The Feb. 9 episode of Impact Wrestling aired on AXS TV at 8 PM EST/5 PM PT.
This episode featured a title match between Joe Hendry and Matt Cardona for the Digital Media Championship. The feud has lasted for several weeks, as both have traded insults in “diss songs.” Also on the show, Steph De Lander has her debut match against former Impact Knockout Champion Jordynne Grace.
This week’s episode also aired on their Youtube channel for Impact Insider subscribers. Impact Wrestling offers a monthly subscription to watch weekly episodes on Youtube for $1.49. However, it aired at 8:30 PM ET/5:30 PM PT.
If you would like more results for this week’s events in wrestling, please check back on our results section.
Impact Wrestling Results (2/9) Results
The show opened with a video package from last week’s episode of Impact Wrestling. We also get a video package showing the feud between Hendry and Cardona. After it ends, we get Cardona trying to get to his locker room but gets stopped by a backstage staff. He gets shown to his private locker room, which is an equipment room.
Dirty Dango vs. Brian Myers- No Surrender Number One Contender’s Qualifier Match
The match starts with the two locking up. Dirty Dango pushes Brian Myers to the corner but back away. They exchange holds again, but Myers takes Dango down with a Shoulder Block. Myers tries to capitalize, but Dango takes back control of the match. Myers tried to go for a Sunset Flip Pin, but Dango countered with a leg drop for a failed pin attempt.
Myers goes outside and hides under the ring. Dango goes after him, but Myers hurts him when he pulls his shoulder into the ring apron. Myers brings Dango back into the ring and controls the match for several minutes. However, they clash heads when Myers tries to Irish Whip Dango into the ropes. The match returns to Dango’s favor as he takes control of the match. Dango landed a Falcon Arrow for a two-count on Myers.
Before Dango can go after Myers, his opponents go to the outside. He tried to go after Myers on the outside of the ring but got caught with the Roster Cut. Myers puts Dango back in the ring and hits the move again for the win.
We get a backstage segment with Gisele Shaw ruining people’s meals in catering. Deonna Purrazzo confronts her and throws food at her. Santino Marella comes to the scene and announces that they will have a match at No Surrender.
Good Hands(Jason Hotch & John Skyler) vs. Mickie James & Tommy Dreamer
The match starts with Jason Hotch and Mickie James exchanging holds. James controls the wrist and gets Tommy Dreamer in the match. Dreamer works on the arm before tagging James back in as she jumps from the top rope on Hotch’s arm. Skyler tags into the match, but James catches him with an Arm Drag. She tags Dreamer back in, and they land a Drop Toe Hold and Running Elbow combo move.
Skyler rolls to the outside. Hotch tries to run after Dreamer but gets thrown to the outside on top of his partner. Dreamer goes to the outside and does a dive on his opponents. James also does a Top Rope Crossbody on the outside. Dreamer brings Skyler back in the ring to put him in a Texas Cloverleaf, but Hotch hits Dreamer from behind. The Good Hands start to control the match working on Dreamer. However, Dreamer catches Skyler with a Cutter, and both tag out.
Before Hotch can go after James, She catches him with several Clotheslines. He tries to go after her again, but She lands the Flapjack on him. She does a Top Rope Lou Thesz Press for a pin on Hotch but gets stopped by Skyler. While Skyler is grabbing her hair, she counters and lands the Mick Kick. Dreamer gets in the ring, and they both land a DDT simultaneously on their opponents. James gets the pin on Hotch for the win.
After the match, Bully Ray comes out to attack Dreamer from behind. He goes after James, but Masha Slamovich attacks James from behind. Slamovich takes out James with the Snowplow.
We get a backstage segment with Marella, Johnny Swinger, Zicky Dice, and Dango. Swinger is looking for an opponent he can beat, and Dice says he has an opponent in mind as we go to the commercial break.
We get a video package of Rich Swann talking about getting an opportunity to win the Impact World Championship at No Surrender.
Steph De Lander vs. Jordynne Grace
Before the match, Lander cuts a promo about how it’s a “fall from grace” as she lost her title and how she will defeat Grace in her debut.
The match starts with Lander and Grace locking up. Lander puts Grace and the corner but back away to kick her in the stomach. She tries to go after Grace again, but her opponents put her in the corner and Knife Edge Chop Lander. Grace takes the fight outside the ring but gets caught with a Big Boot. Lander rolls her back in the ring for a two-count. She starts to control the match by keeping Grace on the ground for a few minutes.
Lander tries to Irish Whip Grace to the corner, but Grace lands a hard elbow strike. Her opponent responds with a Suplex, but it fires up Grace. The former Impact Knockout Champion starts to rally back in the match. However, Lander hits Grace with the Snake Eyes and a Big Boot for a near fall. The finish comes when Grace lands the Grace Driver for the win.
We get a backstage segment as Cardona demands a different locker room. Instead of changing in the equipment room, he has to change in the parking lot.
We get a backstage interview with Impact World Champion Josh Alexander as he talks about defending his title against Swann at No Surrender. He says that they are friends, but he will defeat Swann. Kenny King interrupts the interview. King says Alexander is scared of him and challenges him to a match.
Swann interrupts their argument and hits King in the face. He wants to face King. However, King says that he will see Swann when he sees him.
The Death Dollz (Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary) with Jessicka vs. Taylor Wilde & Killer Kelly)
Taya Valkyrie and Killer Kelly start the match. Kelly tries to go after Valkyrie and Rosemary but is outmatched. Valkyrie tags in Rosemary and lands a Sliding German Suplex as Kelly is on the ropes. Rosemary goes for the pin but gets a two-count. Rosemary starts beating down Kelly.
She puts Kelly in Upside Down in the corner. After the move, Rosemary goes on outside the ring, and Kelly tags in Taylor Wilder, who is looking at tarot cards. Rosemary enters the ring and starts to control Wilde but gets caught with a Backbreaker. The momentum if the match begins to go in favor of Wilde and Kelly as they tag in and out to dominate Rosemary.
Wilde tags in to work on Rosemary. She Irish Whips her into the ropes, but they both land Clothesline. They tag out the match, but Valkyrie gets the better of Kelly. She lands a Blue Thunder Bomb on Kelly for a two-count. Valkyrie tries to follow up the move but gets caught with a kick to the face. Kelly tries to tag out, but Wilde reads her tarot cards.
Wilde turns on Kelly, and Valkyrie lands Road to Valhalla for the win.
After the match, Father James Mitchell returns and confronts The Death Dollz. Mitchell says that Rosemary hasn’t spoken to his Boss(her father), and he puts a Hex on her. The Hex (Sienna & Marti Belle) enters the ring from the crowd and attacks The Death Dollz from behind.
We get a backstage segment with Eddie Edwards asking Shera to take out PCO for him.
Impact Wrestling gives another backstage segment with Chris Bey and Ace Austin challenging KUSHIDA and The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) at No Surrender. Bey and Austin reveal that KENTA will be their partner for the six-man tag match.
PCO vs. Shera with Raj Singh- No Surrender Number One Contender’s Qualifier Match
Shera tries to rush in to attack PCO but gets caught with a kick to the stomach. He tries to get his offense back but gets caught with a strike to the throat. Shera rolls to the outside, but PCO does a running dive on Shera and Raj Singh.
PCO tries to choke Singh and Shera, but they push him into the ring corner. Shera brings PCO back into the corner and starts the control the match. PCO is bleeding from hitting the ring corner. Shera lands a Suplex, but it just makes PCO mad. Shera Irish Whips PCO to the corner, but PCO counters with a Clothesline. PCO follows up the move with a Reverse DDT and a Top Rope Moonsault for the win.
We get a backstage interview with Cardona in his wrestling gear. He says he’s ready to fight Hendry.
We get a backstage segment with Frankie Kazarian and Sami Callihan. He tries to talk to Callihan about his recent action. However, The Design interrupts, and Kazarian challenges Kon to a match at No Surrender.
Before the match, Hendry cuts a promo and calls Cardona Edge’s B*tch. Hendry declares that he will be victorious in the match.
The match starts with Cardona landing Radio Silence for a near fall. Cardona tries to follow up on the move, but Hendry throws him to the outside. Hendry lands a Knife Edge Chop on Cardona and puts him back in the ring. However, Cardona hits Hendry with a knee as he tries to enter the ring.
Cardona tries to run at Hendry but gets caught with a scoop slam. Hendry tries to continue his offense, but his opponent keeps leaving the ring. Hendry tries to go after Cardona but gets caught with a Neckbreaker outside the ring as we go to a commercial break.
We come back from break with Cardona controlling the match. He locks in a jumping Guillotine on Hendry, but the champion counters with a Suplex. Hendry gains the upper hand as he catches Cardona with a Fallaway Slam. Cardona goes to the corner. The champion tries to go after Cardona, but the referee stops Hendry. Cardona pulls the referee in the way, and as the official moves, he lands a kick to the stomach, followed by a DDT on Hendry for a near fall.
Cardona tries to land a Running Boot to the face of Hendry in the corner, but the champion stops him. He lands the Trust Fall on Cardona for a two count. The champion Irish Whips Cardona to the corner, followed by a Running Cutter for another near fall. Hendry tries to follow up on the move but gets caught with another Radio Silence for a near fall.
The challenger tries to land a Radio Silence for the middle rope but gets caught with a Powerbomb for a two count. Myers tries to interfere in the match and throws the Digital Media Championship in the ring. The referee goes after the title, and Myers runs into the ring to try to hit Hendry with the Roster Cut. However, he accidentally hits Cardona, and Hendry throws Myers out of the ring. The finish comes when Hendry lands the Standing Ovation for the win.
After the match, Moose enters the ring and accidentally hits Cardona with a Spear. He tries to go after the champion but gets thrown to the outside. Hendry escapes up the ramp and plays his “diss song” on Cardona. The show ends with the crowd chanting that Cardona is Edge’s B*tch.