Posts Tagged ‘Sami Callihan’

Update on TNA Returns At Saturday’s Rebellion PPV

Sami Callihan returned to TNA Wrestling during Saturday’s Rebellion pay-per-view. This was a surprise, because he had just resurfaced in MLW. He wasn’t the only unannounced return, as ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy and Mike Santana also showed up after several years away.

SEScoops has learned that Sami Callihan will be working with TNA and MLW moving forward. His outta nowhere appearance involved an attack Kon, Jason Hotch, and John Skyler, which helped Jordynne Grace in retaining her TNA Knockouts World Championship against Steph De Lander.

TNA’s Approach

Callihan was one of several stars who returned to TNA at Saturday night’s PPV, along with Mike Santana and Broken Matt Hardy, who clarified after the show that he’s free to work anywhere.

All three stars, Hardy, Santana, and Callihan, have re-appeared on the TNA roster page. 

Back in TNA, but not exclusively

TNA pay-per-views often feature surprises in the way of debuts and returns. Bringing back three established former stars on a non-exclusive basis gives us some insight on what the company is currently looking for. Mike Santana, House of Glory’s reigning champion, has some really interesting match-ups awaiting him in TNA.

All three wrestlers also did a lot to boost their personal stock during their time away from the company. 

Hardy and Santana both spent time in AEW, where they received a spotlight on Tony Khan’s television shows. Whereas, Sami Callihan returned to MLW in January and will still be featured on the company’s programming and PPV’s.

Paul Walter Hauser Beats Sami Callihan at WrestleCon Supershow, The Sandman Appears

Emmy Award winner Paul Walter Hauser has another wrestling win to his name after defeating Sami Callihan at WrestleCon’s Supershow, albeit with some extreme help. 

The match took place at the WrestleCon Mark Hitchcock Memorial Supershow on April 4 and was an ode to hardcore wrestling. Chairs, kendo sticks, and doors were used as weapons, and ECW alum Bill ‘Fonzie’ Alfonso also got involved. 

Near the end of the match, Callihan was in control and it appeared that he’d be the first man to defeat Hauser in the ring. That was until the lights went down and “Enter Sandman” played, signifying the arrival of The Sandman. Inside the ECW Arena, Sandman helped Hauser get the win over Callihan. 

Paul Walter Hauser in Wrestling

Hauser, best known for his roles in Black Bird, I, Tonya, and Cruella, is now 3-0 in the world of professional wrestling. The actor made his wrestling debut at Wrestling Revolver’s UnReal event in November 2023 with a win over Matthew Palmer. He followed up on that by defeating Matt Cardona at Revolver’s Ready or Not event in March 2024.

Hauser has hardly kept his love of professional wrestling a secret even when not in the ring. At the 75th annual Emmy Awards, Hauser took home the award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie for his role as Larry Hall in Apple TV+’s Black Bird. His acceptance speech included several name-drops and references from the world of pro wrestling, including Matt Cardona and ‘get the tables!’

Impact Wrestling Results (2/2/23): Eight-Man Tag Match, Bullet Club vs. Kevin Knight & Kushida

The Feb. 2 episode of Impact Wrestling aired on AXS TV at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT.

This episode featured an eight-man tag main event with Sami Callihan and The Design(Cody Deaner, Kon & Alan Angels) against Impact World Champion Josh Alexander, Frankie Kazarian, Rich Swann, and Yuya Uemura. Another match set for the card is Gisele Shaw vs. Savannah Evans in a singles match.

This week’s episode also aired on their Youtube channel for Impact Insider subscribers. Impact Wrestling offers a monthly subscription to watch weekly episodes on Youtube for $1.49. However, it aired at 8:30 PM ET/5:30 PM PT.

If you would like more results for this week’s events in wrestling, please check back on our results section.

Impact Wrestling (2/2) Results

The show started with a recap from last week’s episode of Impact Wrestling.

Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs. KUSHIDA & Kevin Knight.

The match started with Kevin Knight and Chris Bey in the ring. They locked up and exchanged holds until Bey landed a Shoulder Block. Knight got back up, and they both went back and forth until Knight landed a Springboard Crossbody. He followed it up with a Scoop Slam into a leaping Frog Splash for one count. Knight tagged in Kushida, and his partner began to work on Bey’s arm.

Knight tagged back in and tried to go for a springboard move, but Bey countered with a Dropkick to pin for a two-count. Bey tagged in Austin, and they started to hurt Knight with tag team maneuvers. Bullet Club tagged in and out to control Knight for several minutes.

Austin tried hitting a Back Suplex on Knight, but Knight countered and tagged Kushida. Bey also blind-tagged Austin to be the legal man. Kushida began to go on the offense and caught Bey in an Armbar. However, Bey stacked Kushida up for a two-count. Bey tried to Irish Whip Kushida, but Knight blind tagged in the match and landed a Dropkick on Bey. Both teams start to struggle to take control of the match. Kushida picks up Bey from behind and Knight landed a Dropkick for the pin, but Austin broke it up.

Austin began to go after Knight and Kushida by himself with his unique offense. He gets Kushida out of the ring and lands a kick to the face. Knight tries to go after Austin with a dive outside the ring, but Bey catches him in mid-air with a cutter. Austin throws Knight back in the ring, and Bey hits The Art of Finesse, with Austin following up with The Fold for the win.

We go to a backstage segment with The Design and Callihan. Deaner says he will not punish Callihan for his loss last week but says that he must win tonight’s tag team match.

We get a vignette of Steph De Lander, who will debut next week.

Gisele Shaw with Jai Vidal vs. Savannah Evans

The match starts with both wrestlers having a stare-down. After a few words, Evans pushes Shaw into the corner. Shaw responds by slapping Evans, which upsets her opponent. Evans began to dominate the match. She throws Shaw out of the ring, and we go to a commercial break.

We come back from break, and Shaw is in control of the match. However, it doesn’t last long, and Evans starts to control the match. She lands a Samoan Drop for a two-count. She continues her offense by landing a Spinebuster followed by a Fisherman Suplex with a bridge for a two count. The finish comes when Jai Vidal distracts Evans from the outside and hits a Superkick, followed by a knee strike to win.

After the match, Shaw cuts a promo and calls herself the “Black Widow” of Impact Wrestling. Shaw says that the spotlight belongs solely on her.

We go to a backstage segment with Kenny King, Zicky Dice, and Johnny Swinger. Dice instigates a match between King and Swinger for tonight.

We cut to another backstage segment between Steve Maclin and Santino Marella. Maclin questions why he hasn’t gotten an opportunity for the Impact World Championship. Marella announces that they will be qualifying matches for a Fatal Four-Way match at No Surrender. The winner will be the number one contender for the Impact World Championship. He tells Maclin and Dirty Dango, who interrupts, that they will compete in the qualifying matches.

Crazzy Steve with Black Taurus vs. Sheldon Jean

The match starts with Crazzy Steve and Sheldon Jean trying to exchange holds until Jean hits Steve with a Calf Kick. He talks to the crowd until Steve begins to take offense to him. Steve wins the match quickly with a Top Rope Diving DDT.

X-Division Champion Trey Miguel tries to attack Steve after the match, but Steve gets the advantage after biting him. Before Steve can do anything else to Miguel, the X-Division Champion runs away.

Jordynne Grace does a backstage interview and challenges Steph De Lander to a match next week.

Bully Ray In-Ring Promo

Bully Ray comes out to cut a promo in the ring. He tried to talk several times, but the crowd kept booing him. Ray eventually got to say that no one in Impact Wrestling likes him. He talks about how he wasn’t invited to The Golden 6 Shooter match and gives a passive-aggressive threat to Marella. Ray then focuses his promo on Tommy Dreamer and accuses him of being a fake person. He gets interrupted by Impact Knockout Champion Mickie James, who comes out to defend Dreamer.

She refutes Ray’s claims and tells him to get out of Impact Wrestling. However, he responds by saying he will smack James, who is smiling at him. Ray continues to threaten to harm James and calls her a tramp. James responded by slapping Ray in the face. Ray hits James with a Scoop Slam and tries to follow it up with a Powerbomb. The Good Hands come out to get the table for Ray to slam James through it, but Dreamer makes the save to stop them.

Dreamer says he would team with James to take on The Good Hands tonight. Marella comes out and announces the match for next week. He also added that Ray would be forbidden from interfering in the match.

We get a backstage segment with Taylor Wilde, Killer Kelly, and The Death Dollz. Rosemary wants Kelly and Wilde to team up against The Death Dollz next week.

Kenny King vs. Johnny Swinger

King dominates the short match. He lands the Royal Flush on Swinger for the win.

After the match, King lets everyone know that he is a threat and will take on anyone.

We go to a backstage segment with Ray and Masha Slamovich. Ray tells Slamovich that she shouldn’t let James disrespect her and that she will be the next Impact Knockout Champion. She says some words to him in Russian and walks away.

The Design (Alan Angels, Kon, Deaner) & Sami Callihan vs. Josh Alexander, Rich Swann, Yuya Uemura & Frankie Kazarian.

It starts with Swann and Deaner before Deaner tags in Callihan. Callihan gets some offense in on Swann before Deaner demands that he tags him back in. Deaner tried to go after Swann but got caught with a Hurricanrana. Swann tags in Uemura, who lands a Dropkick on Deaner. Uemura goes for the pin but only gets a two-count. Alexander tags into the match to go after Deaner. The two of them exchange Knife Edge Chops until Deaner rakes his eyes.

Deaner tried to capitalize and tag in Alan Angels. However, when he does, the opposite team stops them from attacking Alexander. After a brief standoff, the action breaks down, and the team of Alexander, Swann, Uemura, and Kazarian takes out the opposing team outside the ring to go on a commercial break.

We return from a commercial break with Kazarian controlling Angels in the ring. Kazarian tags in Swann to do a Double Hip Toss on Angels for a two-count. Swann tried to go for a Rolling Thunder Splash from the corner on his opponent but got caught with a Powerslam. Angels tagged in Deaner, and the team began to tag in and out to control Swann for several minutes.

After getting dominated for several minutes, Swann lands an Enzuigiri on Callihan in the ring. Swann tags in Alexander and Callihan tags in Deaner. Alexander fires up and lands a German Suplex on Deaner, Callihan, and Angels. Kon tags himself in and tries to go after Alexander but fails and gets caught with a Top Rope Diving Knee from Alexander for a two count. The champion follows up with an Ankle Lock on Kon, but he gets countered.

Uemura tags himself in and lands a Top Rope Dropkick on Kon. Before he could capitalize, Kon tagged Callihan back in the match. Callihan gouges the eyes of Uemura and begins to go for Cactus Driver 97 but gets stopped by Deaner. Alexander comes into the ring to save his partner. Everyone in the match hits their signature moves as both teams try to gain control of the match. However, the finish comes when Callihan catches Uemura with the Cactus Driver 97 for the win.

Impact Wrestling Results (1/26/23): Golden Six Shooter Match

The Jan. 26 episode of Impact Wrestling aired on AXS TV at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT.

This episode featured a main event between Sami Callihan, Eddie Edwards, Rich Swann, Rhino, Moose, and Chris Sabin in a Golden Six Shooter match. It is a six way elimination match. The winner of the match will challenge Josh Alexander for the Impact World Championship at No Surrender on Feb. 24. This week’s episode also aired on their Youtube channel for Impact Insider subscribers. Impact Wrestling offers a monthly subscription to watch weekly episodes on Youtube for $1.49.

If you would like more results for this week’s events in wrestling, please check back on our results section.

Impact Wrestling Results (1/26) Results

(C)Trey Miguel vs. Mike Jackson- X Division Championship Match

The match started with both Miguel and Jackson exchanging holds and going for quick pinfalls. Miguel tries to go for a handshake and punches Jackson in the face. The champion starts to control the match by working on the arm. Miguel goes for a Springboard Moonsault but misses. Jackson pulls his straps down and tries to fire back, but Miguel stops him.

The action goes to the outside, where Miguel misses a Clothesline to Jackson and hits the ring post. Jackson brings the champion back to the ring and goes Old School. He tries to walk over the ring ropes and hit Miguel’s arm but gets hit in the stomach. Miguel takes back control of the match. The finish came when Miguel landed the Lighting Spiral on Jackson.

After the match, Crazy Steve and Black Taurus confront Miguel, but the champion runs away in the crowd.

We get a backstage interview with Impact World Champion Josh Alexander. He says no matter who wins the Golden six shooter match; he’ll remind him why he is the champion. Steve Maclin confronts Alexander and teases a match between them in the future.

The Good Hands (Josh Hotch & John Skyler) vs. Kushida & Kevin Knight

Kevin Knight and John Skyler start the match. Knight controls the arm of Skyler and tags Kushida in the match. Both Kushida and Knight start to focus on the arm of Skyler. The match turns when Skyler tags in Hotch, and they start taking control of it. Hotch brings Kushida to his teammate’s corner and tags Skyler back in. Skyler lands a cheap shot on Knight and The Good Hands land a Rolling German Suplex/ Jackknife pin combo on Kushida for a two count.

The Good Hands tried another tag team move, but Kushida countered and tagged in Knight. Knight and Kushida start to take control of the match. Kushida blind tags in the match and picks up Hotch over his head for Knight to hit a Dropkick. Kushida locks in the Kimura lock on Hotch to win the match.

We get a backstage segment between Mickie James and Jordynne Grace. Grace wants another opportunity at the Impact Knockout Championship.

(C)Death Dollz(Jessicka & Taya Valkyrie) vs. Gisele Shaw & Tara- Impact Knockout Tag Team Championship

Taya Valkyrie and Tara start the match, but Gisele Shaw blind-tags Tara. The Death Dollz start to take offense to Shaw after Jessicka tags in. Jessicka lands several kicks on Shaw and tries to go for a leg drop but misses. Shaw follows up by landing a Running Uppercut to Jessicka in the corner. The fans start chanting for Tara, but Shaw refuses to tag her. Jessicka tags in Valkyrie, who rallies a comeback.

Jai Vadal trips Valkyrie as she runs to the ropes near him. Rosemary hits a Spear on Vidal to take Vidal out of the match. Shaw lands Tara’s signature move, the Spider web, for a two count. Shaw teases like she’ll tag Tara in but denies her. Tara enters the ring to confront Shaw. They get into an argument until Shaw pushes Tara. Tara responds by landing the Widow’s Peak on Shaw. Tara leaves the match and the Death Dollz hit the Death Driver on Shaw to win the match.

We get a backstage segment between Santino Marella and Dave LaGreca. Bully Ray stops them while talking and asks Marella why he isn’t in the Golden 6 Shooter Match. Ray threatens Marella after he gets denied again from being involved in the match. LaGreca tells Marella that he should get Tommy Dreamer to go against Ray.

We get a backstage interview with Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans. Steelz talks about last week’s tag team match and says James didn’t defeat her one-on-one. Steelz also teases a split between her and Evans as a group.

The Major Players(Brian Myers & Matt Cardona)vs. The Bullet Club (Ace Austin and Chris Bey)

Matt Cardona and Chris Bey start the match by exchanging holds. Bey gets the better of Cardona and tags Ace Austin in. The Bullet Club lands several tag team moves on Cardona and Brian Myers to take control of the match. Cardona and Myers escape to the outside of the ring. Austin does a dive to the outside on The Major Players. Austin tries to put the legal Myers back in the ring but gets attacked by Cardona.

Cardona tags in the match to take the offense to Austin. The Major Players tagged in and out of the match to dominate Austin. Myers taunted Bey and got caught with a kick from Austin. Bey gets tagged, and he takes the offense to Cardona, who is tagged in. However, Myers distracts Bey for Cardona to land a hard Clothesline. He follows it up by hitting the running boot to Bey in the corner. Myers tag in to land a Top Rope Elbow Drop for a two-count.

Myers tags in Cardona to go for another tag team move, but Bey takes them both out. Bey tags in Austin, and the finish comes when Austin locks in a weird pin on Cardona for the win.

After the match, Joe Hendry comes out to accept Cardona’s challenge for the Digital Media Championship.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Sheldon Jean

Jonathan Gresham takes control early against Sheldon Jean. He locks in an Ankle Lock, but Jean gets to the ropes. Jean tries to get some offense in, but Gresham counters every move. The finish comes when Gresham hyperextends Jean knee and hits hit him in the back of the head with an elbow to win.

Impact teases matchups for next week.

  • The Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) will face Kushida and Kevin Knight.
  • Giselle Shaw try to get her revenge against Tara in a singles match.

Golden Six Shooter Match

Moose and Rhino clear the ring of the other opponents. They both start exchanging Shoulder Blocks until Moose racks the eyes of Rhino. Moose tries to capitalize but gets caught with a clothesline by Rhino. Chris Sabin takes out Rhino momentarily with a Running Shoulder Block. Sami Callihan enters the ring and lands an Exploder Suplex on Sabin. However, Sabin gets the momentum back by countering a move from Callihan and dives to the outside on Moose.

Each opponent starts landing their moves on each other in the ring until it’s down to Rhino and Callihan. Rhino starts to beat down Callihan until Moose surprises him with a Spear. Before Moose can cover, Callihan kicks him in the face and pins Rhino to eliminate him. We go on a commercial break.

After the break, Moose is in control of the match. Eddie Edwards tries to attack Moose but gets caught in the Urinage. Sabin hits a Tornado DDT on Moose to stop his dominance. Callihan enters back in the ring to attack Sabin. However, Sabin outsmarts him. Edwards tries to attack Sabin but hits Callihan. Sabin grabs Edwards and runs up Callihan’s chest to land a Tornado DDT on Edwards.

Sabin tries to go after Callihan but gets countered by him. The action in the match continues to go back and forth with all opponents. The subsequent elimination comes when PCO distracts Edwards and Sabin puts Edwards in a cradle pin to eliminate him.

Moose enters the ring to attack Sabin. He overpowers Sabin until he gets caught with an Enzuigiri in the corner. Sabin tries to land another Tornado DDT, but Moose avoids it and hits a Spear on Sabin to eliminate him. We go to commercial break.

We return from a commercial break with Moose, Callihan, and Swann exchanging offense. Swann lands a Springboard Cutter on Callihan to make him roll out of the ring. Moose turns his attention to Swann and starts to focus on his leg. He gets overconfident and tries to pick up Swann from his leg, but Moose gets caught in a roll-up to get eliminated. The Design comes to the ring, and Cody Deaner tells Callihan he has to beat Swann.

Callihan and Swann exchange offense until Swann hits his opponent with a spinning kick to the face. Swann gets the win after landing a 450 Splash from the middle rope.

The Design beats down Swann, and Deaner tries to make Callihan attack Swann. However, Yuya Uemura, Franke Kazarian & Josh Alexander come out to save Swann.

Former World Champion’s Contract with Impact Wrestling Set to Expire

Sami Callihan’s time with Impact Wrestling is seemingly coming to an end with his contract set to expire.

Callihan signed with Impact in 2017 and captured the Impact World Championship in 2019 during Impact’s debut on AXS TV.

Prior to arriving in Impact, Callihan wrestled for Ring of Honor, CZW, Evolve and Dragon Gate, as well as having a three-year stint in WWE as Solomon Crowe.

Leaving Impact

Callihan signed a two-year contract extension in early 2021, which means his deal with the promotion will expire within the next few months.

Sources who spoke to Fightful Select said that the former World Champion hasn’t been given any clarity about his status.

Callihan’s contract situation has caught the interest of “outside promoters” but no specific companies were named in Fightful’s report.

Callihan has remained an integral figure with Impact, main-eventing several Pay-Per-Views.

In addition to working for Impact, Callihan is a successful promoter himself with Pro Wrestling REVOLVER being one of the top indie companies on the planet.

Callihan in Impact

After debuting in 2017, Callihan aligned with Dave and Jake Crist of ‘Ohio Versus Everything,’ and would later unsuccessfully challenge for the X-Division Championship.

In 2018, Callihan would feud with Eddie Edwards and in one of the most gruesome moments of the year, Edwards would suffer a broken nose and broken orbital bone thanks to an errant shot with a baseball bat.

In addition to his reign as Impact World Champion, Callihan is a five-time Impact End of Year award winner, including having 2019’s match of the year against Tessa Blanchard.

Jon Moxley Set To Reunite With IMPACT Wrestling Star

Jon Moxley is going to turn back the clock with a longtime tag team partner.

Wrestling Revolver will be having a show on July 9. The event will be held inside the Horizon Events Center in Clive, IA.

The promotion’s official Twitter account has announced that Moxley will be reunited with IMPACT Wrestling’s Sami Callihan to take on The Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards).

Moxley and Callihan are known as The Switchblades.

Jon Moxley and Sami Callihan were initially scheduled to team back in Oct. 2021 for Pro Wrestling Revolver’s Tales From The Ring show.

That plan went awry when Callihan suffered a broken ankle during an IMPACT taping.

Callihan underwent successful surgery and made his return at IMPACT Under Siege earlier this month.

Potential Spoiler On Major IMPACT Wrestling Return

An IMPACT Wrestling return is imminent and it could come much sooner than you think.

For weeks, IMPACT has been rolling out teaser trailers hyping up a mystery competitor. It comes across as a hit list with numerous IMPACT stars such as Moose and Eric Young being wiped off the screen.

As many had suspected, it looks like those vignettes are for Sami Callihan. Fightful reports that Callihan could be returning as soon as the Under Siege event tonight (May 7).

If he doesn’t appear tonight, it’s possible he could show up on TV soon as IMPACT has a set of tapings scheduled for May 8.

Last year, Sami Callihan suffered a broken ankle during a TV taping. He underwent successful surgery and was expected to be back this spring.

It looks like the process went according to plan.

Sami Callihan Gives Update on Ankle Injury

Impact Wrestling talent Sami Callihan shared an update on his injury and his return to professional wrestling. He is looking to return to Impact Wrestling before August 2022.

Callihan appeared on Busted Open on SiriusXM with Dave Legraca and Bully Ray to give his injury update. He suffered a broken ankle during an Impact Wrestling taping on September 18th. Callihan revealed that he is starting to walk without screws and preparing for his comeback in the interview.

“I got my screws out on December 23rd. I started taking my first steps a couple of days ago, and the Callihan ‘Death Machine’ is starting to lose weight. I’m starting to get stronger each and every day,” said Callihan. He continued, “…When I come back to Impact Wrestling, there’s going to be hell to pay for a lot of people.”

Sami Callihan Wants to Wrestle Moose

Callihan made his intentions clear on who he wants to wrestle when he returns to Impact Wrestling. On Busted Open, he called a Moose and said he wanted to hurt Moose. He is responsible for breaking Callihan’s ankle in the storyline, and Moose is also the current Impact World Champion.

“…Fuck you, Moose. I don’t care if you are champion. I don’t care if you’re just being a dude on Impact Wrestling. When I come back to Impact Wrestling, I’m going to break your damn legs,” said Callihan.

Callihan also shared that he will not say when he will return to Impact Wrestling, as he likes the element of surprise. However, he is looking to return to Impact Wrestling before August 2022. Ray asked why Callihan had animosity towards Moose; Callihan explained that Moose tried to take his livelihood. Callihan also promises that he will return better and meaner than ever.

Moose Title Defense at Hard to Kill

Moose will defend his championship against Matt Cardona and W.Morrissey in a triple threat match at Hard to Kill on January 8th, 2022. If Moose were to retain his title, it could set up a match between himself and Callihan. However, it is still unclear how soon Callihan will be ready to return. Moose also has unfinished business with Josh Alexander if Impact Wrestling wants to have their rematch. Regardless, Callihan wants his revenge on Moose, whether for the championship or not.

Sami Callihan Undergoes Surgery After Suffering Broken Ankle

Sami Callihan will be out of action for a while.

Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Callihan suffered a broken ankle during this past weekend’s Impact Wrestling tapings. Callihan isn’t expected to return to the ring this year.

“Sami Callihan suffered a broken ankle Saturday at the Impact tapings and had surgery. Looks to be out until spring 2022.”

It’s a tough pill to swallow for Impact Wrestling fans. Those who were hoping to see the return of Switchblade Conspiracy will also be disappointed. Switchblade Conspiracy is the team of Sami Callihan and Jon Moxley. The two were set to reunite at The Wrestler Revolver’s Tales From The Ring show on Oct. 30.

Callihan recently competed at Impact Wrestling’s Victory Road PPV. He teamed with Eddie Edwards to take on Moose and W. Morrissey. Callihan and Edwards lost the match. This match had been taped back in August but didn’t air until Sept. 18.

Impact Results (9/16): Victory Road Go-Home Show

On Impact 9/16, the promotion continued to build to this Saturday’s Victory Road event. The main event featured a 10-man tag match between Christian Cage’s team and Ace Austin’s.

Impact 9/16 Quick Results:

  1. Fallah Bahh & No Way defeated Hernandez & Johnny Swinger (Before the Impact)
  2. Decay (Black Taurus & Crazzy Steve) defeated Rhino & Deaner (Violent By Design)
  3. Petey Williams defeated TJP
  4. John Skyler defeated Laredo Kid
  5. Trey Miguel defeated Drama King Matt
  6. Christian Cage, Josh Alexander, Chris Sabin, Eddie Edwards & Sami Callihan defeated Ace Austin, Madman Fulton, Brian Myers, Moose & W. Morrissey

Rhino Turns On Eric Young & Violent By Design

In recent weeks, we’ve seen videos of Eric Young saying he needs to cleanse the sickness out of Rhino. This week, Rhino finally had enough of Young and his cronies. Violent By Design lost another one this week when Deaner accidentally hit Rhino with the VBD flag and then took a second-rope DDT from Crazzy Steve for the pin. After the match, Young was berating Rhino but had enough and grabbed Young’s arm. Deaner then attacked Rhino and the segment ended with Young breaking the VBD flag over Rhino’s back.

Steve Maclin Takes Out Petey Williams and TJP

Petey Williams got some revenge on TJP this week after TJP cost him a match last week. This all stems from the illegal underground gambling operation that Johnny Swinger is running in the back and TJP betting against Williams last week.

Williams countered a cradle attempt into a pin for the win on TJP. After the match, however, both TJP and Williams were attacked by Steve Maclin.

Willie Mack Returns For Revenge Against The Good Brothers

After being injured at the hands of the Good Brothers a few weeks ago, Willie Mack returned this week and along with his partner Rich Swann attacked the Impact tag champs. Shortly after the melee, Scott D’Amore granted Swann and Mack a title shot against Anderson and Gallows this weekend at Victory Road.

John Skyler Picks Up Win Over Laredo Kid

John Skyler cut a promo this week on Laredo Kid who defeated him recently on an episode of Before the Impact. He said that tonight when they meet again, the luchador won’t be so lucky. Skyler pulled out all the stops in this match and the finish came after he twisted Laredo Kid’s mask, cradled him and pulled the tights to get the pin.

Taylor Wilde Pays The Influence A Visit

Taylor Wilde invaded the set of the Influence’s various talk shows this week. She didn’t come alone, however, but brought Jordynne Grace and Rachael Ellering as backup. Wilde then informed Tenille Dashwood that they have a match this weekend at Victory Road.

Matt Cardona and Rohit Raju Brawl in the Back

In a recent match, Rohit Raju hit Chelsea Green with a Tiger knee to the face. Cardona has taken exception to this and the two were brawling in the back this week. It was later announced that Cardona and Raju will face each other at Victory Road in a no DQ match on Saturday.

Mickie James Saves Trey Miguel From Deonna Purrazzo and Drama King Matt

Trey Miguel used his submission skills to pick up a win over Drama King Matt this week. After the match, however, Deonna Purrazzo attacked Trey from behind and began delivering the boots to him. This brought out Mickie James to make the save. James then dove onto both Purrazzo and Drama King Matt on the outside to end the segment.

Christian Cage’s Team Stands Tall Ahead of Victory Road

Several of Impact Wrestling’s top feuds played out in this match. Chris Sabin and Josh Alexander were on the same side in this match but will be on opposing sides at Victory Road. W. Morrissey and Moose will take on Sami Callihan & Eddie Edwards at Victory Road but also had a chance to face each other here. Finally, when the smoke cleared Christian hit Brian Myers with a spear and Josh Alexander gave him the C4 Spike to give the win to the babyfaces to close the show.

Victory Road Lineup

  1. Impact World Championship
    Christian Cage (c) vs Ace Austin
  2. Impact Tag Team Championships
    The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows) (c) vs. Rich Swann and Willie Mack
  3. X-Division Championship
    Josh Alexander (c) vs Chris Sabin
  4. Knockouts Tag Team Championships
    Decay (Rosemary & Havok) vs Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans
  5. Chris Bey & Hikuleo vs FinJuice (David Finlay & Juice Robinson)
  6. Moose & W. Morrissey vs. Eddie Edwards & Sami Callihan
  7. Steve Maclin vs. Petey Williams vs TJP
  8. Taylor Wilde vs. Tenille Dashwood (with Kaleb with a K)
  9. Matt Cardona (with Chelsea Green) vs. Rohit Raju (with Shera)

Impact Results (9/9): More Bullet Club Members Walk Through Forbidden Door

Impact Wrestling on September 9th featured the continued build to Victory Road and another Bullet Club member walking through the forbidden door. Much of this show also involved Christian Cage and Ace Austin putting together teams for a big multi-person tag match next week.

Impact 9/9 Quick Results:

  1. Rosemary defeated Tasha Steelz
  2. Bunkhouse Brawl
    Karl Anderson defeated Rich Swann
  3. David Finlay defeated Chris Bey
  4. Steve Maclin defeated Petey Williams
  5. Moose defeated Eddie Edwards

Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans Steal KO Tag Title Belts

Decay’s Rosemary picked up a win in the night’s opening contest against Tasha Steelz. Things seemed even between the two but then Rosemary caught Steelz coming out of the corner with a spear and picked up the win.

As Decay was celebrating, Savannah Evans hit the ring and distracted Rosemary and Havok. This allowed Steelz to grab the Knockouts tag title belts as Evans attacked Decay. Steelz and Evans hurried away with the title belts with Decay in pursuit to end the segment.

Karl Anderson Needs Doc Gallows’ Help To Beat Rich Swann

Rich Swann was without his tag partner Willie Mack at ringside this week, and that was the difference here. Mack is on the shelf with an injury after The Good Brothers put him through a table recently. This meant that Swann had nobody in his corner for this Bunkhouse brawl against Karl Anderson. It would be the numbers advantage that would allow Anderson to pick up the win.

The finish of the match saw Swann go to the top rope, possibly to go for his Phoenix Splash while Anderson was on top of a table. Gallows got involved, however, and grabbed Swann’s leg. This allowed Anderson to recover and deliver a top rope Gun Stun to Swann onto a table (that didn’t break) for the win.

Bullet Club’s HIKULEO Walks Through The Forbidden Door

David Finlay picked up a measure of revenge on Bullet Club this week. He scored a pin on Chris Bey moments after Juice Robinson thwarted Bey’s attempt to use the ropes for leverage on a pin attempt of his own. The real action came after the match, however.

As FinJuice was celebrating their win, Bullet Club’s HIKULEO hit the ring and attacked. Bey and HIKULEO wrapped Juice’s injured knee in a chair and stomped on it. Bullet Club then celebrated in the ring to end the segment.

Gambling Scandal Costs Petey Williams Match Against Steve Maclin

Sadly, an underground gambling operation backstage in Impact has reared its ugly head. Backstage this week in Swinger’s Casino, TJP placed a bet on Steve Maclin in his match this week against Petey Williams. Then during the match, TJP led a conga line with Fallah Bah and No Way to the ring just as Williams was going for the Canadian Destroyer. This distracted Williams and allowed Maclin to hit his finisher for the win.

Moose Defeats Eddie Edwards With Help From W. Morrissey

Moose and W. Morrissey have aligned in Impact and have targeted Eddie Edwards and Sami Callihan. Edwards could have used Callihan’s help in this match as Morrissey’s interference on the outside allowed Moose to gain the advantage. He eventually put Edwards away with a spear. A melee after the match would eventually force Callihan to come to Edwards’ rescue, however.

Eddie Edwards and Sami Callihan’s Uneasy Alliance

After the match, a huge melee took place featuring the wrestlers scheduled for the 10-man tag match on next week’s show. Chris Sabin came out to make the save but was thwarted by Brian Myers and his “professionals.” Josh Alexander then came out to fight them off but he was then attacked by Ace Austin and Madman Fulton. Christian Cage then came out to take on Fulton and Austin. Edwards came in to help Cage with the numbers advantage but then Moose and Morrissey rejoined the fight and attacked him. This led to Alisha Edwards coming out with a kendo stick to try and help but was not overly effective at this. Morrissey was ready to pick her up for a choke slam when the lights went out. When the lights came back on, Sami Callihan was in the ring with two baseball bats. He gave one to Edwards and the two of them fought off the heels. Cage then played peace-broker between the two longtime rivals turned uneasy partners as the show came to a close.

Coming Up In Impact Wrestling

Much of this week’s episode featured Ace Austin and Christian Cage recruiting team members for a big multi-person tag match next week.

Next Week:

  • Ace Austin, Madman Fulton, Brian Myers, Moose & W. Morrissey vs Christian Cage, Josh Alexander, Chris Sabin, & TBA

Victory Road (September 18th)

  • Impact World Championship
    Christian Cage (c) vs Ace Austin
  • X-Division Championship
    Josh Alexander (c) vs Chris Sabin
  • Knockouts Tag Team Championships
    Decay (Rosemary & Havok) vs Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans
  • Chris Bey & Hikuleo vs FinJuice (David Finlay & Juice Robinson)
  • Moose & W. Morrissey vs. Eddie Edwards & Sami Callihan

Jon Moxley Files Trademarks For Team With Sami Callihan

Jonathan Good, better known to wrestling fans as Jon Moxley, filed some interesting trademarks on August 11th. Moxley filed to trademark the terms “The Switchblades” and “Switchblade Conspiracy” for wrestling purposes.

The terms are former team names used by Jon Moxley and Sami Callihan. Joe Gacy has also been associated with them in the past. In 2010, Moxley and Callihan held the WXW tag-team titles for 310 days. They defended the titles for months in Germany before dropping them to the American Wolves on a show from the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia.

Moxley and Callihan are set to team up for the first time in years this October. They will reform the Switchblade Conspiracy on a show for Callihan’s Pro Wrestling Revolver promotion.

In 2019, Callihan spoke about his relationship with Moxley on the WINCLY podcast.

“It’s a weird relationship of ‘little brother, big brother’ and it’s always the two of us striving to see who’s better. We’re both weird human beings and messed-up individuals. One day we’re gonna get back in the ring together as grown-ass adults and see who’s better.”

Some thought Moxley may have chosen Sami Callihan as his partner at NJPW Resurgence. Moxley teamed with Yuji Nagata on the show and lost to the Good Brothers, however.

Impact Results (7/15): Slammiversary Go-Home Show

Impact Wrestling on 7/15 was the go-home show for the Slammiversary PPV this weekend.

Impact Wrestling 7/15 Quick Results:

  1. Jordynne Grace & Rachael Ellering defeated Tenille Dashwood & Kaleb
  2. Havok defeated Tasha Steelz
  3. Steve Maclin defeated Kal Herro
  4. Josh Alexander, Chris Bey, Trey Miguel & Petey Williams defeated Ace Austin, Madman Fulton, Rohit Raju & Shera
  5. Moose defeated Hernandez
  6. Joe Doering w/ Violent By Design defeated Willie Mack w/ Rich Swann, Fallah Bahh w/ TJP & Doc Gallows w/ Karl Anderson

Jordynne Grace & Rachael Ellering Pick Up Measure Of Revenge On Tenille Dashwood & Kaleb

The team of Jordynne Grace and Rachel Ellering appear to be back on the same page. Last week on Impact, Tennille Dashwood attacked Jazz on the “All About Me” show. This led to the former knockouts tag team champions challenging her and her personal photographer to a match this week.

Ellering and Grace didn’t show any signs of the dissension that had previously broken up their team and got the victory after a double team assisted slam on Kaleb.

Havok Defeats Tasha Steelz Before Slammiversary

At Slammiversary on Saturday, Havok and Rosemary will challenge Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz for the Knockouts tag titles. Ahead of the title clash on PPV, Havok picked up a win over Steelz this week, finishing her off with a tombstone pilediver.

Later in the show, Rosemary spoke with James Mitchell about making Havok a full-fledged member of Decay before Slammiversary.

Susan Has Known All Along?

Was it Su Yung all along? Kimber Lee had previously sought out Father James Mitchell to assist in bringing Su Yung back out of Susan. This week, Kimber ran into Susan in the back and the frequently disgruntled woman revealed that she’s known about Su Yung all along. Susan then grabbed Kimber by the hair and tossed her into a room when the segment ended.

Steve Maclin Picks Up Another Win

Steve Maclin picked up another win in squash match style this week. He then cut a promo about “being done waiting” after.

Chris Bey Is Back To Not Having Picked A Side

For weeks, Chris Bey has been refusing to choose a side between the babyfaces and heels in the X-Division. He finally sided with the babyfaces last week but that wouldn’t last long. Bey picked up the win this week for the good guys after scoring a roll-up on Shera. After the match, however, Bey made it clear there will be no sides on Saturday at Slammiversary. it will be every man for himself in Ultimate X. Bey demonstrated this by attacked Trey and Alexander with a chair.

Tenille Dashwood Helps Brian Myers In Beatdown of Matt Cardona

Someone Matt Cardona has a history with, Tenille Dashwood, helped Brian Myers attack Matt Cardona this week. Myers and Sam Beale were out to adhere to the stipulation of the match last week and refer to Something as “a professional.” Myers said that Something might be professional but he’s not a star. Things then got physical between the 4 men when Tenille Dashwood appeared and gave a low blow to Cardona.

Following this, Cardona cut a promo in the back on Myers. Scott D’Amore then cut in and announced a match at Slammiversary pitting Myers and Dashwood against Cardona and a mystery female wrestler.

Chris Sabin Saves Hernandez From Moose

Moose defeated Hernandez in singles action this week. After the match, he wrapped Super Mex’s leg in a steel chair but Moose’s Slammiversary opponent Chris Sabin made the save. Sabin then wrapped Moose’s leg in a chair but Moose was able to escape.

Joe Doering and Violent By Design Build Momentum For Slammiversary

In a 4-way match this week, Joe Doering pinned Fallah Bah, giving Violent By Design the edge leading to the tag title match at Slammiversary on Saturday. Eric Young’s faction stood tall to end the show.

Slammiversary Lineup

  1. Impact World Championship
    No Disqualification
    Kenny Omega (c) vs Sami Callihan
  2. Knockouts Championship
    Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs A Mystery Opponent
  3. Impact Tag Team Championships
    Violent By Design (c) vs The Good Brothers vs Willie Mack & Rich Swann vs TJP & Fallah Bah
  4. Knockouts Tag Team Championships
    Fire N Flava (c) vs Rosemary & Havok
  5. X-Division Championship
    Josh Alexander (c) vs Rohit Raju vs Chris Bey vs Trey Miguel vs Ace Austin vs Petey Williams
  6. Moose vs Chris Sabin
  7. Eddie Edwards vs W. Morrissey
  8. Matt Cardona & ??? vs Brian Myers & Tenille Dashwood

Sami Callihan & Jessicka Havok Get Engaged

Impact Wrestling roster members Sami Callihan and Jessicka Havok announced their engagement today on social media. According to comments Havok posted to Instagram, Callihan proposed immediately following a video game live stream she was doing.

“So, I just ended a live stream of the mothman statue at the mothman museum, just to have Sami on one knee when I turned around. I almost couldn’t believe it. I am so overwhelmed with happiness. 
I didn’t know how to react, so I started crying. Lol, tears of joy. I don’t know what to say,” she wrote On Instagram. “P.s. I said yes.”

Sami Callihan and Jessicka Havok

Havok is in her 2nd stint with Impact Wrestling currently. She was with the company from 2014-15. Havok won the Knockouts Championship during this run. She returned in 2019 and lately has been growing an alliance with Rosemary. They seem to be about to feud with Knockouts tag-team champions, Fire N Flava (Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz).

As for Callihan, he’s preparing to challenge Kenny Omega for the Impact World Championship in the main event of Slammiversary next month. Callihan is already a former 1x Impact World Champion. He defeated Brian Cage for the title on the promotion’s first show on AXS TV.

Kenny Omega vs Sami Callihan Set For Impact Slammiversary

Impact Wrestling has officially confirmed the main event for their upcoming Slammiversary PPV, announcing that Sami Callihan will challenge Kenny Omega for the title at the show.

Last week’s episode of their weekly show saw Scott D’Amore announcing that the winner of the match between Omega and Moose at the Against All Odds event will face Callihan at their next PPV.

However, Callihan didn’t wait until Slammiversary. He showed up at Daily’s Place this past Saturday after the world title match to confront his future opponent.

Unhappy with his move and concerned about Omega and The Young Bucks, Impact EVP Don Callis had rushed to the ring before Callihan could do anything and he fired the Impact Wrestling star from the company.

This week’s episode of Impact then saw Tommy Dreamer who was representing Anthem Sports & Entertainment; reinstate the former world champion’s job.

Dreamer also informed Callis that his job as the Executive Vice President of the company was being terminated. Don Callis has already finished his stint as an Impact executive and he has only been working as an on-screen personality for the company.

Updated Slammiversary Match Card

After the latest announcements, here is the updated match card for Impact Wrestling’s Slammiversary PPV, taking place on Saturday, July 17:

  • Impact World Championship Match: Kenny Omega vs. Sami Callihan
  • X Division Championship Ultimate X Match: Josh Alexander vs. Trey Miguel vs. Ace Austin vs. Chris Bey vs. Rohit Raju vs. Petey Williams
  • Singles Match: Moose vs. Chris Sabin

Impact Results (3/16): The Build To Swann vs Omega Begins

Impact Wrestling this week featured Rich Swann’s first appearance as the holder of both the Impact and TNA World Championships. Don Callis had something to say to the champ about his upcoming match with Kenny Omega at Rebellion, however.

Impact Wrestling 3/16 Quick Results:

  1. FinJuice defeated Team XXXL
  2. Rhino defeated Jake Something
  3. Rohit Raju defeated Shera
  4. Jordynne Grace, Jazz, ODB, Havok, Nevaeh & Alisha defeated Deonna Purrazzo, Fire N Flava, Kimber Lee, Susan & Tenille Dashwood
  5. Sami Callihan defeated Trey Miguel

Don Callis Confronts Rich Swann

The build to Rich Swann vs Kenny Omega began this week. Swann came out to cut a promo this week dropped in his two championship belts. He was interrupted by Don Callis, however, who debuted new entrance music that plays into his “Invisible Hand” moniker. Callis told Swann that he was the invisible hand helping him in his career in Impact over the last few years. He said he believes in Swann and his talents but eventually moved on to focus more on Kenny Omega. Callis promised Swann that he’s already written what will happen at Rebellion. As Callis left the ring area, Swann was left to ponder all that the Invisible Hand had just told him.

Sami Callihan Delivers Vicious Piledriver On Trey Miguel

Sami Callihan is the master of the piledriver. He used several of them to defeat Brian Cage and win the Impact World Championship in 2019 and he used a package piledriver to possibly injure Trey Miguel in this week’s main event. Miguel was on the turnbuckle and briefly turned his attention to the referee and away from Callihan. This allowed The Draw to wrap Trey up and deliver the package piledriver. After the match, Trey continued to sell the move as the commentary team speculated that perhaps it should be banned.

Juice Robinson and David Finlay Are Taking The Tag Belts To Japan

The team of Juice Robinson and David Finlay won the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Championships at Sacrifice. They then defeated the team of Acey Romero and Larry D in tag action on this week’s show. After the match, former champions Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows confronted them. The Good Brothers said that FinJuice got lucky at Sacrifice and they want another match. FinJuice then explained they are headed back to NJPW for a tour and won’t be back until April. Later in the show, Scott D’Amore told Anderson and Gallows they can have their rematch at Rebellion.

Tony Khan and Tony Schiavone Run Down St. Patricks’ Day Slam

The two Tonys were all business this week as they ran down the card for Dynamite this week. A few segments were announced that hadn’t been previously.

  • Lights Out Match
    Thunder Rosa vs. Dr. Britt Baker DMD (w/Rebel)
  • Jade Cargill vs. TBD
  • Eddie Kingston & Jon Moxley vs. The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)
  • Cody Rhodes (w/Arn Anderson) vs. Penta El Zero Miedo
  • Matt Hardy, Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) & The Butcher And The Blade (The Blade & The Butcher) (w/The Bunny) vs. Bear Country (Bear Boulder & Bear Bronson) & Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus & Marko Stunt)
  • Rey Fenix vs Angelico
  • Christian Cage to speak
  • Tony Schiavone to interview Sting and Darby Allin

Violent By Design Takes Out Beer, Guns, and Something

At Sacrifice, Rhino aligned with Eric Young’s Violent By Design faction. This week, he took on Jake Something in singles action. During the match, Chris Sabin and James Storm (who had accompanied Jake Something to the ring) got into a brawl with the other members of VOD. Meanwhile, inside the ring Rhino delivered a Gore to Something and got the win. After the match, VOD had a 4-on-3 numbers advantage and continued the assault on Sabin, Storm, and Something.

Rohit Raju Picks Up Win Over Shera

After losing to Chris Sabin and James Storm at Sacrifice, Rohit Raju and Shera showed some dissension and then were booked for this singles match against one another. Shera seemed as though he had the advantage throughout much of the match. In the end, however, it was Raju rolling his opponent up and then putting his feet on the ropes that earned him the tainted victory.

Jazz Makes Kimber Lee Tap in 6-on-6 Knockouts Tag Match

A huge chunk of the Knockouts division was involved in this match. This all stems from some altercation that had taken place inside Swinger’s Palace, the hot new backstage location where rivalries are able to form. There was a lot of action taking place at once in this match but when the smoke settled, it was Jazz and Kimber Lee alone in the ring. Jazz hit an X-factor and then locked in the STF and made the former CHIKARA champ tap. It was later announced that Jazz will face Purrazzo in non-title action next week.

Coming Up In Impact Wrestling

Next week:

  • X-Division Championship
    Ace Austin (c) vs TJP
  • Deonna Purrazzo vs Jazz
  • Karl Anderson vs Eddie Edwards

Hardcore Justice – April 10th, 2021

  • Tommy Dreamer to book card.

Rebellion – April 24th, 2021

  • Impact vs AEW Championship
    Kenny Omega (AEW World Champion) vs Rich Swann (Impact World Champion)
  • Impact Tag Team Championships
    FinJuice (Juice Robinson & David Finlay) (c) vs The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows)

Update On Impact Contracts: Sami Callihan, Ethan Page & More

We have updates on a few Impact Wrestling contracts that were set to expire at the end of 2020.

Former Impact World Champion, Sami Callihan, has announced that he has re-signed with the promotion. He noted on Twitter yesterday that he’s come to terms on a 2-year deal with the promotion. Callihan originally singed with Impact in late 2017.

Callihan wrote, “Today marks when I WOULD have been a FREE AGENT. I just RE-SIGNED with @IMPACTWRESTLING, 2 years for BIG money. I got other offers…but I don’t give a damn. This is MY company. I made this company. I will be champion again in 2021. #TheDRAW.”

Ethan Page Update

In other Impact news, Ethan Page has finished up with the company. It had previously been reported that he was not expected to re-sign.

It was reported recently in the Wrestling Observer that he has left the promotion. His tag-team partner, Josh Alexander is still with the company, however, and has several months left in his contract. Dave Meltzer wrote, “Ethan Page, who is no longer with the company as he decided not to sign a new deal, which breaks up The North as a team since Josh Alexander has months left, has pulled all of his merchandise effective now.”

As for where Page is headed, pulling merchandise is often a sign someone is going to WWE. Page is the kind of guy who would throw out a red herring like that, though.

Page has said in interviews that the North will not be breaking up, however.

“If you think for one F’N second that we’re going to let Impact dictate whether we break up, or we don’t, or whatever you’re out of your damn mind,” said Page.

“I’m telling you guys. Everyone watched Final Resolution, and everyone saw my mental breakdown, whatever. It doesn’t matter. I’m telling you guys that no matter which way this goes The North are not splitting.”

Ethan Page & Sami Callihan Free Agency News

Impact Wrestling’s Ethan Page and Sami Callihan reportedly both have contracts that expire at the end of the year. According to a recent report from PW Insider, one is expected to leave the promotion and the other is expected to stay.

Sami Callihan, a former Impact World Champion, is expected to stay with the company. Callihan debuted for the promotion in late 2017 and has been a featured performer since the current management regime came in around the same time.

Ethan Page, 1/2 of the North, is expected to leave the promotion at the end of the month. His tag-team partner, Josh Alexander, still has somewhere around 9 months left on his deal. Page recently spoke to about his pending free agency.

“Impact has been amazing. They’re allowing me the opportunity to chat with other companies, and they’re handling this in an extremely professional manner. I’m open to chatting with other people, but my interest is hearing how Impact values me and what they’re willing to offer,” he said.

Some dissension was teased between Page and his partner on this week’s episode of Impact Wrestling.

Taya Valkyrie’s contract with Impact also expires at the end of the month. There is no word on where she might end up, however.

Backstage News On Recent Impact Tapings, Emergence Event

Impact Wrestling presents the first night of its 2-week branded event, Emergence, tonight on AXS TV and Twitch. The company recently finished taping several weeks of television from Nashville. According to Fightful Select, the company filmed episodes to take them all the way up to October’s Bound For Glory PPV.

News coming out of the tapings says that Sami Callihan is also not expected to play a major role in the company’s storylines leading up to the October PPV. It is unclear why this is, however. Callihan has been a featured performer with the promotion for some time now. At Slammiversary, he teamed with Ken Shamrock in a loss to the North. He has since been involved in an angle with Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes on recent editions of the weekly show.

Some new faces were also present at the tapings. These are not big names from WWE or ROH, however, but rather independent wrestlers getting another look, possibly on episodes of Xplosion. Alex Shelley recently posted a photo of some of the names Impact is currently looking at:

AXS and Impact are also said to be looking to increase their media presence as a result of the successful Slammiversary PPV.

Taya Valkyrie and TJP were evidently frustrated with their commute home from the recent tapings.

Emergence Night 1

Impact will present night 1 of Emergence tonight. 6 matches have been confirmed for the show.

  • Impact World Championship
    Eddie Edwards Open Challenge
  • Impact Tag Team Championships
    The Motor City Machine Guns (c) vs The North
  • Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows vs Ace Austin & Madman Fulton
  • X-Division Championship
    Chris Bey (c) vs TJP vs Rohit Raju
  • Wrestle House
    Taya Valkyrie vs Kylie Rae
  • TNA World Heavyweight Championship (Unofficial)
    Moose (c) vs Trey

Impact Results (5/19) Semi-Finals of #1 Contender Tournament Set

Impact Wrestling presented another episode last night from their recent set of tapings in Tennessee. This episode featured 2 more first-round matches in the #1 Contenders tournament as well as Moose defending “his” TNA World Championship.

Impact Wrestling 5/19 Quick Results:

  1. #1 Contenders Tournament (1st Round)
    Ace Austin defeated Rhino
  2. Crazzy Steve defeated Dave Crist
  3. TJP & Fallah Bah defeated Team XXXL (Ace Romero & Larry D)
  4. TNA World Championship
    Moose (c) defeated Suicide
  5. X-Division Championship
    Willie Mack (c) defeated Johnny Swinger
  6. #1 Contenders Tournament (1st Round)
    Michael Elgin defeated Sami Callihan

Michael Elgin Defeats Sami Callihan, Advances In Tournament

The main event of Impact this week saw Michael Elgin go up against Sami Callihan in the 1st round of the #1 Contenders tournament. It was a rough draw for each wrestler to get in the 1st round. Callihan came into this match at a disadvantage, however. After Ken Shamrock caused Sami to pass out at Rebellion in the ankle lock, it became clear the injury has not fully healed yet and that was a factor in this match.

Elgin didn’t shy away from focussing on his opponent’s injured ankle but Sami fought back. Ultimately, Callihan stumbled on his injured leg after escaping a power bomb attempt by Elgin and this allowed Elgin to capitalize and land a sit-down power bomb for the win. Elgin will go on to meet Trey in the semi-finals.

Moose Defends “His” TNA Championship, Josh Matthews Having None Of It

We saw more highlights this week of a sit-down interview between Josh Matthews and Moose. Matthews made no secret of the fact that Moose is only a self-proclaimed holder of the TNA World title. Moose did not respond kindly to Matthews’ expression of this fact.

Moose needed to resort to underhanded tactics to score a second-straight victory over Suicide this week. This time, as Suicide landed a crossbody block from the top rope, Moose’s momentum landed him on top of Suicide in a pinning position. Moose then grabbed a handful of trunks and got the 3-count to defend “his” TNA World Title.

Moose continued to insist that he be announced as the TNA World Champion and that the referee hold up the title before the match.

Ace Austin Advances In Tournament

Ace Austin was named as a last-minute replacement for an injured Ken Shamrock in the tournament. The former X-Division Champion was in tough in the 1st round of the tournament but much like he did throughout his title reign, Austin was able to find away to escape with a victory.

In this match, Austin would use his baton to hit Rhino with while the referee’s attention was averted. With the win, Austin will go on to face Hernandez in the semi-finals of the tournament.

Johnny Swinger & Chris Bey Attack Willie Mack

In Johnny Swinger’s mind, he and Willie Mack used to form a tag-team called “the Mack and Pack Connection.” Once Mack won the X-division title, Swinger started calling for a title shot against him. Chris Bey was shown speaking with Swinger in the back before the match and it appears an alliance between the two is brewing.

At one point in the match, Swinger hit a swinging neck breaker and Mack only kept his title by getting his foot on the rope. Swinger thought he’d won the match and the title but it was not the case. Mack would pick up the victory with a Samoan Drop followed by a standing moonsault.

After the match, however, Chris Bey hit the ring and he and Swinger attacked Mack and left him laying.

Madman Fulton Quits OVE

The returning Crazzy Steve picked up a victory this week in single’s action. He landed a diving DDT on Dave Crist for the win. Joey Ryan came out to watch Steve in action this week after the two had a bit of an altercation in the back last week. Ryan feels Steve’s name is “offensive to crazy people.”

The other members of OVE, Madman Fulton and Jake Crist were at ringside but after the match Madman Fulton let it be known he’d had enough of being in the faction. Fulton grabbed both Crist brothers by the neck and proclaimed that he quit. It looks like OVE really is over now, as Sami Callihan and Madman Fulton have left, leaving just the Crist brothers on their own.

Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz Form An Alliance

Tasha Steelz was recently signed to a contract with Impact Wrestling. She lost a single’s match to Kylie Rae last week. This week she was approached by Kiera Hogan in the back and the two came to an understanding on a new alliance.

Steelz is a 5-year pro who has competed for ROH, NWA, Warrior Wrestling and many other promotions. Last summer, she challenged Kelly Klein for the WOH title on the ROH Summer Supercard in Toronto. Steelz was also featured prominently recently on episodes of NWA Powerrr. Now it looks like Steelz will be joining forces with Kiera Hogan in Impact Wrestling.

Next Week On Impact Wrestling

Next weak on Impact Wrestling, the semi-finals of the #1 Contenders tournament will take place. Trey will take on Michael Elgin and Hernandez will take on Ace Austin. Also next week, the North will take on Cody Deaner and a partner as all 3 are in Ontario, Canada and unable to travel to tapings. Kimber Lee and Havok will also rematch after Lee picked up a victory in their first tilt by way of using a pair of brass knuckles.

  1. #1 Contenders Tournament (Semi-Finals)
    Ace Austin vs Hernandez
  2. #1 Contenders Tournament (Semi-Finals)
    Michael Elgin vs Trey
  3. The North vs Cody Deaner & TBD
  4. Kimber Lee vs Havok

Sami Callihan On Why He Participated In Recent Impact Tapings

Impact recently taped months worth of content in Tennessee including the 2-part Rebellion event. Former Impact World Champion Sami Callihan took part in the tapings and his match against Ken Shamrock from Rebellion aired on last night’s show. When the global pandemic first began to impact live events, Callihan stated he would not be wrestling during this time. He spoke to recently about what made him feel safe taking part in the recent tapings for Impact.

“The reason that I was 100% OK with doing that was because Impact took amazing care of us,” Callihan said during the interview. “From the time we got there to the time we left, I knew no one from our crew was going to be in any danger. Impact took every precaution to make sure our television taping was the safest television taping going on right now.”

Sami Callihan on Recent Impact Tapings

Unfortunately, several members of the roster were unable to attend the tapings. Neither Tessa Blanchard nor Eddie Edwards attended. Tag champions the North were unable to travel to the state due to the US-Canada border being shut down. A Knockouts title match between Taya Valkyrie and Jordynne Grace has been scrapped from Rebellion as well.

“I put my entire trust in Impact management to make sure we all get taken care of,” Callihan continued. “I’ve wrestled for every major wrestling company on the planet, and Impact Wrestling truly is a family. I know it’s crazy to think how many ‘families’ there are in this crazy world, but our entire locker room and our entire staff took care of each other so we could all be safe.”

Callihan took on a new gimmick in Impact Wrestling shortly after losing the world title to Tessa Blanchard. He has been revealed as the hacker behind the “ICU” videos on the show. He spoke with Chris Van Vliet recently about the character.

Callihan also spoke about the freedom he has in Impact Wrestling. He noted that Impact is the first promotion to really take the shackles off of him.

“Impact Wrestling has been the first company to pull the shackles off me and say, ‘We want to give you the freedom to actually do you.’”

Impact Rebellion Night 1 Results & 7 Takeaways (4/21/20)

Impact Wrestling presented the first night of its Rebellion event last night on AXS TV and Twitch. The show featured an X-Division title match and was headlined by Sami Callihan taking on Ken Shamrock.

Impact Rebellion Night 1 Quick Results:

  1. Tommy Dreamer, Rhino & Crazzy Steve defeated OVE (Madman Fulton, Dave & Jake Crist)
  2. The Rascalz (Dez & Wentz) defeated XXXL (Acey Romero & Larry D) and Fallah Bahh & TJP
  3. X-Division Championship
    Willie Mack defeated Ace Austin (c) – New Champion
  4. Kylie Rae defeated Kiera Hogan
  5. Unsanctioned Match
    Ken Shamrock defeated Sami Callihan

Ken Shamrock Defeats Sami Callihan In Cinematic Main Event

Ken Shamrock got his hands on Sami Callihan last night to headline Night 1 of Rebellion. This unsanctioned match would spill to the outside shortly after Shamrock jumped off the stage and landed on Callihan. From there, things took a very cinematic turn. We’ve seen a lot of these matches in other promotions as of late but Impact has a fair amount of experience and history with this emerging genre of pro-wrestling. There was no magic or otherworldly powers involved here, though.

Callihan’s former OVE stablemates joined the attack and it looked as though Shamrock would be heavily outnumbered. Callihan took a baseball bat to the members of OVE, however, taking them out of the equation and confirming he is no longer aligned with the group. From there, Shamrock and Callihan agreed to take things outside to the street. Callihan had Shamrock locked in a rear-naked choke but Shamrock managed to get out. He then locked in the Ankle Lock on Callihan. The man behind the ICU videos who now claims to “see ev-ree-thing” would not tap but rather lost consciousness and the ref called for an end to the match.

Willie Mack Wins X-Division Gold

Willie Mack left Rebellion with X-Division gold after defeating Ace Austin in a match that seemed like it could go either way. Austin countered a Stunner attempt by Mack into a Fold but Mack kicked out from the champion’s finish. Mack then hit a pop-up Stunner which Austin kicked out of. As Mack went for the 6-star frog splash, Austin rolled away to an opposing corner. Mack then landed a coast-to-coast on the unsuspecting Austin. The finish of the match then came when Austin was setting Mack up for something on the turnbuckle but took a Stunner from Mack (who crotched himself on the turnbuckle in the process) and then delivered a 6-star frog splash for the win.

Mack becomes the 46th person to win the title and begins the 91st reign in its lineage.

After the title win, Rich Swann noted that there was no reason why they couldn’t still go for the tag titles. Johnny Swinger also showed up in the back and lamented the end of the “Mack and Pack Connection.”

Uncertain Impact World Title Picture

It was noted on the broadcast that neither Tessa Blanchard nor Eddie Edwards was able to attend the tapings in Tennesse. This left only Michael Elgin from the 3 wrestlers scheduled to compete for the world title at Rebellion. Elgin promised that a new world champion will be crowned next week, though it was never revealed how that will happen. Impact is advertising that the future of the world title will be revealed on next week’s show.

Kylie Rae Scores Big Win Over Kiera Hogan

Last week on Impact, Kiera Hogan made Kylie Rae stop smiling and get a little angry. Kylie snapped at Hogan that she was not very nice after Hogan noted that there were no friends in the Knockouts locker room setting up this match here.

Kylie was able to pick up the victory via submission with an STF. It was noted on commentary that when Kylie does the move, the acronym stands for “Smile, it’s The Finish.”

Tag Titles Stuck Up “North” As Rascalz Win Multi-Team Bout

Dez and Wentz from the Rascalz picked up a win in a triple threat tag match this week. While the win likely moves them up the rankings and closer to a title shot, the current champs are unable to cross the border into the United States at the moment. An interview with Ethan Page and Josh Alexander this week involved the team saying that they plan to defend the titles against Canada’s top teams as soon as possible.

Crazzy Steve Returns To Impact

Tommy Dreamer and Rhino promised a surprise partner to take on Madman Fulton and the Crist brothers this week. Their teammate turned out to be Crazzy Steve formerly of the Menagerie and Decay in TNA. Steve is a one-time tag team champion along with Abyss. Rhino would pick up the victory for his team with a Gore on Dave Crist.

Rebellion Night 2 Lineup

The Full Metal Mayhem match for the Knockouts title appears to have been scrapped. It has been replaced with Havok vs Rosemary in the same type of match but without the title on the line. It doesn’t appear as though either Taya or Jordynne Grace were able to make the tapings.

Here are the matches lined up for Night 2 of Rebellion next week:

  • Joey Ryan vs Cousin Jake
  • Full Metal Mayhem
    Havok vs Rosemary
  • Suicide vs Chris Bey vs Trey vs Rohit Raju
  • Update on the World Title situation

Sami Callihan Compares Current Gimmick With Solomon Crowe

Sami Callihan recently returned to Impact Wrestling. He took a brief hiatus from the promotion after losing the world title but returned as the man behind the ICU hacking incidents as of late. He is now scheduled to face Ken Shamrock next week on the 1st night of Rebellion.

During an interview with Chris Van Vliet, Sami talked about his current gimmick in Impact and comparisons to his Solomon Crowe gimmick in NXT.

“Yeah but done the correct way,” Callihan responded when Van Vliet mentioned his current character is similar to the one he did in NXT. “And that’s not sh**ing on WWE at this point, they did not understand it at all.”

“We really didn’t even get to pull the trigger on the hacker cyber-punk character really at all,” he continued. “It was something that me and Dusty Rhodes had really written out, came up with ideas on and it was something that I came up with from being a big video game nerd and actually watching the movie Hackers.”

Callihan continued to say that when he suggested the character in NXT someone from the office asked him why a hacker would wrestle?

“Why would the Undertaker wrestle? He strikes dude with lightning bolts, I don’t think that’s really the hill to die on but it just didn’t click, I didn’t click,” Callihan said. He would continue to say that Impact is now trusting him to think outside of the box with the character, however.

The full interview with Chris Van Vliet can be viewed in the player below:

Sami Callihan Will Not Wrestle Until Coronavirus Has Been Contained

Former Impact World Heavyweight Champion Sami Callihan has declared he will not be performing until the coronavirus pandemic has been contained.

Callihan shared his intentions via his Twitter account, stressing how “safety is the most important thing” for all concerned. He shared how he won’t be doing any wrestling shows before asking everyone to be as safe as possible.

“F–k characters, f–ks storylines…. our safety is the most important thing. Until this gets better I’m not going to ANY wrestling shows. I beg the world to be as safe as possible in this extremely scary time. Let’s join together like never before. We can get through this.”

Sami Callihan later sent a follow-up Tweet, noting how his family, pets, and himself were all more important than “fake fighting our underwear.”

“My family… my animals… myself is more important than fake fighting in our underwear. I’m sorry. I’m not going to show until this in contained. I hope everyone does the same. The world. Our loves. Is not worth it.”

Coronavirus Pandemic

Several events worldwide have been affected by the coronavirus. Concerts, conventions and entire sports seasons have all been postponed, rescheduled and cancelled in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak.

Although WrestleMania 36 still seems to be going ahead, plenty of other promotions have taken action to help combat spreading the virus. New Japan Pro-Wrestling has cancelled several New Japan Cup events, and ROH has recently cancelled their 18th Anniversary pay-per-view.

Impact Wrestling Results & 5 Takeaways (1/14/20)

Impact Wrestling presented its first show since Hard to Kill on AXS TV and Twitch last night. The show featured a sit-down interview with the new Impact World Champion, Tessa Blanchard.

Impact Wrestling 1/14/20 Quick Results:

  1. The Desi Hit Squad defeated Reno Scum, TJP & Daga, and the Rascalz (Wentz & Dez) – fatal 4-way tag match. (taped at Hard to Kill)
  2. Joey Ryan defeated Johnny Swinger (taped at Hard to Kill)
  3. X-Division Championship
    Ace Austin defeated Moose, Eddie Edwards, and Fallah Bah – fatal 4-way match. (taped at House of Hardcore)

Here are 5 takeaways from Impact Wrestling 1/14/20:

Sami Callihan Threatens Tessa Blanchard

Losing the Impact World Championship might not be sitting well with the already unstable Sami Callihan. Tessa Blanchard’s sit-down interview this week was interrupted by a video message from Callihan.

Highlights of Blanchard’s title win was shown as well as clips of the entire locker room coming out to celebrate with her after the PPV ended. Blanchard then sat down with Josh Mathews and spoke about the importance of her title victory. That’s when Sami Callihan interrupted.

Calihan’s video panned out and revealed he was somewhere in the same studio Blanchard was. When Blanchard went looking for Callihan, however, a new video was shown. This video featured Callihan telling Blanchard that when he gets revenge, she will never see him coming.

RVD, His Girlfriend and His Girlfriend’s Girlfriend Celebrate

RVD defeated both Brian Cage and Daga at Hard to Kill. He held a celebration with his girlfriend and his girlfriends’ girlfriend in a hotel room this week. RVD noted that Forbes and her girlfriend weren’t even born yet during ECW’s heyday. RVD also noted that wrestling nowadays is basically a tribute show to him, with everyone doing his moves.

Eventually, the celebration got so steamy that the Impact Plus app had to cut in with a clip of the Deaners as “the Hard Workers” from the retro show they did a few weeks back.

Joey Ryan Gives Johnny Swinger His Comeuppance

Joey Ryan and Johnny Swinger met in single’s action this week. This match stemmed from the epic Wrestlers Court segment a few weeks back. Then last week, Tommy Dreamer caught Swinger trying to put somas in Ryan’s water. Dreamer eventually forced Swinger to drink the soma water instead.

Swinger hurt himself in this match when he attempted to deliver a headbutt to Ryan’s groin. Ryan then hit a penis suplex on Swinger but Swinger grabbed the referee during the move, taking him out momentarily. Ryan would then pick up the win with a lollipop assisted superkick.

Ace Austin Retains X-Division Title In Fatal 4-Way From House of Hardcore

Ace Austin was in tough this week. He had to defend his title in a fatal 4-way match against Eddie Edwards, Moose and Fallah Bah. The match was filmed at a recent House of Hardcore event.

The end of the match came when Edwards took Moose out with the Boston Knee Party. Edwards was then leveled with a powerbomb by Fallah Bah leaving Austin and Bah as the only two wrestlers standing. Austin then hit Bah with the Fold from up top for the win.

It is not clear if Trey’s mother was watching. Trey still has a grudge against the X-Division champion, however.

Desi Hit Squad Pick Up A Big Tag Win

A fatal 4-way tag match kicked off this week’s episode of Impact. The match was taped from the Bomb Factory at Hard to Kill on Sunday but did not air on the PPV. It was noted on commentary that TJP normally teams with Fallah Bah but as Bah has another match scheduled on the show, Daga as his replacement partner in this match.

Rohit Raju and Mahabali Shera picked up the win for their stable this week after a Sky High. Josh Mathews noted on commentary that the win likely puts the Desi Hit Squad in a position to challenge for the Impact tag team championships.