Posts Tagged ‘Rosie Lottalove’

WWE Partnership Boosts EVOLVE Morale, Former TNA Knockout Works NXT TV Taping

– We noted recently that the EVOLVE promotion set attendance records at their EVOLVE 49 and EVOLVE 50 events in New York City, featuring appearances by NXT star Sami Zayn.

Apparently the iPPV buys for the shows were up as well, despite the fact that Zayn didn’t appear on the actual broadcasts. This was credited to the buzz surrounding EVOLVE’s partnership with WWE and the news that Zayn would be appearing for the promotion.

Attendance and iPPV buys being up led to backstage morale being up, according to a new report. The morale is up right now with the roster buzzing about what the new partnership with WWE could mean for them and EVOLVE as a whole.

– Former TNA Knockout Rosie Lottalove worked the NXT television taping on Thursday night, losing to Emma in singles action taped for the November 18th episode.

Rosie lost more than 100 pounds over a year ago and has been competing in the SHINE Wrestling promotion under the name “Andrea.” She used her real name, MaryKate, at the NXT tapings last night.

Below are some photos of her appearance.

Former TNA Knockout Drops Over 100 Pounds, Announces Plans To Return

Former TNA Knockout Rosie Lottalove, who retired from the sport two years ago due to an injury, is apparently making a comeback to the pro wrestling world after dropping well over 100 pounds.

Lottalove will now be using the ring name “Andréa,” which was a name given to her in Japan due to her height (6’1”) and weight, a name that was said to be in honor of the late WWE Hall Of Fame and Japanese wrestling legend Andre The Giant.

You can check out her new look below, courtesy of her official Twitter account.

Former TNA Knockout Announces Retirement, Sarita Speaks Out

– Betsy Ruth, who briefly appeared as Rosie Lottalove for TNA Wrestling in 2010, has announced her retirement from professional wrestling.

She stated last week via Twitter, “Been out of Twitter world 4ever. Had a lot going on. Medical probs have forced me to retire from wrestling :-( Thanks 4 all the support!”

Ruth noted that she would undergo ovary removal surgery.

Ruth, whose real name is MaryKate Duignan Glidewell, trained under Bully Ray and Devon at their Team 3D Academy of Professional Wrestling and Sports Entertainment in Kissimmee, Florida. She debuted in 2007 and would go on to compete for various independent promotions and in Japan.

– Sarita, who competes as Dark Angel in Mexico, discussed her career in an in-character interview with Kaiser Sports Mexico. She says she would like to bring in fellow TNA Knockout Rosita as her tag team partner after Lady Apache turned on her.

“A mí me encantaría, no sé si haya posibilidades de traer una extranjera, me daría más confianza de hablar hasta mi mismo idioma, Rosita ha sido muy buena conmigo y me gustaría que tuviera una oportunidad aquí,” she says.

TBP Doing “Custom Matches”, Impact Available To UK Viewers

— Reigning TNA Women’s Knockout Champion Madison Rayne and Angelina Love recently shot footage for the custom wrestling match website Below is a photo of the two TNA Knockouts battling it out inside an empty room.

TNA Knockouts

For prices starting as low as $250, the website allows fans to draw an outline of a pro-style match between any two women wrestlers featured on the site. Photo sets are also offered.

A number of past and present TNA Knockouts are featured on the website including Awesome Kong, Velvet Sky, Taylor Wilde, Cookie, Daffney, Sojournor Bolt, Roxxi Laveaux, Rhaka Khan, Ms. Payton Banks (a/k/a Rain) and Rosie Lottalove. Former WWE Diva Savannah (a/k/a Angela Fong) is also featured on the site.

— TNA Wrestling has made iMPACT! available to UK viewers while their television situation in the country gets resolved. The following instructions were posted on the company website: “Log on to, click the launch button, then click on the Impact UK button on the bottom left of the page. This free service is only available for the UK.”

Reason For Rosie Lottalove’s Release, Angelina Love & Velvet Sky

— Rosie Lottalove confirmed news of her departure from TNA Wrestling last week on Twitter, writing: “Ok guys. TNA days are done for now. Not a bad thing, so don’t speculate. Thank you to the guys and girls, and the agents. It was a blast!”

Regarding the reason for her dismissal, the feeling is she wasn’t ready to work for the organization quite yet, but company officials plan on keeping tabs on her developmental and would be open to bringing her back in the future.

Lottalove’s wrestling ability was a source of contention amongst some in the locker room as they felt she and fellow Team 3D Wrestling Academy students Rob Terry and Jesse Neal were not ready to be featured on national television and should still be training.

— TNA Knockout Velvet Sky is auctioning off a custom made top and bottom she wore during a match at last year’s Turning Point pay-per-view. To view the auction, click here.

— Angelina Love will be on hand for an autograph signing this Thursday from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at TCI Sports Fan 3962 Linden Ave. Dayton, Ohio. For more information, visit or call 937-254-8552.


Rosie Lottalove Confirms Departure From TNA Wrestling

Rosie Lottalove, who was removed yesterday from the official TNA Wrestling website’s roster page along with six others, confirmed her departure from the organization this morning on her Twitter account.

“Ok guys. TNA days are done for now,” she wrote. “Not a bad thing, so don’t speculate. Thank you 2 the guys and girls, & agents. It was a blast!”

A student of the Team 3D Academy, she worked a tryout match on April 20, during which she accidentally injured her opponent, Daffney. She received a contract a few weeks later. The portly performer was used once more on television following her June 3 debut on iMPACT!, in a match against Taylor Wilde on the July 9 episode of Xplosion.

7 Wrestlers Removed From TNA Roster, Joe’s Return Announced

— In addition to Homicide, it would appear that both Tomko and Rosie Lottalove have parted ways with TNA Wrestling as their respective profiles were removed from the company website’s roster page Thursday. All three were sparingly used in recent months.

In Homicide’s case, he noted on his social networking accounts earlier in the day that he had parted ways with the organization. Meanwhile, Lottalove’s photo gallery was removed from the Knockouts media section.

Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, Daniels and ODB were also removed from the page, though their respective TNA departures were noted months ago.

— It was announced during this week’s episode of TNA ReACTION that Samoa Joe would be returning to iMPACT! on next week’s show. The program’s narrator teased: “Where will Samoa Joe stand when he makes his return to iMPACT! next week?”

The former TNA World Heavyweight Champion was reportedly suspended last month due to breach of etiquette.

Location For Victory Road, Angelina Love Auctioning Bikini, More

— TNA has announced that the Victory Road pay-per-view event will take place on July 11. Meanwhile, Hard Justice will be held on Aug. 8. Both shows will take place at the Impact! Zone in Orlando, Florida.

— Angelina Love is auctioning off a bikini worn on a fall 2008 episode of iMPACT! during the first ever “Beautiful People Beauty Pageant.” You can view the auction here, which ends today.

— You can follow TNA newcomer Rosie Lottalove on here.

— This past Wednesday, Velvet Sky turned 29 years old while AJ Styles turned 32.

Maria Says She Hasn’t Spoken To TNA, Complaints On Rob Terry

— Contrary to reports stating Maria Kanellis has been negotiating with TNA Wrestling officials, the former WWE Diva said in a recently filmed “shoot” interview with that while she has received overtures from people affiliated with the organization, she has not had any official conversation or offer. As stated in previous interviews, she has not, however, ruled out joining the promotion in the future.

— A number of wrestlers have been complaining as of late over the company’s decision to prominently feature Rob Terry, as well as Jesse Neal and newcomer Rosie Lottalove, on television. Many in the locker room feel the Team 3D Wrestling Academy students are not ready to be featured on national television and should still training.

— Ashley Fliehr, daughter of Ric Flair, married long-time boyfriend Riki Johnson this past Sunday. His older daughter Megan married for a second time several weeks ago. Flair left for the UK directly after Ashley’s wedding to promote TNA’s upcoming tour there.

Awesome Kong Comments On TNA Signing ‘Monster’ Woman

In an interview with Diva Dish, Awesome Kong commented on TNA Wrestling signing independent women’s wrestler Betsy Ruth to be the new monster of the Knockouts division.

On Betsy Ruth and comparisons between them, she says: “She [Betsy] is a lovely person, lovely girl. She has great skill. Just because we are of the same build and do some of the same moves… You could have that comparison with a lot of the girls who are thinner, smaller and blonde or brunette who are on TNA’s roster or any roster in wrestling. There aren’t that many of us full figured [female] wrestlers around so I guess that’s why people are quick to compare. I think she’s going to do a phenomenal job and I hope that the writers give her great support.”

Speaking on comparisons between Betsy and Kong perhaps setting Betsy up for failure, she says: “I hope she doesn’t. When people make comparisons, it does set people up for failure. Judge her for what she does. Hopefully they have her character, not as an imitation of Kong, but as what she’s been doing and what she’s been cultivating. And if I were ever to come back, then maybe we could have an awesome feud or a tag. We are two different entities and I’m pretty sure they’ll showcase her strengths and they’ll be different from mine.”