Posts Tagged ‘See No Evil 2’

Kane Talks About His Favorite WWE Moment, Being On The Road, See No Evil 2 & More

The following are highlights of a new Local Bonzo interview with Kane:

LB: In WWE’s PG world, it’s a bit surprising that the company is releasing a horror movie that’s rated R- which is certainly going to appease fans just begging for a return to a product that caters more toward adults. How fulfilling was making the film for you personally knowing that you’d be able to go all out with a script and with effects that wouldn’t skimp on the slasher side of a true horror film?

Kane: What was neat about “See No Evil 2? is- of course it is a horror movie, but there’s also a lot of other elements in it. It’s not just a slasher flick. It has a good plot. It has very good characters. Also, in “See No Evil 2? we get to explore the life of Jacob Goodnight a lot more. We see the influence that his mom has had on him and get into that further. So it’s really a throwback to the old-fashioned 80?s style slasher flicks.

LB: The Kane character is one that’s actually celebrating its 17th anniversary in WWE this month- but you’ve actually been with the company for closer to twenty years. First off, with two decades in the wrestling business, how’s your body feeling on a day to day basis and are you still enjoying the grind?

Kane: Yeah I still enjoy it. The hardest part about our job is the travel. People see what we do in the ring and of course, that is physical and it is challenging. But I always find that it’s the travel which gets to me more than anything. But I’ve been fortunate that I don’t have any really terrible injuries so in that respect I’m doing very well. And I also try to keep myself in as good of shape as I can. I work out pretty much every day and I’m still feeling good after all these years.

LB: Looking back on your career, what’s perhaps your favorite match or favorite moment that you don’t think gets the credit or has had the lasting power that it probably deserves?

Kane: I’m not really sure. My favorite moment was beating “Stone Cold” Steve Austin for the WWE Championship and the thing about that is- yeah, I only held it for a day but nevertheless, the next night on [USA’s “Monday Night] Raw,” the match between Austin and I did the highest rating that “Raw” had drawn to that point. That felt like one of the launching points for the ‘Attitude Era.’ That was one of the points to where things shot up from there. And the fact that, you know, there I am in the ring with arguably the guy that would go on to become the most popular wrestler in WWE history and I’m part of all that- so that was a really big moment for me. There’s been a lot of other stuff of course, but that’s my favorite moment. It would be that one.

Check out the complete interview at

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  • Kane Shares Thoughts On Wyatt Family Characters, Hell In A Cell, See No Evil 2

    The following are highlights of a new The Rack interview with Kane:

    What can we expect from Jacob Goodnight in ‘See No Evil 2’: “Well, this is going to be a little bit different than ‘See No Evil’; the girls who directed this film are twins, Jen and Sylvia Soska, and they have a huge following in the horror genre and are going to be the next big thing in horror. What’s really interesting about ‘See No Evil 2’ for me, and I just got to see the finished copy the other day, is the fact that despite the film is dealing with disturbing material, is a beautifully shot movie. It’s beautiful; the cinematography is awesome, and the soundtrack is great and it’s really a contrast as you are dealing with this disturbing material and violence and everything but also you’re going ‘Wow, this is really pretty’. What we also tried to do was to try and bring more depth to the characters and to actually have not to your stereotypical slasher movie; let’s make it a movie where you cared about the people in the movie and hopefully that brings about more emotional involvement and not just the visceral visual effects but the fact that you’re like ‘Oh, I really like that person’ and hopefully it makes it a little more scary that way.”

    If he got more creative freedom in portraying Jacob Goodnight in the sequel: “Yes, I guess I did actually. There were a couple of scenes that were added to the movie, that weren’t in the original script, that me and the Soska sisters fought for that sort of rounded Jacob out, bringing him more to life and making him more of a human being than a character. I was really happy about that.

    You still explore the relationship with his mother, even despite the fact that his mother is no longer with us, she still has a tremendous impact on his psychology and on his emotions. In fact, in the first movie ‘See No Evil’, the mother was the real villain, not Jacob. In this one, she’s still the dominant aspect of his life.”

    What was it like working for the Soska Sisters, a set of female directors: “We meshed really well, because they are not your typical females; they are huge WWE fans and they’re probably into all the stuff us guys are into. So, they were really great and what was really interesting about working with them is despite the fact they are two people, at times it’s like you are dealing with one mind because Jen would often be on the floor and directing the action and Sylvia would be watching on the monitor and you’d go through a scene and they’d be tweaks and they wouldn’t talk to each other; Jen would just talk to you differently and you’d do the scene again and Sylvia would go ‘OK, that’s good.’ You’d be like, ‘wait a second, how… did they see through each other’s eyes, or what’s going on?!’

    So, at first, I was worried, thinking how are you going to work with two directors? because the director is the boss, they’re the ones who have the final say in what’s going on and how are you going to do it if there’s two of them? But what was really cool about it was it was like you were still just working with one and instead of competing and butting heads, they actually augmented one another. So, it was really an interesting experience.”

    Does he enjoy the fact that recently he’s been able to explore different aspects of the Kane Character (Team Hell No, Corporate Kane, The Big Red Machine): “No, absolutely; I’m having a lot of fun. The Team Hell No stuff with Daniel Bryan has probably been the most fun I’ve ever had in WWE because it was something complete different than anything I’d ever done before. I’d always been a very curious character and here we are providing the comic relief to the show. So, if you’d asked people before we did Team Hell No that Kane was going to be the guy you were laughing at, who would have said yes, right?

    So, that was a lot of fun and with The Authority now, with Corporate Kane, it’s also very gratifying for me because now he’s sort of a normal person, but underneath it, you have that underlying fact he’s a monster and now he has political power, which is really scary. So, I do have a lot of fun doing different things because as a performer it gets stale when you’re doing just one thing for years and years and years. So, I’m grateful for the opportunity to do different characters.”

    What does he think of the newer crop of Superstars like Bray Wyatt and The Shield: “I think they’re going to be great; I think they’re great now, you know? They provide a lot of energy, new ideas; they’re hungry. The thing I noticed when I worked against The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns) was the fact that those guys were confident; they knew they were going to be successful, no matter what it took. That’s the kind of attitude you need. So, I’ve really enjoyed working with the younger guys because they have that freshness and that hungry that actually revitalizes me at times.

    There’s all sorts of different dynamics going on now too and that’s what makes our product really interesting; when it’s not straight forward and there’s all sorts of different things going on between everybody and that’s what’s going on now. So I think, moving forward through Hell in a Cell and afterwards, it’s going to be quite interesting.”

    His favorite Hell in a Cell moments: “Well, my favorite would have to be, of course, my debut and ripping the door off and going in and giving a tombstone piledriver to The Undertaker and having Vince (McMahon) screaming ‘That’s gotta be Kane!’; that would far and away have to be my favorite moment.

    Even though it wasn’t at a Hell in a Cell PPV, I’ll never forget the match between Undertaker and Mankind at King of the Ring in Pittsburgh; when Mick went off the cell and then through the cell. That was one of those things that sort of rocketed the Attitude Era into the stratosphere.”

    The weirdest thing he’s ever gotten from a fan: “I haven’t gotten a lot of weird stuff; I’ve gotten a lot of stuffed animals, which is different, but probably the weirdest thing that’s ever happened or the most uncomfortable thing that’s ever happened was I received a fan letter at my house. It was really, really nice and it was from a gentleman who was interested in promoting drug awareness and gang resistance and that sort of thing, and it was really great except the fact that he was going to do that once he got out of prison; so yeah, the letter had come from prison. I don’t get a whole lot of really weird stuff.”

    Check out the complete interview at

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  • Dean Ambrose To Appear At Night Of Champions? See No Evil 2 Exclusive Clip

    – Although Dean Ambrose is scheduled to miss a few weeks of WWE television while he is off filming the new WWE Studios film “Lockdown,” it is still possible that he will make an appearance at the September 21st WWE Night Of Champions pay-per-view. Filming for “Lockdown” is scheduled to wrap up on September 20th and Ambrose is actually being advertised locally for Night Of Champions.

    – Above is an exclusive clip of the WWE Studios film “See No Evil 2,” which features actress Katharine Isabelle and Kane.

    If video fails, click here.

  • JEFF HARDY & KURT ANGLE To WWE?!, Lesnar/Reigns Plans For WM31 + Update On STING!
  • WWE Releases Official Trailer For Kane In “See No Evil 2”

    WWE released the above video trailer for Kane in “See No Evil 2,” which is set for an October 17th release.

    “Don’t miss the return of Kane as “Jacob Goodnight” in the heart pounding sequel “See No Evil 2.” Available on Digital HD and Video On Demand October 17th. Also available on Blu-ray and DVD on October 21st from Lionsgate Home Entertainment.”

  • WWE Movie News: Goldust To Attend Premiere, WWE Studios Soundtrack News

    WWE Superstar Goldust will be attending the world premiere of the film “Meet Me There,” which he is featured in, at the fifth annual “Filmorama Festival” on Friday, April 4th. The movie will air at midnight. For ticket information, visit

    Speaking of WWE-related movies, The Newton Brothers served as the composers for the soundtrack to the new WWE Studios film “Oculus,” as well as “See No Evil 2.”

  • KURT ANGLE Returning To WWE?!, Sting At WMXXX & HUGE WWE Title Change Planned!
  • Update On WWE’s Relationship With Netflix, See No Evil 2 News, More

    – WWE has added the “Christmas Bounty” film starring The Miz to Netflix. There was originally concern that WWE would be pulling their content off of Netflix due to their new WWE Network service, however the latest word is that they won’t be taking their stuff off of Netflix because it has been a solid source of revenue for the company.

    – Speaking of WWE movie projects, there are rumors that the WWE Studios film “See No Evil 2” starring Kane will be released in October, just in time for Halloween.

  • CM Punk To Return At Monday’s RAW In Chicago? Backstage News & Notes …

    (Partial Credit:

  • Two Former WWE Stars To Join Foley At Next Comedy Show, New Kane Interview

    -WWE Hall Of Famer Mick Foley will be doing a stand-up show on Wednesday, October 30th at the Orlando Improv. Former WWE Superstars Nick “Eugene” Dinsmore and Scotty 2 Hotty will be appearing with him for a Q&A segment during the show. For more information, visit

    -WWE has added a profile page for former AWA World Heavyweight Champion Stan Hansen on their Alumni section.

    -The following is a new Diabolique Magazine interview with WWE Superstar Kane:

    Huge *SPOILER* On Kane vs. Bray Wyatt At Survivor Series — CLICK HERE!

    Kane Returning To WWE TV Soon?, Sheamus Itching For Return To WWE

    -Filming reportedly concluded for the WWE Studios project “See No Evil 2” on Friday. The project has kept WWE Superstar Kane off of WWE television and current storylines since his “Ring Of Fire” match with Bray Wyatt at the SummerSlam pay-per-view in August. With the filming for the movie wrapping up this weekend, one would expect Kane will re-appear on WWE television in the near future.

    -WWE Superstar Sheamus, who is still on the sidelines recovering from an injury, posted the following tweet on his official Twitter account on Friday night during WWE SmackDown:

    Related News: Undertaker’s Rumored Opponent For WrestleMania XXX

    Update On WWE Studios Panel At NY Comic-Con, Two WWE Pre-Sale Passwords

    -The Soska Sisters, who directed “See No Evil 2,” and Zack Lipovsky, who directed “Leprechaun: Origins,” will be joining WWE Superstars Kane and Hornswoggle at the WWE Studios panel at the New York Comic-Con event on October 13th.

    -The official pre-sale for the WWE live event in Hershey, Pennsylvania on December 29th begins today. You can participate by using the pre-sale code: WWEHPA.

    -An additional WWE pre-sale is ongoing today for the upcoming RAW television taping in Richmond, Virginia on December 30th. You can participate in that one with the pre-sale code: RICHMOND.

    New Matches & *SPOILERS* For WWE Battleground + HUGE Update On Vince’s TV Return!

    HHH/McMahon Off WWE TV Soon?, Ziggler Interview, Kane Update, Booker T/UAE Tour

    -According to advertisements, Triple H, Vince McMahon and Stephanie McMahon are not booked for any WWE television tapings following the post-WWE Hell In A Cell edition of RAW on October 20th.

    -The “See No Evil 2” WWE Studios film project, which stars WWE Superstar Kane, officially begins shooting today.

    -Red Eye Chicago recently interviewed WWE Superstar Dolph Ziggler. Fans interested in checking that out can do so online at

    -WWE Hall Of Famer Booker T has been added to the WWE UAE tour as a special guest referee for the main events on all three live events. Additionally, WWE NXT stars Sami Zayn and Bo Dallas are advertised to appear on the tour.

    LIVE SmackDown *SPOILER* Coverage Tonight + Two MAJOR TNA Stars DONE! [>>]

    Leprechaun Theatrical Release Date, See No Evil 2 Update, Sequel To “The Call”

    -The WWE Studios Film “Leprechaun: Origins,” which stars WWE Superstar Hornswoggle, will be released in theaters on February 28, 2014.

    -WWE Studios are currently developing a sequel to “The Call,” which was one of the more successful WWE-related film projects. Fans who watched the initial film are aware of the potential of the sequel, as the final scene in the movie left the window open for such a possibility.

    -The WWE Studios project, “See No Evil 2,” which stars WWE Superstar Kane, will officially begin shooting on Monday in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

    RAW Spoilers For Monday + New Battleground PPV Matches & Stipulations [>>]

    WWE Studios “Big Announcement” Revealed, Jim Ross Finishing Up WWE Projects

    -Recently “retired” WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross noted on Twitter that he is currently finishing up two WWE-related projects. JR wrote:

    Finished @toppscards project for @WWE…2days of writing my thoughts on a great array of talents including some first timers.

    -Speaking of JR, he also posted this tweet about reuniting with former WWE RAW broadcast partner Jerry “The King” Lawler this Saturday at the Northeast Wrestling show:

    Excited to be heading to Fishkill, NY 4 Sat’s Wrestling under the Stars @ Dutchess Std. JR & @JerryLawler signing @ 4pm. @newwrestling1

    -And one one final Twitter note, WWE recently teased a big WWE Studios announcement via social media on Friday. That announcement is that WWE Studios will be hosting a Q&A panel for two upcoming films at the New York Comic Con in October. The Q&A panel will be for “See No Evil 2,” which stars WWE Superstar Kane, as well as the new film “Leprechaun: Origins,” which features WWE Superstar Hornswoggle.

    The event is scheduled for Sunday, October 13th at the Javits Center in New York City. For more information, visit

    New Matches & Big *SPOILERS* Revealed For WWE Battleground — Click Here!

    Damien Sandow On Not Cashing In On Sunday, First Look At Kane’s “See No Evil 2”

    -The Dread Central website has added a first look of the new WWE Studios “See No Evil 2” film, which stars WWE Superstar Kane. The official description for the film reads: “See No Evil 2 revives the nightmare of the first film when Jacob Goodnight (Kane) rises from the dead in the city morgue after his killing spree at the Blackwell Hotel. In this ominous, underground locker for the dead, a group of medical students fight to survive as the deranged psychopath once again starts to pick them apart one by one.”

    For more information on the film, including production and casting information, visit

    -As noted earlier today, Damien Sandow teased cashing in his Money In The Bank briefcase during the WWE Night Of Champions pay-per-view on Sunday night. Since then, Sandow has posted a new tweet talking about his decision not to cash in. Sandow wrote:

    “All of you thought I would cash in last night. I am steps ahead of you.”

    WWE SmackDown Spoilers LIVE Coverage On Tuesday — CLICK HERE!

    Kane To Star In “See No Evil 2” Horror Movie Sequel

    The following press release was issued today:

    WWE Studios and Lionsgate have announced that production on “See No Evil 2,” the follow-up to the duo’s 2006 horror release, “See No Evil,” is scheduled to start in fall 2013. Kane is set to reprise his lead role as reclusive madman Jacob Goodnight. Genre favorites and identical twin directors of horror, the Soska Sisters, Jen and Sylvia (“American Mary”), are set to helm the film.

    “See No Evil 2” revives the nightmare of the first film when Jacob Goodnight rises from the dead in the city morgue after his killing spree at the Blackwell Hotel. In this ominous, underground locker for the dead, a group of medical students fight to survive as this deranged psychopath once again starts to pick them apart one by one.

    Lionsgate will handle worldwide distribution of “See No Evil 2,” while WWE Studios will utilize its extensive global reach through television, digital and social media and print assets to market the film.

    “We are so pleased to extend what has been an ideal partnership with Lionsgate,” said Michael Luisi, President, WWE Studios. “Their expertise in distributing and marketing thrilling genre films complements our own vision and efforts for these movies perfectly. Our enthusiasm is amplified with the addition of the Soska Sisters on board to apply their truly unique style to ‘See No Evil 2.’ ”

    “The WWE team has proven success in building strong global brands and have proven to be a great partner in our past ventures together,” said Steve Beeks, Co-Chief Operating Officer and Motion Picture Group President at Lionsgate. “We are thrilled to expand the partnership in the development and marketing of genre features that marry WWE’s stars with our own global distribution expertise.”

    “See No Evil 2” is the fourth partnership between Lionsgate and WWE Studios following “See No Evil,” “The Condemned” and an upcoming reboot of the “Leprechaun” franchise.

    Kane vs. Bray Wyatt ‘Ring Of Fire’ Update — FULL DETAILS On Match Stipulation! **CLICK HERE**