Posts Tagged ‘Tommy Dreamer’

Tommy Dreamer Explains Why A 5 Star Match ‘Does Not Exist’ In His World

Tommy Dreamer believes a 5-star rating should not exist in wrestling because entertainment is subjective and different people can like different things.

The 5-star rating system made famous by wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer has always been a controversial topic. On one hand, it provides a spotlight to young talents trying to make a name, but on the other side legends like Kurt Angle never earning a top rating makes people question the integrity of the whole thing.

The ratings system was the talk of the latest episode of Busted Open Radio. Discussing the topic, Tommy Dreamer explained that a 5-star rating does not exist in his world because the quality of a match is a subjective opinion:

“A five-star match to me is nonexistent. It doesn’t exist in my world and nor should it ever. I’ve never had a five-star match according to one person. But I will tell you this, you go by the crowd, right? Dave, I’ve been to a lot of wrestling shows as a fan.

I’ve watched so many wrestling shows. I would say Hulk Hogan had a five-star match every night. Once that leg hit, everybody went nuts. When he was a babyface and your WWE champion. Hulk Hogan had a five-star match every night because everybody went home excited.”

Beauty Is In Eye Of The Beholder: Tommy Dreamer

Tommy Dreamer noted that Dave has always been respectful to him and he values Meltzer’s opinion as a historian. However, Dreamer explained that different people can like different things and a 5-star match is one that leaves fans satisfied:

“Again, I have nothing against Dave Meltzer. I do have everything against this, well, it’s a five-star match. Dave, I do a lot of Indies. I have seen matches that I watched and I’m like, ‘Oh my god, how are people reacting to this? And then at the end of the match, people are cheering for these two unknown guys to me that aren’t very very good, but yet the fans liked it. So then it was a five-star match.

Because, like you said, Dave, I’m not a fan of gore in movies or taking it from Rhyno. However, people love gore. Jerry Lynn listens to like that death metal, and I’m like, that doesn’t appeal to me. But it appeals, and then if you ever see go to those concerts, there’s people that, hey, they sell out freaking massive stadiums. I’m not a fan of soccer. Yet, there’s people who love soccer. It’s all like you said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I have never seen Ray Mysterio have a bad match, and I’ve watched Ray Mysterio since his United States debut. Ray Mysterio has had a five-star match every single time he went out because I’ve never seen him have a bad match. Can you dissect it? Can you do this? Yes, but at the end of the day, if you paid your ticket and the fans are happy for what they saw, that’s a five-star night.”

WWE “Spiritually Closing The Book” On ECW

WWE made a big deal about ECW WrestleMania weekend and it was reportedly for good reason.

With WrestleMania 40 taking place in Philadelphia it only seemed appropriate for WWE to induct Paul Heyman into the Hall Of Fame. The home of Extreme Championship Wrestling was in the “City Of Brotherly Love” and Heyman had a lot to say about Philly and the homebase fans.

Heyman hat-tipped not just the fans but the legends ECW helped to cultivate, shouting out names like Rob Van Dam and Bully Ray. He even donned the appropriate attire as he pulled out the hat, headset, cinderblock cell phone and leather duster. Heyman’s words immediately became an all-time Hall of Fame speech, but that speech could be bittersweet in the immediate.

According to Dave Meltzer in the latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Heyman’s speech signified WWE “spiritually closing” the book on ECW. This was also why Heyman was the primary induction for the year and the focus was put on Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer and The Dudley Boyz.

ECW fans experienced a satisfying follow-up on night two of WrestleMania 40 as Bully Ray ended up being the surprise referee for the Philadelphia Street Fight between The Final Testament and The Pride.

WWE also had a full ECW entryway set-up installation on display at WWE World over WrestleMania weekend.

As for the actual ECW residence, the 2300 Arena on the corner of Swanson and Ritner, the venue stayed very busy with live events including a Busted Open Radio party and RVD in competition.

What Does the Hourglass Mean? TNA Wrestling Roster Come Together with Cryptic Message

The TNA Wrestling roster has left fans scratching their heads with the use of a single emoji, an hourglass, in a series of tweets. 

On Twitter, several wrestlers in the company shared the context-free tweet, leaving fans to speculate in the comments as to what this means. Some fans speculated that the talent were counting down until their contract expired, perhaps in response to the controversial decision by Anthem Entertainment to remove Scott D’Amore. D’Amore had been part of TNA for years and was a pivotal part of the company’s relaunch earlier this year which was a hit with fans. TNA’s roster recently issued a letter to Anthem expressing their support for D’Amore

You can check out some of the tweets from the TNA Wrestling roster below. 

What’s Next for TNA Wrestling? 

TNA will now be overseen by Anthony Cicione, who is the company’s new President in addition to being Anthem Entertainment’s President. The promotion’s next big event will be this week’s No Surrender pay-per-view. The card for the upcoming show is as follows: 

  • The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers) (with Alisha Edwards) vs. Intergalactic Jet Setters (Kushida and Kevin Knight)
  • Chris Sabin (c) vs. Mustafa Ali (TNA X-Division Championship)
  • Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Gisele Shaw (TNA Knockouts Championship)
  • Decay (Havok and Rosemary) (c) vs. MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich and Killer Kelly) (TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championships)
  • PCO vs. Kon
  • Josh Alexander vs. Simon Gotch
  • ABC (Ace Austin and Chris Bey) (c) vs. Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake and Zack Gibson) (TNA World Tag Team Championships)
  • Moose (c) (with Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers) vs. Alex Shelley (with Kevin Knight and Kushida) (No Surrender Rules Match, TNA World Championship)

Tommy Dreamer Denies “Fictitious” Report He’s Replaced Scott D’Amore As TNA Head of Creative

TNA Wrestling’s Tommy Dreamer has refuted the claim that he is now running TNA’s creative department following the dismissal of Scott D’Amore. 

D’Amore was released as TNA President last week and has been replaced by Anthem Entertainment’s President Anthony Cicione. Anthem, TNA’s parent company, reportedly wanted to have a closer connection to the promotion, hence the appointment of Cicione. 

Scott D’Amore attempted to purchase TNA Wrestling and made a serious offer to Anthem. D’Amore’s offer was made as he was aware Anthem had plans to get rid of him. D’Amore’s offer was not in response to the success of last month’s TNA Hard to Kill show. 

Tommy Dreamer Refutes Creative Claim

In the latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter, it is reported that Tommy Dreamer is running TNA’s creative now that D’Amore has gone. This led to Dreamer’s name trending on social media. During Busted Open Radio, the former TNA Digital Media Champion refuted the claim with plenty of sarcasm. 

“Oof. I’m so glad people know things about my life that I don’t know… Thanks for the promotion. I hope I get a raise with this fictitious position. Because if I was head of creative, you know Moose is losing the [TNA World] title to me at whatever the next show is.”

After some laughs, Dreamer made clear that he had not been promoted to Head of Creative. 

“It’s the same deal as always before. It really and truly is. Nothing has changed within the creative process. Thank you very much.”

The TNA locker room isn’t going to let D’Amore go without a fight… 

H/T – Wrestle Zone

WWE & ECW Legend Is NOT Head Booker Of TNA Wrestling After Scott D’Amore’s Firing

TNA Wrestling is going through another big change right after their re-branding. Scott D’Amore is out, but now another man is running the creative side of things. The Innovator of Violence, Tommy Dreamer now has the book for TNA.

Scott D’Amore’s Replacement as Head Booker

Last week, the wrestling community was surprised by the news that Anthem chose to end D’Amore’s tenure, who many consider crucial to TNA Wrestling’s future. Over the last six months, D’Amore has strongly advocated for changes in the company’s offerings, including introducing new talent, welcoming back familiar faces, and reviving the recognizable

D’Amore tried to purchase TNA Wrestling after it was made clear that the company would fire him. They did not sell, and now D’Amore is out.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter noted that Tommy Dreamer is now the head booker for the company’s creative direction after D’Amore’s firing. This was expected, but at least Anthem didn’t place someone else in the role from outside the pro wrestling world.

“Tommy Dreamer is now the head of creative as many expected with D’Amore gone.”

Backlash After Scott D’Amore’s Firing

It should be noted that there was a big letter sent to Anthem in protest of Scott D’Amore’s firing. Some members of the roster reportedly signed-off on it as well, and it is a rather scathing review of the current circumstances.

TNA Wrestling talent were also offered to start discussions about their release from the company if they don’t like this new creative direction. As of this writing, we have not heard about anyone who has departed as a result of D’Amore’s exit.

SEScoops will have continued coverage of this still-developing story, so keep checking back for more updates.

UPDATE: Denial & Clarification 

Tommy Dreamer has now denied this report. He said that he is not head booker of TNA Wrestling.

PW Insider reported to clear up this misinformation from the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Ariel Shnerer is reportedly looking over all content coming out of TNA Wrestling from this point on.

“Ariel Shnerer will be overseeing all TNA content going forward and will be working in conjunction with new TNA President Anthony Cicione. It will be Shnerer who will have the last word on any talent and creative decisions, although Cicione will be the top of the pyramid.” 

Impact Wrestling Results (2/23/23): Monster’s Ball Match, Beat The Clock Challenges

The Feb. 23 episode of Impact Wrestling aired on AXS TV at 8 PM EST/5 PM PT.

The episode saw X Division Champion Trey Miguel defend his title against Crazzy Steve in a Monster’s Ball match. Impact Wrestling had built the feud up for several weeks when Steve confronted Miguel on the Jan. 26 episode. The episode also had Bully Ray and Tommy Dreamer compete in Beat the Clock Challenges to determine who would speak first at their live Busted Open show at No Surrender on Feb. 24.

Impact Wrestling also aired on their Youtube channel for Impact Insider subscribers. The company offers a monthly subscription to watch weekly episodes on Youtube for $1.49. Unfortunately, it aired at 8:30 PM ET/5:30 PM PT.

If you would like more results for this week’s events in wrestling, please check back on our results section.

Impact Wrestling Results (2/23)

We started the episode with Miguel and Steve locked in their rooms as they prepared for Monster’s Ball.

“Speedball” Mike Bailey & Jonathan Gresham vs. Motor City Machine Guns(Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley)

The match started with Jonathan Gresham and Alex Shelley. They tried to outpace each other until Gresham caught Shelley in a Dragon Leg Whip in the corner. Gresham brought his opponent to his corner and tagged in Mike Bailey to start working on his leg. Bailey Irish Whipped Shelley on his side, which Chris Sabin blind tagged in to land a Chop Block/Clothesline combo with Shelley.

Sabin worked over Bailey briefly but tagged Shelley back into the match. Shelley beat down Bailey and tagged Sabin back in. They tried to go for a tag team move, but Bailey counterd to tag in Gresham. Sabin and Gresham exchanged forearm strikes in the middle of the ring until Gresham hit Sabin with a kick to the gut. He Irish Whipped Sabin to a corner, and Shelley tried to help his partner by kicking Gresham. However, Gresham caught the kick and swung it to Sabin and hit him with a Enzugiri, which made Sabin land a Dragon Leg Whip on his partner.

Gresham tried to pin Sabin, but Shelley stopped him. Bailey tried to help but gets thrown out the ring. Sabin picked up Gresham in a Fireman’s Carry, and Shelley did an assisted neckbreaker. They followed it up with the Magic Killer for a two-count. Sabin tried to go for a Suplex, but Gresham countered with his Suplex on his opponent. Gresham and Sabin tagged out to their partners, but Bailey started to take control of Shelley. Sabin tried to help his partner, but Bailey took care of them. Bailey put Shelley in a Leg Lock and Sabin tried to go after him. Still holding on to Shelley, Bailey caught Sabin and did a Spinning Brainbuster and kept his hold on Shelley.

Shelley can make it to the ropes to break the hold. The action continued as both teams tried to gain the advantage. The match finished when The Motor City Machine Guns landed the Dirt Bomb on Gresham, and Sabin pinned him for the win.

We get a video package promoting the Impact World Championship match between Rich Swann and champ Josh Alexander at No Surrender.

We get a backstage promo with Deanna Purrazzo warning Gisele Shaw, who she faces at No Surrender.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Jason Hotch- Beat the Clock Challenge

Jason Hotch started the match by taking advantage of his speed against Dreamer. He hit a neckbreaker on Dreamer for a one-count. Hotch tried to go to the top rope but got stopped by Dreamer. Dreamer hit the Death Valley Driver from the top rope to beat Hotch in 1:15.

Allysin Kay with Marti Belle vs. Taya Valkyrie with Jessicka & Rosemary

Allysin Kay tried to go after Taya Valkyrie, but Valkyrie sent her to the corner. They exchanged blows in the corner, but Valkyrie landed a big chop on her opponent. Valkyrie Irish Whipped Kay, but Kay countered with a Clothesline. Kay tried to run the ropes but got caught with a Back Elbow. Valkyrie did a Snapmare into a unique Armbar, but Kay put her foot on the rope. Kay tried to gain momentum on her side but got caught with a Spear for a two-count.

Valkyrie continued to control the match until we went to a commercial break. However, when we returned from break, Kay controlled the match(We don’t see how she turned things around). It doesn’t last long as Valkyrie rallied back into the match. She landed a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Valkyrie followed up with an STF submission, but Kay got to the ropes. The finish came when Marti Bells distracted Valkyrie, which lead to Kay landing the AK47 for the win.

We had a contract signing backstage between Swann and Alexander. The champion tried to walk away with the title. However, Swann stopped him to apologize for accidentally kicking him last week. Alexander said it’s not a problem and that Swann doesn’t have it in him to attack Alexander like that. Swann took offense as he feels Alexander doesn’t think Swann can do what he needs to beat him. Steve Maclin interrupted their talk and told them that he will face the winner after he wins the Fatal Four Way number one contender match at No Surrender. Maclin called Swann a choke arrest, which led to Maclin and Swann getting into a brawl until it’s broken up by backstage officials.

Deaner & Sami Callihan with The Design(Kon & Alan Angels) vs. Frankie Kazarian & Yuya Uemura

The match started with Frankie Kazarian and Deaner until Deaner tagged in Sami Callihan. Deaner yelled at Callihan to take him out, which led to Kazarian telling him to shut up. Callihan took the opportunity to hit Kazarian and beat him down briefly. However, Deaner yelled at his partner to tag him back in.

Deaner started to work over Kazarian until he got caught with three Arm Drags and a big Clothesline from Kazarian. Kazarian tagged Yuya Uemura, and they landed a tag team move on Deaner for a two-count. Uemura started to work on Deaner’s arm, but Deaner grabbed his hair and sent him to the corner to Callihan. After Deaner tagged out, Callihan gouged the eyes of Uemura. Callihan and Deaner tagged in and out to control their opponent. Uemura and Callihan are the legal men in the ring and Uemura caught his opponent with a Pele Kick. Uemura tried to tag out, but Kon hit Kazarian with a Clothesline outside of the ring, while the referee is distracted.

Callihan tagged Deaner to go to the top rope for a Diving Headbutt. However, Deaner missed, and Uemura tagged in Kazarian. Deaner tagged in Callihan, but Kazarian started to get the better of him. Alan Angels distract Kazarian for Callihan to land an Exploder Suplex. Callihan tagged in Deaner, and they tried to go for a tag team move, but Kazarian countered to tag in his partner.

Uemura took offense to both of his opponents. He went to the top rope and landed a Crossbody on Deaner for a pin, but Callihan stopped the count. Callihan and Kazarian tagged in the match as both teams struggled to take control of the match. Callihan prepared to go for the Cactus Driver on Kazarian, but Deaner yelled at his partner to tag him in. He went to tag Deaner, but his partner left the ring apron. Kazarian took advantage and put Callihan in the Crossface Chicken Wing for the submission win.

We get a video package hyping up Impact Knockout Champion Mickie James defending her title against Masha Slamovich at No Surrender.

We got a backstage segment with Callihan confronting Deaner for leaving him. Deaner told him it’s part of his steps to join The Design. Callihan expressed his loyalty to The Design. Deaner said that Callihan has two more steps left before being a member.

Bully Ray vs. Bhupinder Gujjar- Beat The Clock Challenge

The match ended quickly as Hotch and John Skyler distracted the referee and Gujjar. As the referee is distracted, Ray hit his opponent with a steel chain to win in 0:45 to win the Beat the Clock Challenge.

We get a backstage segment with Gujjar and Dreamer. Dreamer motivated Gujjar and says he won because Ray had to cheat.

(C) Trey Miguel vs. Crazzy Steve- Monster’s Ball match for the X-Division Championship

The match started with Steve taking Miguel down with an STO. The challenger fought Miguel outside the ring as we cut to a commercial break. We come back from back to see four chairs set up. Steve lands a Suplex on Miguel through the chairs, but the champion counters, and Steve gets caught with a Drop Toe Hold into the chairs.

Miguel picked up Steve, who is also busted open. The champion tried to hit Steve with a chair to the face against the ring post, but Steve moved. Miguel tried to run at his opponent but got caught with a Back Body Drop through the chairs. They rolled back into the ring, and before Steve can capitalize, he got caught with a Dropkick by Miguel. The X-Division Champion went outside to get more weapons. He tried to hit his opponent with a trash can, but Steve used a Staple Gun to the groin of Miguel. He followed up his attack by put the trash can over the head of the champion, put him in the corner and landed the cannonball on Miguel. We go to another commercial break.

We returned from a commercial break with Steve trying to attack Miguel with a fork. The champion stopped him and landed a Neckbreaker. Miguel took the Fork and tried to stab his opponent’s eye unsuccessfully. He settled with landing a Double Foot Stomp. The X-Division Champion went to get thumbtacks and spread them in the center of the ring. He tried to run at Steve in the corner, but his opponent caught him with a strike. Steve landed the Black Hole Slam on Miguel into the thumbtacks and goes for the pin. Before the referee can count three, Steve stopped the pin to punish Miguel more.

However, Miguel kicked Steve to the point where he was on his knee near the Thumbtacks and landed a double foot stomp to have his opponent land chest first into it. The champion went for the cover but got a two-count. Miguel went to the floor for a table to place the weapon in the corner. They both tried to avoid crashing into the table until they simultaneously landed a Clothesline falling into the thumbtacks.

They both went outside for a weapon. Miguel got a spike, and Steve got Janice(a spiked wooden object). Steve missed Miguel with Janice but caught him in a Death Valley Driver through the table in the corner for the near fall. Steve went to bring chairs into the ring and positions it near the center of the ring. The champion recovered to hit Steve in the gut with a chair, but Steve fought back. Steve put Miguel on the top rope, but Miguel slid underneath him to hit his opponent with a Superkick and a Tiger Feint Kick. While Steve is down, the champion went to the top rope. However, the challenger recovered and tried to go after Miguel, but the champion jumped and rolled from the top rope into the thumbtacks.

Steve followed up with a Canadian Destroyer on Miguel into a chair and thumbtacks. While laying in the thumbtacks, Steve briefly did a snow angel and pinned Miguel for a two count. The challenger used Janice to scrape Miguel’s forehead. Steve took the champion to the ring apron as a wooden board with barbed wire is laid on top of chairs. Before Steve could slam Miguel through it, the champion hit Steve in the groin and landed the Roll of the Dice through the wooden board with barbed wire. Miguel put Steve back in the ring to pin for the win.

Tommy Dreamer Pays Tribute To Jay Briscoe With Touching Story

Tributes have been pouring in for Jay Briscoe ever since the news of his tragic passing come out. People from across the wrestling world have been sharing their memories and stories showcasing the late star’s passion for wrestling and his love for his family.

On the latest Busted Open Radio, former ROH owner Carry Silkin, Tommy Dreamer, and others paid tribute to him. During the show, the group discussed how The Briscoes were the same behind the scene as they were in the ring and they always brought their authentic self on the table.

Speaking about his interactions with the duo, Dreamer said that they were the first ones who made him feel welcome in ROH. The ECW legend then told the story of working with the ROH tag champs for the first time for his House of Hardcore promotion:

“I remember when they did my House Of Hardcore show. They attacked me and Bully [Ray]. We were going to go that route of having a tag match [in] 2017-ish. I remember walking up to him after the show and I handed them envelopes and Jay was like, ‘Nah, man, we’re good. We didn’t do anything.’ I said ‘Dude, you did. You travelled here and I’m paying you.’ He goes ‘Nah.’ I said, ‘Listen, never turn down money. you’re helping me build something.’ Then he was like ‘allll right.’

The fact that him and his brother were just gonna take that for free.” said Tommy Dreamer, “I would not want people to do that but the fact that they were and like, told me that they didn’t want to get paid. They’re like, ‘Nah, man, that was cool. That was cool shit.’ I was just like, ‘Well just take this. it’s not a lot but please take this and we’re going to do future business with each other’ and it worked. It helped but just trying to tell you the men that they are.”

The Briscoe Brothers had been part of the ROH roster since the very beginning. They were present for the very first ROH show in 2002 where Jay Briscoe wrestled Amazing Red. Their team has won the ROH tag team titles over a dozen times and Jay also held the ROH world title a couple of times.


If you use any quotes from the article, please credit SEScoops with an H/t for transcription

William Regal Offered a Role at Impact Wrestling

Barely a week into the new year, William Regal was released from his WWE contract back on January 5, including several other members of NXT such as producers, writers, and office staff. This brought an end to Regal’s 22-year run with the company.

While we don’t know if Regal has a 90-day non-compete clause that active wrestlers have when they’re released. We don’t know where Regal may end up in the future but he already has an offer on the table for him. On Thursday’s Busted Open Radio, Tommy Dreamer revealed that he offered a spot to William Regal in Impact Wrestling.

“If you look at management, and you look at, let’s say, the New York Giants, their G.M. is retiring, and then there goes the head coach that he picked,” Dreamer said regarding Regal’s release.

“There goes everyone associated with that person. Triple H is no longer in charge, and everyone associated with him is gone. The only guy who’s remained is Shawn (Michaels), but Shawn was a Vince guy before he was a Triple H guy. Regal, the moment I heard (he was let go), I shot him a text and said, ‘If you want to be a commentator at Impact or if you want to be a General Manager figure, just let me know.’ He will have something when he chooses to.”

Regal’s WWE Release

WWE sent out a statement to select media members explaining the releases, stating, “With the continued evolution of NXT 2.0, we’ve decided to part ways with some of the staff based in our Performance Center. We thank them for their many contributions throughout the years and wish them the best.”

Wrestling fans celebrate Regal’s technical style of wrestling, as well as his on-screen role as general manager of NXT which he began in July 2014. Inside the ring, he was two-time Intercontinental Champion, a five-time Hardcore Champion, a four-time European Champion, a four-time World Tag Team Champion, and the winner of the King of the Ring tournament in 2008. Regal made his first comments regarding his release from WWE, thanking the company.

“Thank you to @WWE for a wonderful 21 year run. You gave a lad who was happy and in wonderland wrestling on a carnival have a charmed life for 21 years. No complaints and please no one waste time replying as I won’t have a bad work said against the company. I will add that @WWE  saved my life in 1999 when they didn’t need to, kept my family fed and took me all around the world. You have my gratitude forever. You allowed me to live a charmed life.”

H/T to for the transcribed quote

Bron Breakker is “The Perfect Mold of Both Steiner Brothers”

Tommy Dreamer is the latest stalwart in the wrestling business to heap praise on Bron Breakker.

Breakker, the son of Rick Steiner and nephew of Scott Steiner, is fresh off an NXT Championship victory over Tommaso Ciampa. The title change took place in the main event of New Year’s Evil on Jan. 4.

Bron Breakker: Clone Of Rick & Scott Steiner

Tommy Dreamer took to SiriusXM’s Busted Open Radio to share his belief that Bron Breakker has the goods in this business thanks to picking up traits from Rick and Scott Steiner.

“If you look at Bron Breakker, he has both characters — it’s like he’s the perfect mold of both Steiner brothers. The Steiner brothers were a money tag team. Rick, like I said was a money babyface, and Scott was a money singles guy as well.

“So, there’s nothing but a great future for Bron Breakker and he has that charisma, and even last night when he locked in the Steiner Recliner, that place they went nuts for it.

“He’s got the powerslam, he’s got the military press, but there was a simple spot where Ciampa went for the boot and Bron Breakker pulled himself up and caught him with the Frakensteiner in mid-air. I mean, come on. He’s athletic as can be.

“He grew up in that home with the Steiners and it’s like he’s a clone of both his father and his uncle and that’s nothing but pure money.”

WWE has changed the vision of NXT 2.0 in order to revert back to being a developmental system. Bron now leads the charge as the brand’s champion but many believe it won’t be long before he’s called up to the main roster.

Please H/T SEScoops with a link if you use any quotes from this article

Tommy Dreamer Shares His Top Male & Female Wrestlers Of 2021

Tommy Dreamer has unveiled his picks for the top male and female wrestlers of 2021.

Wrestling fans had plenty to smile about this year. Fans eventually were back in arenas at full force in the United States and we saw plenty of fantastic matches and moments.

Whether you’re a fan of WWE, AEW, NJPW, Stardom, Impact, AAA, or the indies, you were likely satisfied at least a few times.

Tommy Dreamer’s Number One Picks

On an episode of Busted Open Radio, Tommy Dreamer made a top 10 list for the men and women of wrestling in 2021. His top pick on the female side is Becky Lynch, who he gave the nod to over Mickie James.

“My number one on the top 10 women is ‘The Man’ Becky Lynch. Another person who came back unexpectedly, had a child, is in amazing shape and, I feel even though she’s a way better babyface than as a heel, is still thriving in the role that is given to her.

“I had big debate over Mickie and Becky but Becky is on a larger scale so that’s where I came with my top 10.”

Dreamer admitted that he had one heck of a time making his top choice on the men’s side. Ultimately, it was down to Kenny Omega and Roman Reigns.

“My number one is Kenny Omega. Why? Because he held three titles for three different companies and was a drawing factor on PPVs and a drawing factor in attendance for three different companies.

“Not only was he killing it on the microphone, not only was he killing it in the ring, he did it for three different companies and he too was banged up.”

Who is your pick for the top male and female wrestlers of 2021? Let us know in the comments!

Please H/T SEScoops with a link if you use any quotes from this article

Tommy Dreamer Shares Advice For Austin Theory In Midst Of His WWE Push

Tommy Dreamer has some pointers for Austin Theory.

Theory is currently enjoying a push on the WWE main roster. As a member of the Raw brand, he’s been featured in ongoing backstage segments with WWE Chairman Vince McMahon.

Theory’s segments have drawn strong viewership from younger audiences. WWE management is taking notice, according to the Wrestling Observer. Theory is particularly a hit with teenager viewers, a demographic WWE seeks to attract.

Tommy Dreamer Has Tips For Austin Theory

Tommy Dreamer spoke with Bully Ray during an episode of The Fat n The Furious on Busted Open Radio. During the show, Dreamer explained how Austin Theory can give himself the best chance at making this push last.

“Yes [I’m a fan of Austin Theory]. He is unproven I feel on the main roster. He was doing an excellent job when he first got called up when he was tagging with Andrade with Zelina Vega.

“I thought he was doing very, very good and then he went to NXT, answered the call in NXT, also became very, very entertaining in NXT, showed different sides of him and I hope we can see different sides of him on Monday Night Raw.

“You’re getting an opportunity, don’t blow that opportunity. Literally, do everything the best that you can, and like I said go above and beyond because they’re interested in you right now. That can change but run with it. It will only change if you mess it up.”

At the Survivor Series PPV, WWE did a movie tie-in with Red Notice, starring The Rock. During the PPV, Vince McMahon showcased Cleopatra’s egg valued at $100 million.

The egg went missing but it didn’t take long to find out who took it. It was Theory who was the culprit. Vince ended up giving him a pass, however, and is taking him under his wing.

Please H/T SEScoops with a link if you use any quotes from this article

Tommy Dreamer Removed From Busted Open Radio

Busted Open Radio’s Dave LaGreca briefly addressed Tommy Dreamer’s status with the show on today’s episode. Dreamer has been a longtime co-host of Busted Open but has not appeared on it since the airing of a recent Dark Side of the Ring episode focussed on 2002’s Plane Ride From Hell.

LaGreca noted that Dreamer is off the show for the time being but he does not know how long Dreamer will be gone for.

“As far as Tommy’s future on Busted Open, he’s off the show. How long? I don’t know. I don’t know how long Tommy is going to be off the show,” said Dave LaGreca (transcriptions via WrestlingNewsCO).

Dreamer took to social media recently to apologize for the comments he made on the Dark Side of the Ring episode. His statement is below:

Dreamer was also suspended by Impact Wrestling. He was sent home from the promotion’s recent tapings in Nashville.

“We are aware of Mr. Laughlin’s (Tommy Dreamer) comments on ‘Dark Side of the Ring.’ The views expressed by him in the interview are completely unacceptable. We can confirm Mr. Laughlin was suspended this morning with immediate effect, pending further action,” reads a statement released by Impact.

Tommy Dreamer Addresses ‘Dark Side Of The Ring’ Controversy

Tommy Dreamer has issued a statement after recent controversial comments got him in hot water.

Dreamer appeared on an episode of Dark Side of the Ring covering the “Plane Ride From Hell.” The former ECW Champion received massive pushback for his comments on the episode defending Ric Flair. Flair is accused of sexual assault by a flight attendant from that plane ride.

Dreamer has now taken to his Twitter account to issue an apology.

“Regarding my comments on Dark Side of the ring. It was never my intention to offend, hurt or victim shame anyone. I understand my comments were insensitive & could trigger emotions in someone’s own personal past. I do not condone sexual misconduct of any kind. I apologize to anyone I offended. From the bottom of my heart I am so sorry.”

Tommy Dreamer works under the Impact Wrestling banner. Ed Nordholm of Anthem Sports and Entertainment revealed to PW Insider that Dreamer has been suspended.

“We are aware of Mr Laughlin’s (Tommy Dreamer) comments on ‘Dark Side of the Ring.’ The views expressed by him in the interview are completely unacceptable. We can confirm Mr Laughlin was suspended this morning with immediate effect, pending further action”.

Tommy Dreamer Suspended By Impact Following ‘Dark Side Of The Ring’ Appearance

Tommy Dreamer has been suspended by Impact Wrestling “effective immediately” following his appearance on this week’s Dark Side of the Ring episode about the Plane Ride from Hell. Dreamer’s defense of Ric Flair’s behavior on the infamous plane ride has drawn backlash online.

PWInsider reports that Ed Nordholm of Anthem Sports and Entertainment sent an email to the Impact roster today addressing the matter. Nordholm called Dreamer’s comments “out of line with our core values.”

Impact confirmed news of Dreamer’s suspension:

“We are aware of Mr Laughlin’s (Tommy Dreamer) comments on “Dark Side of the Ring”. The views expressed by him in the interview are completely unacceptable. We can confirm Mr Laughlin was suspended this morning with immediate effect, pending further action”.

In addition to periodically wrestling on the show, Dreamer was a member of Impact’s creative team. As of the spring, Impact’s creative team reportedly consisted of Scott D’Amore, Tommy Dreamer, RD Evans and Jimmy Jacobs.

Impact is in Nashville currently for tapings at the Skyway Studios. Dreamer was reportedly in Nashville but was asked to leave by Nordholm. On Saturday, Impact will present Victory Road on the Impact Plus App. Christian Cage vs Ace Austin will headline the show.

Impact Results (9/2): Tommy Dreamer vs Ace Austin Headlines

Tommy Dreamer vs Ace Austin headlined this week’s Impact Wrestling. The stipulation was that if Dreamer could defeat Austin, he’d be added to the world title match against Christian Cage at Victory Road.

Impact Wrestling 9/2 Quick Results:

  1. Taylor Wilde, Jordynne Grace & Rachael Ellering defeated The Influence (Madison Rayne, Tenille Dashwood & Kaleb With a K)
  2. Decay (Black Taurus & Crazzy Steve) defeated Fallah Bahh & No Way
  3. X-Division Championship
    Josh Alexander defeated Jake Crist
  4. Rohit Raju & Shera defeated Matt Cardona & Chelsea Green
  5. Ace Austin defeated Tommy Dreamer

Taylor Wilde Teams With Grace & Ellering To Defeat The Influence


Jordynne Grace & Rachael Ellering recently came out to save Taylor Wilde from an attack by the newly formed “The Influence.” The consists of Tenille Dashwood, Madison Rayne, and Kaleb with a K. Finally, the heels would not have the numbers advantage against her here. Wilde got a measure of revenge against the Instagram-savvy trio this week, pinning Kaleb after a tornado DDT and German suplex.

Don’t Cross The King and Queen, Drama King Matt & Deonna Purrazzo

Footage of Deonna Purrazzo from this weekend’s two NWA events was shown. The Virtuosa defeated Melina at Empowerrr and then attacked Mickie James at NWA 73. She spoke to Gia Miller along with Drama King Matt backstage this week and said that nobody should cross the King and Queen.

Decay Wins Tag Match, But Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans Get In Cheap Shot

Taurus and Crazzy Steve took on Fallah Bah and No Way this week. As No Way’s conga line was making its entrance, however, one member dressed up as a hamburger gave Rosemary a codebreaker. It turns out that hamburger was actually Tasha Steelz in disguise. Havok then chased Steelz but got caught by Savannah Evans on the stage area. Steelz and Evans were then chased away by Rosemary.

Meanwhile, Crazzy Steve picked up the win for Decay in the ring by delivering a top rope DDT to Fallah Bah.

Moose & W. Morrissey Align

Two of the biggest heels in Impact Wrestling, Moose and W. Morrissey, appear to have aligned. Morrissey was being interviewed in the back this week but Moose interrupted to say they share common enemies in Eddie Edwards and Sami Callihan. Moose then came out later to call out Edwards. Morrissey then came out to give the heels the 2-on-1 advantage but Sami Callihan never came out to help Edwards.

Eric Young Is Doing Somthing To Rhino

After Rhino took the pin for his team in a recent tag-team title match, Eric Young feels that he must do something about a “sickness” that is within him. A vignette aired this week featuring Young saying he must cure Rhino. The video ends with Rhino being placed in darkness. It seems like a change could be coming to Rhino’s character soon.

Jake Crist Returns, Answers Josh Alexander’s Open Challenge

Former X-Division Champion Jake Crist returned to Impact Wrestling on this show. Josh Alexander’s Open Challenge was only open to former holders of the title, a requirement that Crist meets. Alexander picked up the win with Divine Intervention and then cut a promo after the match.

Chris Sabin Challenges Josh Alexander

As Alexander was being interviewed, another former X-division champion came out to challenge him. Chris Sabin came out and said if Alexander wants to be considered the greatest X-Division Champion of all time, then he’ll have to beat him. The match was later made official for Victory Road on September 18th.

Brian Myers Cuts Most Of His Recruits

Brian Myers cut all but two recruits for his crew of wrestlers who want to learn how to become just as “professional” as he is. Zicky Dice and Manny Lemons were the only ones to make the cut and will now seemingly be under Myers’ tutelage.

Rohit Raju Pins Chelsea Green In Tag Action

Chelsea Green and Matt Cardona teamed up to take on the team of Rohit Raju and Shera this week. After Shera refused to wrestle Green, Cardona hit him with Radio Silence. Raju then drove Cardona into the steel post, however, and then hit Green with a jumping knee and got the pin.

A New Soul Becomes Su Yung’s Minion

Last week, Brandi Lauren was attacked by Su Yung and the former Kimber Lee. This week, Lauren appeared in a creepy backstage vignette along with Yung and Lee. She was wearing the same makeup and appears to have been inducted into the group.

The Good Brothers Address Rich Swann and Willie Mack

After losing to Willie Mack and Rich Swann in a recent non-title match, the Good Brothers assaulted the team in a post-match beatdown. Willie Mack is now on the shelf with an injury after having been put through a table. Swann came out to confront the tag champs with a steel chair this week but was eventually subdued by security. Scott D’Amore late booked a bunkhouse brawl match between Swann and Karl Anderson for next week.

Ace Austin Defeats Tommy Dreamer in the Main Event

The stipulation here was that if Dreamer could beat Austin, he’d be added to the match at Victory Road with Christian Cage, making it a triple threat. Dreamer looked to have the match won with a cutter but Fulton put Austin’s leg under the rope to break up the pin. Dreamer then went to the outside to confront Fulton and drive him into a steel post. As Dreamer was getting back into the ring, however, Austin hit him with the Fold and picked up the win.

Coming Up In Impact Wrestling

Next Week:

  • Bunkhouse Brawl
    Karl Anderson vs Rich Swann
  • Moose vs Eddie Edwards
  • Chris Bey vs David Finlay
  • Rosemary vs Tasha Steelz
  • Steve Maclin vs Petey Williams

Victory Road (September 18th):

  • Impact World Championship
    Christian Cage (c) vs Ace Austin
  • X-Division Championship
    Josh Alexander (c) vs Chris Sabin

Tommy Dreamer Details Speaking With Passionate CM Punk Fan

As CM Punk made his entrance in the United Center for The First Dance, numerous fans had an emotional reaction. Several people could be seen in the audience with tears coming down their face. The image of one fan in particular seemed to sum up just how emotional a moment it was, however.

Tommy Dreamer spoke about wanting to find the fan to give back to him as a thank you for his passion. It took a few days but Dreamer was able to get in contact with the man, who appears to just be a nice and humble guy who loves wrestling. Below is what Dreamer said on Busted Open Radio about his conversation with the fan.

“I offered to fly him to Bound For Glory, talked to Tony Khan, Tony Khan said he’ll take care of him for tickets. CM Punk, spoke to him, said he’d take care of him for a meet and greet,” Dreamer said of all the people who want to do something nice for the man.

Dreamer noted that it took a few days to reach the fan. The person is not a “social media guy” so he was harder to track down.

Tommy Dreamer Speaks With Passionate CM Punk Fan

“What a wonderful fan,” Dreamer said of the man. “Does not want any fame, doesn’t really want anything, which is good cause I was going to fly him on my miles.”

Dreamer continued to say that things are still being arranged for the fan, however.

“I asked him to come on this show and he’s like ‘I have a job and a wife, 2 kids and I just really appreciate professional wrestling’ and he didn’t want anything. I still arranged for it to happen and good o’l Judge Jeff Jones made sure all the stuff with Tony Khan and CM Punk, it’s all going to happen for him.”

“It was really cool to hear his response and just his fandom for professional wrestling,” Dreamer continued. Dreamer also said the fan was very happy to speak to him and excited to get to meet some other wrestlers.

Unfortunately, Dreamer also mentioned that 3 different impersonators tried to hit him up for free stuff while pretending to be the fan.

Tommy Dreamer Touts Omos as Being a Future WWE Champion

Former ECW legend Tommy Dreamer has spoken up about WWE’s newest big man, Omos. Dreamer’s comments on the taller half of the current RAW tag team champions came via Twitter.

“Everyone hating on @TheGiantOmos Wait till he is @WWE Champ #WWERaw (Remember this tweet)”

The tweet was sent just after AJ Styles and Omos defended their titles against the Viking Raiders. Since debuting as AJ’s bodyguard – a move that drew many comparisons to Shawn Michaels and Diesel – Omos has been unstoppable.

However, as Tommy Dreamer alluded to, there is an undeniable air of a future champion about Omos. He is big, he is powerful, and he is everything Vince McMahon has perpetually wanted in a champion.

How long will it take before Omos turns on his current partner and goes off on his own? Probably as long as their tag title run lasts. Then, once his inevitable feud with AJ is done, Omos will head off in search of singles gold. Tommy Dreamer is right. He will be a future WWE champion.

Tommy Dreamer Sees the Potential in the Big Man

While everybody will make the jokes, as I just did, about Vince’s penchant for the big bull champion, Tommy Dreamer knows what he is talking about. As a promotion owner, as well as being an IMPACT producer and creative mind, Dreamer knows what to look for in wrestlers.

Tommy Dreamer can see the potential in making Omos a champion and the different feuds that could be had. For company owners and management, wrestling is about making money. Telling the right story to get the right attention and make money. Omos as a champion is money.

With the way WWE have been building their recent run of champions as monsters, both with Bobby Lashley and Roman Reigns, the concept of a big man being dominant is nothing new. While the way a character like Tommy Dreamer would book the run might be different than how WWE would do it. However, the end result would be the same. Championship gold around WWE’s newest giant.

Impact Announces Teams For Homecoming Tournament

impact Wrestling will be running a mixed-gender tag-team tournament at Homecoming this weekend. The event will take place July 31st from Nashville’s Skyline Studios where Impact has been running its shows since the pandemic.

4 of the 8 scheduled teams for the Homecoming tournament have been announced. Those teams are:

  1. Tommy Dreamer and Rachael Ellering
  2. Petey Wiliams and Jordynne Grace
  3. Crazzy Steve & Rosemary
  4. Matt Cardona & Chelsea Green

Also, Brian Myers will be in the tournament but his partner has yet to be determined. Tenille Dashwood told Myers she would not be going to Homecoming with him on this week’s show. Myers then tasked Sam Beale with finding him another partner for the tournament.

The only other match announced thus far for this weekend’s Homecoming event is W. Morrissey vs Eddie Edwards in a hardcore match.

Impact has announced a few matches for this week’s television show on Thursday night as well:

  1. The Good Brothers vs Jay White & Chris Bey
  2. Violent by Design (Deaner and Rhino) vs. Willie Mack & Rich Swann 
  3. Moose vs Chris Sabin
  4. Kaleb Konley vs Taylor Wilde
  5. Steve Maclin vs Trey Miguel (Before the Impact)

Impact has also announced they will be back in the studio for tapings mid-August as well.

Raven & Tommy Dreamer Discuss Their Epic Rivalry

On the 100th episode of his House of Hardcore podcast, Tommy Dreamer spoke to his longtime rival, Raven. During the discussion the two on-screen enemies discussed a variety of topics including Raven’s early time in ECW.

“As soon as I saw (ECW), the first episode I saw I was like ‘this is the best TV show I’ve ever seen, I gotta to be on this,'” Raven said. “I called Page to call Paul E because I didn’t know Paul E. I didn’t know his number and I didn’t think he liked me anyway. I figured DDP has always been a good friend to me. He called Paul E and Paul E hired me to put you (Dreamer) over.”

Raven continued to say that Paul Heyman had a different understanding of the Raven character at first.

“He thought it was going to be like a comedy gimmick. He didn’t really get where I was going,” Raven continued.

Raven Says Paul Heyman Saw Himself Through Dreamer and Raven

Raven continued to say that once Heyman got the character, he started to see himself in it.

“Bookers always see themselves through a certain wrestler’s eyes. Like Vince sees himself through Lex Luger, The Patriot and the Million Dollar Man. That’s who he views the world through and Paul E saw the world through my eyes and (Dreamer’s) eyes.”

Tommy Dreamer and Raven Comment On Their Rivalry

Dreamer and Raven then spoke about his favorite parts about the rivalry.

“My favorite thing part about the Raven/Dreamer feud, was you were a very giving heel,” Dreamer said.

“I’m a giving lover too,” Raven interrupted to add.

“Behind the scenes, it was all about to make the match better. It wasn’t like you wanted to get yourself over,” Dreamer continued.

Dreamer and Raven then spoke about what each other meant to their careers.

“Without you there would be no Tommy Dreamer. You had an amazing mind for what I would say is layering a finish,” Dreamer continued.

“You were the perfect dance partner,” Raven said. “I couldn’t have had a better dance partner to open up my new career with.”

Dreamer and Raven went through much of their long feud with one another during the podcast. The full discussion between Raven and Tommy Dreamer can be viewed in the player below:

Impact Results 6/24: Tommy Dreamer Has A New Role In The Company

Impact Wrestling on 6/24 featured a tag-team title match and Tommy Dreamer receiving a new role in the company. The promotion is continuing to build to Slammiversary on July 17th.

Impact 6/24 Quick Results:

  1. Rosemary defeated Tasha Steelz
  2. Deonna Purrazzo defeated Susan
  3. Rohit Raju & Shera defeated Petey Williams & Trey Miguel
  4. Jake Something defeated Sam Beale
  5. Impact Tag Team Championships
    Violent By Design (Deaner & Joe Doering) defeated Satoshi Kojima & Eddie Edwards

Rosemary and Havok Move Closer To Tag Title Shot

After Rosemary and Havok dumped Fire N Flava in the trash last week (where they discovered a bag labelled “Mickie James”) Rosemary took on Tasha Steelz in singles action to kick off this week’s show. After Kiera Hogan attempted to get involved from the outside, Havok came to ringside in support of Rosemary. Rosemary then picked up a victory with her double-underhook slam finish she’s titled “As Above So Below.”

Josh Matthews noted on commentary that this result moves Havok and Rosemary closer to a title shot.

Tommy Dreamer To Serve As An Impact Consultant For Anthem

Last week on Impact, Anthem sent a representative to deal with the Don Callis situation. That representative turned out to be Tommy Dreamer. This week, it was revealed by Dreamer himself that Anthem has asked him to stay on as a consultant and he will oversee operations in the wrestling promotion. How this will impact Scott D’Amore’s role is not immediately clear.

Deonna Purrazzo is Done With Susan & Kimber Lee

The Knockouts Champion said she was done with Kimber Lee and Susan last week and this week she faced Susan in singles competition. Purrazzo picked up the win with the Fujiwara armbar and then continued the assault after the match. She left the ring area shouting at both Kimber Lee and Susan that she was done with them.

Don Callis and Tommy Dreamer Agree To Huge Main Event Next Week

Don Callis visited with Tommy Dreamer in a backstage segment and said there were no hard feelings over his firing last week. Callis then issued a challenge for next week with Tommy Dreamer fielding a team of guys to go up against Kenny Omega and the Good Brothers. As the show would go on, Moose, Sami Callihan, and Chris Sabin would be revealed as the members of Team Dreamer.

Sides Being Taken In The X-Division

The return of Ultimate-X at Slammiversary has the X-Division all at odds with each other. Chris Bey said in a backstage segment this week that he’s not going to choose sides and that’s what’s going to help him become a 2x X-Division Champion. Petey Williams and Trey Miguel told him he better pick a side before a side picks him.

Later in the show, Rohit Raju and Shera would defeat Williams and Miguel following a distraction form the outside by Ace Austin and Madman Fulton. The heels continued the assault after the match but this brought out X-Division Champion Josh Alexander for the save. He succumbed to the numbers disadvantage as well, however. Meanwhile, Chris Bey watched from the ramp but chose not to get involved.

Rachael Ellering and Jordynne Grace Hash Things Out

After winning but then losing the Knockouts Tag Team titles in quick succession, Rachael Ellering and Jordynne Grace have had their problems in recent weeks. This week, Ellering opened up to Grace about their string of losses and problems with Tenille Dashwood. Jazz came out to help settle things between the two. Grace eventually said she needed time to think and headed to the back. Then Dashwood and Kaleb came out but Ellering was not in the mood this week. She challenged Dashwood to a singles match and then her and Jazz cleared the heels out of the ring.

Jake Something Defeats Sam Beale Despite Brian Myers’ Coaching

Brian Myers is serving as something of a mentor for Sam Beale at the moment. It didn’t help Beale much this week, however, as he was defeated by Jake Something. After the match, Myers’ lesson to Beale was that in order for him to be a success, he must do the opposite of what Something does.

Violent By Design Retain Tag Titles Over Satoshi Kojima & Eddie Edwards

Eddie Edwards teamed with NJPW’s Satoshi Kojima this week and challenged the tag champions from Violent By Design. Eric Young’s stable uses the Freebird rule to defend the titles and this week it was Deaner and Joe Doering who did so.

After a back and forth title clash, it seemed as though Edwards and Kojima had VBD right where they wanted them. Edwards charged out of the corner to hit Doering with the Boston Knee Party but the big man countered it into a sit down power-bomb for the 3-count. It was a convincing win for Violent By Design. They closed the show by celebrating on the stage with the belts.

Coming Up In Impact Wrestling

Next week:

  1. TJP & Fallah Bah vs Willie Mack & Rich Swann
  2. Chris Bey vs Petey Williams
  3. Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers vs Sami Callihan, Moose & Chris Sabin

Slammiversary (July 17th):

  1. Impact World Championship
    Kenny Omega (c) vs Sami Callihan
  2. X-Division Championship

    Josh Alexander (c) vs Rohit Raju vs Chris Bey vs Trey Miguel vs Ace Austin vs Petey Williams
  3. Moose vs Chris Sabin

Tommy Dreamer Details Frightening Battle With COVID-19

Tommy Dreamer recently revealed on his House of Hardcore podcast that he contracted COVID-19 while on a tour of Alaska. Unfortunately, the 50-year-old has had a real tough time battling the virus. He spoke about his 24-day experience with COVID during the podcast.

“This is day 24 since I’ve been exposed to COVID. I’ve never been sicker in my life. I went to Alaska and was exposed on that Friday. The company I went for, Wrestle Pro, everyone tested negative. They were there about a week before I came in and someone tested positive,” Dreamer said (transcriptions via Fightful).

“The company did everything and told the wrestlers and fans. Nobody asked for refunds or anything,” he continued.

Dreamer continued to say that he agreed to continue working the tour but upon seeing the unmasked crowd in attendance realized he made a mistake.

“I did it for selfish reasons and wanted to check Alaska off my bucket list to say I wrestled in every state and financial reasons. There was a good financial deal for me. It’s going to have long-term effects on my health,” he continued.

Tommy Dreamer Describes COVID-19 Symptoms

Dreamer continued to talk about his experience with the virus. Unfortunately, he would also reveal that his wife and daughter were exposed to the virus as well.

“It felt like I had a massive concussion and I had a non-stop throbbing pain in my head for 17 days. Then came the fever. It was going up to 102, 102.4, and I had that for about seven days. The chills, at one point I had four winter blankets on me and I still felt like I was outside naked in the snow. That was about four days. Sweats, I would be freezing for two to three hours and then came the sweats and having to change the sheets daily. That lasted about 16 to 17 days. Weakness and fatigue were next level.”

“I’m on day 24 and I’ve had three good days. It feels like you overcome and then it hits you all over again. I tested positive on Thursday and had already exposed my family. Thursday night, I was in so much physical pain that I literally said, ‘I’m going to pee myself because I can’t get up to walk to the bathroom.’ One night, I woke up crying and in pain. My elbows and hips felt like they were on fire, and I’ve been on fire. It was a raging pain, burning in both my elbows and hips. No matter which way I turned, I lost use of both my arms. They were just hanging. I couldn’t lay in bed. I had to stand for two hours against the wall.”

Impact Announces Hardcore Justice Event On April 10th

Impact Wrestling is building to a big Rebellion PPV on April 24th, 2021. 2 weeks before that event, Impact will present Hardcore Justice on the Impact plus streaming service on April 10th, 2021.

The event was announced last night on Impact’s weekly show on AXS TV and Twitch. Tommy Dreamer and Scott D’Amore were discussing Impact having lost their tag titles to a team from NJPW and the possibility of losing the world championship to an AEW wrestler when the event was announced. Scott D’Amore told Dreamer he can book the whole card for April 10th. Dreamer then handed D’Amore a piece of paper with the entire match card already written out. Fans weren’t able to see what matches Dreamer has planned, but D’Amore was very impressed with what he saw.

While Dreamer is booking the card in storyline, he’s also a key member of Impact’s current creative team. In a report from the Wrestling Observer last month, it was revealed that Jimmy Jacobs heads up the creative team (reporting to D’Amore) with Tommy Dreamer and Robert Evans contributing.

Upcoming Impact Wrestling Schedule

Next week:

  • X-Division Championship
    Ace Austin (c) vs TJP
  • Deonna Purrazzo vs Jazz
  • Karl Anderson vs Eddie Edwards

Hardcore Justice – April 10th, 2021

  • Tommy Dreamer to book card. 

Rebellion – April 24th, 2021

  • Impact vs AEW Championship
    Kenny Omega (AEW World Champion) vs Rich Swann (Impact World Champion)
  • Impact Tag Team Championships
    FinJuice (Juice Robinson & David Finlay) (c) vs The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows)

Impact Results (2/9): Go-Home Show For No Surrender

Impact Wrestling 2/9 was the go-home show for No Surrender this Saturday on Impact Plus.

Impact Wrestling 2/9 Quick Results:

  1. Trey Miguel, Josh Alexander, Willie Mack & Suicide defeated Chris Bey, Ace Austin, Daivari & Blake Christian
  2. Kimber Lee defeated ODB
  3. Neveah defeated Kiera Hogan via DQ
  4. Black Taurus defeated Kaleb (with a K)
  5. Impact Tag Team Championships
  6. Chris Sabin & James Storm defeated The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows) (c) via DQ – Good Brothers retain titles.

Moose Interrupts Tommy Dreamer & Rich Swann Contract Signing

Moose is upset that Tommy Dreamer is getting the title shot at No Surrender. Swann chose Dreamer as his opponent as the event takes place on Dreamer’s 50th Birthday. He came out to confront Swann and Dreamer but D’Amore told him he’ll be suspended if he interferes at No Surrender. Moose said he’s the real world champion, but Swann disagreed. Dreamer then cut a passionate promo about how he doesn’t wrestle for money, he wrestles because he loves this business and there is a locker room full of “Dreamers” in the back and he wants to use his platform for good.

“Being the Impact Champion gives me a larger platform,” Dreamer said.

“I want to spread good throughout this world. For 3 hours, I want people to forget about all the crap in this world. Rich, it’s going to be an honor to tear it up with you.”

Dreamer then signed the contract to bring the segment to a close.

Matt Hardy & Private Party Ruin Tag Title Match, Storm & Sabin Added To No Surrender Tag Title Match

Matt Hardy and Private Party appeared on the stage during the tag title match this week. Just as Sabin and Storm seemed to have the advantage in the match, Private Party attacked. Upset that Sabin and Storm were getting a tag title shot before theirs at No Surrender, the idea was to get the match thrown out.

After the match, Hardy told Private Party he was proud of them. He said he’ll give them a bonus if they win the tag titles on Saturday as well. Scott D’Amore then confronted the 3 of them. He said to keep Storm and Sabin from interfering in the match at No Surrender, he’ll put them in the match. So it will be Private Party vs The Good Brothers vs James Storm & Chris Sabin on Saturday.

Tony Khan Talks About Opening Wrestling’s “Forbidden Door”

Tony Khan and Tony Schiavone were back this week. Khan talked about how he is actually the forbidden door and he realized that when he came to Impact Wrestling.

“I just had to open myself, and that comes from being here with you IMPACT Wrestling! Doing these paid ads, I’ve learned so much about myself. I’ve opened myself up to new experiences, and look at all the great things that have happened. We did a great rating for Dynamite this week with IMPACT people there. We had people from New Japan, who knows who is going to be there next week?”

Sami Callihan Sends A Message To Trey Miguel

Trey Miguel picked up the win for his team in 8-man tag-team action to kick off the show this week. He debuted a new submission move and got the tapout from Blake Christian in the match. After the match, the lights flicked off and Sami Callihan appeared on the big screen. Last week, Callihan said that Miguel has no loyalty and that’s why the other Rascalz aren’t with him anymore. This week, he said that while Miguel seems to have momentum, he will eventually flake out again. It seems we are building to a big singles match between the two.

Kimber Lee Picks Up Win Over ODB Thanks To Susan & Deonna Purrazzo

Despite being heavily outmatched in some areas of this match, Kimber Lee picked up the win over ODB this week. The finish of the match came not long after Susan attempted to distract the referee, perhaps to point out some perceived offense that took place. This brought out Jordynne Grace and Jazz from the back who then got into a melee with Purrazzo and Susan. ODB came off the top and took out both the Knockouts Champ and the woman who frequently wants to see a manager. When ODB came back into the ring, however, Kimber Lee rolled her up and got the 3-count.

After the match, Susan said that “someone needs to talk to their manager” about this, and so she went to Scott D’Amore to organize a 6-person match between the two sides.

Jake Something Turns Down Violent By Design

Eric Young’s Violent By Design stable offered Cody Deaner’s Cousin Jake a spot in the faction. Jake turned down the group this week, however. This led to VOD attacking Jake and wrapping a chair around his neck. Deaner told Young that he wants to fight Jake and so instead of attacking him now, Young announced that Deaner will face Jake at No Surrender on Saturday.

Neveah Picks Up Win Over Kiera Hogan Via DQ

A fine example of refereeing was exhibited by Brandon Tolle during this match. Tolle was briefly distracted by Havok on the outside and this led Tasha Steelz to feel it was a safe time to interfere. She was wrong. Tolle turned around in time to see her attacking Neveah and called for the disqualification.

Later, Steelz and Hogan complained to Scott D’Amore about Tolle’s officiating. D’Amore said he would take care of things. He then announced that Tolle won’t be the referee when Havok & Neveah challenged Fire N Flava for the tag belts at No Surrender. As this match had not yet been scheduled, Hogan and Steelz were a little upset with D’Amore’s announcement. He also announced the match would be no disqualification.

Black Taurus Joins Decay

Last week on Impact, Team XXXL recruited Tenille Dashwood to help in their feud with Decay. Dashwood, Acey Romero and Larry D will team against Rosemary, Crazzy Steve and a mystery partner this weekend at No Surrender. This week, the members of Decay announced AAA’s Black Taurus as their 3rd member. He then defeated Kaleb with a K in singles action.

Lineup For Impact No Surrender

  • Impact World Championships
    Rich Swann (c) vs Tommy Dreamer
  • Impact Tag Team Championships
    The Good Brothers (c) vs Private Party vs Chris Sabin & James Storm
  • Knockouts Tag Team Championships
    Texas Tornado/No DQ
    Fire N Flava (Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz) (c) vs Havok & Neveah
  • X-Division Championship
    TJP (c) vs Rohit Raju
  • Team XXXL & Tenille Dashwood vs Crazzy Steve, Rosemary, & TBD
  • Hernandez & Brian Myers vs Eddie Edwards & Matt Cardona
  • Triple Threat Revolver Match
    Trey Miguel vs Chris Bey vs Josh Alexander vs Blake Christian vs Ace Austin vs Willie Mack vs Suicide vs Daivari
  • Jordynne Grace, Jazz & ODB vs. Deonna Purrazzo, Kimber Lee & Susan
  • Cody Deaner vs. Jake Something

Tommy Dreamer On Recent WWE Releases: “You Can’t Hate Vince McMahon”

Former WWE Superstar Tommy Dreamer has addressed WWE’s decision to release several in-ring talents and backstage personnel. The company cut them on Wednesday, citing the impact made by the coronavirus pandemic as the reason behind the decision. Hosting a live stream on his House of Hardcore Twitch channel, Dreamer argued how people can’t hate either WWE or Vince McMahon for what’s happened, stressing that this is simply business.

Dreamer explained how everyone needs to take one day at a time. He shared that he has reached out to several of those who were let go. According to him, they will be fine as “There’s life after WWE.”

He argued how some of those who were let go may eventually be re-hired by the company.

For those who don’t find their way back, however, “You got some television time, you got the recognition or hey guess what, if you feel you weren’t used to potential, great. It happens to everybody. My heart goes out to them it goes out to them cause of their families and the uncertainty at this time.”

Tommy Dreamer hoped that the released talents will receive payment for the next three months until their non-compete clauses expire. He believes that live wrestling shows probably won’t start up again until at least October or November.

Tommy Dreamer Defends WWE’s Decision

Defending WWE’s business decision, Tommy Dreamer stressed how “You can’t hate the WWE. You can’t hate Vince McMahon. That is business and it’s big business.”

“I saw it in my little, little ass company and I see it from WWE all the way down and I use this example for everyone who goes, “Oh, they should stop live television, they should stop doing this, they should stop doing that” — think of the financial hit WWE took with the loss of WrestleMania from merchandise, live gate, all that stuff.”

He highlighted how all of what’s happened comes down to money. Acknowledging that “it sucks,” Dreamer reiterated how WWE is ultimately a business and that nobody has a job guaranteed forever.

Beulah McGillicutty Talks About The Violent ECW Match Against Bill Alfonso

Former ECW personality Beulah McGillicutty recently appeared on Busted Open Radio alongside her husband Tommy Dreamer. This was the first time that McGillicutty has appeared on a live radio interview since she left ECW back in 1998.

Beulah McGillicutty vs Bill Alfonso

One of the more intriguing aspects of the conversation centered around Beulah’s match against ECW on screen manager Bill Alfonso from the 1997 event, As Good As It Gets. The match was described by former ECW owner Paul Heyman as his favourite in the history of the promotion.

The five minute contest was a bloody brawl, and had implications for beyond the ring also. Bill Alfonso had allegedly been feeding information to rival promotions, looking to get talent to sign deals with the likes of WCW. Paul Heyman admitted in ‘The Rise and Fall of ECW’ documentary that this performance from Alfonso essentially saved his career in the company. Alfonso and Beulah McGillicutty were not trained performers but they gave their all in the contest.

“Yeah, it really scared me. I thought he was gonna die” Beulah McGillicutty began, describing how Alfonso had cut an artery and nearly bled to death in the ring. Dreamer asked McGillicutty about her ‘stench’ of blood when came back through the curtain after the match, “it was worse when I stepped in the shower and the hot water hit my hair” Belulah elaborated. “Blood dried in. It was gross.”

Broken Arm

Tommy Dreamer also discussed an incident where Beulah actually broke her arm by hitting Alfonso; although it wasn’t made clear if it was during ‘this’ match. “I finished the match, though” Beulah confirmed. “I just want to say that I didn’t cry and leave the ring.”

Dreamer also described how the incident left her in a cast just before a trip to Japan. “She had a cast from her wrist, all the way up to her shoulder and it looks like a sickle clothesline thing. She had to fly from Detroit to Japan, 13 hours sitting next to the Sandman.”

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