Posts Tagged ‘The Hurricane’

Shane Helms Comments On Cameos In Pro Wrestling

Shane Helms recently appeared in a cameo during All Elite Wrestling’s Elite Deletion matchup. He made an appearance during the bout between Matt Hardy and Sammy Guevara as The Hurricane. He wasn’t the only one to appear during the matchup, however, with Gangrel also making an appearance.

According to Helms, pro wrestling should utilize more cameo appearances like this. On a recent episode of the ROH Strong podcast, Helms revealed how he had been pitching cameos to WWE for years. 

“As far as multiple guests, that was something I had been putting in Matt’s ear for years because I tried to get WWE to do it on my first run,” Helms said. “Leading up to like the Raw Anniversary shows, they would bring in a surprise and the crowd would always go crazy.”

Helms continued, “I couldn’t figure out why they wouldn’t do that more. There are so many guys from WWE’s history that would come in for two or three weeks and the crowd wanted them there.”

Shane Helms On Pitching WWE

According to Helms, he frequently pitched WWE to bring in names from its past. He argued that it was obvious fans loved seeing old faces. Helms then pointed to the reception those names would get on the independent scene as evidence of this:

“They have a core group of guys and then they bring in an old school television character. It was working on the Independent level, I promise it would work on this level and in turn it would make the Independent scene hotter.”

Shane Helms one of many WWE personnel to be furloughed and subsequently released by WWE earlier this year. WWE cited the release as a decision due to the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on business. He has since been rehired by WWE.

The Hurricane Comments On His Attempt At Winning The 24/7 Championship During Comic-Con

The 24/7 Championship is always on the line, no matter the time or place.

Yesterday, former WWE Superstar The Hurricane made a surprise appearance during an IGN interview with the current champion, R-Truth. He attempted to roll up Truth for the win but was only able to get a count of two, counted by WWE official, John Cone.

Speaking on his attempt to claim the 24/7 Championship as his own, The Hurricane commented the Comic-Con was the perfect event for him to appear.

“The San Diego Comic-Con is the perfect place for The Hurricane to reappear. Cause we got WWE superstars over there, we got superheroes over there, I’ve seen them all. I’ve seen Spider-Man, I’ve seen Batman, but I’ve seen enemies too. I’ve seen The Scorpion King, I’ve seen Black Adam, but I did see an opportunity as well, to try and bring the 24/7 Championship to superherodom.”

The Hurricane will be one of the returning Superstars to be in attendance for this Monday’s RAW Reunion special. When asked whether he would once again challenge for the 24/7 Championship, The Hurricane replied:

“I’ll just say this: there will be legends at the RAW Reunion, but there will also be villains. And wherever villiany is abound, The Hurricane shall be found.”

Hurricane wasn’t the only one to try and sneak a victory over R-Truth during the interview. Former champion Drake Maverick was also unsuccessful in his attempts.

Shane Helms Believes AEW Will Be Good Competition For WWE

“Hurricane” Shane Helms has only just begun his new journey with WWE. Helms recently started working as a backstage producer for the company. This is alongside both Sonjay Dutt and Abyss, who were also hired by WWE.

Helms recently caught up with Booker T on Booker’s podcast, Heated Conversations. During their discussion, he brought up All Elite Wrestling (AEW) and how he believes they will impact the wrestling business. He also spoke about AEW providing competition to WWE, potentially even heralding a modern version of the Monday Night Wars.

“We Need That Again”

“[AEW] is gonna be good for the business,” he said. “Competition is good, there’s an excitement in the air. Those guys are some of my good friends, with Chris Jericho being a very close friend of mine. I’m excited to see what they do. We need that again, when the business was on fire with that Monday Night Wars. There’s a lot of people that thought that would never be duplicated, and it still might not this time, it’s still too early to say. But, if we can generate that excitement again — there’s a lot of crazy vibes in the air right now it seems to me.”

The only other company he compared AEW to was WCW —  in his mind the last true company to offer true competition prior to WWE’s relative monopoly. Helms states that AEW are in a great position to learn from WCW’s mistakes, especially with how that company treated money and new acquisitions. 

“[…] with WCW, they would just hire anybody back in the day, it didn’t matter if your a** was good or not. They were just giving money handouts as a fist. This company right here [AEW], they’re gonna be a little bit more smarter with their money and I think they’ll keep an eye on that. And those young guys, they know that. And two, that’s where Chris [Jericho] is gonna come in to play a little bit more than people realize, too. Because he was in WCW, he saw some of those mistakes so he’s gonna bring not just name value, and not just what he brings in the ring, but he’s gonna bring some business experience that they definitely need.”

Shane Helms To Return To WWE In Producer Role

Despite appearing for Ring Of Honor in recent months, it appears that “Hurricane” Shane Helms has signed a new contract with WWE. This is according to a report by WrestlingInc. Like with Sonjay Dutt and Abyss, Helms’ new role will see him operating as a backstage producer for the company.

Helms has over 20 years of experience in the industry. He will undoubtedly bring a wealth of knowledge and insight to this new position. He originally signed with WCW in 1999 prior to joining the WWE (WWF at the time). It was in WWE that he would adopt the “Hurricane” superhero gimmick — a character that is still popular today, as evidenced by his recent work with ROH.

“We’re Always On The Lookout For Talented People”

Triple H has been transparent over WWE’s intentions to hire more talent to fill backstage positions, stating during a medial call that “We’re [WWE] always on the lookout for talented people that can contribute to the product and to the WWE as a whole. It doesn’t matter where they’re from, the quality people that are talented, that have a passion for this, and want it to go to the next level and succeed, I’m always looking forward to those people.”

It has been speculated that Helms began his new position yesterday. Dutt and Abyss are expected to start in mid-February.

“Sonjay coming in here, Abyss coming in here [in] behind the scenes roles, we’re going to see where that best fit is for them,” Triple H explained. “I’ve heard of them, I know of them.”

“So many people speak highly of them and their jobs over the years, from a talent standpoint and other standpoints, so I’m looking forward to working with them and seeing where they best fit through all of this, as we all are. Everybody here will determine where they fit, what they want to do, and how they can help contribute in the best way to the product going forward.”

‘Hurricane’ Shane Helms Clarifies His Position In Ring Of Honor

Earlier in the summer, Ring Of Honor announced that they had signed “Hurricane” Shane Helms to a deal that would see the wrestler become a part of the ROH roster. In that time, the Hurricane has had a number of matches with The Villain, Marty Scurll.

Despite this initial Superhero vs Villain offering, Shane Helms hasn’t been featured heavily on ROH’s TV output, leading some to speculate there could be issues between Helms and ROH.

Speaking with Jim Ross on Ross’ popular Ross Report podcast, the Hurricane took the opportunity to clear the air and clarify the situation.

Helms states that he is still a part of the Ring Of Honor roster, but confesses that “[…] we just haven’t agreed to dates.”

“We’re on wonderful terms. They are super happy with me. They’re happy with how everything worked out with me and Marty Scurll. Yeah, I like [ROH]. I like the locker room. They’re very positive. Everybody’s busy.”

His feud with The Villain saw them wrestle four times since Helms’ initial signing. The record stood at a win a piece and a no-contest before Scurll ultimately came out on top over the former WWE Cruiserweight champion.

Who would you like to see “Hurricane” Shane Helms feud with next in ROH? Is ROH a good home for Helms?

Speculation On AJ Styles & WWE: No Contact Made, Styles’ NJPW Status

Although there has been speculation regarding AJ Styles and WWE after linked to Styles in a web feature recently, as of this past Monday, the company had not made any contact with Styles.

The video feature, which you can check out here, was about recognizable talents that worked in WWE in the past that fans might not know about. In the video, you can see Styles work a match against The Hurricane.

Styles actually worked three matches for WWE between 2001 and 2002. He won a dark match at a RAW taping in Atlanta, Georgia over Rick Michaels on July 9, 2001, and lost to The Hurricane and Rico in dark matches at RAW and SmackDown tapings in South Carolina on January 21 and January 22 of 2002.

Styles’ current deal with New Japan Pro Wrestling is scheduled to expire after the Tokyo Dome event in January, and he has made it clear that he plans to go wherever he is offered the most money.

(Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)

Matt “Rosey’ Anoa’i On His Brother Roman Reigns, Umaga, & More

The guys at the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast have a new interview out, and this time it’s with Matt Anoa’i, best known for his run in WWE as Rosey. In the interview, he discusses a wide range of topics, including his brother, Roman Reigns, and we’ve got some quotes for you to check out:

On the large quantity of big name star pro wrestlers that the Anoa’t family has produced:

The fact my family has grown as big as it has is actually extraordinary in itself. To be honest with you, I really don’t think there is going to be another family that’s going to top the amount of professional wrestlers in WWE that’s associated or tied into the same last name. We’ve produced a lot of family members going into WWE. Moving forward with that, it’s not going to slow down. We’ve got young bucks on the rise as we speak and lookout because they will make it one day. It’s got absolutely nothing to do with the Anoa’i family name, the Fatu family name it’s got everything to do with for some reason we’ve got a killer drive for this business and whoever is on the way up that’s their goal.

Did he expect his brother, Roman Reigns, to have so much success so soon and develop as a performer as quickly as he did?

I knew he was going to do something like that with whatever he did. I’m not trying to say anything that is stereotypical, that’s just his life. That’s just the way he’s been watching him grow up. It was going to happen regardless of whether it was in football or being the superstar at WalMart he’s just got “that” and it’s just the way it’s always been with him. It didn’t surprise me but the quickness of everything did because time does fly by and now that I look at it three or four years ago he was just getting into this business and now he’s sitting on top of the wrestling world.

Career advice from his father, Sika of the Wild Samoans:

He basically said exactly this: “Son, if you want it, go out and get it. Nobody is going to come knocking on your door to give it to you so get your ass out there and get it.” So I listened and I started down in New Orleans. I worked my way around the country. I went down to Puerto Rico and worked my way around there and all the way to actually signing a WWE contract in 96.

Getting trained by his Uncle Afa:

My Dad has a certain way of teaching things and my Uncle has a certain way of teaching things and everyone has a different way of teaching. They might be brothers but they have different styles and I was just lucky enough to grab a bunch of different little things from everybody. Having Samu as a mentor and one of my cousins, he worked pretty close with me and just getting all this information from several of my family members it made a very big impact at a very young age.

His brief runs in WWE and ECW with Samu as The Samoan Gangsta Party in the mid-’90s:

I remember a little bit. I ain’t going to lie to you I was f*cked up pretty good through those days so there was a lot of times where I forgot what happened the night before and was just happy I was waking up in a hotel. I don’t exactly know who’s hotel, but it was somebody’s. At that point in time I did like what ECW was dishing out and it was fun to walk into a locker room and smell blood and see a little bit more of an old school type of thing. It brought me back to when I was between like 8 and 15 years old running the roads with my cousin The Tonga Kid down in the Gulf Coast area.

It kept it un-corporate for a little while. Everyone knew it was all moving to be corporate and business attitudes but ECW was a nice shot of having a lot of fun. With WWE, there were some things that happened that I really didn’t understand since I was still relatively new to the business and specifically with WWE. I let my cousin handle his business with Vince and my cousin just called me up and said we are going to move on from here so I just packed my bag and said alright lets go. I told them that I will be back and they said they know I will and it just pushed it of a little bit longer but it was none of my business at the time on why we didn’t stay very long.

Teaming with Umaga/Jamal/Eddie “Eki” Fatu as 3 Minute Warning:

I was very comfortable with it and I know he was too. It seemed to fit pretty well that we were both around the same size and both had the same understanding of how we wanted to work our matches and how we wanted the wrestling world to view us. We seemed to mesh pretty good but we are family too so that didn’t mean that we didn’t have our fair share of the down part of being around each other for more than we were our own families, but for the most part it was just something that clicked and it turned out that it worked out pretty good and of course when we split we were still pretty much okay on the back end of that. My cousin is very missed and I miss him every day and I’ve got a picture of him on my end table right next to my bed and I talk to him every day. He was a hell of a guy and I love him very much.

Looking back at 3 Minute Warning’s debut:

We didn’t have time to soak it in. We didn’t know we were doing that until the day of the show. Arnie came up to us and gave us some money and said we’ve got to go to the mall and get some clothes and that we were starting that night. We didn’t know what we were going to get and he said “Hip-Hop” clothes. So hell-yeah, we kind of bypassed the mall and found a spot in the worst part of town where we knew we could pick some sh*t up and I think we bought it in an Indian convenience store and I don’t know why but for some reason in the ghetto you can always find 6XL shirts in “Hip-Hop” fashion.

In the full interview, Anoa’I also talks about his team with the Hurricane, being a tag team champion, the controversial {HLA” segment, and more.

List Of Pro Wrestlers Who Died In 2014, New Shane “Hurricane” Helms Video Interview

– Mike Mooneyham of the Post & Courier has a new article up looking at pro wrestlers who passed away in 2014. He listed the following wrestlers in the article, which you can check out at .

Don Chuy, Jan. 6, age 72; Mae Young, Jan. 14, 90; George Scott, Jan. 20, 84; Gloria Barattini, Jan. 27, 84; Vic Rositanni, Feb. 6, 74; Ryu Nakata, Feb. 15, 51; Viscera (Nelson Frazier Jr.), Feb. 18, 43; Billy Robinson, March 3, 74; Jerry Kozak, March 5, 79; Lorenzo Parente, March 15, 78; The Ultimate Warrior (Jim Hellwig), April 8, 54; Lee Marshall, April 26, 67; Joe Turner, May 1, 74; Larry Nelson (Larry Shipley), June 23; Ken Lucas, Aug. 1, 73; Ted Heath, Aug. 17, 80; Bonnie Watson, Aug. 21, 82; Don Green, Aug. 29, 84; Sean O’Haire (Sean Haire), Sept. 8, 43; Rikki Starr (Bernard Herman), Sept. 20, 83; Don Manoukian, Sept. 23, 80; Cowboy Bob Kelly, Oct. 12, 78; Dr. Ken Ramey, Oct. 16, 84; Ox Baker (Doug Baker), Oct. 20, 80; Johnny Angel (Johnny Lee Clary), Oct. 21, 55; Bob Geigel, Oct. 30, 90; Brad Batten, Nov. 18, 56; Rodger Kent (Rodger Vogel), Nov. 24, 90; The Mighty Wilbur (Randall Lee Buchanan), Nov. 26, 57; Jimmy Del Ray/Jimmy Backlund (David Ferrier), Dec. 6, 52.

– Below is a new video interview with former WWE Superstar Shane Helms (aka The Hurricane).

  • PHOTOS: CM Punk & AJ Lee Together In Las Vegas This Past Weekend
  • Matt Hardy & Reby Sky Married: Details, Photos From The Wedding

    Former WWE Superstar and longtime girlfriend, herself a pro wrestling personality, Reby Sky, were officially married on Saturday.

    Hardy’s brother, Jeff Hardy, was the best man at the wedding and former WWE Superstar and longtime friend, Shane “Hurricane” Helms, was one of the groomsmen.

    Among those in attendance at the wedding were Marty Garner, Jason Ahrndt (aka Joey Abs of the Mean Street Possee), MVP, Scotty 2 Hotty, Drew Hankinson, Amber O’Neal, former WWE referee Kevin Keenan, Gunner, Jayme Jameson, Steve Corino, Jordan Corino, Larry Dallas, Thomas Simpson, Nigel Sherrod and Andrew Wright.

    Congratulations to both Hardy and Sky and best of luck on their journey through life together from this point forward.

    For photos from the wedding, check out this 24Wrestling.COM article:

    PHOTOS: Several Pictures Of The Matt Hardy & Reby Sky Wedding

    Lawler/Hurricane On Steve Austin Show, Regal Appearance, Headlocked Comic Book Update

    -WWE Hall Of Famer Jerry “The King” Lawler will be the next guest on the “Steve Austin Show” podcast. The latest edition of the show, which features Shane “Hurricane” Helms and was released today, can be accessed online at

    -WWE Superstar William Regal will be holding “An Audience With A Wrestling Villain 2” on Monday, November 11th at The Frog & Bucket Comedy Club on Oldham Street in Manchester at 11:00PM. For more information, visit

    -30 Rock star Judah Friedlander has signed on to pen the introduction to the Headlocked comic book, which features contributions from pro wrestling stars such as Jerry “The King” Lawler, Rob Van Dam, Shane “Hurricane” Helms, Ken Anderson, Christopher Daniels, Beth Phoenix and others. For more information, visit

    REPORT: Steve Austin vs. CM Punk “99% Likely” For WrestleMania XXX [READ MORE >>]

    Jericho Jokes About Total Divas, Nash/Hall Appearing Together, Steiner Turns 51

    -The man currently embroiled in a legal battle with TNA Impact Wrestling, Scott Steiner, celebrates his 51st birthday today. “Big Poppa Pump” was born on July 29, 1962.

    -A fan recently commented to former WWE Superstar Chris Jericho on Twitter his opinion on what would improve the quality of WWE’s new reality show, “Total Divas.” The fan noted, “Total Divas would be so much better with Chris Jericho.” Jericho, who is apparently not the biggest fan of Total Divas, jokingly responded by saying, “Haha, I told them to edit me out!”

    Follow Chris Jericho on Twitter @IAmJericho.

    -nWo founding members Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, along with former WWE Superstars Shane “Hurricane” Helms and Big Daddy V, will be appearing at the Slam Pro Wrestling “Summer Heat” event this Saturday, August 3rd, in Sparta, Tennessee. Tickets are still available by calling 931-265-6507. For more information on Saturday’s “Summer Heat” event, visit the official website at or the official Twitter page at @Slam_Pro.

    nWo To Return?, Chris Jericho’s Retirement, + Scott Steiner/TNA Lawsuit Update!

    Warrior/2K Sports Press Release, Former WWE Superstar Gets Engaged

    -Former WWE Superstar Shane “Hurricane” Helms announced that he and longtime girlfriend Karen became engaged to be married over the weekend. He tweeted these pictures from the engagement:

    -2K Sports issued the following today:

    Ultimate Warrior Returns from Parts Unknown to WWE® 2K14

    Enigmatic WWE Legend makes historic video game franchise debut; available through exclusive pre-order offer

    NEW YORK – July 15, 2013 – 2K today announced the emphatic return of Ultimate Warrior to the ring – virtually – in WWE® 2K14, the forthcoming installment in the flagship WWE video game franchise. Making his long-awaited arrival from Parts Unknown, the self-professed “Founding Father of Life Intensity” will be an exclusive playable character for those who pre-order the game at any participating retailer for the Xbox 360® games and entertainment system from Microsoft or PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system.

    “Immortality is inspiration, pure and simple. An example to others that they, too, can do things larger than the life they are actually living, and Ultimate Warrior was the pure embodiment of this belief, in what has proven to be a very attention-getting and inspiring way,” said Warrior. “It was my good fortune to be his creator and performer, and I am humbled by all those fans who’ve not only kept his legacy alive, but deepened it over time. In WWE 2K14, Ultimate Warrior’s creed, ‘Always Believe,’ lives on.”

    Making his WWE debut in 1987, Ultimate Warrior garnered worldwide attention and became a pop-culture phenomenon for his iconic music and ring entrance, zealous personality, boundless energy and dominant in-ring prowess. Though he faced many rivals throughout his career, including Honky Tonk Man, “Ravishing” Rick Rude, Sgt. Slaughter, “Macho Man” Randy Savage and Undertaker, perhaps his most celebrated match was against Hulk Hogan in “The Ultimate Challenge” at WrestleMania® VI on April 1, 1990. Warrior defeated Hogan that day to unify the WWE Championship and Intercontinental Championship, becoming the first WWE Superstar ever to hold both titles simultaneously.

    “There has never been another WWE Superstar quite like the Ultimate Warrior – his intensity and energy is unmatched, and his legacy is undeniable,” said Chris Snyder, Senior Director of Marketing at 2K. “Fans love him, opponents fear him and everyone can agree that he’s one of the most iconic Legends in WWE history. Pre-ordering WWE 2K14 is the only way we mere mortals will ever have a glimpse into the greatness that is Ultimate Warrior.”

    Become Immortal – 2K’s lineup of premier sports simulation titles expands with the company’s upcoming release in the renowned WWE video game franchise, WWE 2K14. Developed by Yukes for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system, WWE 2K14 is positioned to be the most electrifying, authentic and comprehensive WWE video game experience to date. WWE 2K14 is not yet rated by the ESRB. Players who pre-order WWE 2K14 will receive Ultimate Warrior at no extra cost on launch day on October 29, 2013 in North America and November 1, 2013 internationally.

    Huge RAW *SPOILERS* For Tonight, Former WWE Star To Return?, + MORE!

    Melina Announced For Upcoming Event, Former Diva Pregnant

    – Former WWE Women’s Champion Melina has been announced to appear for World Wrestling Fan Xperience’s Champions Showcase Tour event on October 13, 2012 at the MegaSport Arena in Moscow, Russia (see Melina photo). Talent confirmed for the event thus far are Chris Masters, Daivari, Jillian Hall, Vladimir Kozlov, MVP, John Morrison, Shelton Benjamin Carlito and The Hurricane. Event information is available at

    – Former WWE talent Jackie Gayda-Haas (a/k/a Miss Jackie) is expecting her fourth child with husband Charlie Haas. She posted a photo on Facebook of her baby bump.

    Haas previously gave birth in 2006, 2008 and 2010. The married couple have two daughters and one son.

    Rock of Ages, which features Kevin Nash playing a bodyguard character for Tom Cruise’s character, debuted at No. 3 this weekend in Australia with a $1.35 million gross.
