Posts Tagged ‘The Miz’

Ex-WWE Champion Praises “Really Good Person” Stephanie McMahon After Resignation

Two-time WWE Grand Slam Champion The Miz has lauded praise on Stephanie McMahon following the latter’s departure from the promotion.

Stephanie parted ways with WWE earlier this month, after being appointed co-CEO in July of last year.

McMahon’s resignation was confirmed the same day that her father Vince McMahon was appointed WWE’s new Executive Chairman.

The Miz

Given her decades with WWE, the wrestling world has been shocked by McMahon’s resignation this month.

When TMZ caught up with The Miz, the A-Lister spoke about McMahon’s work in WWE and as a person.

“For me, she’s always been one of the people you can talk to. She’s done a lot for the company, and she’s a really good person as well.”

The Miz

The A-Lister also spoke about the role of WWE Superstars, which despite the chaos at the very top of the company, remains unchanged.

Whoever is at the head at the time, we’re just trying to do our job as WWE Superstars to make people happy and give them something to remember.”

The Miz

Releases Coming?

Vince McMahon’s return to WWE has led some talent fearful that mass cuts will resume, especially with the promotion looking for a buyer.

At the time of the releases from 2020 to 2022, many speculated that WWE were trying to look even more profitable to buyers at a time they were already boasting record profits.

Karrion Kross has refuted the idea that talent are worrying about their futures, saying those he has spoken to are not concerned.

Grayson Waller Reveals Advice He Received From The Miz

Since his arrival to WWE, Grayson Waller quickly emerged as one of the top names in NXT.

Amidst his ascent, Waller acquired a new, more conceited, attitude. In August 2022, he even debuted a new talk show: “The Grayson Waller Effect.” Added with his previous stint on the reality television show of Australian Survivor, the promising star often draws comparisons to main roster star, The Miz.

Former Intercontinental Champion Apollo Crews once deemed Waller as a “low budget” version of The Miz, but the comparisons don’t seem to faze Waller. In fact, Waller sought out advice from the two-time Grand Slam Champion during his time backstage at Raw.

“I had the opportunity to talk to him at Raw. His main thing is to just keep doing what I’m doing,” Waller revealed during an interview with TV Insider. “There are a lot of good wrestlers in this company, but I don’t think there are as many good entertainers. When I get a microphone in my hand I get people talking after. He said that was the most beautiful thing to have. It’s something that he can see and wants me to continue to do. And I got no plans on stopping, mate.”

Mutual Praise

The Miz was picked by Raw during WWE Draft
(via WWE)

On the September 28 edition of The Bump, Waller and The Miz appeared to celebrate 25 years of Goldberg. During their time there, the two exchanged mutual praise.

“When I got to properly interact with him on The Bump, he said some really positive things,” Waller revealed. “That is rare for The Miz. It’s rare for me to give that positive back, but I think there is that mutual respect because we both have the same mindset about what wrestling is and what it can be.”

6 Wrestling Titles That Changed Hands – But Then Didn’t

Everybody loves a title change, right? The joy of seeing history being made, and another name being added to a litany of champions.

For wrestlers, title victories mean that long after their careers are over, long after their lives are over, what they achieved will live on in the annals of history.

But for some wrestlers, their title changes were not meant to be, and while they had the joy of winning, they also felt the pain of having that win taken away.

With Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal almost becoming AEW World Tag Team Champions this week, we’re looking back at six times titles changed hands, but then didn’t.

The Rocket’s Reign Fizzles Out

Owen Hart held plenty of gold in the WWE, but never held the World Championship, despite what this image may suggest.

Bret Hart is considered one of the greatest WWF Champions of all time, but despite an impressive career of his own, his younger brother Owen would never win the gold.

Well, not officially at least, as during the August 17, 1994 taping of WWF Superstars, Owen defeated his big brother to capture the gold.

The problem for the Rocket though, is that Jim Neidhart had been caught interfering on his behalf, and the match was restarted.

In another excellent collision between the two, Bret would defeat Owen to retain his title, but the image of the Rocket with the title remains an epic sight.

Y2J Plays the Game

Chris Jericho’s arrival in the WWF in 1999 was a huge deal, and it wasn’t long before one of WCW’s most popular stars was hanging with the top guys.

On the April 17, 2000 episode of Raw is War, Jericho’s insulted Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, and was able to goad Triple H into putting his WWF title on the line.

With the hired APA holding DX at bay, Jericho was able to get the win over the Game, thanks to a fast count from Earl Hebner.

Hebner had been bullied by DX for weeks, but even he knew the decision couldn’t stand, and Jericho would have to hand back the title.

With this stricken from the record, Jericho would have to wait until late 2001 until he became the WWF Undisputed title, a title he’d ironically lose to Triple H.

The Miz Goes Over the Limit

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The Miz held nothing back in his efforts to make John Cena quit, even using a recording of the future Hollywood star.

Last year saw The Miz become a two-time WWE Champion, and while his reign was short, it was a long-time coming for fans of the A-Lister.

After losing the WWE title in 2011 to John Cena, Miz tried to win it back, and in a shocking turn of events, his I-Quit match with Cena saw Big Match John utter those two words.

As Miz celebrated, his NXT protege Alex Riley dropped an item, revealed to be a recording of Cena saying those words, and the jig was up.

With the match restarted, Cena made Miz quit for real, and the Marine star would wait a long time before he earned his real second WWE Championship.

The Wrong Rope Break

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The Rockers held the WWF Tag Team titles for a brief moment, but a ring rope breaking snapped their run.

When you think of tag teams who never held gold in the WWF, few teams are more celebrated than The Rockers.

The pairing of Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty would wow fans with their high-flying skills, and on one fateful night, would even win the WWF World Tag Team Titles.

During an October 1990 taping for Saturday Night’s Main Event, the Rockers dethroned the Hart Foundation in a 2-out-of-3 Falls Match.

The ring-rope breaking mid-match did not stop the action, but it was this rope break that would cost them dearly.

Unsatisfied with the match because of the rope, WWF higher-ups planned for it to be re-taped, but that never happened.

Explaining rumors of a phantom title change, WWF President Jack Tunney reversed the decision because the broken ring rope meant the bout was partially contested in an unfair environment, and on this occasion, it was Shawn getting screwed out of a title that was back in the hands of Bret Hart.

Inoki Makes History

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Inoki’s career would include an unofficial run as WWWF World Champion, making him the first Asian WWE Champion.

When Antonio Inoki died last October, fans reflected on his incredible career, which included a reign as WWWF Champion.

Unlike others on this list though, Inoki’s title win was not immediately reversed and would come in November 1979, with a win over Bob Backlund.

A title rematch between the two went to a no-content, and the decision was made to strip Inoki of the title.

Backlund would defeat Bobby Duncum in a Texas Death Match to fill the vacancy, but the title controversy was never acknowledged, and fans at the time wouldn’t learn about Inoki’s win until years later.

Dusty’s Dream is Shattered

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The American Dream celebrated his NWA World title win, before learning his win was being reversed and the reign nullified.

We couldn’t have an article like this without the namesake of the ‘Dusty Finish:’ The American Dream Dusty Rhodes.

As a booker, Rhodes often used the trope of the face seemingly winning only to heel come out on top, but at Starrcade 1985, Rhodes got a taste of his own medicine.

The show’s main event, which pitted Rhodes against NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair was a match for the ages, and one that saw Rhodes win the gold.

It wasn’t until the next WCW show that the elated fans learned the truth that Flair was still champion, as referee Tommy Young had been knocked out during the title match, and that since the first ref was down, the pinfall wasn’t official.

Flair regained the gold in a crushing moment for the American Dream, as the master of the Dusty finish got a taste of his own medicine.

The Miz Compares Sami Zayn To Classic TV Series Lead

The story of Sami Zayn and The Bloodline is one of the top acts of not only WWE but the wrestling world right now. The Miz believes that he is the ‘Michael Scott’ of WWE because a show can easily be built around him.

The former WWE champion recently joined Brian Baumgartner for his Off The Beat podcast. Baumgartner is known for his role of Kevin Malone in the Office series. He asked the WWE star which characters from the series he would compare himself to. The Miz mentioned how he would want to be Michael Scott but it doesn’t fit his life:

“I’d wanna be Michael Scott, to be honest. But here’s the thing though, I can’t be Michael Scott. Because I feel like I’m Jim [Halpert]. Because on Miz and Mrs, which is my reality show on the USA Network, I do the Jim look to the camera almost every episode.

The reason I do that – so I love what Greg Daniels in all your interviews with all the different characters, the crew, the cast, you know, from your makeup people, the casting directors, I loved all those interviews to hear the insights of reasonings on why. I believe the reason that Jim would look at the camera is because it’s so absurd that someone needs to bring reality to this. ‘Is this really happening?’ kind of look, and Jim would always have that look.

‘I Have To Give That Jim Look’: The Miz

jim the office

The Miz continued the explanation saying that absurd things happen in his day-to-day life so he relates to Jim more. As for Michael Scott, the former IC champion compared him to none other than Sami Zayn:

“So in my reality show, if something so absurd is happening, and trust me, in my real day to day life, absurd things happen that you won’t believe is happening, but it really is. So I have to give that Jim look to the camera to show ‘I’m in on this with you. I know this is ridiculous, but it’s really funny.’ So I kind of stole that from the office because I love the show so much. So I would say I’m Jim.

Michael Scott is the lead. Every story can revolve around him, right? So I would say gosh, it’d have to be like Roman Reigns or a John Cena. Granted it’s not the comedy aspect of [the character], it’s not the airhead aspect of it. I wouldn’t call him airhead but you know what I’m talking about like, he’s just so absurd. So I would say as a lead actor, you’d have to have like a Cena or Roman Reigns as your Michael Scott. But with the comedy aspect, I mean Sami Zayn is doing some really funny stuff in WWE. The whole show can revolve around his character, so he could also be that Michael Scott.”

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The Miz Reveals Acting Advice From The Rock

The Miz is one of those WWE superstars that doesn’t just stay confined to the wrestling business. He was a reality star even before stepping foot in WWE. The former world champion has continued to make a name outside of the wrestling business even after becoming a WWE superstar and bringing new eyes to the product with different ventures. One such venture where he has found great success is his acting career and it appears that some advice from The Rock helped him with it.

The A Lister recently appeared on Off The Beat with Brian Baumgartner. He talked about things such as his time before WWE, how he got started in wrestling and more. Discussing his start in the movie business, The Miz recalled how he asked The Rock for advice right before his very first shoot:

“I texted him and said, ‘Hey man, I’m about to start my first movie, getting ready to do my first scene. Is there any advice you can give me'” recalled The Miz, “He called me.

He was like, ‘Dude, the best thing that I could tell you and help you out with is just be natural, and it’s gonna sound so easy and so weird, but once you get there, there’s gonna be three or four cameras, you’re gonna have to hit a spot that you can’t look at, you can’t look at the spot. You have to be normal and natural. It’s action and you have to just make it feel [real].’ It was great advice. Because sometimes you see in acting, you’ll see a robotic kind of portrayal. I didn’t want to do that.”

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WWE Didn’t See The Miz as a Wrestler When he Signed with the Company

The Miz has had a career in WWE that few wrestlers could only dream of, but that was never the original plan.

Debuting as part of 2004’s Tough Enough, the future two-time WWE Grand Slam winner would come second, losing out to Daniel Puder.

In 2006, The Miz was introduced as the host of WWE Friday Night SmackDown but would quickly transition into a wrestling role.


One of Miz’s talents that has made him such a versatile asset to WWE is his ability to cut a promo.

Speaking to Off the Beat, Miz explained that WWE recognized his talents on the microphone, but initially had no plans for him to wrestle.

“They were like, ‘You impressed us so much that maybe there is something for you here.’ They brought me up to Connecticut to commentate. Joey Styles brought me up with Todd Grisham and Michael Cole, they brought me up and I had to do a take of commentating. They told me, ‘we might bring you in as a commentator or interviewer.'”

“‘We might bring you in as a commentator or interviewer.'”

WWE’s reaction to The Miz impressing them in 2004.

The A-Lister added that after pleading his case, saying he wanted to be bigger than The Rock and Hulk Hogan, WWE allowed him a developmental deal.


Now under a developmental deal, Miz reported to Deep South Wrestling, the promotion’s training facility at the time.

Speaking about his experience in DSW, the WWE Superstar said that he quickly realized that being under contract was no guarantee of being successful.

“They didn’t think I was going to be much of anything, to be honest, you could kind of tell, ‘let’s see what we got here.’ They gave me this developmental contract and I was like, ‘I’m making more than this doing Real World and The Challenge. I’m not taking a pay cut to do this.’ I had to think about that.”

Miz added that he would eventually realize the importance of taking one step back in order to take two steps forward.

The A-Lister would become the first DSW Heavyweight Champion under WWE, winning a tournament and besting Mike Knox in the finals.

h/t – Sportskeeda

The Miz Claims He is Working Through an Injury

The Miz didn’t compete on this week’s Monday Night Raw as previously advertised, but there is a very good reason for that.

On this week’s Raw, the plan was for Miz to face Dexter Lumis, who would have earned a WWE contract had he defeated the A-Lister.

Had Miz defeated the former NXT Superstar, Lumis would have been banned from future appearances.

Instead, Miz attacked Lumis before the match began, and the bout never took place.

Working Hurt

WWE did not give an explanation for why the match did not take place, but it is reportedly due to an injury.

Speaking on the Ekeler’s Edge podcast, Miz told co-hosts Matt Harmon and Los Angeles Chargers Running Back Austin Ekeler about his condition (via POST Wrestling.)

“I have a bursa sac that I burst that just keeps blowing up. I don’t know if you’ve ever blown that. It takes so long and then it’ll go away and then I don’t know if you can see it. Literally, it just keeps coming back. Fluid comes in, it goes away, comes in, goes away.”

A bursa is a small, fluid-filled sac that acts like a cushion between tendons and bones to prevent grinding.

The Miz added that he is also dealing with a hurt shoulder, saying that it was recently “messed up.”

Miz on SmackDown

While The Miz is a Monday Night Raw Superstar, he will be appearing for this week’s SmackDown.

In the interview, the WWE Grand Slam Champion explained that he’ll be competing in a dark match, but no opponent was named.

This Friday’s SmackDown will take place at the Huntington Center in Toledo, Ohio.

What Happened With Dexter Lumis and The Miz After WWE RAW Went off the Air?

The Miz has been tormented by Dexter Lumis for the past few weeks.

Dexter has dragged The A-Lister out of an arena, hidden in the back of his car, and now he’s kidnapped The Miz once again. Lumis arrived in epic fashion during tonight’s main event. Bobby Lashley put the United States Championship on the line against The Miz inside a Steel Cage.

Tommaso Ciampa was ringside for the match and kept hitting the champion with cheap shots. The Miz appeared to have the match won when Dexter Lumis slid out from under the ring in an awesome camera shot. The A-Lister scurried back into the ring and got hit with a Spear from Lashley for the pinfall victory. Lashley is still the United States Champion.

Dexter Lumis Kidnaps The Miz After RAW Goes off the Air

Dexter climbed up the steel cage as The Miz desperately tried to get away and crawl towards the steel door. Lumis caught up to Miz and choked him out in the middle of the ring. He then patted Miz on top of the head as if he was pet as RAW went off the air.

After RAW ended, the steel cage was brought up and Dexter took the opportunity to kidnap the 2-time WWE Champion. He slid out of the ring like a snake before dragging The Miz to the outside. Dexter put The Miz over his shoulder and walked backstage.

Aron Stevens Gives Insightful View Of Fans Using Social Media

Aron Stevens has a very unique look at how fans use social media to discuss professional wrestling.

The man formerly known as Damian Sandow in WWE recently spoke with Gary Horne on NWA Extra, where he helped promote this weekend’s 74th Anniversary pay-per-view, a two-night event that will feature a slew of top matchups. It was during this interview that Stevens gave his thoughts on the effects of social media on today’s society.

Everyone Has A Platform

The main point Stevens makes when asked about the likes of Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram is that everyone now has a platform to share their opinion on whatever topic they decide to talk about, and the world is subject to seeing it.

“Look fans have opinions. What social media has done, it has given everyone a platform to display their opinion. Cause people have opinions but never before in the history of humanity where we can put them on display for the world to see.”

When discussing how he feels personally about the whole ordeal Stevens states that social media isn’t necessarily good or bad because people are allowed to have opinions, even if those opinions are incredibly bad.

“My view on social media [is that] it’s not good or bad, it simply is. We can use it for positive things, we can use it for negative things. I think as humans we are all pre-disposed to kind of toe that line right at time. Depending on how we’re feeling and what kind of day we’re having and what the subject is etc. But I also think that everyone is entitled to an opinion. Doesn’t mean the opinion is right.”

Stevens has accomplished quite a lot since returning to the NWA in 2019 He is a one-time NWA National champion, as well as a one-time NWA tag team champion. In WWE he had a magnificent tag team title run with The Miz, where he served as the A-Lister’s doppelganger.

(If quotes are used please credit Sescoops for the transcription)

Identity of the Man Who Went After AJ Styles on WWE Raw

A mystery man tried attacking AJ Styles on Monday’s edition of WWE Raw, but it wasn’t Dexter Lumis who was responsible.

For the last several weeks, WWE has run an angle where Lumis has made numerous attempts to ‘invade’ Raw. He made his main roster return on the Aug. 8 episode of Raw after Styles defeated The Miz. Lumis almost hopped over the ringside barricade until their security guards stop him.

On the Aug. 22 episode of Raw, WWE had the same angle with a slight twist. When Styles was outside the ring for his match, an attacker tried to hop over the barricade. However, the attacker wasn’t Lumis, and WWE security escorted the person away.

To be clear, the company planned this to happen, and it was to set up a surprise for when Lumis did appear. However, people were curious about the identity of the mysterious kayfabe attacker.

Who Attacked AJ Styles on Raw?

The Local Competitor’s social media account helped identify the attacker as local talent Rajan Hustler. He trains at Battle Arts Academy and wrestles in Canada, where Raw was taking place.

It seemed like WWE was teasing that Lumis wanted to go after Styles, but it’s unclear after the recent episode of Raw. Instead of going after “The Phenomenal One,” Lumis turned his attention to Miz and kidnapped him.

Lumis has tried to invade in matches with Styles, but it also included Miz’s involvement. The company may be trying to surprise fans with Lumis feuding with Miz, not Styles.

It’s unclear where Lumis took Miz or if that is the feud the company has planned. While the company hasn’t addressed where the Miz is, they may address the situation on the next episode of Raw. It’s unlikely that the “A-List Superstar” would take his kidnapping lightly.

Who do you think Lumis’s first main roster feud will be against?

WWE Official Adam Pearce Requests Information About Kidnapped RAW Star

WWE official Adam Pearce is determined to find a WWE Superstar that was kidnapped during this week’s episode of RAW.

The Miz and Ciampa battled United States Champion Bobby Lashley and AJ Styles in a tag team match tonight on the red brand. The action spilled out of the ring and AJ connected with a Phenomenal Forearm and leaned against the barricade for a breather. A mysterious man appeared behind AJ and grabbed him but security quickly broke it. The man was then escorted out of the arena and the match continued.

The Miz capitalized on the distraction and beat down Styles outside the ring. He then leaned up against the barricade for a moment and Dexter Lumis showed up. With a crazed look in his eyes, Dexter dragged The Miz all the way up the stairs and out of the Scotiabank Arena. The tag team match ended in a no contest, but Lashley opted to level Ciampa with a Spear anyway.

After RAW went off the air, Adam Pearce took to Twitter to get the word out that The Miz is nowhere to be found. If you or anyone close to you have seen The Miz, please contract WWE official Adam Pearce with the information.

Ciampa Credits Miz With Helping Him Transition to the Main Roster

Ciampa is faring quite well at the start of this new era for WWE.

The former NXT Champion recently transitioned to the Raw brand as part of an unlikely pairing with The Miz. Any fears that he “wouldn’t translate” on the main roster have dissipated.

Since joining Raw, her’s scored wins over Dolph Ziggler, Chad Gable and AJ Styles. He also challenged Bobby Lashley for the United States championship. Although the challenger came up short, the battle against “The Almighty” turned a lot of heads.

With his momentum building, I had a chance of catching up with Ciampa over SummerSlam weekend. Below are some highlights from our discussion.

ciampa fishman

Ciampa and The Miz

You’ve been aligned with The Miz, which brings a unique dynamic. He is this over-the-top entertainer where you’re this straight-laced tough guy. It somehow works. How has it been working with him? 

Ciampa: “I love it. I think it might have been my idea. I don’t remember. I know he was up there on my list of, ‘Hey, if you’re going to do the first program with somebody. Who would that be?’ He was right at the top. I just have a lot of respect for him. I think he is fantastic. He has been in this system for a long time and knows how the system works, as far as headlining WrestleMania, being a main-eventer and winning different titles.

He has faced adversity and overcomes it. I’m excited I get to be part of all the stuff we’re doing on Raw. We have our talks. He is a good dude to be around. He has earned his spot. He is very unselfish as far as giving to new talent. You come from a new world to Raw and SmackDown. He is really good at helping talents navigate through that.”

Ciampa’s Raw Talk Promo

Everyone began really talking about your Raw Talk promo. What were you channeling there? 

Ciampa: “The main thing that stood out to me, and it’s going to sound arrogant, but I’ve been doing this for a long time. That’s how I saw it. That I’ve been doing these promos forever. It goes to show the reach of Raw and SmackDown from NXT. I’ve been doing sitting in a chair promos on NXT for five years now. Some of those were really freakin’ good.

I know when something is good. Good is good, bad is bad. You do it on Raw Talk, and all of a sudden, the machine gets behind it and more eyes are on me. That was for me eye-opening. I thought this is great and exactly what I was asking for.

Let’s be honest, when Miz gets attention and Logan Paul gets attention, well, if I’m in that bubble, I’m going to get that attention too. They gave me the opportunity to talk. That’s the best thing you can do for a guy like me. I’m not going to win you over with my backflip. If you give me a microphone and tell me I can go for 60 seconds, I’ll win you over.”

Johnny Gargano’s Future

There is a lot of buzz surrounding Johnny Gargano. Do you think we’ll see him back in a WWE ring down the line? 

Ciampa: “You are one hundred percent going to see him in a ring again. I don’t know which ring. I would think it’s tough to say. I don’t know if Candice [LeRae] is interested in wrestling again or not. It’s a lot of decisions to be made with a child at home. He has got to be getting close to wrestling somewhere. The itch has got to be getting there.

We’re almost at a year in now since he has been in the ring. I think at some point he’ll make his way back to WWE. I feel like everyone does at some point. Never say never.”

Bryan Danielson Confirms He & Miz Legitimately Don’t Like Each Other

Bryan Danielson confirms that he and The Miz “legitimately” don’t like one another.

Danielson was recently interviewed by Renee Paquette, where he discussed a multitude of topics, including his WWE run. During the interview, Danielson discussed his issues with The Miz.

Miz was Danielson’s mentor on WWE NXT. This eventually led to a storyline feud between the pair. Years later, things came to a head on an episode of Talking Smack, where things got personal.

Bryan Danielson
(via AEW)

Danielson explained that both men were frustrated and wanted to make a solid segment out of it. He admits that he and Miz “legitimately” don’t like one another. However, he definitely respects Miz.

“Miz was very frustrated. He was Intercontinental Champion and wasn’t being put on TV too much. I was very frustrated that they weren’t clearing me to wrestle despite numerous doctors having cleared me to wrestle and, you know, I understand why, but that’s a long story anyway.

“So just getting to the point of my frustration, so we came up with this thing, the original plan that Mike and I had come up with, was I was going to f*cking deck him. We wanted to get under each other’s skin so much that it was plausible that I would legit be angry enough to punch him, and so that was the intent.

“The idea was either they’re going to fire me, or it’s going to make people want to see the match so much that they’re going to have to clear me to wrestle. But then Mike did such a great job, intuitively, I felt it was better to walk off because it was also like, this is so good.

“Leave him with his heat. He was so good. Mike and I don’t like each other, legitimately, but Mike is also somebody that I respect a lot for working very, very hard.”

Now, both men currently work for different promotions. After getting medically cleared to return to the ring, Bryan Danielson had a bit of a run before deciding not to re-sign with WWE.

He signed with All Elite Wrestling (AEW) and made his debut in September of last year. As for Miz, he’s still with WWE, where he has remained for nearly 20 years.

He’s currently aligned with Ciampa on Monday Night RAW, feuding against AJ Styles and Logan Paul.

Quotes via

Why WWE Opened RAW With Logan Paul & Miz Brawl (Report)

This week’s episode of Monday Night RAW opened up right into a brawl between The Miz and Logan Paul.

Typically, WWE opts to open up their shows with a big Superstar coming out to cut a promo. However, when RAW went live on the USA Network this week, Miz and Paul were already smack in the middle of exchanging blows inside the ring before WWE officials came out to separate them.

The Reason Logan Paul & Miz Opened RAW

Despite WWE signing Logan Paul due to his massive popularity, there were concerns that the Madison Square Garden crowd would boo him out of the building.

To avoid (babyface) Logan Paul from getting heavily booed, Dave Meltzer reports that WWE opted to start the broadcast the action already under way. There were reports that Paul did, in fact, receive heavy boos when making his entrance before the show went live.

Paul did appear later on in the show again, hosting his Impaulsive segment with The Miz and Maryse. That segment ended with Ciampa and Miz beating Paul down, concluding with Miz nailing Paul with the Skull Crushing Finale.

After Miz hit Paul, there was a chant of “one more time.” Paul signed a WWE contract shortly after making his in-ring debut at WrestleMania 38 earlier this year. There, he worked as a heel, teaming with Miz and defeating The Mysterios.

However, after that match, Miz hit Paul with the Skull Crushing Finale, turning on him. WWE has essentially been trying to turn Paul babyface ever since.

Logan Paul and The Miz will square off this Saturday at WWE SummerSlam.

What Will Logan Paul Be Doing on WWE Raw?

We now know what Logan Paul is set to do on the July 18 episode of WWE Raw.

This coming episode of the red brand’s show is set to take place inside Amalie Arena in Tampa, FL. Advertised for the show is a Raw Women’s Championship rematch between titleholder Bianca Belair and Carmella.

Also scheduled for the show will be the return of Internet sensation Logan Paul. This will be his first WWE appearance since signing a deal with the company.

Ariel Helwani reported that this is a multi-year deal for multiple dates per year.

Logan Paul on Miz TV

WWE has announced that Logan Paul will be appearing on Miz TV for the upcoming episode of Raw.

The Miz has been in a feud with Paul over what happened following their WrestleMania 38 match. Miz and Paul defeated The Mysterios in their tag team match but Miz attacked Paul afterward with the Skull Crushing Finale.

When it was announced that Paul signed with WWE, Miz claimed that he told Paul the attack was simply a lesson in the business and the two will be on the same page to go after the WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championships.

In a series of videos posted on social media, Paul made it clear that he is not on good terms with The Miz and wants to fight him.

Miz recently aligned with Ciampa and has warned Logan to team with him or suffer the consequences. AJ Styles has also been having issues with Miz and Ciampa, so it could lead to a big tag team match at SummerSlam on July 30.

Logan Paul Reveals Why He Signed WWE Contract

New WWE signee Logan Paul has revealed what made him sign with the company.

It was a surprise to wrestling fans when Paul announced that he had signed a contract with WWE. He impressed fans with his performance in a tag match with The Miz against Rey and Dominik Mysterio at Wrestlemania 38 Night one on April 2.

Despite having no prior experience, he showed great potential if he chose to continue professional wrestling. The Wrestlemania experience left an impression on Paul, and he shared on his Impaulsive podcast that it made him decide to sign a multi-year deal.

Logan Paul WWE contract

“…For me, there is a trifecta that I look for that decides what I do, and I say this with privilege because I can do this now because of the years, decades of hard work I’ve put in, but when I can mix passion, business and media all into one thing I’m like ultimate me, happy place,” said Paul.

He continued, “…When I did Wrestlemania, I had so much fun. I just had fun. I came back all my friends had fun. We were all smiling. That was awesome. I’m looking at the clips, and I can’t believe that was me.”

Paul also believes it will increase his brand by working with the WWE. “… It’s smart they pay well. WWE it’s a big organization, and media, it’s a show. It’s a great performance and entertainment, so I’m excited for this journey, and I’m well aware of how powerful of a launch pad it can be for whatever I want to do in life,” said Paul.

The new signee explained that he’s not as visible in the media as he was in the past and that this is an opportunity to leverage WWE for his brand.

The Miz and Logan Paul

Logan Paul vs. The Miz at Summerslam?

While speaking about his deal with WWE, Paul also revealed that he would be challenging The Miz at Summerslam on July 30th. It’s unclear if WWE will have Paul face The Miz in a singles match, but Paul confirms that he will be coming for the former WWE Champion.

After their tag team match at Wrestlemania 38 Night One, The Miz attacked Paul. After signing his contract, Paul warned his former tag team partner that he wanted revenge. On his podcast, Paul shared that he looks forward to slamming The Miz.

“…I will be coming for The Miz at Summerslam. He wants to team up with me think he’s delusional. He thinks we are still partners, and we’re cool. We’re not. I take this very seriously, and I will slam him hard,” said Paul.

The new WWE talent will be on Monday Night Raw on July 18th to confront The Miz. While Paul wants to face The Miz one-on-one, WWE could also look to do a tag team match instead.

New Alliance Formed on WWE Raw

A new duo has been formed within the ranks of WWE.

In the wrestling business, sometimes it’s good to have allies. If you happen to be a dastardly heel, having another like-minded villain could lead to dominance on the Raw or SmackDown brand.

In the case of this new alliance, it’s something that has been building for weeks.

The formation of the duo has seemingly been made official and one has to wonder what this could mean for Logan Paul.

The Miz & Ciampa Form Alliance

During the July 4 episode of WWE Raw, The Miz went one-on-one with AJ Styles. Ultimately, Styles won with the Phenomenal Forearm.

After the match, Ciampa delivered another sneak attack on Styles. The “Phenomenal One” got the upper hand on Ciampa but he was distracted, allowing Miz to plant him with the Skull Crushing Finale.

Miz finally embraced Ciampa, making their alliance official.

Logan Paul has insisted that he signed a WWE contract to get revenge on Miz not team up with him. Perhaps we could be in for a tag team match between Logan Paul and AJ Styles vs. The Miz and Ciampa at SummerSlam.

Time will tell if that’s the direction WWE will go in.

WWE Changes History – Omits AEW Star on SmackDown

Tonight, WWE will host their annual Money in the Bank Premium Live Event which will feature two of the show’s titular ladder matches.

Since 2005, 26 Superstars have cashed in the briefcase, with 22 of those attempts being successful, giving the Money in the Bank contract holder an impressive 84.6% chance of becoming champion.

During this week’s SmackDown, the build continued towards Money in the Bank, but one Superstar tried to rewrite history.

The A-Lister’s Comments

During a segment last night, Raw’s very own The Miz made a trip to SmackDown and had some choice words about the Money in the Bank Ladder match.

 In a backstage segment with Happy Corbin, Ezekiel, and Madcap Moss along with WWE Official Adam Pearce, The Miz claimed to be the only two-time winner of the Money in the Bank briefcase.

While The Miz is a two-time winner, capturing the briefcase in 2010 in a ladder match, and again in 2020 by defeating Otis, he isn’t the only double-winner.

Rewriting History

In addition to The Miz, there have been other two-time winners, including AEW World Champion CM Punk.

Punk won back-to-back ladder matches at WrestleManias 24 and 25, and cashed in both times successfully, defeating Edge and Jeff Hardy in 2008 and 2009 respectively to become World Heavyweight Champion.

Given that The Miz included his non-ladder match briefcase win over Otis, then it stands that Edge is also a two-time briefcase winner.

Edge won the inaugural MITB Ladder match in 2005 and defeated Mr. Kennedy during a 2007 Raw to win the latter’s briefcase.

There is also the argument that Carmella is a two-time winner, having won the first Women’s MITB Ladder match in 2017.

After James Ellsworth helped her win the match, the Briefcase was defended in a ladder match on the following SmackDown which Carmella also won.

5 WWE Superstars Who Would Be Perfect Opponents For MJF

MJF has been the talk of the town and in 2024, he’ll be the biggest story in wrestling.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman is a top heel in AEW and even though he’s a star now, the 26-year-old hasn’t even scratched the surface. Many see Plainview’s finest as a major player in the industry for years to come.

While AEW has its golden goose for now, things could change in 2024. That’s when MJF’s contract with the company will expire. Reports have claimed that MJF is a bit unhappy with Tony Khan after a chat regarding taking media interviews without permission.

While that ultimately could turn out to be nothing, Maxwell has teased testing the market both on and off-air. It’s left many wondering if MJF will be making the big jump to WWE.

If he does, here are five WWE superstars who would be perfect opponents for him:

The Miz

You knew this was coming, so might as well get it out of the way now. If WWE signs MJF, he’s bound to have a program with The Miz. Wrestling fans have long made comparisons between the two.

It makes sense. After all, both characters have a sense of entitlement, enjoy the finer things in life, and think they’re better than everyone else.

Heck, CM Punk even referred to MJF as a “less famous Miz” during their AEW feud.

MJF and The Miz have actually exchanged pleasantries. Back in late 2021, Maxwell appeared on SiriusXM’s Throwing Down with Renee & Miesha and he expressed his belief that Miz is “tremendous” as a performer.

Miz returned the favor, telling Peter Rosenberg that MJF is no copycat. Miz also said he feels MJF has done a great job in a short period of time.

Kevin Owens

When you think of Kevin Owens, you don’t think of the prototypical WWE superstar.

KO is so good that he ended up being a Swiss army knife for Vince McMahon’s empire. You can put Owens in any role and he’s going to succeed.

For a feud with MJF to work, however, there’s no doubt that Owens will have to play the babyface role. Maxwell would thrive in this situation being the snotty, rich brat running down the hardworking Owens who was never meant to grace the cover of GQ Magazine.

As a heel, Owens has a way of making the audience hate him. As a face, he’ll make the WWE Universe love him. He’d be the perfect good guy in this feud.

This would be a home run.

John Cena

This one is a bit tougher to pull off since John Cena is a busy man these days with Hollywood.

With that said, this would be a fantastic rivalry.

When you think back to Cena’s feuds with the likes of AJ Styles, Roman Reigns, and others, he always brought straight heat on the mic. He and MJF would have some memorable verbal battles and the match would also likely deliver.

As he proved during his rivalry with Styles, Cena does a great job handling programs with stars who had been established in another promotion. He knows how to hit close to home with his words and sell the audience on the significance of the match.

If MJF ends up in WWE and Cena’s schedule allows for it, this match is a must.

Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns is easily the top star in WWE today.

Ever since transitioning to his “Tribal Chief” character, his stock has soared. Reigns has been such a dominant force that he’s running out of legit contenders on TV.

If MJF enters WWE and feuds with Reigns, fans will get the added bonus of witnessing Maxwell and Paul Heyman go at it on the mic. Much like Cena, Heyman knows how to make things more personal and he’d likely do the same for an MJF-Reigns storyline.

The idea behind Reigns’ character is that he thinks he’s in “God Mode.” All of the opposition are supposed to fear him but MJF is quick-witted and would greatly challenge the “Head of the Table” in promo battles.

The question is, will Roman Reigns be around in 2024 if MJF makes the jump?

Reigns has signed a new deal to take fewer dates and some question whether or not he’ll be on his way out of WWE sooner rather than later should Hollywood come calling.

Cody Rhodes

This one is a no-brainer.

There is simply too much history between MJF and Cody Rhodes to ignore. The two had been booked as best friends on AEW TV until Maxwell turned on Cody by booting him in the nether regions.

The two ultimately collided at the AEW Revolution PPV back in Feb. 2020. MJF emerged victorious, putting an end to their rivalry although it definitely felt like there was some unfinished business that would be addressed after some time passed.

Cody made the shocking jump to WWE at WrestleMania 38 back in April. For WWE to book a high-profile feud with two of AEW’s golden boys would probably be a huge feather in the cap of company officials.

There’s no doubt Cody would push for this to happen if WWE snags MJF and he’d likely get his wish.

The Miz Wants To Play Johnny Cage In Mortal Kombat Movie

The Miz is one of the most successful pro wrestlers of the current era. Apart from a couple of world title reigns, he has won over a dozen other championships in WWE and has been a featured TV star for over a decade. Though even after all his success, he is not short on goals. The things he wants to do in the future range from being the best father he can be to playing Booster Gold in a DC movie.

The former world champion recently appeared on Out of Character. He discussed how he wants to continue pursuing his dreams so he can be a role model for his daughters. When asked what are the goals he wants to achieve, The Miz first mentioned that he wants to give more time to his family:

“Be the biggest superstar I [can] possibly be. Best dad you can possibly be. Best husband I could possibly be. You know, I’d love to give more time to my family. I have dedicated 20 years to WWE. This isn’t like a retirement speech.” said The Miz, “This isn’t me saying I wanna work less.

I just wanna be able to manage and balance my life a little better. To make sure that I focus on what’s truly, truly important. Those are those two little girls that I want to help mould and guide and learn and be there for. That’s one thing.  Also, I would love to get into movies, voiceovers, TV.”

The Miz Wants To Play Johnny Cage And Boster Gold

The A-Lister mentioned that he has a production company with his wife Maryse. He revealed that after the success of Miz & Mrs, they are developing three more shows. He then noted how fans want him to play Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat. The Miz said that he is ready for it:

“Hell, I wanna play Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat baby. Are you kidding me? Like I have been working on my splits, I’ve been working on my kicks. As soon as I saw that Mortal Kombat was out, and there was no Johnny Cage yet. My name was literally trending worldwide, Number one as ‘we want The Miz as Johnny Cage.’

I was like, ‘If they want that to happen. I need to basically make sure that I am prepared and ready that if that opportunity presents itself. Then I will be ready and focused.’ So I called my trainer that helped me with Marine 6. Working on kicks and everything. I was like, ‘how do you do his intro kicks? I need to learn these and have them properly done.’ I need them left-handed and right-handed because Johnny can do both.

“Also Booster Gold. like I know there’s a Blue Beetle movie coming out. I don’t know if Booster Gold is even a part of it, but I would love to play that character in the DC realm.”

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The Miz Opens Up About Getting Vasectomy

The Miz has been pretty open about getting a vasectomy. According to him, it was a way to make sure that he can continue pursuing his dreams and be a role model for his daughters to do the same.

The A-Lister recently talked about his decision on Out Of Character. He noted how he wanted to make sure that he can focus on being the best father. The former WWE champion also detailed the conversation he had with Maryse about it

“Going back to the vasectomy. I was like you know what, I want to make sure I can focus on my two loves, my daughters Monroe and Madison and be the best husband I can be. But I also want to pursue my dreams. A lot of times when you become a parent, you forget about the things that you want to do because everything is invested in them.” said The Miz, “Granted, everything IS invested in them. But I still want them to see me going after what I want. Because I want them to go after what they want. I want to be an example for them.

So My wife and I were like ‘Alright, we’re done’. I am like ‘Alright, so who’s doing it?’ It was a conversation like ‘Alright who is doing it?’ I was like, ‘you know what, I’ll bite the bullet. You shoved these suckers out of you twice so I think can do the deed.'”

You can check out The Miz’s interview below:

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The Miz Names One WWE Superstar Whose Character Is A “Money Maker”

The Miz has one WWE superstar in mind who he believes has money written all over him.

If there’s one thing The Miz knows about, it’s longevity under Vince McMahon’s empire. Miz has been on the WWE main roster since 2006. Along the way, he became a two-time WWE Champion and headlined WrestleMania 27.

Miz has seen many come and go over the years and he’s impressed by the growth of one performer in particular.

The Miz Has High Hopes For Chad Gable

Miz was a guest on the Out of Character podcast with Ryan Satin. During the show, “The A-Lister” reflected on Chad Gable’s road to his current character.

“Chad Gable first came in with Jason Jordan, right? Amazing tag team, incredible. Didn’t click, like didn’t get to the upper echelons but won things and did stuff and was in there.

“Then they took him and said, ‘Alright, you’re gonna be a singles competitor, you’re gonna be Shorty G.’ And everyone was like, ‘What?! What?!’ Honestly, sometimes it’s just to see like, ‘I see something in you, let’s see if we can get something out of you. Let’s see if we can find something that’s different than everybody else.’

“Most times the fans or the critics will be like, ‘Why are they doing this? This guy went to the Olympics.’ We’re just trying to find something here. In my mind, that’s what they’re doing. So, then he did, he took it and I thought he did exceptional at it. He didn’t get to the upper echelons or whatever but he took that character and made something out of it.”

Miz said that Gable has finally found what works for him and he sees a lot of green for the leader of the Alpha Academy.

“Now you look at Chad Gable, guess what? He found his voice, he found his character and now you look at him and you go, ‘Oh wow, this is a money maker. This character is a money maker.'”

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The Miz Touts Himself as WWE’s Ultimate Utility Player

The Miz sees himself as a “jack of all trades” who can fill any role WWE needs him to fill.

When WWE needed a tag team partner for Logan Paul at WrestleMania, they called The Miz. When Cody Rhodes wrestles his first match on WWE Raw in six years, he’s fighting The Miz.

Whether it’s the main event of WrestleMania, an appearance on the red carpet or starring in his own reality TV shows, The Miz is always delivers.

The Awesome One recently spoke with the Detroit News to promote Monday’s WWE Raw from the Little Cesars Arena. During his conversation with Adam Graham, The Miz said his range and flexibility have kept him relevant since he joined WWE in 2004.

“I would say my role in the company now is as a person who can develop newcomers but also be in the main event, or help the main event out, or be on the mid-card. I can be anywhere.”

– The Miz

Not only is The Miz a versatile on-screen performer; he’s also a pretty humble guy.

“I’m always good, 100% awesome, all day, everyday of my life,” says The Miz. “When you have two beautiful daughters who are healthy and happy and you have an amazing wife, I think you’re pretty happy.”

The Miz battles Cody Rhodes tonight on WWE Raw.

Head over to to read their full interview with The Miz.

Reason The Miz Attacked Logan Paul At WrestleMania

Logan Paul was betrayed by The Miz at the end of their WrestleMania match. Though latest report suggest that it was something the YouTuber himself wanted.

Dave Meltzer talked about the Show Of Shows on the latest Wrestling Observer Radio. He also discussed the celebrity guest’s in-ring debut at the PPV.

Meltzer revealed that the reason The Miz turned on him after the Mania match was because Paul had negotiated to become a babyface at the end of his WWE run.

The YouTube star also worked as a face during his involvement in the Kevin Owens – Sami Zayn storyline leading to their WrestleMania 37 match.

However, fans didn’t buy Logan Paul as a babyface and he was booed even in his hometown of Cleveland. This is why he aligned himself with The Miz this time around.

Paul and The A-Lister defeated The Mysterios during WrestleMania Saturday. The Miz turned on his partner after the match, giving him a Skull Crushing Finale.

Logan Paul has said that he would be interested in wrestling full-time if it made sense with his schedule. Though he did not appear on this week’s Raw. There is no word yet on if WWE has any immediate plan to follow up on his storyline with The Miz.

Miz And Mrs’ Season 3 Filming Has Wrapped And Will Air June 2022

The Miz and Maryse have finished filming Season 3 of their show Miz and Mrs.

The Miz Announces That Season 3 Has Wrapped

On Twitter, The Miz revealed that the show has wrapped on the filming of their third season. The former WWE Champion posted a photo of him posing with his wife Maryse while they held a cake that said ‘That’s a wrap, Congrats on Season 3’. In the same tweet, The Miz practically confirmed the season’s release date by saying ‘See ya in June’.

Just two days ago, Maryse posted that the third season of the USA Network show was almost completed. She also mentioned that it  was going to be hilarious and show lots of love.

Miz And Mrs Airing History

The third season will feature ten new episodes of the reality show. Season 3 was ordered by the USA Network in October.

The second season was on air from January 29th, 2020 to May 17th, 2021 and featured 20 episodes. The show’s first episode premiered on Jul 24, 2018.

Both seasons, in full, are available for streaming on Hulu and Peacock.