The Feb. 2 episode of Impact Wrestling aired on AXS TV at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT.
This episode featured an eight-man tag main event with Sami Callihan and The Design(Cody Deaner, Kon & Alan Angels) against Impact World Champion Josh Alexander, Frankie Kazarian, Rich Swann, and Yuya Uemura. Another match set for the card is Gisele Shaw vs. Savannah Evans in a singles match.
This week’s episode also aired on their Youtube channel for Impact Insider subscribers. Impact Wrestling offers a monthly subscription to watch weekly episodes on Youtube for $1.49. However, it aired at 8:30 PM ET/5:30 PM PT.
If you would like more results for this week’s events in wrestling, please check back on our results section.
Impact Wrestling (2/2) Results
The show started with a recap from last week’s episode of Impact Wrestling.
Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs. KUSHIDA & Kevin Knight.
The match started with Kevin Knight and Chris Bey in the ring. They locked up and exchanged holds until Bey landed a Shoulder Block. Knight got back up, and they both went back and forth until Knight landed a Springboard Crossbody. He followed it up with a Scoop Slam into a leaping Frog Splash for one count. Knight tagged in Kushida, and his partner began to work on Bey’s arm.
Knight tagged back in and tried to go for a springboard move, but Bey countered with a Dropkick to pin for a two-count. Bey tagged in Austin, and they started to hurt Knight with tag team maneuvers. Bullet Club tagged in and out to control Knight for several minutes.
Austin tried hitting a Back Suplex on Knight, but Knight countered and tagged Kushida. Bey also blind-tagged Austin to be the legal man. Kushida began to go on the offense and caught Bey in an Armbar. However, Bey stacked Kushida up for a two-count. Bey tried to Irish Whip Kushida, but Knight blind tagged in the match and landed a Dropkick on Bey. Both teams start to struggle to take control of the match. Kushida picks up Bey from behind and Knight landed a Dropkick for the pin, but Austin broke it up.
Austin began to go after Knight and Kushida by himself with his unique offense. He gets Kushida out of the ring and lands a kick to the face. Knight tries to go after Austin with a dive outside the ring, but Bey catches him in mid-air with a cutter. Austin throws Knight back in the ring, and Bey hits The Art of Finesse, with Austin following up with The Fold for the win.
We go to a backstage segment with The Design and Callihan. Deaner says he will not punish Callihan for his loss last week but says that he must win tonight’s tag team match.
We get a vignette of Steph De Lander, who will debut next week.
Gisele Shaw with Jai Vidal vs. Savannah Evans
The match starts with both wrestlers having a stare-down. After a few words, Evans pushes Shaw into the corner. Shaw responds by slapping Evans, which upsets her opponent. Evans began to dominate the match. She throws Shaw out of the ring, and we go to a commercial break.
We come back from break, and Shaw is in control of the match. However, it doesn’t last long, and Evans starts to control the match. She lands a Samoan Drop for a two-count. She continues her offense by landing a Spinebuster followed by a Fisherman Suplex with a bridge for a two count. The finish comes when Jai Vidal distracts Evans from the outside and hits a Superkick, followed by a knee strike to win.
After the match, Shaw cuts a promo and calls herself the “Black Widow” of Impact Wrestling. Shaw says that the spotlight belongs solely on her.
We go to a backstage segment with Kenny King, Zicky Dice, and Johnny Swinger. Dice instigates a match between King and Swinger for tonight.
We cut to another backstage segment between Steve Maclin and Santino Marella. Maclin questions why he hasn’t gotten an opportunity for the Impact World Championship. Marella announces that they will be qualifying matches for a Fatal Four-Way match at No Surrender. The winner will be the number one contender for the Impact World Championship. He tells Maclin and Dirty Dango, who interrupts, that they will compete in the qualifying matches.
Crazzy Steve with Black Taurus vs. Sheldon Jean
The match starts with Crazzy Steve and Sheldon Jean trying to exchange holds until Jean hits Steve with a Calf Kick. He talks to the crowd until Steve begins to take offense to him. Steve wins the match quickly with a Top Rope Diving DDT.
X-Division Champion Trey Miguel tries to attack Steve after the match, but Steve gets the advantage after biting him. Before Steve can do anything else to Miguel, the X-Division Champion runs away.
Jordynne Grace does a backstage interview and challenges Steph De Lander to a match next week.
Bully Ray comes out to cut a promo in the ring. He tried to talk several times, but the crowd kept booing him. Ray eventually got to say that no one in Impact Wrestling likes him. He talks about how he wasn’t invited to The Golden 6 Shooter match and gives a passive-aggressive threat to Marella. Ray then focuses his promo on Tommy Dreamer and accuses him of being a fake person. He gets interrupted by Impact Knockout Champion Mickie James, who comes out to defend Dreamer.
She refutes Ray’s claims and tells him to get out of Impact Wrestling. However, he responds by saying he will smack James, who is smiling at him. Ray continues to threaten to harm James and calls her a tramp. James responded by slapping Ray in the face. Ray hits James with a Scoop Slam and tries to follow it up with a Powerbomb. The Good Hands come out to get the table for Ray to slam James through it, but Dreamer makes the save to stop them.
Dreamer says he would team with James to take on The Good Hands tonight. Marella comes out and announces the match for next week. He also added that Ray would be forbidden from interfering in the match.
We get a backstage segment with Taylor Wilde, Killer Kelly, and The Death Dollz. Rosemary wants Kelly and Wilde to team up against The Death Dollz next week.
Kenny King vs. Johnny Swinger
King dominates the short match. He lands the Royal Flush on Swinger for the win.
After the match, King lets everyone know that he is a threat and will take on anyone.
We go to a backstage segment with Ray and Masha Slamovich. Ray tells Slamovich that she shouldn’t let James disrespect her and that she will be the next Impact Knockout Champion. She says some words to him in Russian and walks away.
The Design (Alan Angels, Kon, Deaner) & Sami Callihan vs. Josh Alexander, Rich Swann, Yuya Uemura & Frankie Kazarian.
It starts with Swann and Deaner before Deaner tags in Callihan. Callihan gets some offense in on Swann before Deaner demands that he tags him back in. Deaner tried to go after Swann but got caught with a Hurricanrana. Swann tags in Uemura, who lands a Dropkick on Deaner. Uemura goes for the pin but only gets a two-count. Alexander tags into the match to go after Deaner. The two of them exchange Knife Edge Chops until Deaner rakes his eyes.
Deaner tried to capitalize and tag in Alan Angels. However, when he does, the opposite team stops them from attacking Alexander. After a brief standoff, the action breaks down, and the team of Alexander, Swann, Uemura, and Kazarian takes out the opposing team outside the ring to go on a commercial break.
We return from a commercial break with Kazarian controlling Angels in the ring. Kazarian tags in Swann to do a Double Hip Toss on Angels for a two-count. Swann tried to go for a Rolling Thunder Splash from the corner on his opponent but got caught with a Powerslam. Angels tagged in Deaner, and the team began to tag in and out to control Swann for several minutes.
After getting dominated for several minutes, Swann lands an Enzuigiri on Callihan in the ring. Swann tags in Alexander and Callihan tags in Deaner. Alexander fires up and lands a German Suplex on Deaner, Callihan, and Angels. Kon tags himself in and tries to go after Alexander but fails and gets caught with a Top Rope Diving Knee from Alexander for a two count. The champion follows up with an Ankle Lock on Kon, but he gets countered.
Uemura tags himself in and lands a Top Rope Dropkick on Kon. Before he could capitalize, Kon tagged Callihan back in the match. Callihan gouges the eyes of Uemura and begins to go for Cactus Driver 97 but gets stopped by Deaner. Alexander comes into the ring to save his partner. Everyone in the match hits their signature moves as both teams try to gain control of the match. However, the finish comes when Callihan catches Uemura with the Cactus Driver 97 for the win.