack and Cisco slap hands and exchange fist-bumps, showing mutual respect. Cisco hits the ropes, leapfrog, then Mack hits a shoulder block, pin, kickout. Mack with an Irish whip to the corner, Cisco hits a back elbow, and then a top rope armdrag. Cisco sends Mack to the corner, Mack stands on his head on the top turnbuckle, and then an armdrag on Cisco. Mack runs into the corner and meets a boot, Cisco off the top rope with a hurricanrana, misses a clothesline, Mack hits the ropes, armdrag, leg sweep, pin and kickout combinations, then Mack flips up from the ground to a standing position, and the fans cheer.

They fist bump again and Joey Ryan tags himself in, to the surprise of Cisco. Joey says he wants Mariposa (Cheerleader Melissa) and she tags herself into the surprise of Mack. Joey is licking his lollipop, smearing it all over his body, she slaps Joey, and he pushes her to the mat with a facepalm. Mariposa with an arm wrench, walks the ropes ala. Undertaker, and then an arm drag, hurricanrana, hooks the legs, but Joey kicks out. Mariposa hits the ropes, lands a low dropkick to the knee on Joey, and then a kick to the back. Mariposa walks over Joey, tags in Marty, Joey hits a dropkick on Martinez, and then he tags in Castro. Marty with a knee to the gut, Marty misses, kick from Castro, then Cisco with a baseball kick through the middle rope to the outside while Marty lays in the corner. Cisco drags him to the center of the ring, covers Marty, kick out. Cisco hits forearms to Marty, goes to springboard off the ropes, but Mariposa kicks him in the head. Marty climbs on top and rains punches on Cisco, arm rake, tags in Mariposa, slam, she hits the ropes, Marty grabs her by the waist to pick her up, and slams her down on top of Cisco, pin, but Cisco kicks out. Forearm by Mariposa, they run the ropes, sunset flip, Cisco goes for a dropkick and misses, but Mariposa connects with a dropkick of her own. She tags Marty, and the Mack is frustrated that he’s not getting any action.

Whip reversal, then Marty suplexes Cisco into the turnbuckle, drags him back to the center of the ring, cover, but Cisco kicks out. Vampiro says Marty is like “one of those weirdos who’s going to dig a hole in their basement and put little kids in it.” Striker says, “As long as he doesn’t dress up like a clown, I think we’re good.” Back neckbreaker from Cisco, crawls to the corner, and gets the hot tag to Castro. Marty ducks the kick, Castro gets out of the way, Marty throws a punch but Cisco gets out of the way and Marty punches the turnbuckle, shoulder to the gut, DDT, pin attempt, but Mariposa breaks it up. Cortez goes to tag Cisco, but Joey jumps in front and gets himself tagged in. Next Mack tags himself in, and Marty is angry.

Joey turns Mack around, Mack hits a open hand chop, clothesline, European uppercut, power slam, runs the ropes, leg drop, Mack covers, Joey gets out. Mack runs into the corner, Joey connects with a boot, but Mack gets a fireman’s carry, into a Samoan drop, standing moonsault flip, pin attempt, but the Crew come in take out everybody. A fight starts on the outside, Mack hits the ropes, but Mariposa is standing on the apron twirling her cheerleader pigtails, Mack pushes her off the apron with his boot, and now finally Mack runs and hits a front flip suicide dive over the top rope. The fans chant, “Mack!”, he throws Joey in the ring, sets up, hits the ropes, but Marty tag himself in, and tells Mack to get out of the ring. They exchange chest slaps and yell “my tag”, then chops and yell “I’m in”, then a stunner by Mack and Marty is wobbling. The Crew is in, hits a double team finisher, but Joey slides in at the last minute, and covers Marty, 1-2-3.

Winners: The Crew and Joey Ryan

The referee goes to raise the arms of The Crew, but Joey pushes their arms away, and says “I won!” and the referee raises Joey’s arm. Mariposa rolls her brother out of the ring, Joey celebrates, as The Crew look on, dumbfounded. Mariposa comes in and attacks Mack, until Sexy Star comes out to make the save. Mariposa starts yelling at Sexy Star, at first Sexy Star seems intimidated, but she screams and delivers 3 knife edge chops, 3 grab the hair takeovers, snapmare takeover, kick to the back, kick kick, stomp stomp, stands on her stomach and neck, grabs her by the hair, drag her back to the center of the ring, punch to the gut, kick to the back of the head, and now finally Marty rescues Mariposa.

Outside, Rey Mysterio joins Dragon Azteca Jr, who is sitting on a rooftop. “I know what you’re thinking.” Aztec responds, “The monster killed our teacher.” Mysterio says, “And now you’re going to kill him. Sorry for a hard dose of reality, but he kicked your ass at Aztec Warfare. You now fight for the pride of our tribe, but you’ve still got a lot to learn.” Azteca agrees. “You wear his mask, so fight for honor, not revenge, that will come in time. Now, for the good news, I got us in at trios tournament and we have a match next week.” Azteca asks “Who’s our partner?” then Prince Puma appears and says “Me.” Fist bump, fist bump, Mysterio continues, “You know something? I discovered Puma fighting on the streets, just like El Dragon Azteca found you.” Azteca says, “Well, next week, we fight together.” Puma replies, “Damn right we do.”

Fenix vs Matanza Cueto (c) (Lucha Underground Championship match)

Melissa Santos introduces us to the LU Championship match. Out first is Fenix, he stands at the top of the steps, does his spit spray, and high-fives the fans as he walks down the steps. He enters the ring by springboarding off one rope, handspring off the other rope, then rolling through. The fans chant, “Let’s go Fenix!” Next out accompanied by Dario, is the champion “The Monster” Matanza Cueto, and we cut to commercial.

Senior official Marty Elias shows the belts to the crowd. Fenix runs in, Mantaza throws him back, Fenix gets a go-behind waist lock on the Monster, Matanza twists the arm, Fenix ducks a clothesline, and then a kick to the gut, Matanza catches him, send him to the ropes, Fenix hits a kick to the head (that hurts his foot because of the mask), rolls out of a clothesline, and then Matanza pushes him away to the mat. Matanza climbs on top and slams his head repeatedly into the mat. Matanza working slowly, methodically on Fenix’s neck in the corner. Fenix jumps over, kick to the leg, kick to the gut, kick to the head, and it has no effect on the Monster. Matanza grabs him and suplexes him into the turnbuckle. Matt Striker says below that turnbuckle is a “steel nut”. Matanza drags him by the lip of his mask, and Dario yells “Sangre! Sangre! (Blood! Blood!).” Fenix thrown to the ropes, Fenix catches himself, gets a kick kick, and then a drop toe hold into the ropes, kicks Matanza in the head, the Monster struggles back to his feet, Fenix with a springboard, Matanza catches him, hits the The Rack sidewalk slam, Fenix kicks out. Fenix with a handspring off the ropes, but Matanza catches him again, and hits a tilting German suplex.

Matt Striker calls Matanza “The Eater of Worlds” (They really should copyright that.) Matanza shoves Fenix into the corner, Fenix meet him with a superkick, Matanza still on his feet, dropkick off the top rope, Matanza stumbles but does not go down. Dario says “recuerda la mamá (remember Mother).” Matanza backdrops Fenix on the apron, strike by Fenix, but he hurts his hand by punching the mask. Then a big right hand by Matanza knocks Fenix off the apron.

Matanza follows him to the outside, Fenix runs at him, Matanza throws him up and over, Fenix lands on his feet on the ropes, and delivers a kick to Matanza, then a second kick, jumps into the ring, hits the ropes, and then suicide dives to the outside, but Matanza catches him, and now hits The Rack on the floor. The fans chant, “Holy s***!” Matanza climbs on top, punches to the face, throws him back into the ring, picks him up, carries him around the ring, and nails The Wrath of the Gods on Fenix, 1-2-3, and wins easily.

Winner: Matanza Cueto

After the bell, Matanza crawls on top and pummels Fenix with more shots to the head, stretches his face by the nose, when suddenly Katrina comes out and and yells, “Stop!” She stands at the top of the steps holding the rock, Matanza turns to look at her, but Mil Muertes runs in from behind and attacks Matanza, knocking him to the outside of the ring. Muertes turns and finds a fallen Fenix laying in the corner of the ring. Striker wonders, “Either Mil inadvertently saved Fenix. Is Mil Muertes showing mercy? A human side? Or is there a burning desire to regain the title?” Muertes looks at Fenix, and walks away. The credits roll with Katrina standing tall on the steps, as Striker says, “Goodnight everybody.”

Lucha Underground S2E9 Recap – Aztec Warfare II

Recap of Lucha Underground Season 2 Episode 9 – Aztec Warfare II – March 23, 2016

Fenix enters the warrior’s gym and is met by Pentagon Jr. Catrina appears, “Your master may be teaching you about the dark parts, but you know nothing about the darkness. I don’t even know why you’re here. You never received an invitation to compete in Aztec Warfare. You lost your privilege when you put your hands on me.” Pentagon Jr. replies, “You don’t scare me and neither does Mil Muertes. You don’t tell me what to do. I only listen to one person and that person is my master. I am Pentagon Jr. and I have zero fear. Catrina replies, “The only reason you have zero fear is because you don’t know true fear. As for you Fenix, last week you barely survived, tonight you will have to take your last breath and Mil will take his title back.” Catrina disappears, Pentagon Jr. and Fenix stare each other down and walk away.

As we get our first look inside the temple tonight, the fans chant “Aztec Warfare!” A tribal band, in wild, extravagant headgear, feathers, and colorful garb play the drums and dance. Matt Striker and Vampiro tell us tonight, for the first time ever, the Lucha Underground Championship will be defended at Aztec Warfare. 20 men will compete, every 90 seconds another participant will enter, and the only way to be eliminated is pinfall or submission. Matt says “Not to stir the pot, Pentagon Jr. was not invited.” Vampiro says “That is wacked. You know it and I know it. But it is what it is.” Matt says “Let the drums beat and let Aztec Warfare begin.”

Melissa Santos introduces us to Aztec Warfare and the first participant hailing from Mexico City, Mexico is Fenix. Fenix enters, stands at the top of the stairs, and spits sprays. He is high-fiving the fans on the way to the ring, one week into his reign as Lucha Underground champion, the fans are clearly on his side. The second entrant, by random draw, from San Diego, California, Rey Mysterio. The roof might just blow off this place. The King of Lucha Libre, as they call him, enters the temple, and climbs in the ring at Lucha Underground for the first time ever. Fenix motions for Rey to take his due applause on the turnbuckle. The fans pop big. The two men shake hands in the middle of the ring. Fenix takes off his belt, looks at it and hands it to the referee who hoists it to the crowd. The fans chant “Animal!” Vampiro tells us that “Animal” is the cry of the Mexican warrior. The fans chant “Lucha Libre!” The bell rings and we are underway, the fans are excited to get going.

Fenix shakes Rey’s hand again and embraces him in a show of respect. The two men lock up in the middle of the ring. Fenix throws Rey off the ropes, leapfrog, Rey up and over again, Rey circling around the head neck and shoulders of Fenix, then spins off and the crowd applauds. Fenix hits the ropes, looks like Rey might hit a 619, but Fenix is to his feet and hits him with a superkick. Fenix does a handspring off the ropes and hooks Rey Mysterio with an inside arm drag, pin attempt, kickout, both men are up. Kick misses, then kick to the gut, Rey throws Fenix off the ropes, but Fenix catches himself and circles through with his feet, reversal Rey off the ropes, but Rey catches himself and circles through same move, then an armdrag before entrant number 3 comes out.

“The Hunter” King Cuerno makes his way to the ring. He delivers a forearm to Rey, a jumping kick to Fenix, Cuerno goes to the corner, but meets a boot from Rey. Rey comes out and does a somersault flip overtop of Cuerno, but catches the worst of it, and “the Hunter” poses with his imaginary bow and arrow. Cuerno hits the ropes for a suicide dive through the middle rope onto Fenix on the floor. The fans chant “Lucha!” Rey Mysterio gets up, a kick to Cuerno knocks him to the floor. Rey now sets up for a suicide dive and instead dives upwards through the bottom rope in a cool looking spot.

Next out is number 4, Argenis. Argenis hits the apron and meets Fenix with a forearm then a springboard hurricanrana off the rope. Fenix gets in a kick, springboards off the middle rope, but is met by a superkick from Argenis. Argenis kicks Rey in arse, kick again, then pin attempt but Rey kicks out at 2. Off the ropes, reversal action, Rey takes out Argenis, knocks Cuerno to the floor, and then hits the 619 on Argenis, climbs to the top rope, frog splash, the pin and Argenis is eliminated. Fans chant “Eddy!” Cuerno tries to get on the apron, but Fenix takes him out and then goes off the rope for a corkscrew plancha onto the floor (some really great rotation). The next competitor, number 5 is introduced, its Johnny Mundo, and we go to commercial.

Mundo and Rey meet in the ring. Forearms to Rey, uppercut, sends Rey to the turnbuckle, Rey up and over, Fenix in, sends Mundo’s kick into Rey, then Fenix connects with a kick. Mundo slams Fenix to the mat and then Fenix and Mundo trade lateral press pin combinations back-and-forth. The next competitor is introduced and it’s Joey Ryan. Ha! The sleazy Joey Ryan oozes and grinds into the temple with lollipop in mouth. He pulls a pair of handcuffs out of his trunks and handcuffs himself to the railing. Matt Striker says it’s a wise strategy, because he can’t be pinned while he’s handcuffed! Cuerno walks by and delivers a superkick to Joey Ryan. Famous B who is watching nearby from the crowd offers Joey money.

Number 7 is out and it’s Prince Puma. He takes out Mundo, Fenix, then Cuerno. Puma sets up and hits a springboard 450 splash onto all all of them. Fans chant “Holy s***!” Striker reminds us that Prince Puma won Aztec Warfare last year. Puma brings Cuerno back into the ring, hooks him by the neck, and sends him to the outside.

Number 8 is introduced, none other than Jack Evans. While Evans is coming down the ramp Rey Mysterio locks in an armbar submission on Cuerno and Cuerno taps. As everyone beats down Mundo, Evans springboards off the rope into the ring and misses everybody. Mysterio, Puma, and Fenix continue to beat him down. Johnny Mundo wants to join in on the fun and gets in a couple stomps in, before all three men decide to turn around and chop him to the outside. Rey Mysterio on the top turnbuckle, stands on Fenix’s shoulders, as they walk across the ring, Rey hits a diving splash onto Evans, pin attempt, but Mundo pulls Evans out of the ring to safety. Mundo turns to Evans as if to say wait, let’s see who’s coming next and here comes number 9, female wrestler Taya. She gets a huge pop from the fans, as well as Mundo and Evans.

The sides are evened up now, 3 rudos (heels), 3 technicos (faces), plus Joey Ryan who is still handcuffed to the rail. All six competitors brawl, Evans pulls down the top rope, and Puma goes to the outside, holding his knee in pain after he lands. Mundo throws Mysterio into the corner and bounces off the ropes for a kick. Taya and Evans stretch Mysterio out as Mundo stands over him and slaps him in the face. Number 10 comes out and it’s the power house Cage. Mundo gets hip blocked, Taya gets taken out, Evans goes for a dropkick that has no effect and then meets a clothesline from Cage. Cage picks up Evans throws him across the ring and we go to commercial.

After commercial, Cage goes to the outside catches Mundo goes for powerbomb but Taya jumps off, Cage catches her and then slams her to the floor. Mundo hits a superkick on Cage, Mundo jumps up on the ring apron and hits a spinning kick on Cage, then picks him up and throws him through the office window.

Number 11 is midget luchador Mascarita Sagrada. Sagrada comes in with some fast spinning twirling offense on Fenix, suicide dive to the outside, but Mundo catches him, then superkicks him. In the meantime, Cage has returned from the office window, spinning lariat nails Mundo, then delivers Weapon X face first to the floor. Cage throws Mundo back in the ring, Mundo gets caught with a running flip from Prince Puma and pinned, Mundo is eliminated. Jack Evans back in the ring with a corkscrew kick, Cage slams Laya into the ring apron.

Marty “The Moth” Martinez is out next. Marty gets in the ring, clotheslines Fenix, then Evans, then a running boot to Prince Puma. Cage gets up on the apron, but Martinez elbows him off. Sagrada goes after Martinez, slaps, kicks, hits the ropes, but meets a boot. Evans is up now, hits a spinning kick to the back of Martinez head, but Martinez stays on his feet and laughs it off. Evans hits the ropes, gets caught in a body scissors reversal, and Martinez slams him face first to the mat. Martinez grabs Evans by the mouth and stretches his mouth wide open, laughing maniacally. Evans bites his fingers, then throws him to the floor. Number 13 is Drago, the blue and white dragon, and we go to commercial.

Back from break and Drago is running down the steps. Jack Evans meets him with a cartwheel flip over the top rope, misses, lands on his feet, Drago delivers a kick. Drago goes to spray the green mist in Evans face, but Evans ducks and Joey Ryan gets sprayed instead. Drago throws Evans into the crowd. Rey Mysterio is in the ring working over Martinez, Sagrada joins in and Rey hits a diving splash and covers him while Sagrada flips over Rey and holds onto Martinez’s legs for the combined pin, Martinez is eliminated. Back on the outside, Jack Evans gets thrown from the first level of crowd seats onto the floor. Cage and Puma brawl on the outside.

Next number 14 is The Mack. Mack comes down kicks and delivers a stunner to Martinez on the floor. There are bodies everywhere. Mac enters the ring and stands toe-to-toe with Cage, they exchanged blows, Mac hits a flying knee strike on Cage, then stunner. Joey Ryan is still handcuffed. Prince Puma slaps him and then Fenix throws Sagrada into him.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. comes out as number 15. Taya beats down Sagrada, Drago delivers a powerbomb to Evans on the bleachers. Back in the ring, Sagrada goes for a crossbody but Chavo catches him, and slams him repeatedly into the turnbuckle, then tosses him to the mat. Cage delivers a backdrop on Rey. Chavo locks in the Camel Clutch on Sagrada, Vampiro says “That’s not called the Camel Clutch. That’s la de a caballo, invented by Gory Guerrero. Look, let’s not call it a horse or a camel, right now it’s more like a pony clutch!” and Sagrada taps. Cage sets up Rey for a powerbomb, but Rey sends his head to the middle rope. Rey sets up for the 619, but Taya holds the rope and Rey goes to the outside. With Cage still stationed on the ropes, Mundo brings out a cinder block and smashes it over Cage’s head. Taya crawls in the ring and covers him for the pin, Cage is eliminated. Prince Puma comes up behind and delivers a German suplex into a bridge pin and Taya is eliminated.

Out next number 16 is “The Darewolf” PJ Black. PJ delivers a standing suplex to Drago on the bleachers. Evans joins in, Drago fights out, delivers a backdrop to Evans and sends Black into the ring post. Jack Evans’ back is bleeding. Joey Ryan hanging by, still handcuffed to the railing.

Number 17 is Aero Star, who looks a lot like The Flash. The fans chant “Aero Star!” Evans and Drago go at it in the ring, pin attempt, but Black breaks it up. Aero Star on Black, Irish whip reversal, Aero Star gets caught by Jack’s elbow. Drago goes for hurricanrana, spins around Black, Black catches him and delivers a brain buster, while Aero Star drops Evans off the top rope onto his head. Simultaneous pins on Evans and Drago, 1-2-3, both men are eliminated.

Number 18 is out, it’s Dragon Azteca, Jr. Azteca jr. takes out Aero Star, spins Black around, then strike strike kick, enziguri sends Black to the floor. Head scissors dumps Mack to the floor, then swanton over the ring post to the outside on Mac. Azteca is flying everywhere. Texano is out next and we go to commercial.

Texano in the ring, hits the ropes, and flips over the top rope to the outside landing on all four men. Black brings a recovering Texano into the ring, delivers stomps to his back, pin attempt, Texano fights out and delivers a sitting powerbomb to Black, covers him, and Black is eliminated. Rey Mysterio back in the ring with Texano. Texano send Rey to the corner, forearm then walks away and goes outside to attack Chavo (apparently having lost interest in Mysterio).

And finally number 20 is Mil Muertes with Catrina, but coming through the crowd is Pentagon Jr! Pentagon Jr. comes up from behind nails Muertes with a chair to the spine, then chair shots repeatedly to the chest and shoulder. The fans pop huge for Pentagon Jr. Pentagon throws Muertes into the ring, Rey immediately hits a diving splash off the top rope, Puma helps with the pin and Muertes is eliminated.

Catrina is angry, Muertes is angry. Muertes heads off to the back after Pentagon Jr., while Catrina screams at the Vampiro to get up from the announce table.  She yells at him to get out of here, slaps him, before Dario Cueto appears on the steps.  “My name is Dario Cueto and this is my temple. Which means that I am in charge now. I’m the boss. So now, I announce there is one more entrance in Aztec Warfare, my brother, “The Monster” Matanza Cueto at number 21.” Matanza is massive. Matanza walks slowly, steadily towards the ring, wearing a black workman’s jumpsuit wearing and a black alien-looking mask. All 7 men circle him and try to attack, but he throws them off.

Fenix comes in, gets slammed to the mat, and pinned, 1-2-3. We are now guaranteed to have a new champion. Next Mack is in, gives him the double middle finger and stunner to no effect. The Monster hits a German suplex into a pin, The Mack is eliminated. Aero Star tries his luck, hits the ropes, meets a clubbing forearm to the back of the head, German suplex, pin 1-2-3, Aero Star is eliminated. Texano sneak attack from behind on Matanza, chokes him with the bull rope, but Matanza flips him over his back and Texano runs into an atomic bomb 1-2-3.

Matanza notices Joey Ryan on the outside of the ring (while Chavo hides out of sight). Matanza grabs Joey and rips apart the steel railing, setting Joey free. Matanza throws Joey into the ring, handcuffs still attached to his wrists, 3 rolling suplexes, pin, the ref rolls Joey out of the ring.

There are four men left on the outside, Mysterio, Puma, Chavo, and Azteca. They are all staring at The Monster, until Chavo turns and attacks everybody. Azteca Jr. gets thrown in the ring, ready to try Matanza now, delivers kicks forearms, but Matanza sends him to corner. Matanza goes for splash but misses and gets middle rope drop kicked by Azteca. Azteca comes off the ropes electric chair on the shoulder, tries for Sunset flip but Matanza catch him, can’t knock the big man off his feet. Azteca tries to go off the ropes again, but Matanza is too strong and catches him in chokeslam, 1-2-3. Azteca Jr. is eliminated.

The monster is dominating everyone. Chavo tries to strike a deal with Dario, enters the ring and tries to convince Matanza to team up, but Matanza hits him with a lariat, then a slam, and pins Chavo.

Puma and Mysterio climb into the ring together and they attack Matanza at the same time. They duck a double clothesline, get in some kicks, then forearms, then kicks, then double standing dropkick. Puma with a splash, Rey goes for a splash but gets caught and Matanza sends him to the outside. Puma goes for a kick, he gets caught, and meets a side suplex. The Monster suplexes him again and then German suplex bridge, 1-2-3, Puma is eliminated, and now Rey is the only one left against Matanza.

The fans chant cheer Rey on. Rey climbs into the ring slowly and Striker delivers the call, “We’re down to the last two men, here we go!” Each competitor sizing each other up, Rey runs in, but Matanza throws him back. Rey hits the ropes, Matanza nails a clothesline. Fans sing “Cueto” (similar to Pittsburgh Pirates fans mockingly singing “Cueto” at Cincinnati Reds pitcher Johnny Cueto in the 2013 National League Wild Card Game). Rey hits the ropes, slides underneath, and from his back delivers two kicks to Matanza’s head. The Monster catches his leg, but Rey connects with an enziguri to the back of head. Matanza is draped over the ropes, Rey goes for the 619, Matanza blocks it, picks him up on his shoulders, Rey slips out, drop toe hold onto the ropes, goes for a second 619 and connects as Striker yells “Booyaya booyaya booyaya!” Matanza stumbles to his feet, Rey goes for the driving hurricanrana, gets caught, Matanza throws him up in the air, and then a spinning power slam, 1-2-3. Monster wins.

Winner and NEW Lucha Underground Champion: “The Monster” Matanza Cueto

Dario grabs the belt and the mic and enters the ring. He hands the belt to Matanza and says, “There is the new Lucha underground Champion, my brother, ‘The Monster’ Matanza Cueto!” as the credits roll.

Order of participants:
1. Fenix
2. Rey Mysterio
3. King Cuerno
4. Argenis
5. Johnny Mundo
6. Joey Ryan
7. Prince Puma
8. Jack Evans
9. Taya
10. Cage
11. Mascarita Sagrada
12. Marty “The Moth” Martinez
13. Drago
14. The Mack
15. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
16. PJ Black
17. Aero Star
18. Dragon Azteca Jr.
19. Texano
20. Mil Muertes
21. Matanza Cueto

Order of elimination (eliminated by):
1. Argenis (Mysterio)
2. Cuerno (Mysterio via submission)
3. Mundo (Puma)
4. Martinez (Mysterio and Sagrada)
5. Sagrada (Chavo via submission)
6. Cage (Taya)
7. Taya (Puma)
8. Jack Evans (Aero Star – tie)
8. Drago (PJ Black – tie)
10. PJ Black (Texano)
11. Mil Muertes (Mysterio and Puma)
12. Fenix (Matanza)
13. The Mack (Matanza)
14. Aero Star (Matanza)
15. Texano (Matanza)
16. Joey Ryan (Matanza)
17. Azteca Jr. (Matanza)
18. Chavo Guerrero Jr. (Matanza)
19. Prince Puma (Matanza)
20. Rey Mysterio (Matanza)

Lucha Underground Season 3 Update, Top Star Not Returning?

MLW reported on Tuesday that production for Season 3 of Lucha Underground will now be taking place in March and will likely air in September on the El Rey Network. Earlier this week, El Rey announced that the show wouldn’t be returning until ‘early 2017.’

Speaking of Lucha Underground, Prince Puma tweeted a cryptic message about his future on Tuesday. The first-ever Lucha Underground champion is reportedly back on WWE’s radar as of late and might not be back for season 3 if this tweet is any indication.

*Spoilers* Lucha Underground Season 2 Taping Results (2/24 & 3/2)

The following report comes courtesy of

Dark match:

Jeff Cobb defeated El Mariachi Loco

Wednesday, February 24th:

Jack Evans defeated PJ Black

Jack cut a heel promo on the crowd before the match started where he called himself “The Dragon Slayer”. Midway through, Drago appeared on one of the corner platforms wearing a dragon skull and taunting Jack with nunchucks. Finish saw Drago come down and try to spit mist at Jack, but ended up hitting PJ which led to a rollup.

King Cuerno defeated Killshot

They messed up a move on the apron but it didn’t take much away from the match. Cuerno kept beating on Killshot afterwards until Fenix came out for the save

Chavo Guerrero, Mr Cisco, & Cortez Castro defeated El Texano Jr in a gauntlet match

Cisco is eliminated within 10 seconds after a kick to the face, Castro put up more of a fight in that it took just 2 minutes to beat him. Most of the match was Chavo/Texano with Cortez using Texano’s rope to trip him and hold his feet down for the cover

Johnny Mundo defeated Cage

A woman came out to distract Cage but I could not identify her (Blonde hair, similar attire to Asuka). After the match, both of them beat down and taunted Cage. Good match

Wednesday, March 2nd:

Cobra ??? (Last name sounded like Moon) defeated Sexy Star via submission

Cobra made her debut and looked to be Cheerleader Melissa under a blue snakeskin bodysuit (If it helps, she had a tiki tattoo on the back of her neck). The Mack came out to cheer Sexy on and Marty the Moth was in the stands near the end to distract Sexy. Cobra won with a rear naked choke and did some hissing towards Marty, clearly some type of relationship between them.

Prince Puma vs Pentagon Jr went to a no contest

Nice back & forth matchup until Mil Muertes ran 5 minutes into the match and beat both of them out. Mil left both laying with a double flatliner

Fenix defeated King Cuerno in a ladder match to regain the Gift of the Gods title

Awesome ladder match which saw them fight in the stands and in the floor seats. Match ended with Fenix giving Cuerno a top-rope hurricanrana through a table, then grabbing the title. The tapings ended with a staredown between Mil Muertes from his throne and Fenix on the ladder.

Ricochet Reportedly Asking To Cut Promos As Prince Puma On Lucha Underground Season 2

Ryan Satin at Pro Wrestling Sheet is reporting an interesting item pertaining to Lucha Underground’s second season, which is about to start production. According to Satin’s “sources close to the situation,” Trevor Mann, the wrestler better known as Prince Puma in Lucha Underground and Ricochet everywhere else, wants to start talking as the Prince Puma character. He’s not necessarily looking to do big long promos, but he wants a shot to show what he can do, as the masked character has never spoken so far, with Konnan functioning as his mouthpiece. Mann is scheduled to have a meeting to discuss the issue with  “executives,” though it’s not clear if he means El Rey or Lucha Underground executives.

There’s one possible complication to this request, which Satin doesn’t mention: Mann is a non-Latino playing a masked Latino character on a TV show that airs on networks targeting Latinos. One could argue that they may not want to risk him coming off inauthentic if he were to speak and not sound like a Mexican Aztec Warrior. Yes, it’s pro wrestling, and that’s nothing new, but it would not be an entirely ridiculous concern in this context.

Video: Preview & Matches For Tonight’s Lucha Underground Two-Hour Season Finale

The following matches are scheduled for tonight’s edition of Lucha Underground on the El Rey Network, which is their “Ultimate Lucha” two-hour season finale.

– Alberto El Patron vs. Johnny Mundo

– Vampiro vs. Pentagon Jr. in a Cero Miedo match

– Fenix vs. Sexy Star vs. AeroStar vs. Bengala vs. King Cuerno vs. Jack Evans vs. Big Ryck in a 7 Way Gift of the Gods match

– Texano vs. Blue Demon Jr.

– Prince Puma vs. Mil Muertes (w/Catrina) in a Lucha Underground Championship Match

Check out a video preview for tonight’s Lucha Underground season finale at the top of the page.

Lucha Underground TV Results – July 1, 2015

Lucha Underground TV
Taped at “The Temple” of Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, California
Aired July 1, 2015 on El Rey Network
Report by John Moore and

The intro video this week was focused on Chavo’s fear of Mexico, and what drove him to betray the trust of El Dragon Azteca for the temptations of Dario Cueto. Chavo’s creepy and hilarious evil smile was included. Texano’s ongoing feud with Daivari was also a focal point of this week’s video package.

The actual show started in Dario Cueto’s office where he was counting money. Chavo walked into the office to cash in on his final request. Dario Cueto said he couldn’t remember which pissed Chavo off for a bit. Dario was joking of course, and he said that Chavo could have a No-DQ match against Prince Puma on this week’s episode. Dario Cueto added that he’d do anything for Chavo. Chavo said he wanted something done about Konnan and his cane. Cueto said that if Konnan interferes in the match, Chavo automatically gets the title. Chavo did his funny Evil Chavo smile as he left the office.

Mexican Dubweiser came back to the arena (M. Bison and all) after handing the reigns back to the Ryobacks for one week. Vampiro was so happy he was pointing his finger more than Sin Cara would. He was really pumped for the Drago vs. Hernandez feud brewing. Matt Striker said that many feuds were heating up leading up to Ultima Lucha including the Texano vs. DelaVar Daivari feud. “The Golden Warrior” was in the ring spitting Whiskey at people while he was flanked by Big Ryck. This prompted the crowd to chant “Golden Shower” at him. Texano came out through the babyface entrance for once as his awesome, in my opinion, theme played.

1. DelAvar Daivari vs. El Texano Jr. Texano wasted no time and brought the fight to Daivari on the onset. Daivari ducked outside after a backdrop and hid behind his human shield known as Big Ryck. Daivari snuck back in the ring and gained a little bit of an advantage. Texano hit a springboard splash on Daivari and got a nearfall. Ryck provided a distraction which allowed Daivari to chop block Texano. Daivari went on to target Texano’s left leg. Vampiro said that Texano was the longest reigning world champion in AAA (random fact: Texano beat Mil Muertes to get that title)

After softening up the left leg of “The blue collar hero” Texano, Daivari got a nearfall. Daivari distracted the ref so Ryck can sneak a punch in. Daivari locked in the Figure Four Leg Lock after Texano showed that he couldn’t stand due to the attack on his leg. Texano reversed the weight of the lock to force Daivari to break the hold. Throughout this match, Matt Stryker and Vampiro kept going over how they couldn’t really pronounce the name DelAvar Daivari.

Daivari used the corner turnbuckle to wrench on Texano’s left leg. Texano tried to escape, but Daivari laid a huge slap on the chest of Texano. Texano fought his way out with a front dropkick from the second rope. Both luchadores got up on their feet to beat the ten count. After a fairly even chest chop battle, Texano hit the Ruff Ryder leg lariat for the nearfall on Daivari. Texano lifted Daivari for the powerbomb, but Daivari hit the x Factor on him for the nearfall.

Daivari summoned Ryck who came to the ring apron with Texano’s bull rope. Daivari escaped the fireman’s carry from Texano sending him into Big Ryck. Texano dodged the bull rope punch and sent Ryck to the ground with a superkick. Texano lifted and hit the sitout powerbomb to defeat his rival Daivari.

Texano defeated DelAvar Daivari via pinfall in 6:15.

Texano quickly left the ring to avoid an attack from Daivari’s hired bodyguard…

Prince Puma was training backstage with Konnan advising him on Chavo. Konnan said that it ain’t nothing but a thang. Catrina teleported into the room and said that if Puma survived this ordeal, he was going to need all the help he could get because Mil Muertes was going to destroy anyone between him and his title at Ultima Lucha. Mil Muertes approached and stood face-to-face with Puma. The lights freaked out and Mil Muertes instant-transmissioned away which confused Puma a bit. Konnan said it was just mind games… [C]

Back from the break in a hidden part of the Temple, Konnan was conversing with a mystery figure who supposedly hates Chavo for disrespecting Mexico and Mexican heroes like Blue Demon Jr. Konnan said “that Chicken-Sh*t wouldn’t have the balls to ask for a match against Puma, unless he had a trick underneath his sleeve”. Konnan said that he was giving the green light to this mystery person who was supposedly Mexico, to have revenge against Chavo…

Back in the arena Hernandez strutted to the ring with his smug look. Drago 2.0 was his opponent, looking for revenge for costing him his title shot at Ultima Lucha… [C]

2. Hernandez vs. Drago. Hernandez tried to gloat with his muscles and got a cheap shot on Drago. Drago immediately kipped back up and stood face to face with the taller luchador. Drago attempted to sunset flip Hernandez, but the man wouldn’t budge. Hernandez lifted Drago but got hit by an enziguri. Drago punched Hernandez from the ring apron and hit a springboard dropkick on Drago. Drago grounded Hernandez with a sweep kick and hit him with a running senton. While Hernandez was seated after some kicks, Drago hit him with a front dropkick to have him lying down.

Hernandez ended the Drago onslaught with a buckle bomb, which prompted him to do his cocky strut. Matt Striker said that there might be some animosity against Hernandez from the locker room for hating on Mexico in favor of Texas. Hernandez grounded Drago with a backbreaker leading to a two count. Hernandez chopped Drago in the corner while rubbing Drago’s dragon horns in a mocking way. Hernandez caught a running Drago and hit a half-tilt-a-whirl side slam. Drago made a bit of a comeback but that comeback was thwarted by Hernandez’s boot. Drago managed to come back and hit Hernandez with the frankensteiner.

Hernandez was sent over the top rope after Drago dodged him. Drago then followed up with a tope. Hernandez tried to backdrop Drago, but Drago converted his momentum to get a springboard senton on Hernandez. Hernandez countered and hit the Boarder Toss on Drago on the ring apron. Hernandez grabbed a fan and ripped the belt right off his pants. Hernandez whipped Drago with said belt. It took a while, but Hernandez was finally disqualified after choking Drago with the belt.

Drago defeated Hernandez via DQ in 6:43.

The camera panned to the crowd where the fans looked ashamed of Hernandez for using such cheap tactics. Hernandez grabbed the mic and told the “dumbass” fans that Dragons weren’t real. he said their hero was just a man, and a man who just got his ass whooped. He said if you have a problem with that, he would whoop your ass too…[C]

Chavo was getting hype for his upcoming match and the lights freaked out again. Catrina teleported behind Chavo this time and said that Mil Muertes was going to destroy the man with the championship, even if it’s Chavo. Chavo was unfazed after Mil Teleported in and said he was going to meet them both at Ultima Lucha. Chavo walked away and Mil let out a demonic scream…

Back in the ring, Melissa Santos handled ring introductions as Marty the Moth flapped his wings while invading Melissa’s personal space like a creepy fanboy. I’m not sure why, but Marty looks like he gained a few pounds in his face since the last episode we saw him. Marty’s opponent was the AAA Mega Champion, Alberto El Patron. El Patron vs. Johnny Mundo was hyped for Ultima Lucha.

3. Marty “the moth” Martinez vs. Alberto El Patron. Alberto El Patron went right at Marty with punches and kicks not allowing Marty a glimpse of hope. Marty escaped for a bit with his own punches but only got kicked back. Marty got sent right into the turnbuckle. Afterwards Alberto El Patron locked in the Cross-Armbreaker for the quick submission victory.

Alberto El Patron defeated Marty “The Moth” Martinez via submission in 0:53.

After a quick celebration, Alberto grabbed the microphone. He told Los Angeles that El Patron was in the house! He then called out Johnny Mundo and said that he knew that Mundo was here and could hear him. He thanked Mundo for putting him through the window and awakening something inside Alberto (In Spanish) The Evil Alberto El Patron. He said that was the biggest mistake of Juanito Mundo’s life because Evil Alberto was crazy and sadistic. He then said that Mundo tried to disfigure the face that El Patron’s mother gave him. He then said that he was going to rip off Mundo’s face. He said that messing with El Patron wasn’t only the worst mistake Mundo has made, but his last, but “You already knew that!”…

4. Chavo Guerrero (w/ The Crew) vs. Prince Puma (w/Konnan) in a No-DQ match for the Lucha Underground Championship. Chavo was flanked by the living Crew guys, Mr. Cisco and Cortez Castro. Vampiro wondered where Bael was. Melissa Santos made sure to state that if Konnan interferes, Chavo would win the title. Vampiro acted extra pissed off because of course, he is always pissed off when Konnan is around.

Chavo taunted Konnan to try to get Konnan to hit him. After a lockup, Chavo hit a shoulder block. Puma got up immediately and got an armbar on Chavo. Chavo escaped, but faked a leg injury to distract the ref. He didn’t have to since it was no-DQ, and the Crew went on to attack Prince Puma. Konnan teased interfering, but only provided a distraction for Puma to recover, which of course pissed of Vampiro since it was Konnan.

The Crew brought the action back in the ring and hit their footstomp combo on Puma. The Crew held Puma into position for the frogsplash while he was selling his leg injury. Konnan called in Texano to clean house. Texano hit the sitout powerbomb on Mr. Cisco. Prince Puma went to the top rope and hit the 630 on Chavo for the pinfall victory.

Prince Puma defeated Chavo Guerrero via pinfall in 5:56 to retain the Lucha Underground Championship.

Prince Puma stood in the ring with his belt as Texano looked on from the steps. Texano had the mic and said that Mexico was coming for Chavo, and Mexico was right here (Wait? Doesn’t El Texano translate to “The Texan?”. So the Texan is Mexico, okay?). Chavo yelled in the ring and threw a mini-fit. Prince Puma and Texano stood together with the crowd as the show ended.

Then again… not quite yet! Chavo was angry in the locker room selling his leg injury. Blue Demon walked in to continue the feud that just won’t end and laughed. He said he wasn’t going to fight people already hurt. He said he was a good man unlike Chavo. Chavo taunted Blue Demon by saying that Texano was doing Demon’s dirty work. Chavo then said that Texano drew more of a pop than Blue Demon has ever had. He then called Texano Mexico and Demon was just a has-been from Miami. Demon started throwing Chavo around and said “YO SOY MEXICO CHAVO! YO SOY!”. Blue Demon walked out of the room as Chavo flashed an evil smirk to the camera signifying that he has gotten into the head of the legend, Blue Demon Jr. This closed the show officially.

Lucha Underground Preview For Tonight

The following matches are scheduled for tonight’s episode of Lucha Underground: (more…)

Lucha Underground Preview For Tonight

The following matches will air as part of tonight’s edition of Lucha Underground on the El Rey Network.

– Fenix vs. Mil Muertes

– Argenis, Super Fly and AeroStar vs. Mr. Cisco, Cortez Castro and Bael in a six-man tag

– Prince Puma vs. Cage [Lucha Underground Championship]

Above is the video preview for this week’s show.